priest class leader na temat AQ spec
I have now spent about 2 hours on wow-europe to try to find the best spec for Priests in AQ, and here is my "suggestion" (I have no optional "suggestion" for you): ... 2510315151
Note: You may spend the 10 left over points as you choose (but ask me first so you dont have to spend another 12,5 gold becasue Im not satisfied with your spec
If you have any thoughts about how you should spec, then stop, and spec like I want you to! I DO NOT wanna see any +% to heal because you think you NEED it! We have EPIXXXZ ffs!
1- You need your class leaders permission to exit Shadow Form (I dont wanna see any unauthorized heals)
2- Nuke soft (If you draw aggro then deal with it like a man: use fear)
3- At all time; At any mob; (that you can see) I wanna see every dot that you can put on it from EVERY priest. (Dot=DPS)
4- All Priests must have the following macro: /y (Insert random Paladin name here in CAPS LOCK)!!!! I'm gonna release my nuking powers now! Give me BLESSING OF PROTECTION!!!
5- Innervate are for Priests, and Priests only! If you see an Innervate on some other class, please report to me and I will see to that that Druid will never raid AGAIN on Silvermoon!
6- You may only bring two Pots (yes I can check how many pots you have brought, with CTRAIDASSIST). Excluded from this rule are pots that increase you shadow damage.
7- A Priest should always come to a raid in a good "we're gonna win and get epixxxz"-mood
8- Always use /y instead of /s or /tfach or /raid etc etc
9- Every Priest (including SRG- and alt Priests) will send me 5 gold each every week for the time I spend listening to you and because I say so
10- Link all loot in /tfach, /guild and /general.
11- Do NOT be AFK... afk=less damage=falling on damage meter (If you for some strange reason need to be afk, send a tell to Percha so he can establish a correct afk list)
12- If some dude that talks alot on Ventrilo screams: "Priests heal ffs! Tank is going down!" ... remember rule no1!!!!! Just do a /point at a random Druid or Paladin that has alot of mana left. If there is a fuss about it, then refer to Vampiric Embrace and to rule no3
13- If you are OOM and YOUR innervate is on cooldown, staff/mace/dagger and wand is good option (because this can happend, so please look for weapons with high dps).
14- Inner Fire isn't a joke. The extra attack power can really make a difference so use this "Blizz love" often.
15- Use Anathema!!!!!!!!!!1 (if you have the staff that is... please think for your self n00b)
16- Shadow Protection shall ALWAYS be on the people you should buff
17- You should go for ranking your selves 2-8 on Damage Meter. If you end up worse then 8, you will get a warning and be kicked for good. If you take spot no1 from me (this is for any class, lol, as if it would happend) you will never be able to play on Silvermoon ever AGAIN! Nuke soft!
18- My, and only my Damage Meter is the one we follow, so stay close, but not to close. Groups draws aggro.
19- Priests will use a Second DKP system. This DKP system I will keep in my head, so no need for a page on our web site. The only thing important with this dkp system is that use this extra dkp on bids on epixxxz. So this will give us an advantage against the other classes. Hail the Priest Class Leader!
20- Do NOT argue with me. Do NOT tell me that little you think that I am wrong!......... Just get it into your small head that I am with no exeptions the best Priest in WoW, and I probably know more about Priests then all of you together do, so OBEY!
Good to know:
1- The Gossamer set looks awesome in Shadowform
2- You can get a lot of Shadow Damage gear in Stratholm, Scholomance and so on.
3- Now that we are not doing MC any more, and the Warlocks took all the Shadow Damage gear from there, please look for pick ups to go there, so you can get those epixxxz aswell. (i've already been to three)
4- Two things: There is one green meter (your hp) and one blue (your mana). All Priests have this, but there is a big difference between these two:
[in combat]Green bar should not be payed to much attention to. Some Druid or Paladin will do that for you. Blue bar should be as close to 0% as often as possible. (Remember: If you have mana when the fight is over, that doesn't help the raid. Nuke soft!)
