Nie kazdy chce PvP
Dobrego RPG ? n00b...

przeczytaj instrukcje albo pare opisow do questow u graffe'go

Jeden z fajniejszych to:
Lord Yelinak watches as you drop the colossal head of King Tormax to the ground before him. You sense intense hatred within Yelinak as he stares down at the bloody remains of a descendent of the one who slew his mate. Obviously the death of Tormax has done little to console the ancient snow dragon. Finally Yelinak speaks, 'I look upon this face, and even though he is dead, the hatred burns on. My grief and anger are unchanged even in the face of ultimate fate. His grandfather's act was so despicable and all-encompassing that it instilled an. . . immortal loathing. Neverttheless, you have completed the task I set before you and, as such, you deserve my gratitude. Please accept this [treasure].
A Osobiscie moj ulubiony:
Solomen says 'You actually did it! I never would have thought that anyone could have truly followed this path. This is a tribute to your intelligence and patience. Here, take this staff and know that you have made Solusek Ro and all the wizards of the world proud this day.
Pytalem potem Xarpa itd. (wiziow) czy czuli sie dumni
Uhm przetestowac

ja wiem... mialem AC... 1 dzien hihi, Wiesz w SB spodobala mi sie jedna rzecz... blacksmithing (jak w wiekszosci z gier

, zaraz Gianna powiedzialby "u got a lil fetish there"

) Ale jak uslyszalem ze to jest TPP no coz =/ dziekuje... =/
Nic no nie watpie ze SB moze byc fajne ale sam przyznasz ze EQ... NIC nie brakuje