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 Dział: World of Warcraft   Wątek: Opis jak zdobyc klucz do Onyxi

Napisane: 12 kwi 2005, 17:36 

Odpowiedzi: 35
Wyświetlone: 4378

well its a private board and copying is not allowed... i hold no grudges against him as he was just sharing the info i put up ... tho i am dissapointed that he cooppied my guide without lettin me know =( and left out the part at the bottom with my name and stuff Cheers to all u guys and good luck on...

 Dział: World of Warcraft   Wątek: Opis jak zdobyc klucz do Onyxi

Napisane: 12 kwi 2005, 16:54 

Odpowiedzi: 35
Wyświetlone: 4378

someone posted on the board where i published it saying it was coppied here ...

 Dział: World of Warcraft   Wątek: Opis jak zdobyc klucz do Onyxi

Napisane: 11 kwi 2005, 16:41 

Odpowiedzi: 35
Wyświetlone: 4378

well i have no idea what u guys are talking but that alliance guide was written by me .. if u gona rip off my work at least give me credit ... zzz
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