beta - wrażenia, klucze, informacje
Strona 42 z 43

Autor:  Keii [ 19 lut 2011, 16:25 ]

Ale to chyba trochę grzebania w bazie danych, nie dziwię się, że im się nie chce spełniać takich zachcianek, kiedy mają ważniejsze rzeczy do roboty ;d

Autor:  Lokken [ 22 lut 2011, 10:08 ]

Nie wiem czy było:

Alpha 27-11-B

* Raid Rifts have been temporarily disabled while we do final polish passes on these events.

* Racial Abilities now cannot be used in dungeons and raid instances.
* CoD Mail now expires and returns to sender after three days.
* Mail from ‘the system’ no longer expires.
* Changed the intro movie!

* Colossi will be less ‘twitchy’ when being attacked by large groups of players.

* Changing Roles now causes your buffs cast on others in the world to be removed – this addresses some issues where players could buff groups/raids with abilities they then no longer had access to or even a soul equipped for.
* Fixed a number of other exploits that allowed certain spell effects to exist on multiple characters at the same time when they shouldn’t be.
* Fixed an issue where certain mobs were immune to abilities that dealt damage and healed – i.e. Life Leech, Soul Purge.
* Critical heals will now show up in the combat log and are a separate type of message from regular combat logged heals.

* PvP Souls: Break Free no longer removes the Exposed debuff.
* Clerics: Fixed a bug causing some proc heals to consume effects that modify heals.

* Fixed a bug where the internal cooldown was not working for weapon poisons.
* Serrated Blades: Causes the target to bleed for 33-100% of your weapon’s damage over 6 seconds, down from 60-180%. Now only triggers from melee weapon critical attacks. It no longer triggers from ranged weapon critical attacks or attacks that require ‘Any Weapon’ and are not considered melee weapon attacks [Bard damage abilities, Saboteur Charges, Bombs, etc.]. Nightblade ranged attacks are considered melee weapon attacks and can trigger Serrated Blades.
* Slip Away: Fixed so that existing DoT effects will cause stealth to break after Slip Away immunity ends.
* Serpent Strike: Damage increased.
* Advanced Flanking: Changed to increase the critical hit chance of Backstab by 3-6%. Increases the critical hit chance of Assassinate, Jagged Strike, and Paralyzing Strike by 25-50%.
* Magnify Pain: Fixed a tooltip error.

* Pack Mentality: Was set to increase the damage of melee attacks, making it unpredictable in use – has been changed to increase Physical damage attacks.
* Diversion Strike: Damage increased, duration of critical hit buff increased, now only affects the Beastmaster and their pet.
* Tenacious Strike: Renamed Tenacious Wounds, increases the damage of Bleed effects by 3-6%.
* Fight As One: Duration increased to 15 seconds.

* Vivacity: Now also increases damage of all Bladedancer abilities by 5-10%.

* Lurking Decay: Should now actually work again.

* Focused Intent: Your attacks have a 10-30% chance to make enemy players vulnerable, increasing their damage taken by 2% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.
* Against All Odds: Only triggers off of roots/stuns cast by players. Damage reduction only affects damage taken from players.
* Ignore Pain: The damage reduction now only reduces damage taken from players.

* Swift Shot: Damage reduced.
* Empowered Shot: Damage reduced.
* Deadeye Shot: Damage reduced.
* Strafe: Damage reduced.
* Hasted Shot: Damage reduced.
* Marksman’s Pedestal: Damage bonus has been increased from 5% to 10%.
* Sniper’s Pedestal: Damage bonus has been increased from 25% to 30%.

* Fixed a bug where Lich Form didn’t end when using Feign Death.

* Fixed a bug where the internal cooldown was not working for weapon enchantments.
* Heat Retention: Fixed so the buff effect is no longer retained when a Finisher ability is used.

* Fiery Blessing: Critical hits now properly reduce the stack.

* Dire Wolf, Blood Raptor: Damage reduced.
* Shadow Fire: Damage reduced.
* Splinter Shot: Damage reduced.

* Resolved a problem where instead of Enhanced Burst [from Fiery Burst] granting 30% to elemental damage, it granted 20% to all damage. It now properly enhances elemental damage by 30%. Storm Burst and Earth Burst were working properly.

* Singularity: Tooltip now displays the proper durations for each attack point.
* Quality Care: Will now not trigger off of every tick of a HoT spell, and will not trigger off of Cleric-procced heals.
* Discharge: Now has a 10 second cooldown.
* Blood From a Stone: Fixed a bug where this would proc from ranged attacks.


