Life in Rubi-ka (Anarchy Online) - lol
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Autor:  Mark24 [ 1 paź 2003, 08:54 ]

Znalazłem to na oficjalnym forum, nieźle się uśmiałem:
Ci co znają AO będą polewać z tego :wink:

Main Characters:

Doctrox = lvl 165 atrox doctor member of Guild.
TehPres = lvl 200 male solitus enforcer president of Guild.
Raidl3d0r = lvl 175 male solitus doctor advisor of Guild.
Smerp = 184 female opifex fixer applicant of Guild.
Canitank = 140 female nano mage meta-phycisist veteran of Guild.

- Story -

(Guild chat)

[Guild] Raidl3d0r: Hey someone is selling BP of spiritual rites on forums im 1mill short can i borrow 1 mill from the guild bank?

*Raidl3d0r checks guild bank*
1000000 credits is on your guild bank

[Guild] Raidl3d0r: !is TehPres
[Guild] Guildbot: TehPres is online.
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: hey Teh.. are you there?
[Guild] TehPres: afk
[Guild] Guildbot: TehPres is now afk.
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: blah!

out of desperation.. Raidl3d0r went to check The One.

[Guild] Raidl3d0r: Hey guys The One is here lets do a raid!!
[Guild] all the guildies says *woot!*
[Guild] n00b1: can i come?
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: !whois n00b1
[Guild] Guildbot: n00b1 is level 5 nanomage enforcer applicant of Guild.
[Guild] n00b2: where is The One located?
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: SFH
[Guild] n00b2: where is SFH?
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: South Foul Hills
[Guild] n00b2: wheres the wompa going there?
*10 minutes of silence*
[Guild] n00b2: hello?..
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: !whois n00b2
[Guild] Guildbot: n00b2 is level 10 nanomage Martial Artist applicant of Guild.
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: !online
[Guild] Guildbot: members online (click here).
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: hey Doctrox would you like to do a raid?
[Guild] Doctox: sorry in a mish
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: how about you smerp?
[Guild] Guildbot: Smerp is currently afk: playing ps2.
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: how about you Canitank?
[Guild] Canitank: sure! where at?
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: SFH at The One
[Guild] Canitank: coords?
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: 2250x1810
[Guild] Canitank: brt
[Guild] Guildbot: Canitank logged off.
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: Tehpres.. are you there?
[Guild] Guildbot: Tehpres is currently afk.

*Raidl3d0r checks the forums again*

[Guild] Raidl3d0r: damn someone B.O. the BP
[Guild] Guildbot: Canitank logged on.
[Guild] Canitank: sorry lded.
[Guild] Canitank: so who else are coming to the raid?
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: i dunno, i'll ask for help on other guilds and see what i can do... *eyes at Tehpres*

*1 hour later*

[Guild] Raidl3d0r: ok.. we got a bunch of people now whos gonna help us at The One.. anyone else coming? we are meeting at Tir Grid.
[Guild] Smerp: woot! omw.
[Guild] Doctrox: omgz! i got my kick pistol equipted!
[Guild] all the guildies says *woot!* and *gratz!*
[Guild] Doctrox: omw there i gonna test my new kick.

*Raidl3d0r is now being spammed with tells "where is the one?", "whats the coords?", "what are we raiding?", "can i come?"*

*1 hour later*

Raidl3d0r: is everyone here?
Tankdude: no. traderdude is on his way
Raidl3d0r: ok

*Raidl3d0r tries to organize the teams*

Raidl3d0r: ok all docs form a heal team and all the enf and sols form a KT.
Canitank: Hey can i join the KT ?
Raidl3d0r: no
Canitank: FFS! goodluck to you then.
*Canitank cast quantum wings and flies away very angry*
Raidl3d0r: wth is her problem?

*everyone are now asking for Mochams*

Raidl3d0r: Do we have an agent?
Agentdude: yes
Raidl3d0r: can you cast mochams?
Agentdude: yes but im FPed to crat.
Raidl3d0r: How much longer till FP terminate?
Agentdude: 30mins.

