Book 7
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Autor:  warhameron [ 26 lut 2009, 19:29 ]
Tytuł:  Book 7 ... r/?start=0

Co niektore screeny powalaja graficzka nawet Aoc a.

Autor:  iniside [ 26 lut 2009, 21:16 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Book 7

warhameron napisał(a):

Co niektore screeny powalaja graficzka nawet Aoc a.

Polemizował bym.

Autor:  Atherius [ 26 lut 2009, 22:10 ]

Grałem niedawno w triala i grafa max@dx10 to po prostu porażka, cała gra jeszcze bardziej.

Autor:  mrynar [ 27 lut 2009, 00:54 ]

Na wiekszosci tych screenow nic nie widac, strasznie zjebane sa...

Sama gra jest bardzo fajna, grafike tez ma imo najlepsza z obecnych mmo (jedynie aoc ma duzo lepiej wykonane postacie).

Autor:  Greft [ 27 lut 2009, 08:42 ]

Atherius napisał(a):
Grałem niedawno w triala i grafa max@dx10 to po prostu porażka, cała gra jeszcze bardziej.

Z calym szacunkiem dla Ciebie sam jestes porażka, jak mozesz pisac takie bzdety na jakim Ty sprzecie to odpalales Riva TNT?

Autor:  Atherius [ 27 lut 2009, 09:21 ]

Greft napisał(a):
Atherius napisał(a):
Grałem niedawno w triala i grafa max@dx10 to po prostu porażka, cała gra jeszcze bardziej.

Z calym szacunkiem dla Ciebie sam jestes porażka, jak mozesz pisac takie bzdety na jakim Ty sprzecie to odpalales Riva TNT?

Grałem na wystarczającym sprzęcie, żeby poustawiać wszystkie "suwaczki" na prawo i grafa nie robi na mnie żadnego wrażenia, po prostu jest "płaska" i mało wymowna. Animacja nie lepsza, combatu w ogóle nie czuć, zmuszałem się, żeby w to grać, nawet gdyby była darmowa, to bym się raczej nie skusił. To jest oczywiście moje zdanie i nie musisz się z tym zgadzać. :)

Autor:  Greft [ 27 lut 2009, 09:37 ]

Masz racje nie musze :)

p.s Bardzo fajny przyklad jak rozne sa gusta graczy.

Autor:  corscahk [ 27 lut 2009, 11:15 ]

Jestem niziołek Frodo i niose pierścień do Mordoru,

Autor:  mrynar [ 28 lut 2009, 23:26 ]

Volume II: Book 7 Highlights
[edit] Lothlórien Revealed

The epic story line continues in Volume II: Book 7 as players are reunited with the Fellowship in Lothlórien! Lothlórien has been expanded east of Nimrodel and west of the Anduin. Access to Lothlórien is not free or easy, however. The Galadhrim are cautious and reclusive - players must earn the trust of the Elves of Lothlórien before entering the Golden Wood. Only the truest of friends will gain access to Caras Galadhon. Players who fail to heed the warnings of the Galadhrim will be shot down by sentries before they set foot within the protected forest.

Over 50 new quests!

The epic story continues with 9 chapters and 4 instances!
New faction: Elves of Lothlórien

[edit] New Player Experience

We’ve taken a long hard look at the way new players experience their early days in Middle-earth. Based on feedback from the community and poring over internal data we decided we could do better. We’ve completely redesigned the Elf and Dwarf new player progression and given Archet and The Shire a good polish as well. Players will find quests flow together more naturally and progression through the regions and levels is more fun!

Lots of new quests in the Ered Luin!
New travel routes
Re-structure of early questlines

[edit] Quest Guide

As part of our new player revamp we’ve added a new way to view your quests. Players have long asked for a way to track their active quests in their radar window and world maps. Now you can! Our new quest guide works in combination with your quest tracker to give you direction and assistance on the 5 quests currently active in your tracker. Removing a quest from your tracker removes it from the guide.

[edit] New 12-man Raid!

Daring players will be drawn down into the depths of the Waterworks of Moria to investigate “strange happenings” there. Once you have unlocked the gate, it will take teamwork and strategy with eleven of your friends to defeat the corrupt creature within!