* Death’s Embrace: Reduced Gorvaht’s damage.
* Into Bahralt’s Keeping: Completing this quest is no longer a prereq for the Hammerknell Fortress series.

* Rift – Deepstrike Summons: Volcanic Tectonus’s “Stoneskin” ability will only give back a maximum of 25% HP per cast.

* Fixed lock-out collision in Abyssal Precipice.
* Added treasure chests to Expert Rifts.

* Expert: Jutharin now resets if he exits his encounter space.
* Expert: Caelia no longer respawns after being killed.
* Standard: Caelia encounter barriers properly despawn after her death.

* Tegenar’s Cocoon no longer requires line of sight to the target player.
* Expert: Scarn’s Searing Heat can no longer be purged.
* Expert: Removed chat log spam for Bonehew’s minion spawning.

* If your pet is alive when you die in a Warfront, it will automatically come back when you are resurrected.
* PvP Flag: If you were in the countdown to remove your PvP flag when you die and respawn, it will continue the countdown from where it left off.

* Dyes will now properly list as consumables in the Auction House.
* Salvaging components properly list as ingredients in the Auction House.

* Pressing the jump key (default: space bar) will cause you to swim up. No more underwater jumping!
* Swimming vertically will no longer result in wonky camera antics once you reach the surface.
* Fixed visual effects not appearing in portraits.

* Fixed a bug where non-ability buttons wouldn’t load on secondary bars – aka disappearing icon hijinks!
* Pet ability buttons are no longer hidden after leveling up.
* Increased the font size for stack numbers on the new Class Mechanic UI.
* The character inspection window will now update if the player you’re inspecting changes their equipment.
* Zone event quests no longer appear in the quest log, only on-screen.
* Action bar layouts should now save properly

Autor:  TobiAlex [ 24 lut 2011, 16:46 ]

Na alife jeszcze update, który pewnie można też pobrać do wersji retial (bo własnie mi się pobrało ok. 60MB):

Alpha 27-13-B

* Increased Elite and Named Elite experience slightly.
* Decreased minor Rift stage experience slightly.
* Guild Rank names are now covered by the profanity filter.
* The guild charter name entry now only accepts the characters a-z, single spaces, periods, dashes, and apostrophes.
* Earth Rift consumables should now be properly instant-use.

* Guilds will now gain one passive and one active perk point per guild level.


* Two Handed Specialization: Fixed and now properly increases damage when using a two-handed weapon. The damage bonus is now maxxed at level 30 as 8-40% depending on number of points spent. Due to this fix, the damage of several additional abilities (below) has been lowered to account for the intended level of damage output.
* Titan's Strike: Damage reduced.
* Disruptive Strike: Damage reduced, cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 15 seconds, and Power cost increased to 40.
* Destroyer's Bearing: The Finisher damage buff has been reduced from 35% [+15% from Intense Training] to 20% [+15% from Intense Training], and only generates an attack point 25% of the time.

* Detonate: Fixed the missing audio on ranks 2-10.

* Non-passive racial abilities are no longer usable in Warfronts.

* Items sold from vendors cannot be Salvaged or broken down by Runebreaking.

* Fixed the annoying issue with inspect windows popping open repeatedly.
* Added a preset slider to character creation that lets you select between various pre-generated characters.
* There is now a localization option in the player feedback menu that properly categorizes those types of issues.
* More soul tree bug fixes.

* Fixed issues with movies playing incorrectly on certain hardware.

Autor:  Thou [ 24 lut 2011, 18:03 ]

Watpie aby tak dawali patche z alfy na retaila :) Pewnie dali ten patch i po przetestowaniu go dodadza do retaila... anyway jeszcze 57min :) Nie moge sie doczekac - w becie srednio chcialo mi sie grac przez to ze i tak wipe.

Autor:  druzil [ 24 lut 2011, 18:10 ]

Chyba sie wczoraj urodziles jak myslisz ze za 57 min se pograsz :-)

Autor:  EloNis [ 24 lut 2011, 18:13 ]

chyba nie grałeś w żadną betę jeżeli myślisz że nie pogramy o 19. jeszcze ani razu nie zdarzyło się jakiekolwiek opóźnienie z włączeniem serwerów w Rifcie.

Autor:  Isengrim [ 24 lut 2011, 18:13 ]

No ja nie pogram na pewno, bo jakieś pliki z bety mi popieprzyły recovery i mam jeszcze 3 godziny ściągania (net mam z dupy). Więc lepiej ręcznie wywalić katalog z plikami z bety, bo uninstail jakoś tego nie zrobił.

