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Autor:  Keii [ 1 kwi 2011, 18:09 ]
Tytuł: ... y-round+up

Autor:  Huragan [ 1 kwi 2011, 19:31 ]

Forsaken World opublikowal dzisiaj nowa klase :)

Autor:  Kole0 [ 1 kwi 2011, 21:23 ]

Wysmiewac przecietnego casuala, chlebodawce - tylko u Blizzarda:
4.1.11 patch notes:
'The mouse can now no longer be used to turn player characters. In many cases, this gave certain players a slight advantage over those that used their keys to turn.'

czy tez wysmiac jak bardzo dumbed jest ich gra:
'Talents are now automatically chosen for a player based on the main specialization chosen.'

badz tez wysmiac swoje odgrzewane kotlety:

'Ever a player favorite, the level-80 10- and 25-player raid of Icecrown Citadel is being reintroduced as a level-85 Heroic 5-player dungeon.
Ever a player favorite, the level-85 10- and 25-player raid of The Bastion of Twilight is being reintroduced as a level-85 Heroic 5-player dungeon.
Ever a player favorite, the level-85 10- and 25-player raid of Firelands is being reintroduced as a level-85 Heroic 5-player dungeon.'

jeszcze kilka dobrych :

'The Worgen “sniff” sound has been replaced by Rebecca Black’s hit single, Friday. The song will play in its entirety. Every time.'

'When using the Need Before Greed looting system, other players may not roll on loot until the Hero Class has chosen to pass.'

'Judgement has been removed from the game.
Judgment (new ability) unleashes the energy of a Seal for Holy damage.'

'Discipline priests we heard you like shields that heal, so we put shield in your shield so you can heal while you heal.'

Autor:  Mirtul [ 2 kwi 2011, 10:59 ]

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