Police action taken over SWG starter kit vandalism...
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Autor:  wulfgar [ 7 gru 2005, 09:19 ]
Tytuł:  Police action taken over SWG starter kit vandalism...

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The following is taken from a video recorded interview with a 15 yrs old juvenile offender at a local Police station in an undisclosed state and country. He was arrested on a charge of Criminal Damage after a storeowner caught him drawing pictures of penises on covers of SWG starter kits. Names have been surpressed to avoid crossing any legal boundaries or affecting the outcome of any pending charges:

Detective #1: Video taped interview with [name deleted] on Monday 5th December 2005, time is 4:47 pm and interview is conducted in the presence of myself, Detective [name deleted] and Detective Sergeant [name deleted]. For the record, the person in custody has been cautioned and informed of his rights under law. Do you agree that this is true?

Juvenile: Yes.

Detective #1: OK, [name deleted], you were arrested at 3:20 pm today at [deleted] Gamestore after we received a report that you had been observed damaging copies of a store product by the store manager. For the record, and remember that you do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so, it is alleged that you defaced the front cover of 27 copies of a popular video game. Do you agree that this is true?

Juvenile: Well...yes and no.

Detective #1: What do you mean by that? Could you be a little more clear in your answer please?

Juvenile: Well...its true that I did draw a picture of a big [deleted] on the covers of all of those games but I disagree that the game is sucks bigtime.

Detective #1: Umm...OK so you admit that you wilfully damaged the covers of 27 copies of this game...errr...what was it called Sergeant?

Detective #2: It was 27 copies of Star Wars Galaxies.

Detective #1: Star Wars Galaxies? Are you serious? Why the hell didnt someone mention that at the time of arrest?

Detective #2: Well it doesnt seem particularly relevant...the material facts are still the same...criminal damage was perpertrated on these items.

Detective #1: Doesnt make a difference? DOESNT MAKE A DIFFERENCE?? WHAT [deleted] ROCK HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING UNDER FOR THE LAST 5 [deleted] YEARS?! This boy deserves a freakin' medal! I was a pre-publish 9 Jedi in that game and now look at what they've done with their [deleted] NGE. Kid, I'm going to straighten this out with the Captain...wait here a minute.

[Detective #1 exits the room and reappears with the station Captain]

Detective #1: Here he is Sir, the boy who defaced the 27 copies of Star Wars Galaxies.

Captain: Young man, may I just shake your hand and commend you on a job well done! I was a Pre-NGE Bounty Hunter and man...did I just love hunting those damn arrogant Jedi from my Office Computer while the guys were doing donut runs...those [deleted] at SOE should burn in hell for what they did to that game. do you feel about leading a SWAT team against the corporate headquarters of SOE to really hit them in the [deleted] and show 'em how the [deleted] Police Department feels about these [deleted] changes? I know most of my SWAT guys were Pre-NGE Commandos and their commanding officer was a Creature Handler so he will definitley be up for a murderous assault. Whattya say?

Juvenile: Err...I guess so. Can I draw a giant **edit** on the side of the building when we finish up with the raid?

Captain: Son, you can draw it in blood for all I care! Detectives, ready the full complement of SWAT members in the briefing room immediately...and tell them to bring that specially made tactical Storm Trooper armour we had made up last Christmas! Thats gonna look boss when we hit the front of the building in teams...quick get to it men!

[interview terminated]

najlepszy tekst jaki dotad czytalem

Autor:  giwera [ 7 gru 2005, 12:23 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Police action taken over SWG starter kit vandalism...

wulfgar napisał(a):
najlepszy tekst jaki dotad czytalem

Zgadzam się:) Nieźle się ubawiłem czytając:)

Autor:  Ashton [ 7 gru 2005, 17:55 ]

Rotfl :)
Bylo by pieknie ;)

Autor:  Xeovar [ 7 gru 2005, 20:01 ]

Pyszne :)

Autor:  Kostek [ 8 gru 2005, 02:19 ]

Trzeba mieć fantazję :D tekst wymiata :D

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