Smieszne przypadki i zdarzenia
Strona 55 z 85

Autor:  tomugeen [ 25 maja 2006, 13:24 ]

Fabianek napisał(a):

Po tobie to spodziewalem sie raczej 3 epikow i 20slot baga ;/

Autor:  bargaw [ 25 maja 2006, 22:01 ]

ja znalazłem :D
oraz..... tadam! :wtf:

Autor:  Avan [ 26 maja 2006, 00:38 ]

strasznie zielone eq, jak wy tak mogliscie??

Autor:  lutus [ 26 maja 2006, 06:36 ]

Zoltan napisał(a):
Koles musi naprawde lubic PVP - ... nolde&char
(25 tygodni = jakies pol roku, na rankach 13-14 non stop).[/b]

My tez mamy takiego na BL'u

Autor:  Mal [ 26 maja 2006, 10:11 ]

afaik Montarlo ma bronie za rank 14 :) wiec albo sprzedal postac i lata po bg nowy wlasciciel albo bardzo lubi PvP

Autor:  Qraczek [ 26 maja 2006, 10:13 ]

Lubi :)

Autor:  Fabianek [ 26 maja 2006, 12:44 ]
Tytuł: ... ost1029043

jak mozna dac komus na lv53 bez gildii lub z jakiejs dupnej gildii regenty na +4 stats on chest zeby enchantnol za 1g? a pozniej jeszcze whine'owac na General forum o tym :o

nie wiadomo czy sie smiac czy plakac.

Autor:  Varenthin [ 26 maja 2006, 22:12 ]

This is the story about a little kid that loves playing as a hunter in the game World of Warcraft!
But latley he has been ganked by rogues, and is now heading down to Blizzards office to do like two other ppls before him as done, nerfing and overpowering chars!

Kid: Hi!
Blizz: Hi there Kid!
Kid: You have to nerf teh rogues!
Blizz: what? Why yousay that?
Kid: They areway to owerpowered! And you must fix teh hunter aswell!
Blizz: wait a min...
Kid: NOW!
Blizz: ok, ok, just shut up! So what you want to "fix"?
Kid: Rogues are NOT to have instant poisons on theyr weapons, they must put it on, and only last
Blizz: ...ok? Why?
Kid: Becouse i say so!
Blizz: done!
Kid: you wil love this!!
Blizz: huh?
Kid: Reduce the porcc percent of Cripling poison one and two by 70%
Blizz: We cant do that, it is the only slow mov...
Kid: NOW GODDAMIT!!!! Are u deaf or something?
Blizz: "sigh" alright....
Kid: And when they stealth, and put poison on, the stealth is broken
Blizz: Now that is just stupid...
Kid: NOW, or i'll bite you!
Blizz: ok's done! (scary kid)
Kid: oh oh oh...When they got Hunters mark on them, they cant stealth
Blizz: Why is that?
Kid: Becouse i dont whant the rogue to vanish!
Blizz: But the rogue must be able to vanish, or go to stealth!
Kid: ok, but i can still see them when they have done that (Screaming out loud)
Blizz: ok ok, just calm down, it's done!
Kid: And i want to be able to see stealthed units on radar, and use something that break theyr steakth when they are
Blizz: Hunters already have lots of "track" abilities, they cant have more!
Kid: BUT I WANT TO....
Blizz: Flare and Track hidden added!
Kid: And hunters always has poison on arrows
Blizz: done!
Blizz: Anything else?
Kid: The hunters pet, when a rogue is stealthing, the pet will still attack the rogue! (evil lough)
Blizz: is the rogue gonna escape a hunter with Track Hidden, Flare , Serpent Sting and a beast
that attacks him when he has vanished!?
Kid: Lets just say that hunters are supposed to defeat the rogues in PvP!
Blizz: ok....Oops...i just hit the save button, nothing more to do! (phew, he didnt make me take away "Detect traps")

Autor:  niebezimienny [ 27 maja 2006, 08:57 ]

Lol ;) Super wyglada taki podskakujacy skorpion. Ten koles ktory go atakowal musial sie niezle nadziwic ;)

Fajne jest tez stawianie target dummy w noobzonach wroga, oni to zaczynaja atakowac i sie flaguja :)

Autor:  Highlander [ 27 maja 2006, 09:45 ]

Brothers taurens ;p ... 8253864050

Autor:  Betonowy Toi-Toi [ 27 maja 2006, 10:22 ]

Słit :) Tylko niedobrze mi było jak pokazywali rozebraną krowę...fe =/

Autor:  Varenthin [ 28 maja 2006, 00:22 ]

hehe dobre :wink:
a tak btw cash nie zapomniałeś może o funkcji edit? :P

Autor:  Sobtainer [ 28 maja 2006, 01:42 ]

Cashasty napisał(a):

plx can i touch you? :D plx dude

Autor:  Shadhun [ 29 maja 2006, 11:02 ]



Autor:  oski [ 29 maja 2006, 14:48 ]

nie wiedzialaem gdzie tod ac anyway nie powiem jaki tam jest crit tylko powiem ze jest DUZY i od shammiego wiadomo ze od choroby buffow ale i tak robi wrazenie ... ... =de+e+najs
EDIT : Cilitbankg remix - rofl

Autor:  Randalf [ 29 maja 2006, 16:30 ]

też tego crita postnęłem dzisiaj :P

Autor:  kreda [ 29 maja 2006, 19:45 ]


chlopak zrobil /gquit:) Niestety od razu rotfle polecialy i nie zdolalem uchwycic message 'Pathologist has left the guild' na screenie:P

Autor:  Ves [ 29 maja 2006, 20:45 ]

Siedzialem w kolejce 6000 osob tylko po to aby sie dowiedziec ze 4 chary skopiowalem na PvP... Tragikomiczne.

Autor:  niebezimienny [ 29 maja 2006, 22:11 ]

Aaaah dwa konta ownuja. Mam chary i na pve i na pvp.

Autor:  MagPS [ 29 maja 2006, 22:17 ]

Ves napisał(a):
Siedzialem w kolejce 6000 osob tylko po to aby sie dowiedziec ze 4 chary skopiowalem na PvP... Tragikomiczne.

dziwne...wpierw skopiowalem 2 chary (horde) na PvE i nastepnie 2 chary (alliance) na PvP i jakos nic dodatkowo nie robilem...wiec...dziwne

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