*everyone waits for 30 mins.. now they have to rebuff again.. but this time with mochams *

Raidl3d0r: ok... everyone ready?
*everyone says "r"*
Raidl3d0r: heres our plan. everyone listen !!
*the raid party listens attentively*
Raidl3d0r: dont die! ok ?
*everyone says "good plan!"*
Raidl3d0r: ok pull one!
*a moment of silence*
Raidl3d0r: ...
Raidl3d0r: whos pulling?
Raidl3d0r: hey Smerp.. can you pull?
*everyone awaits for smerp's response*
*2 minutes later*
Raidl3d0r: nm i'll pull.
Raidl3d0r shouts: get ready!

*pulls follower of the one*
*everyone did thier job.. docs heal.. tanks tank and other people assisted*

Raidl3d0r: good job!
Raidl3d0r shouts: pulling The One! get ready.
Raidl3d0r: Agentdude nano shutdown him ok?
Agentdude: hmm with my nano init.. ok!!

*Raidl3d0r pulls The One*

Tankdude: Heal me! ffs!!!
*Tankdude died*
Doctrox: ffs i cant CH. did someone changed the org contracts?
Raidl3d0r: Agent NSD him.
Agentdude: yup.. casting...
Raidl3d0r: hurry please
Agentdude: patience is a virtue..
*everybody starts dying*

(Guild chat)
[Guild] Tehpres: woot i got my ql 225 imps on!
[Guild] Guildbot: Tehpres is back.
[Guild] all the guildies says *grats!*
[Guild] Doctrox: Tehpres.. did you change the org contracts?
[Guild] Tehpres: yeah so i can get my imps on.
[Guild] Doctrox: doh..
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: Tehpres where are you at?
[Guild] Tehpres: at reets
[Guild] Raidl3d0r: can you help us at The One we need more people there.
[Guild] Tehpres: ok brt.

*Raidl3d0r tries to regroup the raiding team*

*2 hours later*

Raidl3d0r: ok that didnt work well.. guys please stick to the plan.
*everyone asked: so whats the plan?*
Raidl3d0r: dont die!
Raidl3d0r: kill the enemy first before you die.
*everyone says: roger that!*
Raidl3d0r: we need an MP.

*Raidl3d0r sends tell to Canitank*
To Canitank: hey can you help us?
Canitank: bugger off.. im not gonna go to raids if im not in KT, i rather go mission so i can get XP.
To Canitank: ok you can join the KT.

Raidl3d0r: whos the leader of the KT?
Tankdude: i am
Raidl3d0r: do you have 1 more slot in your team?
Tankdude: yeah 5 more slots free.
Raidl3d0r: umm.. all those enf and sol please team with tankdude.
Raidl3d0r: Tankdude leave 1 slot for Canitank
Tankdude: she an MP right?
Raidl3d0r: yeah but she wants in KT for xp
Tankdude: lols ok.

*1 hr later*

Raidl3d0r: ok everyone here?
*sends tell to Tehpress*
To Tehpres: are you coming?
Tehpress: *moans* ohh yes.. i wanna lick your (-----)
Tehpress: mt
To Tehpress: are you still in reets?
Tehpress: yes
To Tehpress: i thought you gonna help us?
Tehpress: yeah brt in a minute i just payed this girl 1 mill

*Raidl3d0r checks the org bank*
0 credits is in your guildbank.
*Raidl3d0r left the guild.*

Raidl3d0r: ok Canitank you gonna pull The One with NSD. everyone assist Canitank with heals.
Raidl3d0r: to all people whos not in Tankdudes team please put your slider to full deff!
Raidl3d0r shouts: ready guys?
*everyone says "r"*

*Canitank executes NSD on The One and landed sucessfully*
*Canitank now gets the aggro and pull it to the KT*

