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Posty: 540
Dołączył(a): 4.03.2004
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 18:05 
Informacje o update z playonline

[Event Related]
image The story of the Chains of Promathia continues, opening the way to the new area of Al'Taieu.

The new region "Lumoria" has been added.
* This region is not included in the Conquest and will not be displayed in Region Info.

New quests centered in the Chains of Promathia areas have been added.

Numerous changes have been made to the Ballista system.
Details here >>

Multi-tickets for barges and manaclippers are now available for purchase.

The following changes have been made to the barge system :
-It is now possible to board barges from the same landing at which you disembarked.
-A new route for South Landing via Newtpool leaving from Central Landing has replaced
the Central Landing via Newtpool route leaving from South Landing.
-The number of barges operating per day has increased from four to five.

Mannequins are now on sale.
Mannequins can be purchased in Mhaura from the NPC Fyi Chalmwoh.
Also, mannequins of a different race can be purchased at a discount price by trading in an old mannequin.
Those wishing to purchase a mannequin must first complete the quest "It's Raining Mannequins."

It is now possible to choose the exit area after clearing certain battlefields. The battlefields and their corresponding exit areas are as follows :

* The exit area cannot be chosen after clearing a battlefield for the Chains of Promathia story. For Mine Shaft #2716 only, it is necessary to speak with a Moblin NPC in Newton Movalpolos after clearing the battlefield.
Battlefield Exit Area
Mine Shaft #2716 >> North Gustaberg, inside the entrance to Mine Shaft #2716
Spire of Holla La Theine Plateau, inside the entrance to the Spire of Holla
Spire of Dem Konschtat Highlands, inside the entrance to the Spire of Dem
Spire of Mea Tahrongi Canyon, inside the entrance to the Spire of Mea
Spire of Vahzl Beaucedine Glacier, inside the entrance to the Spire of Vahzl
Monarch Linn Misareaux Coast, inside the entrance to Monarch Linn

Even after completing the quest "Return to the Depths," it is now possible to take the shortcut to Mine Shaft #2716 by trading an Ahriman tear to the NPC Tarnotik in Oldton Movalpolos.

Forest carp are now accepted for the quests "The Rivalry" and "The Competition."

The reward for a single moat carp in the quests "The Rivalry" and "The Competition" has been changed to match the amount received when selling the fish to other NPCs.

The rewards for the quest "Inside the Belly" have been adjusted.

[Battle Related]

New battlefield types known as Empty Notorious Monster (ENM) quests have been introduced.
Details here >>
Several new features have been added to the battlefield system.

- Best Time Record Holder -
When entering a battlefield, the record for the best time will now be accompanied by the record holder’s name.


-When cleared by a party, the message will read, "That record is held by (number of)
adventurers, including (name of first member to enter the battlefield)!"
-When cleared solo, the message will read, "That record is held by (name of record holder)!

- Event Scene Skip -
It is now possible to skip the event scene for battlefields you have already cleared.

New notorious monsters have been added to the Chains of Promathia areas.

A section of the monsters in the Chains of Promathia areas has been adjusted.

The behavior of certain monsters has been corrected.

The behavior of the Morion Worm has been adjusted.
A certain amount of time after it has been engaged in battle, the Morion Worm will retreat under the ground, ending the fight.

The location where monsters reappear after using the ability Mijin Gakure has been adjusted.

The limit for adjusting existing abilities using Merit Points has been raised.

