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 Dział: Gry pozostałe   Wątek: Battlestar Galactica MMO

Napisane: 2 sie 2010, 18:13 

Odpowiedzi: 27
Wyświetlone: 12396

Star Wars Galaxies was ruined first with the NGE and SWTOR will be WoW in SW-disguise. Star Trek got wasted aswell pretty bad and Stargate Worlds... yeah

Now Battlestar Galactica is the next SciFi IP to get ruined?

Do you think that a browser game will be anything good for that IP?

 Dział: Gry pozostałe   Wątek: world of tanks MMo

Napisane: 2 sie 2010, 18:04 

Odpowiedzi: 1187
Wyświetlone: 147811

nice game, got beta key :)

 Dział: Gry pozostałe   Wątek: T.E.R.A. - The Exiled Realm of Arborea

Napisane: 2 sie 2010, 15:20 

Odpowiedzi: 1726
Wyświetlone: 168460

greetings neighbours, Im staff member from We still Recruiting Staff if someone interested, fan site just started, now getting about 100 unique visits per day, but we planning to expand in top SEO rankings in few months. So if someone interested to help build fansite for TERA...
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