Raidl3d0r shouts: ok everyone in full def except the KT
Canitank shouts: CH me!!
Doctrox shouts: Casting CH..
Canitank shouts: Hurry im dying!! argghhh
Doctrox shouts: doh.. you need to wait i cant insta cast CH in full def.
*Canitank dies*
Raidl3d0r shouts: all docs go full agg!!
Doctrox shouts: anybody got spare shotgun shells? i got no more ammo
Tankdude shouts: heal me!!
Traderdude shouts: i got some extra
*Doctrox opens a trade to Traderdude while everyone is on fight*
Tankdude shouts: Heal please!!
Doctrox shouts: 1 sec getting ammo.
*Tankdude died*
Doctrox shouts: ffs sorry!
*Smerp is back from playing ps2*
Smerp shouts: have no fear! the GA fixer is here!
*everyone says "woot!"*
*Smerp got the Aggro and The One is now back in control*

*The One is now on its 1/8 HP*
Raidl3d0r shouts: everyone in full agg, throw specials at will!
*Smerp's GA worn out*
Raidl3d0r shouts: Smerp your'e naked!
Smerp shouts: ffs! im gonna die
*Smerp dies*
*The One is now out of control and began aggroing the docs and other people who cant tank*

*everybody is dying*
Raidl3d0r shouts: ohh @$%@#$^ im quitting this stupid game!!
*Raidl3d0r is now spammed with tells "can i have your stuff?"*

- The End -

Autor:  Ashton [ 1 paź 2003, 13:45 ]

w ao gralem niewiele ale mimo wszystko smieszne :smile:

Autor:  Luki [ 1 paź 2003, 14:32 ]

Podsumowanie !! prosze :smile:
Jestem w szkole i nie mam czasu wszystkiego przeczytac :smile:

Autor:  kaikitka [ 1 paź 2003, 15:33 ]

Absolutny ROTFL :grin: Hihi, aż mi tusz pociekł..

Najśmieszniejsze z tego jest to, że sporo raidów tak wygląda - wielkie przygotowania, buffowanie, wszyscy zwarci i gotowi a potem następuje .. zbiorowa padaczka :grin:

Biedny ten Smerp, czuję jego ból - grałam fixem i prawie zawsze to ja pullowałam. Co prawda mi nigdy GA nie spadł ale parę razy (mimo >900 run speed) zaryłam w ziemię przez "kochaną" drużynkę. Przybiegłam z gościem na plecach a tanki sobie w najlepsze gadali o pierdołach, MP zamiast mezzować dłubał palcem w nosie a doc stwierdził, że zapomniał kogo miał leczyć. Jednym słowem czad..

Autor:  Luki [ 1 paź 2003, 15:44 ]

WEE!! stare czasy farmowania w DAOC sie przypominaja :smile:
Ja jednak zawsze albo Clerykiem albo Necro gralem wiec nigdy nie musialem pullowac chociaz jak grupa sie obijala to mobki na mnie skoczyly bo przeciez heal daje duze agro :smile:

Autor:  Aeroth [ 1 paź 2003, 19:33 ]

az dziwne ze nikt sobie nieposzedl w czasie raidu jak to zwykle ma miejsce na jakichs misjach :/ ale historyjka niezla ;]

Autor:  Afrodiesel [ 14 paź 2003, 09:49 ]

Naprawde niezle sie uśmiałem :smile: hrhrhr Gram w Ao dosyć długo i różne rzeczy widziałem ale jest number 1! hehe Całe szczęście jestem w guildi w której nie zdarzają się takie LOL'e. Pozdarwiam Wszystkich AO'wców

Afrodiesel 200 MA - Dragon Security Agency member

Autor:  Mark24 [ 14 paź 2003, 10:22 ]

Przedczoraj ja walnąłem text "w dupie mam raidowanie tego popierdolonego bossa, chuj wie po co i dlaczego, spadam" i się wylogowałem. A text zamiast do kolegi z Polski przez pomyłkę poszedł na ogólnym chacie org. Na szczęście całość poszła po polsku :wink:

Wszystko po dwóch nieudanych próbach zabicia jednego z unique bossów.

Dlatego wczoraj nawet się nie logowałem - tłukłem levele w MU online.

A na pytanie czemu nikt nie poszedł - bo to raid, nie nudna misja.

Autor:  Pieszczoch [ 5 lut 2004, 17:56 ]

Kaikitka czy przypadkiem nie gralas tez Martial artsem (Kaiki albo Kajki) ? Jakies 9 miechow temu?

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