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Autor:  wulfgar [ 8 lut 2007, 13:04 ]
Tytuł:  Events

W tym topicu prosze o umieszczanie propozycji na roznego rodzaju eventy w grze. Wszelkie pomysly prosze opisac w nastepujacy sposob :

Serwer : Nazwa serwera
Miejsce : Planeta/Miasto
Rodzaj : Czyli czy bedzie to pvp base busting czy fight club event, wesele, itp
Data : godz wg GMT oraz DD/MM/YY
Opis : Tu prosze opisac o co chodzi w evencie jakis jest jego cel, kto moze w nim uczestniczyc itp

W ramach mozliwosci bedziemy napadac Pexa o pomoc :)

Prosze moderatora o sticky :D

Autor:  Gerrah [ 9 lut 2007, 05:09 ]

Wulf, nie zebym narzekal, ale nie masz za bardzo co liczyc na eventy :-? Z tego co moge ci powiedziec base busting dla imperialnych odbywa sie mniej wiecej codziennie a polowanie na Sher Kar, HK itp sa urzadzane spontanicznie. Innych eventow nie masz sie co spodziewac bo albo sa guild-only (w moim przypadku) albo zaden Polak w nim nie uczestniczy. Sami tez sobie niczego raczej nie zorganizujemy bo nie ma po co. Przykladem moze byc Jc', ktory chcial cos zrobic na urodziny Atlantis. Ile osob przyszlo i jak wygladalo to swietowanie - szkoda mowic. Mozna na probe zorganizowac cos malego, na przyklad turniej PVP, w ktorym wygrana bylyby jakies creditsy. Jesli udaloby sie cos takiego przeprowadzic to wtedy bedzie mozna myslec o jakichs powazniejszych eventach.

Przepraszam, ze troche belkocze, ale jest 0500, chce mi sie spac, cale biurko mam zawalone kartkami ze statstycznej analizy danych, egzamin mam za 4h, nic nie umiem itepe itede :wink:
Przy okazji przypomnial mi sie pewien dowcip:
Do profesora o bardzo poznej porze (a raczej bardzo wczesnej) dzwoni telefon. Zmaltretowany i zaspany odbiera:
- Slucham?
- Spisz?
- Ta..
- No widzisz, a my sie jeszcze k***a uczymy... 8)

Autor:  wulfgar [ 24 lut 2007, 17:38 ]

On 1/27/2007 our family Lost one of Eclipse Greatest players. Angel Alexander Diaz Jr, known to us as Eastbeast, Zaid, and Pedric was killed in a watercraft accident in south florida. Even though he was only 15 he had a chrisma, and maturity beyond his years. He is survived by his parents and a sister.
> I was fortunate to attend Angel's funeral in Miami Florida. When I arrived I was a bit nervous how I would be recieved. When I mentioned to a friend of the family's who I was there eyes brighten suddenly. They next 12 hours would change me forever. Not only did they know who I was they were grateful I had come. I began to talk and the collective voice of eclipse escaped my lips. I told his parents about the hundreds of people that their son had touched. How he was one of the most honorable Men I have ever knew. What I became a participant in was nothing short of breath taking. It was a service befitting a knight of old. After the service as I help carry Angel to his final place of rest The theme from Star Wars filled The hall's.
> It is my honor as his mentor,brother,friend to inform all of eclipse of the memorial service for Eastbeast. He was a follower of Mandalore and a jedi master all at once. I hope you will goin me in the service to celebrate the life of one of eclipse's greatest players. Angels family will be in attendence so please try and be respectful to everyone.
> Theed palace, Naboo
> 2/24/2007 @ 7:00pm EST
> We will try to have a wake/visitaion starting a few hours Before for anyone who cant make the service. After the service I hope to have the one thing East loved more then anything.... Theed palace PVP.
> Thank you Eclipse all of you are my family It is my honor to serve as your representive in this difficult time. As well as being able to bring all of you to Angel's family. They have expressed their deepest thanks For all your prayers.
> Valonsa Risloe - GANK Guildmaster


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