5- If you get Blessing of Salvation, please do a soft /y and ask for Blessing of Might instead (in case of oom and you need to go close combat). A soft remember here: Be sure to click the Salvation off, even if you dont get Might for some strange reason, because as we all know, you can only have a maximum of 10 beneficial buffs on you, and you need to leave room for all dps improving buffs.
6- In close combat: Use you fear as often as possible (don't chase the mobs as the stupid warrior and rogue do. just click you autoshoot wand button). If the mob is immune (strange word) - send ticket!
7- If someone nags about buffs (like we would ever miss anyone!) do a /ignore for the rest of the evening
8- Support DPS classes (Mages, Warlocks, Hunters, Rogues and "so called crit warriors" (or as we call them: "die alot warriors")) are only in the raid for two reasons: 1: Hard to get Priests to fill all the spots. 2: We need some people to fill out spot 9+ on damage meter. So please do not socialize with them. They are over all rather stupid people behind the screen.
9- Things you can do when out of combat: Check the Internet for example for new loot. Go and make dinner. Talk to Girlfriend/Boyfriend. Whatever you choose to do, don't care about the blue meter. You can always get an innervate.
10- Do not fight unarmed in close combat. That will make you somewhat of a Druid in cat form: useless! We do NOT want people to laugh at us... Nuke soft!
11- If you are oom or ooi (out of innervate), then draw aggro and die. Then use your SS to ress and get out of combat and drink. Im not the Class Leader for nothing...
12- Do not talk bad about the lesser classes openly. We have our Priest channel for that.
So.... over to the more important part of Wow:
PvE in all honor, but to be honest... We only do PvE to get more EPIXXXZ so we can achieve better in PvP.
PvP RULEZ: (not as many as PvE rulez, but PvP is fun and you shouldn't destry fun with rulez)
1- Use all the pots you can use. Winning is everything. (This is why you only can use 2 pots in PvE)
2- Team is nothing. Killing blows is everything!
3- Do NOT defend. Someone else will do that...
4- There is no "Nuke Soft" in PvP. You dont have to worry about aggro here.
5- Before 1st of April, all tfa Priests should be Rank 7 or above, or they will be kicked from tfa and will never PvP on Silvermoon ever again!
PvP Good to know:
1- You do not want to invite people that are not Knight or better. They don't know how to PvP...
2- In Arati Basin, always go for Blacksmith. That's where all the action is.
3- Tell Druids and Paladins who tries to do dps, in raid chat to stop. If they don't do it, kick them and spam in General: "YOU SUCK!!!!!! I will make sure that my class leader will make sure that you will never PvP on Silvermoon ever again!!!"
And if you see a Druid in oom-kin form do a /laugh and don't stop with it. Not even in Ironforge.
4- The EPIXXXZ we get from PvE instances (that our Class Leader spends his free time to make possible for us; God Bless him) are the slightly better then the blue PvP rewards in many cases, but if you are unsure, then ask your Class Leader.
5- Remember: HAVE FUN!
So as you see, I don't want to tell you how to spec. I trust you. Remember you always have the option to leave (or be kicked) and I dont make these rulez just to feel important, but to make the raid work (as we are the most important class).
Don't question me.
Don't ask why.
Don't be a pain in the ass.
Don't make suggestions.
Don't take my time.
Don't make me mad.
Don't make me sad.
Make me smile.
Make me proud.
Make me happy.
Make me wanna hug you in a non gay way.
Embrace me as your Class Leader.
I know best.
To wrap it up. Here are the key words:
SPEC AS YOU LIKE! (Im not a dictator)
On a serious not (if you have read this far)... I trust that the Priests have the best specc for the raid (as you all have had as far as I know, all along). So I don't have to tell you what to spec and what not to spec
But on the other hand, Im interested in your specs, so please send me a PM here at the web page with a link to your spec.
We all will do as we have done this far, we do our best.
Love is in the spec and purple is fun!
//Da Ûber Class Leader (aka Master PoF macro maker) that knows what you should do and when to do it :twisted: