Klasa - Cleric
Strona 2 z 9

Autor:  Mendol [ 22 sty 2011, 09:54 ]

Prosze o trzymanie sie tematu.
Od dyskusji o magach macie osobny temat.
Posty nie odnoszace sie do clerica zostaly usuniete - sorry ale jesli w tej chwili nie potraficie sie opanowac - to boje sie co bedzie w retailu :)

Autor:  EloNis [ 22 sty 2011, 12:14 ]

co myślicie o czymś takim (wiem, że cabalista troche sie zmienil, ale to sie uwzgledni pozniej)

Click here

life spelle inquisitora nabijaja conviction, dzieki ktoremu bedziemy mieli self heale bez najmniejszego problemu, dlatego wzialem justicara a nie sentinela czy wardena. ogolnie sporo cckow, niezly dmg single target jak i aoe. czekam na opinie[/url]

Autor:  tomugeen [ 22 sty 2011, 14:45 ]

No to jest jedna z drog, jak bedziesz mial czas wszystkie doty/debuffy/zalozyc na targecie to niekt tego nie przetrzyma. Pytanie tylko, po co 10% dmg z melee atakow, ktorych raczej nie uzywasz. Jelsi tak bardzo napaliles sie na mix z Justicarem, to juz lepiej zwiekszyc sobie armor.

Autor:  senti [ 22 sty 2011, 14:47 ]

Tomu co sugerujesz na typowego kleche group orientated ? Jaka kombinacja bedzie najbardziej efektywna ?

Zwyczajowo po raz kolejny będę patrzył na HP bary współtowarzyszy przez najbliższe X miesięcy :)

Autor:  tomugeen [ 22 sty 2011, 15:04 ]

No ja tak samo ;]
Najwiekszy heal wyrabialem wardenem. Hoty sa potezne, mobilnosc zajebista i w zasadzie mozliwosci ucieczki i ogolne tankiness masz na tyle ze jak nasla na ciebie pety to olewasz, nawet spokojnie biegniesz z 2x melee na plecach.
Masz hot, group hot, 2sec heal z hotem i potem taki fajny szybki heal, ktory leczy lepiej za kazdy hot na tagecie. No i isntant - dzieki temu uratujesz przed focusem. Zajebiste, ale wlasnie jak masz team ogarniety, czyli ludzie nie biora tony dmg tylko sobie biegaja tu i tam.
Jak robi sie sationary zerg vs zerg bezsensowny to pewnie focusowany target przez 15sec lepiej uratuje purifier. No ale jesli dochodzi do takiej sytuacji to pewnie ktos cos zrobil nie tak.
Dodatkowo masz root/slow immune dlugi i knockback do ratowania siebie/innego castera. Na 32lvl spell reflect.
Drugie drzewko to oczywiscie Templar(pvp). Po wladowaniu 5pkt - bo z powodu braku pvp rankow tyle mozna bylo wziac - dostajesz CC break i WARowego detaunta, dzieku ktoremu smiejesz sie solo rogue w twarz.

Problemem byla mana, ale to kwestia balansu spell costów. Bo to bylo tak, ze do pewnego levela mana sie nigdy nie konczyla, a po dingnieciu w wykupieniu nowych rankow zaczela splywac strasznie szybko. Na szczescie dalej w drzewku jest skill do odnawiania many (elfy chyba maja tez drugi jako raciala). Zwlaszcza duzo kosztuja AoE i instant heale - no ale na nich nie powinnismy polegac. Zreszta jak mialem problem i wyhelowalem wszystkich, to szybko out of combat i pilem wode - w 3 sekundy na full, a doty w tym czasie tikały.
Druga wada to brak buffow - ale i tak znajdzie sie ktos w teamie kto daje +endurance.

Co do ofensywy, to brak jej, chociaz dostajemy dota i insta cast spamowany atak. Co ciekawe magow na moim lvl zabijalem tak poscigiem spamujac jeden dmg. A jeszcze lepsze jest 3sec instant silence z dotem - jak wiedzialem ze ktos mial problem z healerem, to pomagalem i zwykle splywal dzieki temu.

Czyli mamy w uzyte 2 drzewka, pozostaje trzecie - ktorys z helaerów albo inquisitor, zeby doty rozdawac dookola i zwiekszyc sobie support ofensywny.

PS. EloNis, rozjezdzasz forum niektorym tymi linkami -> uzyj jakiegos skracacza typu tinyurl, albo ukryj w (url=link)_moj_build_(/url), Oczywiscie z kwadratowymi nawiasami. Dzięki.