The abilities available for Merit Point usage have been expanded.
These abilities have been divided by job type, as listed below.
There are two conditions for using Merit Points on these abilities: the job to which the ability pertains must be set as the main job, and the main job level must be 75.
-Berserk Recast
-Defender Recast
-Warcry Recast
-Aggressor Recast
-Double Attack Rate
-Focus Recast
-Dodge Recast
-Chakra Recast
-Counter Rate
-Kick Attack Rate
White Mage
-Divine Seal Recast
-Cure Cast Time
-Bar Spell Effect
-Banish Effect
-Regen Effect
Black Mage
-Elemental Seal Recast
-Fire Magic Potency
-Ice Magic Potency
-Wind Magic Potency
-Earth Magic Potency
-Lightning Magic Potency
-Water Magic Potency
Red Mage
-Convert Recast
-Fire Magic Accuracy
-Ice Magic Accuracy
-Wind Magic Accuracy
-Earth Magic Accuracy
-Lightning Magic Accuracy
-Water Magic Accuracy
-Flee Recast
-Hide Recast
-Sneak Attack Recast
-Trick Attack Recast
-Triple Attack Rate
-Shield Bash Recast
-Holy Circle Recast
-Sentinel Recast
-Cover Effect Length
-Rampart Recast
Dark Knight
-Souleater Recast
-Arcane Circle Recast
-Last Resort Recast
-Last Resort Effect
-Weapon Bash Recast
-Killer Effects
-Reward Recast
-Call Beast Recast
-Sic Recast
-Tame Recast
-Lullaby Recast
-Finale Recast
-Minne Effect
-Minuet Effect
-Madrigal Effect
-Scavenge Recast
-Camouflage Recast
-Sharpshot Recast
-Unlimited Shot Recast
-Rapid Shot Rate
-Third Eye Recast
-Warding Circle Recast
-Store TP Effect
-Meditate Recast
-Zanshin Attack Rate
-Subtle Blow Effect
-Katon Effect
-Hyoton Effect
-Huton Effect
-Doton Effect
-Raiton Effect
-Suiton Effect
-Ancient Circle Recast
-Jump Recast
-High Jump Recast
-Super Jump Recast
-Spirit Link Recast
-Avatar Physical Accuracy
-Avatar Physical Attack
-Avatar Magical Accuracy
-Avatar Magical Attack
-Elemental MP Cost

If the target of a ranged attack moves out of weapon range, the ranged attack will now automatically miss.

The shield system has been altered.
Shields will now reduce the amount of damage taken instead of negating all damage.
The frequency with which a shield is used, as well as the amount of damage reduced, will depend on the type of shield equipped.
To coincide with these changes, shield usage will now be determined after any evasion effects are considered.

The blindness effect caused by the white magic spell Flash and the black magic spell Blind will now be considered as different status effects. Accordingly, Flash will no longer cancel the effect of Blind.

The white magic spell Banish will now cause more damage against undead monsters.

The white magic spell Banish III has become available.

-Banish III WHM Lv.65
The damage for Banish III cast by monsters has been adjusted, and paladin-type monsters will no longer have access to this spell.

The white mage job trait Divine Veil has been added.
The job trait Divine Veil enhances the effect of the job ability Divine Seal. When cast after using Divine Seal, the effect area for spells that remove status ailments will increase from a single target to a small radius.

New methods of obtaining the white magic spell Raise III have been added.

The samurai job trait Zanshin has been added.
After gaining this job trait, samurais may attack again immediately after missing a target.

The effect of the samurai job ability Third Eye has been adjusted.
Magic, songs, and breath attacks will no longer cancel the effect of Third Eye. Also, the effect will extend to anticipating multiple-attack techniques that target a single opponent.

The Super Jump ability of the dragoon’s wyvern will now be called Super Climb.

[Item Related]

A new feature regarding the storage of artifact armor has been added.
Artifact armor for each job consists of five parts: Head, Body, Hands, Legs, and Feet.
If you trade all five parts to one of the NPCs listed below, you will receive a key item called a "claim slip" in exchange for your artifact armor. You can retrieve your armor at any time by talking to the NPC and paying 1000 gil.

-Taulenne (Northern San d’Oria)
-Sinon (Bastok Markets)
-Tesch Garanjy (Windurst Woods)
-Caruvinda (Lower Jeuno)
-Ratonne (Tavnazian Safehold)

Several shops have new goods for sale.

The available amount of curry powder, holy basil, and ground wasabi has been increased.

Logging is now possible in the Misareaux Coast.

Logging results in the Lufaise Meadows have been adjusted.

With some exceptions, fish obtainable through fishing will now be bought at half the previous price by NPCs.
Conversely, the number of guild points gained per fish for Fishermen’s Guild contracts will be multiplied by 1.5, and the new point limit will be recalculated based on this new value.

Changes and additions have been made to the items required to fulfill guild contracts.

