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Autor:  Varenthin [ 21 maja 2006, 19:10 ]

 Official Flame Form for WoW Forums


[ ] Clueless Newbie
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[ ] l337 d00d
[ ] Flamer
[ ] Whiner
[ ] Paladin

You Are Being Flamed Because:

[ ] You posted a Blizzard sucks thread
[ ] You posted a personal attack against Blizzard staff
[ ] You posted a Release Date thread
[ ] You posted a Patch thread
[ ] You posted a ( Insert Random RPG ) vs Diablo 2 thread
[ ] You posted a StarCraft vs WarCraft 3 thread
[ ] You posted a "Where is Starcraft 2" thread
[ ] You posted a ( WarCraft 3 / WoW ) vs Diablo 2 thread
[ ] You posted an OMG The Sky is Falling thread
[ ] You continued a long, stupid thread
[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ ] You posted a my class sucks *cry* thread
[ ] You posted a nerf Shamans thread
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[ ] You just plain suck
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In Punishment, You Must:

[ ] Delete all your characters
[ ] Give up your AOL Internet account
[ ] Actually post something relevant
[ ] Read the f****** FAQ
[ ] Go to your room with no supper
[ ] Apologize to everybody on this forum
[ ] All of the above

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[ ] Learn to play your class
[ ] Get a life
[ ] Never post again
[ ] Can I have your stuff?
[ ] Cry more n00b
[ ] All of the above
[ ] IBTL


Autor:  Huragan [ 21 maja 2006, 20:22 ]

Varenthin napisał(a):
[ ] Paladin


Autor:  Varenthin [ 21 maja 2006, 20:41 ]

Anyone ever notice how the Night Elves, when faced with important, world-changing decisions, INEVITABLY make the wrong ones? If it weren't for Night Elves and their screwups, I'd be inclined to think Azeroth in general would be a much nicer place.

Mistake 1: Destroying the Scepter of the Shifting Sands

Bronze Dragonflight: "Now that we've finally sealed away the nemesis of all Azeroth, here's a scepter should you need to break the seal and fight them again."
Fandral: "WAAAHH!"
*breaks scepter*
Bronze Dragonflight: "You dumb f*cker."

Mistake 2: Destroying the Well of Eternity

Queen Azshara: "Blahaharrrgh, I'm addicted to magic!"
Night Elves: "Well I guess that's cool."
Queen Azshara: "Blahahaharrrgh, I'm summoning demons!"
Night Elves: "Ok, that's not so cool."
*Bigass War!*
Malfurion: "I've got an idea! Let's blow up the world!"
Tyrande: "Come on, that's your solution to everything."
Malfurion: "No it's not! By the way, hold this."
Tyrande: "Hey, this looks like a-"
Tyrande: "...dammit, Malfurion."

Mistake 3: Recreating the Well of Eternity, Then Leaving It There and Falling Asleep

Illidan: "Hey guys, now that we just got done blowing THAT up, I just made a new one!"
Night Elves: "You stupid f*cker."
Malfurion: "Illidan, you're under arrest for playing the devil rock music."
Illidan: "How wude!"
Malfurion: "Anyway, let's just plant a tree over top of this sucker and call it a day."
Tyrande: "Uh, what do you want us women to do, Mal honey?"
Malfurion: "You all stay awake and keep the stove warm in case we're hungry when we wake up. Oh, and don't go running off having fun with your friends or anything, I want you in the kitchen where you belong."
Tyrande: "But-"
Malfurion: "zzzzzzzzzzzz"
Tyrande: "Dammit."

Mistake 4: Staying Asleep

Orcs: "FOR THE HORDE! And also the Burning Legion!"
Night Elves: "zzzzzzzzz"
Undead: "For the lich king! Also, again, the Burning Legion!"
Night Elves: "zzzzzzSNRKzzzzz"

Mistake 5: Picking a Fight with the Orcs

Night Elves: "WTF?! Orcs cutting down our trees? Gettem!"
Cenarius: "I'LL take the case!"
Night Elves: "WTF!!"
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek

Mistake 6: Releasing Illidan

Tyrande: "We need help, gotta wake the druids up. Oh hey, Illidan! I'm sure 10,000 years of confinement has only rehabilitated him."
Illidan: "GROWLowlorarrrr"
Tyrande: "...although I could be wrong."
Illidan: "OOGHRARGHghhh!" *runs off*

Mistake 7: Blowing up the World, AGAIN

Medivh: "Quit fighting you nubs! Archimonde is coming!"
Night Elves: "Oh crap you're right. Too late now!"
Archimonde: "Bwahahahaha!"
Malfurion: "Hey, I've got an idea!"
Everyone: *groans*

Mistake 8: Stopping Illidan from killing the Lich King

Malfurion: "OMG! Illidan's doing something crazy to Northrend! Gotta stop him!"
Maiev: "I'm kookoo for catching Illidan!" *trips Tyrande*
Tyrande: "Aiiee!" *falls into river*
Malfurion and Illidan: "I'LL take the case!"
Illidan: "So you see, I was trying to DESTROY THE MOST POWERFUL EVIL BEING IN AZEROTH."
Malfurion: "Oh, uh..... my bad."