[edit] Crafting Instances

As competition for crafting materials heats up, getting what you need isn’t always easy. To help alleviate the problem we looked at ways to allow crafters to get more of what they need more reliably. Enter the crafting instances! Much like the Item XP instances, these are daily repeatable quests that reward crafting materials. There are six instances; two each for prospecting, forestry, and scholar materials.

Adventure in 6 new repeatable solo instances
Aid the Iron Garrison in reclaiming ages-old caches of resources
Challenging monsters that may vary each time you play through
Reputation and Legendary Item experience
In addition, there have been many tweaks made to the crafting system. See the Crafting section for more details on these.

[edit] Calling all Freeps and Creeps
Many changes to monster play to better balance the Ettenmoors! See the monster play section for more details.

[edit] XP Curve Change

After launching Moria, we’ve re-evaluated the experience in our game, along with all the content we’ve shipped in our previous updates, and come to the conclusion that we want to make playing through our game a bit faster in order to allow new folks (and character alts) to see more of our content. As a result, the experience curve has been adjusted and the amount of experience needed to level from 1-60 has been reduced. Your level will not be automatically changed but you may see an increase of up to 3 levels upon your next gain of experience when Book 7 goes live. Temporary oddities may be seen on your XP bar upon logging in if your XP is now greater than that required for the next level, e.g. 10,000/9,000. Upon your next gain of XP you will advance to the appropriate level and your XP bar will adjust appropriately.

Keep in mind that although the overall experience to reach level 60 has been reduced, it is possible that some players may find they need more experience in their new adjusted level versus the old experience table. This should not be considered alarming as the amount of XP that a quest grants has likely also been scaled up in these cases to fit the new leveling curve. That means larger quests rewards in almost all cases where the amount of required XP has been raised, thus maintaining a similar leveling experience than before.

If you were already level 50 (Shadows of Angmar players) or level 60 (Mines of Moria players), your XP will be reduced to the cap. If you were not at a level cap but the change will bring you to the cap, your XP will be set to the amount needed for the cap minus one point so that the next XP event will bring you to the cap.

[edit] DPS and Mob Difficulty Rebalanced

After looking through feedback, we’ve decided to raise skill impact vs. monsters at high level, by lowering their difficulty and by lowering DPS driven by weapons.

Players will find that we’ve reduced the difficulty of many of the creatures in the game, placing heavy emphasis on creatures in the 50 to 60 range. Creature morale and resist rates were reduced in this bracket to create a smoother onramp to the progression from 50 to 60. This necessitated a reduction in weapon DPS, with the focus on post-50 in order to bring them in line with the new difficulty progression.

[edit] In Harm's Way
The Captain skill In Harm’s Way has been adjusted. The amount of damage re-directed to the Captain from the Fellowship has been decreased from 100% to 50%. In Harm’s Way, in combination with other Captain skills, has made it increasingly difficult to design encounters that are challenging as both monster and player DPS increases.

[edit] New Self-revive Mechanic

Players may now revive themselves in place, via a button on the user interface window when a character is defeated, instead of retreating. This feature is disabled in instances, during Monster Play and after instant defeat.

At levels 1 through 9, characters will have a 30 minute cooldown (shown via a "Revived" effect) that prevents them from reviving again.
At level 10, when the character receives the "Journeyman" characteristic, the revive cooldown increases to 1 hour.
At level 40, when the character receives the "Heroic" characteristic, the self revive cooldown increases to 2 hours.
[edit] Induction Times Reduced
In an effort to reduce some of the tedium inherent to certain quests and interactions with game objects we have reduced the interaction and induction times on many objects throughout the world. Most quest objects had inductions of 3 to 10 seconds. These have been reduced to 1-5 seconds. Ore and wood found throughout the game can now be harvested slightly faster giving the final benefit from the higher tier tools greater than 50% induction reduction.

[edit] New Monster Play emotes are available!

Uruks and Orcs will now be able to perform the following emotes:
Wargs will now be able to perform the following emotes:
Spiders will now be able to perform the following emotes:

[edit] It's the Little Things that Count

White Dye is here! Recipes that allow Supreme Scholars to produce white dye have been added to treasure. Note to prospectors: Be on the lookout for a new mineral used in the production of white dye, your local Historians will appreciate it!