A new key item called "Alchemic Ensorcellment" has become available for purchase with alchemy guild points.

The number of alchemy guild points required to purchase the key item Anima Synthesis has been reduced from 3000 to 2000.

Various new items have been added.

New synthesis/desynthesis recipes have been added.

It is now possible to trade cluster cores and snow lilies.

New graphics for fishing rods have been added.

It is now possible to add a maker’s signature to the food item brain stew.

The icon for the item urushi has changed.

[System Related]

Major improvements have been made to the fishing system. A new NPC has appeared near the Fishermen’s Guild to explain the changes.
Details here >>

Search comment categories have been divided.
The previous four categories have been divided into seven: EXP party, Mission, Quest, Battlefield, Item, Synthesis, and Others. Newly added subcategories such as Seek Party and Find Member allow for more specific comments and searches.

New text commands for setting search comments have been added.
There are two steps to setting a search comment using text commands. First, compose a comment of up to 3 lines using /seacom. Second, set a category and subcategory with /seacomup to register the comment.
1. Composing a Search Comment

/seacom (/sc) [line no.] "[mes.]"

Search comments can be up to 3 lines long. Enter the line number of the search comment window, and then type your message.
If you wish to enter spaces before the message, the entire message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Example :
/seacom 1 Hello!
/seacom 2 Invite me to your party!
/sc 3 " Please!"

The first, second, and third lines of the search comment window will be entered as "Hello!", "Invite me to your party!", and " Please!", respectively.
At this point, your comment has yet to be registered and will not be displayed in searches. This is accomplished by setting the category name and subcategory number with the /seacomup command.

* Messages cannot exceed 40 characters for each line. Lines longer than 40 characters will be truncated.

2. Registering a Search Comment

/seacomup (/scu) [category name] [subcat. no.]
Category names and subcategory numbers are as follows :

-Category Names
expparty, mission, quest, item, synthesis, battlefield, others

-Subcategory Numbers
1 Seek Party, Want to Sell, Need Made
2 Find Member, Want to Buy, Can Make
3 Other

Example :
/seacomup expparty 1

Your search comment will be registered under Seek Party within Expparty, and will be displayed in searches involving these categories.

* If no category is specified, the message will be registered in Others. If no subcategory is specified, the message will be registered in 3 (Other).

Chat filters have been refined to allow separate settings for NPCs you are currently fighting and other NPCs.
It is now possible to separate NPCs with red names (those you are currently fighting) from NPCs with yellow or purple names (other NPCs) within the chat filter settings. This means that you can view log messages concerning the NPC you are fighting without interruption from other NPC actions.

The names for several chat filters have been changed. Their respective functions remain the same.

When entering and leaving the Mog House, the camera will now move to a position behind the character.

An issue concerning the screen remaining dark when entering or leaving the Mog House has been addressed.

[Known Issues]
The log window messages concerning the monster abilities Tortoise Song, Goblin Dice, and Dispelling Wind are occasionally inaccurate.

ENM Battles:

Empty Notorious Monster quests (ENM quests) are events that pit your skills against ferocious opponents in various battlefields. These battlefields can only be entered with a key item obtained by completing a quest given by a certain NPC.

ENM battlefields differ from regular battlefields in the following way :

-An orb is not required to enter an ENM quest battlefield.
-No experience will be lost when KO'd within these battlefields.
-Characters succeeding in an ENM battle will be rewarded with large amounts of experience,
as well as unique items.

In an ENM quest, experience points (or Merit Points) and items are obtained when the armoury crate is opened.
These rewards will be forfeit in the below situations :

-A character is currently KO’d.
-A character is too far away from the armoury crate.
-A character is currently not in the party/alliance of the person who opened the armoury crate.

The amount of experience gained is not affected by the number of party members, so nothing is lost by waiting for the recovery of KO’d characters before opening the armoury crate.
Also, it is only possible to gain one level per battle, with any excess experience points being cut just before the amount needed to gain a second level.

Undertaking an ENM Quest
To participate in an ENM quest, it is necessary to first speak with the relevant NPC.
If a character meets certain requirements, the NPC will offer the ENM quest.

* Some NPCs offer several ENM quests.