PS2. Dodam dzisiaj troche info do 1st posta, moze spis raciali i jak sie one maja do cleryka.

Autor:  EloNis [ 22 sty 2011, 15:40 ]

Masz racje, nie zauważyłem, że chodzi o melee ;P
Link poprawiłem, żeby forum nie rozjeżdżał.

Pozdrawiam :)

Autor:  engey [ 22 sty 2011, 16:04 ]

Tak czytajac to tu to tam wynika ze najmniej popularna soulem u kleryka bedzie sentiel, a szkoda mi osobiscie calkiem przyjemnie sie gra nastawiajac sie na ten soul
tomugeen: sentiel tez ma instant silence 5s

Autor:  Neonin [ 22 sty 2011, 16:20 ]

Pamietajcie ze to wszystko są przemyślenia na lvl ~25 a to niewiele mowi o tym jak sie bedzie helowalo na lvl 50.

Autor:  tomugeen [ 22 sty 2011, 17:35 ]

Tak, oczywiscie takim poziomem wiedzy dysponujemy, wiec opisujemy na tym poziome gre. Wrazeniami na max lvl bedziemy sie dzielic na max lvl ;]

@engey - sentinel to rownie fajny soul, ten silence jest swietny, podobnie jak 40% dmg reduction skill i ogolnie lepsze support spelle niz warden. No i ma z drzewka 3 sec heala, ktory zmixowany z 20pkt crit&instant templara uratuje kazdego z opresji. Tylko te aoe, ja osobiscie nie lubie, ale afair neon gral tym soulem z powodzeniem, wiec tez pewnie takich healerow zobaczymy w pvp.

Edit: nawet jesli bedzie najmniej popularna jako main drzewko, to wydaje sie swietnym wyborem na secondary. to tez jego sila.

Autor:  Razoth [ 22 sty 2011, 18:54 ]

Z mojego doświadczenia Warden to zajebisty healer pod PvP, fajny jest ten skill który przenosi aktywne HoTy z jednego gracza na pobliskich będących w tym samym raidzie.

Za to w instancjach Warden jest tragiczny, na trashu daje radę ale na bossach... Beznadzieja. Darkening Deeps zachwiało poczucie mojej wartości jeżeli chodzi o healowanie, a na WF wymiatałem.

Dużo zabawy z tym będzie w retailu, w końcu wszystko się ogra, zostaną opracowane najlepsze buildy i najpopularniejsze ale do tego czasu.... Odkrywanie gry daje największy fun.

Autor:  Neonin [ 22 sty 2011, 19:44 ]

I dlatego przelaczasz rolę = pvp warden, instancja purifer / senti i to jest piekne w rifcie ;)

Autor:  EloNis [ 22 sty 2011, 19:46 ]

ja uważam, że senti wcale taki zły nie jest w pvp. warden tak nie bedzie leczyc aoe jak senti, nie wrzuci nikomu bańki na 40% redukcji obrażeń itd. dlatego ja zawsze łączę te klasy, senti/warden/puri ftw!

Autor:  senti [ 23 sty 2011, 01:58 ]

Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V z oficjalnego forum ale może komuś się przyda tłumaczyć mi się nie chce bo jestem za leniwy akurat.

Autorstwa "Sheilina" ze Szwajcarii :]

Link do oryginalnego threadu:

Kolega nie opisuje PvP soula (Templar) gdyż ponieważ nie ma/nie miał doświadczenia z tymże.

Dla mnie sporo pomocne. Enjoy.


Healing Souls

All three healing souls have their strong and weak spots and builds strongly depend on what the needs in your current situation are. Generally all three souls have nice synergy with each other while unfortunately there are abilities which are overlapping such as the Endurance buffs and out of combat rezzes. But then everyone and their mother has an Endurance buff and since they don't stack and weaker ones can also overwrite stronger ones without a message, they are pretty much a nuisance more then anything else anyway.
All three souls can remove disease but each of those three has the ability to remove one unique type of status effect. Also, abilities that influence healing in one soul will work on the other souls unless it clearly states the ability it refers to. Both Purifer and Warden have strong mitigation abilities (if you want to call them such) while the Sentinel mostly relies on healing damage AFTER it's done.

