Śmieszne przypadki i zdarzenia
Strona 1 z 136

Autor:  Przemo19 [ 19 sie 2006, 20:24 ]

1. ... eeling.htm



Autor:  Frost [ 19 sie 2006, 20:43 ]

90% obrazka jest o wow, chyba sie zalicza ? :)


Autor:  oFFca [ 20 sie 2006, 21:18 ]
Tytuł: ... _guid.html

Jak ktoś zrozumie tego pana Adama, to prosze mi wytłumaczyć tutaj, bądż PMem O_o

Autor:  Keii [ 21 sie 2006, 10:16 ]

Tutaj link do tej historii, jeśli ktoś nie czytał :>

Autor:  Fabianek [ 21 sie 2006, 10:25 ]

grats "kurwa ppl" nastepny thread do przeniesienia do flames/lockniecia

Qraczek napisał(a):
Zreszta samo przeniesienie tamtego topicu do flames uwazam juz za spore naduzycie ... Ale coz :P

to idz do niego i poszukaj zdjec jakie postuje twoj GM za to powinien dostac perm bana bo board o wow to nie jest miejsce na jego erotyczne marzenia.

troche stare ale ze thread mlodziutki to:

Autor:  Fabianek [ 22 sie 2006, 08:40 ]


Autor:  Qraczek [ 22 sie 2006, 10:37 ]

Nowowybrany raidleader w mojej bylej gildii - pamietnik z raid leaderowania. Umiescil w Public czesci forum, wiec chyba nie maja nic przeciwko.

Edit - wyboldowalem co ciekawsze fragmenty.

7.00 updating dkp site, GM asks me to log in as guild is complaining that raid hasnt formed
7.02 log in - only raid leader online
7.03 4 msgs from people about dkp site.
7.04 /g msg me for invites to raid
7.05 4 msgs from people which instance is it
7.05 /g the instance will depend on who logs in
7.06 announce raid will be MC as we do not have enough for Naxx
7.06 8 msg from people telling me we should go to Naxx
7.07 wonder how we could go to naxx when we only have 25 attuned
7.08 2 msgs from people asking when we will do Onyxia
7.09 Mystic requests people stop msging me
7.09 1 msgs from people saying they are locked into MC and cannot do it as they have raided it with another guild this week
7.10 5 msgs from people saying they wont come to MC
7.11 3 msgs from people asking if they can drop for xxx
7.11 3 msgs from people asking why they havent got a spot in MC
7.12 8 msgs from people telling me the dragons are up
7.12 massive raid spam about the dragons
7.12 more dragon spam 'I am sure bloodeye will say dragons'
7.12 wonder why people have cast portals and half the raid is leaving to go to the dragons
7.13 announce to raid that we are moving to the dragons
7.13 6 msgs from people about why we are giving up on MC
7.13 1 msg asking what mats are for enchant and can I do it now
7.13 1 msg about onyxia
7.14 massive guild spam about why raid is in duskwood
7.14 5 msgs from people can i get spot for dragons
7.17 4 msgs from people suggesting tactics
7.17 massive raid spam about what tactic is
7.18 some utter prick starts gibbering crap and fails to mute mic
7.19 read tactics
7.20 reread tactics
7.21 tell raid to buff
7.21 sort groups
7.23 announce we are starting soon
7.23 raid spam about missing buffs
7.24 perform ready check, all players ready
7.25 raid spam about buffs
7.26 msg from tors hurry up i am on a schedule
7.26 raid spam about putting hunters in MT groups
7.26 members ventrilo comment changes to 'hoping for MC/Ony I need items'
7.27 mad pulls
7.28 wipe

7.29 complaints about lack of heals, tors leaves the raid
7.30 massive raid spam about why tors left
7.31 say on vent i think he left cos he got no heals
7.31 tors gquits
7.31 massive why tors quit in raid and guild chat
7.31 6 pms about MC
7.32 1 pm about onyxia
7.33 announce we will not kill Lethon - lack of tanks lack of dps
7.33 suggest we return to MC or try another dragon
7.34 massive spam about why we bothered to come in the 1st place
7.34 4 msgs about MC
7.35 told that i should make decision
7.36 announce we are going back to MC
7.37 3 msgs of 'wtf'
7.37 raid spam about why we bothered
7.38 raid member suggests it is my fault for not telling the raid what to do.
7.45 tors posts about raid leader verbal abuse on WR forums

Autor:  kahR [ 22 sie 2006, 18:36 ]

Autor:  lutus [ 23 sie 2006, 08:30 ]

Wszystkie posty nie na temat i za dlugie komentarze beda kasowane.

Autor:  Przemo19 [ 23 sie 2006, 09:06 ]

kahR napisał(a):

Chłopaki zamiast oglądać tamten filmik oglądnijcie sobie ten :) :

Autor:  snup [ 23 sie 2006, 12:34 ]



Autor:  Sel [ 23 sie 2006, 12:59 ]

LOL !!!

Autor:  Sentry [ 23 sie 2006, 13:01 ]

l2p, gwozdz

juz cos wrzucam ^^ ... 671nc3.jpg - cale szczescie ze napisal to bez bledow, widac nie noob tylko newbie :P

Autor:  Bierzgal [ 23 sie 2006, 13:23 ]

Moze nie jakos powalająco smieszne ale mnie na rajdzie rozbawilo :). Moj nie do konca trafiony ostatnio HTr4 :P.


Swoją drogą fotka pasuje idealnie do wieu nowych tematów i postow na tym forum :P.

Autor:  Postal [ 23 sie 2006, 16:43 ]
Tytuł: ... q=bloodelf


Autor:  raggnarok [ 23 sie 2006, 18:02 ]

Postal napisał(a):


ZMIADZYL mnie ten filmik, po prostu zmiadzyl :D

Autor:  Frost [ 23 sie 2006, 18:36 ]

Czemu jak gnom idzie po łące to się ciągle śmieje?
- Bo go trawa po jajkach łaskocze.

Autor:  cypis [ 26 sie 2006, 16:54 ]
Tytuł: ... amas&hl=en

Autor:  mihn [ 28 sie 2006, 21:24 ]


Autor:  Dhoro [ 28 sie 2006, 22:50 ]
Nie chcemy serwerów RP w naszej battlegroup ;)

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