After undertaking a particular ENM quest and entering the battlefield, regardless of the success or failure of the battle, five Earth days must pass before the same battlefield can be reentered.

Check the amount of time remaining before you can re-enter each battlefield by talking to the following NPCs :
Ophelia (Southern San d’Oria)
Gregory (Bastok Mines)
Istvan (Windurst Woods)
Moritz (Upper Jeuno)

Please note that some ENM quests use the same battlefield and cannot be undertaken while this restriction is in effect.
ENM quests that are connected to other battlefields can still be attempted.
* Battlefield reentry time begins counting down the moment a battlefield is entered.
* Battlefield reentry time can only be checked for ENM quests that you are currently
eligible to undertake.
* Battlefields that exist in areas that become accessible by progressing in the Chains of
Promathia story will become available as soon as those areas can be reached.

Key Items
Special key items are obtained after undertaking an ENM quest and fulfilling the conditions set by the relevant NPC.
Each ENM quest battlefield requires a specific key item for entry. Even if all six members of a party have undertaken the quest, each member must hold the relevant key item in order to enter the battlefield.

* These key items will be lost upon entering the battlefield.

The NPCs offering the ENM quests for each battlefield are as follows :
-Promyvion (Holla, Dem, Mea, Vahz)
Venessa (Ru’Lude Gardens)
-Monarch Linn
Morangeart (Tavnazian Safehold)
-The Shrouded Maw
Ghebi Damomohe (Lower Jeuno)
-Mine Shaft #2716
Twinkbrix (Oldton Movalpolos)
-Bearclaw Pinnacle
Zebada (Uleguerand Range)
-Boneyard Gully
Jakaka (Attohwa Chasm)

Battlefields for ENM Quests
Battlefields, battle names, and the corresponding limits are as follows :
Battlefield Battle Name Restrictions
Spire of Holla Simulant Level 30/ 30 minutes/ 6 members
Spire of Dem You Are What You Eat Level 30/ 30 minutes/ 6 members
Spire of Mea Playing Host Level 30/ 30 minutes/ 6 members
Spire of Vahz Pulling the Plug Level 50/ 30 minutes/ 6 members
Monarch Linn Bad Seed Level 40/ 30 minutes/ 6 members
The Shrouded Maw Test Your Mite Level 40/ 30 minutes/ 6 members
Mine Shaft #2716 Bionic Bug Level 75/ 30 minutes/ 6 members
Bearclaw Pinnacle Follow the White Rabbit Level 75/ 30 minutes/ 6 members
When Hell Freezes Over Level 75/ 15 minutes/ 6 members
Brothers Level 75/ 30 minutes/ 6 members
Holy Cow Level 75/ 30 minutes/ 6 members
Boneyard Gully Sheep in Antlion's Clothing Level 75/ 15 minutes/ 6 members

Draconi Hume BRD75 COR75 MNK55 BLM42 WHM37 WAR25 THF15 BST15 NIN20 RNG45
77 Merit Points
Boneworking 100+2, Leather 60,Cloth 50, Goldsmithing 18, Alchemy 60

Ostatnio edytowano 23 lut 2005, 18:21 przez Draconi, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 18:20 
SE napisał(a):
The Super Jump ability of the dragoon’s wyvern will now be called Super Climb.

OMG. Jak my przeżyjemy takie znerfowanie Dragoona O_o


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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 18:21 
Conert Recast O.o

Moze wreszcie przestanie braknac miejsca na wpisanie wszystkiego co sie chce w search comment. :D

Ciekawe jakie beda te questy na ENM...

Ostatnio edytowano 23 lut 2005, 18:24 przez Gokulo, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 540
Dołączył(a): 4.03.2004
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 18:23 
Na tego ENM w Shrouded Maw mozna by sie przejsc cop statikiem. Droga na miejsce jest latwa i mam nadzieje ze jeszcze macie sprzet na 40 lvl.

Draconi Hume BRD75 COR75 MNK55 BLM42 WHM37 WAR25 THF15 BST15 NIN20 RNG45
77 Merit Points
Boneworking 100+2, Leather 60,Cloth 50, Goldsmithing 18, Alchemy 60


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 18:24 
Megawypas - czekam na pliki......