Full wersja: ... r_Official

Autor:  Saw666 [ 7 mar 2009, 23:47 ]

Ten nowy rep system z lorien jest zajebiscie zrobiony ,a samo lorien juz po screenach czuc, doczekac sie nie moge az tam wejde

Autor:  warhameron [ 14 mar 2009, 16:34 ]
Tytuł: ... ost4984232

Autor:  mrynar [ 2 kwi 2009, 16:40 ]

Nowy book juz jest na EU serwerach.

Autor:  Compton [ 2 kwi 2009, 17:07 ]

Yup, wlasnie sie saczy :)

Z tego co widze ( patch notes ) glownie zmiany "kosmetyczne".

Wylapal ktos cos konkretnego?

Autor:  Perrin [ 2 kwi 2009, 19:40 ]

Compton napisał(a):
Yup, wlasnie sie saczy :)

Z tego co widze ( patch notes ) glownie zmiany "kosmetyczne".

Wylapal ktos cos konkretnego?

Ummm.... nowa krainka? Czy to wystarczajaco konkretne czy tylko kosmetyczna zmiana?

Autor:  mrynar [ 2 kwi 2009, 20:06 ]

Zmian jest duzo. Trzeba by zdefiniowac pojecie "kosmetyczna zmiana". :D

Dla mnie niekosmetyczne zmiany to np:

Zmniejszenie expa potrzebnego na poszegolne levele. Co ciekawe obliczyli exp dla wszystkich postaci i wystarczy np. zabic jednego moba i ma sie 2-3 dingi odrazu ( na low i middle lvl).

Wprowadzenie jednoosobowych isntancji dla crafterow.

Widac na mapie gdzie trzeba zrobic questy z trackera (tak jak w AoC i WAR).

Autor:  Srogi [ 2 kwi 2009, 20:28 ]

Z tym zmniejszeniem ilosci expa to akurat mi sie nie podoba... Nie chce zeby zrobili z lotro drugiego w wowa.

Autor:  Compton [ 3 kwi 2009, 14:05 ]

Nowa krainka jest oczywista :) Jak zagralem zauwazylem nieco zmian ...

Narazie pozytywne odczucia ... choc z tym expem cos tak hmmm nijak ( mieszane uczucia )

Anyway ... tracking questow ( good idea )

Autor:  Saw666 [ 4 kwi 2009, 11:50 ]

Exp jest "LOL" w prologu 8lvl prawie , ale niezle zmiany u Elfow (krasnali jeszcze nie przerabialem) ,qest tracker dziala bardzo dobrze ,czy ktos odczuwa plynniejsza gre na dx10 ?? bo jak mialem problemy np. na instach 6osobowych przy wiekszej ilosci mobow to fpsy zwalnialy a teraz dziala plynnie ,,, czy tylko mi sie wydaje ??

Autor:  Oyci3C [ 4 kwi 2009, 12:30 ]

Ja od poczatku mam wszystko na ultra ustawione i gra popierdala az milo. Zero spadkow fps nawet w zaludnionych miastach. W Book 7 doszly jeszcze tekstury very high zamiast high jak poprzednio.

Ogolnie wszyscy inni developerzy gier powinni sie uczyc jak mozna napisac engine.

Widze na 100km, wszystkie cienie sa live i aktywne, efekty swietlne, tekstury... respect.

Nie logowalem sie od Niedzieli, mialem 13 lvl, dzisiaj sie loguje i bum 17 :O Wtf? Tzn mialem xp bar do samego konca.

Autor:  Kassei [ 4 kwi 2009, 14:30 ]

Dobrze, że tracking dodali i tak 99% ludzi nie czytało treści questów (a czasem naprawdę warto) tylko wchodziła na www sprawdzić gdzie ma biec.

Co do zmian w expie - obniżenia ilości potrzebnego doświadczenia na dany level to średni pomysł moim zdaniem. Podobnie z obniżeniem trudności mobów. Było to dobrze wyważone, nie za trudne, nie za łatwe. Teraz to zrobili easy mode...

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