Purifier (Fire Based):
His trademark are Wards which get used up upon damage and can be increased in power by going deeper into the branches. His spells are mostly single target focused while the healing abilities have a good synergy with the other healing souls. Gets a 30 Wisdom Buff later on in its root abilities.
It's the cleric soul which has no root or snare abilities yet some very nice tool to keep itself alive (self Ward and self reactive heals on damage). This soul, while having strong single target heals, mostly relies on wardening. That includes root spells as well as abilities you can use in the branches to add to this. On the other side it has a powerful focus on increasing your crit heals. Doesn't have a mana regen ability like Warden and Sentinel. Is probably the healing soul of the cleric that has the most tools at its disposal to keep itself alive. Can remove disease, bleed and physical debuffs. Strong tendencies for MT Healing.

Sentinel (Life based):
Most powerful Instant Cast Heal. Direct Group Heals. The soul can be mana draining if you use your AE heals in less then ideal situations. Besides the Justicar, the Sentinel is the only Cleric soul that has an in combat rezz. Specially later in the branches the Sentinel gets a powerful Direct Heal and duo target heal which are also very mana efficient. Has a Silence, removes Disease and Poison debuffs. Can also chose to add a snare to one of his DDs. Has a really nice Ward as well which will reduce damage from every source by a certain % for 10 seconds. Additionally the Sentinel can increase the crit chance on a single target for the whole group.

Warden (Water based):
Heal over Time based healer. Can buff others with Waterbreathing. Has a mana regen ability in its branches. Can stack HoT on a single target and spread it to the group with one of their branch abilities. Can remove disease, poison and curses. Has a self reflect and a reactive heal that heals the group deep into its root abilities. Stacked HoTs are a very powerful tool since the target doesn't need to be in range for the healing to still tick compared with a direct healer. Very nice in PvP with the amount of dots flying around. Both single target and group focused.

Caster focused Souls

While the Inquisitor has more cc abilities and fewer damaging abilities, the Cabalist is focused on damage more so but also has CC in his toolbox. Both those souls can only heal themselves and are very strongly relaying on another soul to add some more healing power. The Inquisitor is much easier and straight forward to play then the Cabalist.

Inquisitor (Death and Life based):

The strong point of the inquisitor are it's many instant casts like dots, double buff removal, death and life debuff, single target confusion, ae fear, snare and a pushback. It's probably the cleric soul with the most control abilities. Has interesting self armors and both AE and single target dps power. Can chose to be healed by some of its damaging spells and also get mana back. Can buff with short time fear immunity on a single target. Has a single target confusion (cast). A soul which is very interesting for a supportive PvP build. Can only heal itself.

Cabalist (Death based)

Is probably the most challenging damage/spell soul to play due to its mechanics which can be compared to time delayed bombs. Can buff all four elemental resists if you get the branch ability. Its trademarks are sigils which are little bombs that ae explode if a certain condition is met. Cabalist can chose to get healed upon certain damage and can also regain mana from sigils. It's a very heavily AE focused damager with a strong focus on Damage over Time. Sigils have a cast time of 2 seconds initially which makes up most of the challenge to play it efficiently. Single target and later on AE instant cast root. Can add cast time increase for enemies to some of his damaging spells. Later on in the branches, the Cabalist can get a pull to a friendly target ability (comparable to Electromagnet in War but with limited targets) for nearby enemies and can also decrease casting range with certain abilities for enemies. Can only heal itself.

Melee focused Souls
All of these souls use melee attacks as their main source for additional effects or healing. The Druid is somewhat of a hybrid between spells, melee, damage and healing. I put it in this category since his branch abilities have nice synergy with other melee souls. While Shaman and Justicar have very nice synergy you might want to switch weapons since a 2H Hammer will increase your damage yet for the defensive abilities and tanking you will want to favour 1h and shield. All damage increase abilities work on other souls as well unless the ability it refers to is specifically mentioned.

Justicar (Life based)

Justicar is the most defensive of the melee focused souls. A lot of players also refer to it as the Tank of the Cleric souls.
All his attacks heal the Justicar for a small % of the damage done, while melee attacks add more healing power then other type of attacks. Its Trademarks are Mien's which can be swapped to either increase healing or tanking abilities. Its heals are based on its melee attacks and can be focused on a single target or the group. He also uses Conviction build-ups to execute other abilities or heals. Has one of the only two in combat rezzes available to the cleric souls which brings the Ally back with 100% health but is on a long cool-down. Its branch increases defensive abilities and can also add stun and snares to attacks. Can increase the groups healing for 5% for a short period of time. It makes for a very strong base for a melee build as long as you can keep your enemies from kiting you.