:evil: :o :evil: :o :evil: :o :evil: :o :evil: :o :evil: :o :evil: :o :evil: :o

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 18:29 
Czy ktos jeszcze sie cieszy, ze ninja dostal tylko wzmocnienie ninjutsu ? :D

Jedziemy dalej...
Ten veil to poprostu uber sprawa do sciagania masowych statusow, a ergen effect... ciekawe jak dziala z regen III :D

Monk to powinien dostac cos co mu z Chi pomoze, a nie...
Summoner - niezle niezle
Thief - Tripple Attack raczej napewno sie spodoba ;D
Blm - potency up... powiem tak - Nimloth lepiej do tego nie dopuszczac :D

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 18:47 
To jest fajne:


Juz sie nie moge doczekac zbierania meritow, ciekawe czy np recast Chakry bedzie mozna skracac wiecej niz raz, jesli tak to uber.

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 18:49 
Co to za fioletowe tlo O.o
Opi mysle, ze nawet jedno skrocenie to jest enough :)
Chyba, ze S-E nas zrobi i wpakuje jakies 30 sec ~_~

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 19:04 
Na wiecej niz 30 sec jodnorazowo to od SE nie licze. :) Nie jestem przeciez NIN. :)


Posty: 3739
Dołączył(a): 27.02.2004
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 19:05 
Ale bieda :/
Wszyscy dostali recasty tylko ninja nie, bardzo smieszne :evil:

Na kazdego z tych ENM mozna sie przejsc...

"The tendency to whining and complaining may be taken as the surest sign symptom of little souls and inferior intellects."
Francis Jeffrey


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 19:09 
Rha - z pretensjami do SE :P

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]


Posty: 3739
Dołączył(a): 27.02.2004
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 19:16 
Niech chociaz dadza Jubaku: Ni a bede szczesliwy :)

"The tendency to whining and complaining may be taken as the surest sign symptom of little souls and inferior intellects."
Francis Jeffrey


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 19:49 
time remaining: 3:26:40

do zobaczenia ingame jutro ;)

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]

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Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 20:09 
Jak zwykle DRK dostał kiepskie dodatki ;(
Co mi da effect of Last Resort skoro to po prostu zmniejsza defence penalty. Zamiast -10% defa będę miał -5% - SUPER!!....
Jedyne co tu godne uwagi to recast ale znając S-E to będzie 10s ^^

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired

Posty: 30
Dołączył(a): 10.02.2005
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 20:27 
o moj boze... ale trafilem, myslalem ze 4,5 godz ssania pierwszego update'u mnie zniszczy, a tu jeszcze 1,5 godz nastepnego... :( ide sie powiesic na kaloryferze...

Badanie świata jest sztuką wysoce subiektywną. Zakłada, że "tutaj" jest ważne, a każde "gdzie indziej" to tylko rodzaj pod-miejsca, którego główną funkcją jest bycie daleko.

Allesan Elvaan WAR 18 MNK 14 THF 16 WHM 37 BLM 19 SAM 31

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Posty: 4439
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 20:43 
ano fajne fajne rzeczy :) sam dostal niezlego boosta i whm sie bedize bardziej odrozniac od reszty niz samym raise 3 :)
z tym aoe to chyba nie chodzi o enchant spelle tylko o status removale... np posiona na cale party albo erase :X przynajmniej ja to tak rozumiem... to bylby niezly powerwafel... ale tylko z DS :)

FFXIV [Moogle]: Saitou Soulscream


Posty: 170
Dołączył(a): 9.09.2002
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 20:43 
Completed :D

Jakieś 45minut roboty :D

Paker - Galka 36THF/32MNK/32RNG/25WHM/25WAR/25SAM/25NIN/25BST/20SMN ... ;)
Leathercraft 89 [+2], Alchemy 60, Woodworking 60, Bonecraft 52+, Clothcraft 54+


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 21:43 
Pierwsze co zrobilem po update to rybki - i co pierwsze zarzucenie, walka z rybą i... stracilem przynete za 500 gili!!! :( buuu



Posty: 1815
Dołączył(a): 7.01.2005
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2005, 22:22 
Jeszcze 30min..... Ja kce juz lowic!!! ;D


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