Autor:  Thou [ 24 lut 2011, 18:19 ]

God damn it :< Czemu psujecie mi wizje idealnej firmy ktora jak mowi ze zaczyna sie o 19 to sie zacznie o 19 :P Anyway w RoMie nie pamietam jakis strasznych obsow z wystartowaniem... :)

Autor:  druzil [ 24 lut 2011, 18:21 ]

EloNis napisał(a):
chyba nie grałeś w żadną betę jeżeli myślisz że nie pogramy o 19. jeszcze ani razu nie zdarzyło się jakiekolwiek opóźnienie z włączeniem serwerów w Rifcie.

No raczej gralem. Nie porównuj bety gdzie policzyli sobie dokladnie ile osob moga wpuscic do headstartu gdzie pewnie z 80% wszystkich zainteresowanych wlasnie chce zaczac.

Autor:  Isengrim [ 24 lut 2011, 18:25 ]

Zacząć da się spoko, gorzej będzie już poza noob zoną - kolejki do mobków, riftów itd :)

Autor:  Kabraxis [ 24 lut 2011, 18:30 ]

druzil napisał(a):
EloNis napisał(a):
chyba nie grałeś w żadną betę jeżeli myślisz że nie pogramy o 19. jeszcze ani razu nie zdarzyło się jakiekolwiek opóźnienie z włączeniem serwerów w Rifcie.

No raczej gralem. Nie porównuj bety gdzie policzyli sobie dokladnie ile osob moga wpuscic do headstartu gdzie pewnie z 80% wszystkich zainteresowanych wlasnie chce zaczac.

No bo liczby preorderow juz policzyc nie moga no nie?

Ponadto w W Betach 6-7 i Open Becie mogl grac wlasciwie kazdy kto chcial a tez jakis wielkich problemow nie bylo.

Autor:  Thou [ 24 lut 2011, 18:31 ]

Do Riftow pewnie kolejek nie bedzie ^^ Gorzej z mobami... i tym ze ludzie uwielbiaja ksowac innym :P Anyway po headstarcie zrobie chyba z tydzien przerwy albo i dwa - czas na dojscie pudelka i rozluznienie servera w noob zonach - i dopiero aktywuje gre.

Pozatym w headstart tez maja dokladnie ilu ludzi maja sie spodziewac... przez co? A przez to ze oni sami musieli na kontach aktywowac ten "Stan":P

Autor:  druzil [ 24 lut 2011, 18:32 ]

Tak i pewnie kazdy kto mial dostep do bety logowal sie w tym samym momencie.
Pomysl troche.

Autor:  Kabraxis [ 24 lut 2011, 18:36 ]

druzil napisał(a):
Tak i pewnie kazdy kto mial dostep do bety logowal sie w tym samym momencie.
Pomysl troche.

Tak dokladnie tak bylo. Chyba nie sledziles dokladnie forum RIFT i tych bet.
Przed kazda beta bylo pare topicow z odliczaniem, etc...
Ja sam w 5 na 7 przypadkow siedzialem o 19 z wywieszonym jezorem. :)

Wiec uwazam ze tak... poczatek headstartu za bardzo nie bedzie sie roznil z perspektywy Trionu od np. Open Beta. Ludzie w kazdej becie rzucali sie o 19 jak sep na padline i podobnie bedzie teraz. Nic sie nie zmienia i mysle ze sa do tego tak samo dobrze przygotowani jak do bet. Oprocz tego ofc ze tym razem bedzie mniej ludzi niz np. w Open Beta co jest zrozumiale i logiczne.

Autor:  Keii [ 24 lut 2011, 18:58 ]

Z ciekawości - wystarczy mieć otwarte okno z serwerami, czy trzeba włączać i wyłączać grę?

Autor:  iniside [ 24 lut 2011, 18:59 ]

Wystarczy miec otwarte okno. A w kazdym razie do tej pory zawsze wystarczlo.

Jeszcz 30s!!!!!!!

Autor:  noasz [ 24 lut 2011, 19:00 ]


Autor:  Keii [ 24 lut 2011, 19:01 ]

1399 :<

Autor:  Lokken [ 24 lut 2011, 19:01 ]

Lol 1 sec po pojawieniu i 1300 w kolejce.

Autor:  goatguy [ 24 lut 2011, 19:01 ]

2911 w kolejce, 4h56min

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