Shaman (Physical based)
Strong melee damager and buffer. Most of its branches are focused on increasing melee damage output and melee crits. The trademark of the Shaman are its buffs: the Heart buffs which increase different types of resists (in the branches) and the courage buffs (in the roots). You can specc to spread one of each buff type to the group. Shaman has the weakest heal power of all the cleric souls but the strongest melee damage output. Its abilities to heal is directly linked to its crits and crit damage. Heals can only be used after a critical hit or are triggered after criticals if you specc into the branch. Has a self damage shield, snares to some abilities and can restore mana through some of the damaging abilities. Can only heal itself. The heart of the damage for a melee build and heavily crit focused.

Druid (Earth and Life based)
The druid is the only cleric soul with a pet. The pet can be set to either attack the enemy or heal you and later on, your group (which is like a HoT). The power of the fairy is, at least early on, not very strong and won't be able to keep you up through a lot of damage. It's very nice to reduce downtime though. You can however increase the pets power by speccing into branch abilities. The druid has a strong sleep and silence. Has AE and direct spells if you specc into it in the branches.
The abilities are mostly do add healing power, increase abilities through or for your pet and add additional snare or mana regain effects to your attacks. The pet is not comparable with the pet of a caster class which can be set to different types and can be commanded directly. Think of it as the druids tool to enhance its own skill, spell and abilities.

Autor:  tomugeen [ 23 sty 2011, 02:32 ]

Dzięki, mialem dodać jako linka, ale w sumie wkleje w całosci w drugim poście.

EDIT: w sumie tak porownujac z tym co pisalem wczesniej, to wychodzi na to ze nie splodzilem strasznych glupot ;]

Autor:  EloNis [ 28 sty 2011, 23:22 ]

Inquisitor + Cabalista FTW!!!! Właśnie zrobiłem na WF >>>>85K dmgu<<<< CLERIC'IEM. Jest on świetnym dpsem (na jedno kombo 1200 dmg ^^), więc jeżeli ktoś lubi grac dobrym DPSem i czasem coś pohealowac to POLECAM.

Autor:  tomugeen [ 29 sty 2011, 00:31 ]

Farmowania aoe leczacych sie na cmentarzu nie liczymy ;]
Lepiej opisz jak idzie w normalnych warunkach, z rogalem na plecach.

Autor:  EloNis [ 29 sty 2011, 01:00 ]

w normalnych warunkach? hmm knock + snare mi wystarcza.... czasami feara warto użyc, jak nie zginie od wiązanki. w najgorszych warunkach, confusa wrzucam i uciekam, proste. mimo mniejszej przeżywalności mam większe szanse na zabicie rogala, niż grając szamanem, bo tu przynajmniej ccki mam jakieś. Jak będę miał wyższy level to wezmę sobie Justicara zamiast sentinela. Z jego uber self healem (który się nabija dzięki umiejętnościom Inquisitora) ten cleric będzie maszyną do zabijania.

Autor:  tomugeen [ 2 lut 2011, 11:16 ]

Cos ucichlo o klerykach.
Beta5 poswiecilem glownie warriorowi, wiec nie mialem czasu na przetestowanie innych buildow niz warden (dalej to moj wybor).
Ale widzialem, strasznego nerfa shaman. Wywalili duzo fajnych skilli, wiele skilli skalujacych sie 10-20-30 3 punktowych zamienili na 6-12-18-24-30. Ciezko bedzie hybrydowego shamana na powaznie zrobic myslac o full dps. Opcja bedzie raczej pojscie w full shaman (od 36pkt dostaje bonus do melee dmg, ktory niweluje nerfy - ale buildy 32/x/x nie beda juz tak zajebiste). Troche szkoda, zwlaszcza ze mialem go na uwadze jako niezly dmg wlasnie w trakcie levelowania, nie na max lvl.
No i ten Winter storm podwojnie znerfiony.

Wardenowi tez nerfili oba talenty do deluge, ale podkrecili te od przezywalnosci.

PS. Bede musial napisac od nowa o cabaliscie bo tam sie duzo zmienilo (sigile etc), a nie mialem czasu przetestowac.

Autor:  jinnai [ 2 lut 2011, 12:08 ]

Jest już jakiś planer, który uwzględnia ostatnie zmiany z alphy?

Autor:  tomugeen [ 2 lut 2011, 12:26 ]

Chyba nie, trzeba pocekac na info, jakie zmiany koncowe beda w beta6. No i stronkom tym wiekszym nie zalezy chyba, zeby dostac po ryju za lamanie NDA.

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