Mistake 9: Building a new World Tree

Fandral: "Man, I miss immortality. Let's make a new world tree!"
Malfurion: "I don't think that's a good-"
Fandral: "STFU nub."
Fandral: "See? This place is great."
Malfurion: "I dunno, it smells kinda bad... and I think I just stepped in some ooze."
Fandral: "Yeah? Well if you don't like it, why don't you go get lost in the Emerald Dream for a few years?!"
Malfurion: "You know what?! I think I will!" *gets lost in the Emerald Dream*
Night Elves: *facepalm*
Rest of Alliance: "Remind me why we put up with these guys?"
Bronze Dragonflight: "Because you're all a bunch of dumb f*ckers."

O <- Gnomes
| \_O <- Others
/ / \

Autor:  Randalf [ 22 maja 2006, 12:14 ]

Autor:  Razoth [ 22 maja 2006, 13:15 ]
Tytuł: ... i_itp.html

Autor:  nabonid [ 22 maja 2006, 13:41 ]
Tytuł: ... 6224yg.jpg :lol:

Autor:  Fabianek [ 22 maja 2006, 13:55 ]

czy mozecie smieszne rzeczy NIE zwiazane z wow'em wrzucac do viewtopic.php?t=91 ? :)

Autor:  Sarmata [ 22 maja 2006, 14:37 ]

Razoth napisał(a): [/img]

Lol - "Gram już cały rok, mam kilka postaci na 60 lvl(oczywiscie 14 rank) i spolo epixow" :D

"otóz bije tylko levele do 1-10 lvl"


Autor:  WithnesS [ 22 maja 2006, 15:58 ]

Pewnie wali z axe ;)

Autor:  Randalf [ 22 maja 2006, 16:02 ]

ja myślę że z rużdrzki

Autor:  bloob [ 22 maja 2006, 18:02 ]

Autor:  h34t [ 23 maja 2006, 07:14 ]

TIP: Glupota ludzka nie zna granic, zeby zapisac od piatku 60 stron z 2 praktycznie potwarzajacymi sie pytaniami n/c

Autor:  Fabianek [ 23 maja 2006, 07:25 ]
Tytuł: ... #post32906


Autor:  Fabianek [ 23 maja 2006, 08:46 ]

summonowanie przez maga to pikuś przy tym ... vp&pl=true

Autor:  Varenthin [ 23 maja 2006, 11:47 ]
Tytuł: ... 9694034964 damn hunters ;P

Autor:  Zoltan [ 23 maja 2006, 23:11 ]

Koles musi naprawde lubic PVP - ... nolde&char
(25 tygodni = jakies pol roku, na rankach 13-14 non stop).[/b]

Autor:  Ravushimo [ 23 maja 2006, 23:21 ]

cos ci nie wyszedl ten link...

Autor:  Zoltan [ 24 maja 2006, 10:12 ]
Tytuł: ... e=Crippler

Autor:  tomugeen [ 25 maja 2006, 02:01 ]

Wyrwe sie troszke z panujacego ostatnio wklajania linkow, do flmikow o WOW lub o czymkolwiek innym.

TO chyba w tym temacie bylo kilka fajnych zgloszen do gildii, to postne nasza nowosc z forum.

Tip: Im uwazniej sie czyta, tym smieszniejsze.


MC Attunement: yes
BWL Attunement: yes

Onyxia Key: yes
Dire Maul Key: no
UBRS Key: 3/4 parts
Epic Mount: no money but farm for this

Fire Resist: 140
Nature Resist: 23 but dont go yet in the mc to take same epic items

Location:greece i hope this is not problem

Interested in PvE? yes a lot

Interested in PvP? not to much but if collect the item i thing starting

Why do you wanna join Ephorate? to make new frients. and go in big instans

Previous WoW guilds: booty bay bullies

Who would vouch for you in the guild? to make new frients

Availability? go to university and plzy 4-5 hours stadart in day but i wont play a lot of hiours if you need

What are your ingame goals?T o be the best in everything i do

Tell us a little about yourself in and out of WoW: ok i start the game in november alone because i take adls in my home .. . after be 60 alone and go to ythe instant to fint good gear first, afte lloking for a guild in sc and all said you have fr and sain no afte i fint 140 and look again for guild and the answer is ( full of shammy ) omg for one week i wont to delete my shammy and start a new char and see in wow- europe imgration and hope to find a guild in this week after imgration try and complete all pre q for big instant and i am ready for all ( but beffore start i play with a ather shammy frient of mine in the ather server to learn the game .... this is my wow story

normal ramor
but more of different trickets and rings

Autor:  Fabianek [ 25 maja 2006, 13:00 ]

poszukajcie wlasnych zwlok ;-)

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