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Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 15:20 
Cytuj ... cript.html

Warcry: Nobody actually knows what "magic accuracy" is specifically. Can you please explain it?
Sage Sundi: Magic accuracy decreases the ability of a monster to resist a spell cast by the player; for example with spells like Paralyze, Slow, etc.

Community: Do you plan to integrate a war-system like the one seen in the opening scenes of the FFXI intro? Or battles that take place between the kingdoms?

Matt Hilton: Right now we do not have plans for that, but we do like receiving suggestions via the PlayOnline website and viewer. If you have suggestions you really want to see implemented please submit them through those methods and they'll be passed to the dev team.

Warcry: How much of an impact on landing/duration for enfeebling based spells does the skill level have?
Sage Sundi: The higher the enfeeble skill, the more accurate you will be with landing the spell against monsters. However, the duration the spells last is random.

Community: How much of Vana'diel has already been uncovered? Can you give us any more information on the new expansion pack? Will it be in the "Far East"?
Yasu Kurosawa: We did announce that the expansion pack is coming, however the content we cannot discuss at this time. Usually we announce more info at large events like E3 or Tokyo Game Show. Of course the new expansion will be a new zone because things are always evolving in Vana'diel, so please watch for upcoming announcements.

Warcry: Are there currently any plans to add a second tier to some spells such as Paralyze II, Slow II, Gravity II to make them more useful?
Sage Sundi: These spells are useful at high level as they are because they are based on the enfeebling skill of the user. So even using a level 4 spell (Paralyze) on level 75 monsters will be as strong as their skill level allows. However, Ninja's level two tier spells (Ni) are not based on the player's Ninjutsu skill.

Community: Is there anything I can do to boost my Treasure Hunter job trait?
Yasu Kurosawa: We leave the fun to you to figure out!

Community: Why are you so against 3 rd party programs for FFXI? They don't all hack the software and often assist the player for the better.
Yasu Kurosawa: We want to protect the legitimate users and our corporate stance is to take the extra precaution to do that. Using windowers and allowing players access to the desktop makes hacking easier, so in FFXI if the full screen mode is terminated, we stop the game from running.

Community (follow up): Well in that case, why not create official add-ons or integrate these useful functions into the game itself?
Matt Hilton: That's a good suggestion, like I was saying earlier; please submit these ideas through our website or the Viewer. We really do read them and compile reports to be sent to the development team.

Warcry: Given the recent difficulties in obtaining the updates in the last two patches with the DDoS attacks, etc. is there an alternative method of downloading planned for the PC version?
Sage Sundi: The FFXI client is designed in a way that every time you log into the server it checks the update, but it's an old design that hasn't been updated. I know other MMO titles have different methods. Our PlayOnline dev team is in constant talks about creating some new methods to update the game to alleviate problems during major updates.

Community: With all the additions of rare/ex items to the game, do you have any plans to double or triple the Mog Safe?
Yasu Kurosawa: It's a great suggestion and we'll pass this info onto the development team.

Community: Does the Charisma stat affect the Warrior ability "Provoke"?
Matt Hilton: It's kind of one of those rumors that floated around and just spread. Maybe only the development team knows the true answer for that.

Warcry: The current trend is for some linkshells to monopolize certain NMs or HNMs making it difficult for other players to obtain specific items. Are there any plans to change that?
Sage Sundi: In our last two patches we think we have alleviated those issues. We have GM teams that compile where there is a large amount of congestion. From time to time we speak with the dev team about which of these issues needs the most attention.

Matt Hilton: What happened was many players would "hold" a monster with few people until reinforcements came even though another group was ready to fight the monster. I've read a lot of feedback from players saying this last update has done away with holding monsters. We'll continue to look at ways to improve these past issues.

Community: I realize you can't talk about the next expansion, but if there are any possibilities for new jobs, what kind of jobs have been considered?
Yasu Kurosawa: You're right, I can't talk about that. But I can ask you what you want!

Blue Mage
New tank
New refresh job

Warcry: You've stated in the past that Ninja were not meant to be tanks but since then it's changed. Are there any plans to make Ninja more like damage dealers?
Sage Sundi: We know that now Ninja are like tanks, and because of that we can't alter them to become better damage dealers, or they'd be unbalanced. One idea is to use merit points to boost the areas you want to improve for dealing damage (STR+, critical +, etc.).

Community: What will you do to improve Dragoons?
Matt Hilton: I think the main problem is that the stigma against Dragoons is so ingrained in players' minds that no matter what we do to change it, Dragoons will feel like more should be done. We're always listening to suggestions, though.

Community (follow up): What about the fact that "Call Wyvern" takes two hours to refresh and your wyvern can die in the first fight?
Matt Hilton: Ah, that's a good point. The biggest complaint from Dragoons is that once the wyvern is dead, they're out of luck for two hours. We take suggestions very seriously, more seriously than I think our fans realize, so if you have any, please submit them through the proper channels.

Warcry: After playing for a long time, sometimes players grow unhappy with their character's gender, name or race. Are there any possibilities to change that through a quest or an event?
Yasu Kurosawa: Unfortunately, we don't have any plans for that. A character is the player's identity and their friends all know them as a certain character. It wouldn't make sense to suddenly change everything about someone.

Community: Are there any plans to transfer characters between worlds whenever the player wishes?
Sage Sundi: Actually we do have a plan in place. When we recreate the billing system at the end of the year, then we can start creating new systems like world shifting. For instance, GM's have the ability to move characters between servers so all we need to do is connect those systems with the billing system. So yes, we have started working on that.

Warcry: Who do we talk to about problems with GMs?
Yasu Kurosawa: You can submit problems through the Viewer or the website. GMs do not have the ability to edit or change the content so you don't have to worry about a GM deleting your feedback.

Franko Fonseca: Hi, I'm the Online Player Relations manager and I oversee the info center and the GMs. If you have problems with a GM what you want to do is go to > Service & Support > E-mail forms > Comments & Suggestions. We do take those comments very seriously.

Community: As much as I hate going to Valkurm Dunes why is there no Moogle in Selbina?
Arec Nevers: Basically the reason why is that it's a game design decision. We can only take comments from the community and pass them along to the development team.

Community: How do the experience points for your Fellowship NPC work? Why not allow the NPCs health to be displayed under yours? And finally why not make it possible to call your NPC more than once every 20 hours?
Matt Hilton: The first part we'll have to keep under wraps. The reason you don't see the fellowship NPC's health/mp under yours is because they're not actually in a party with you and you don't see it above your chat log because that spot is reserved for your avatar or Wyvern HP. As for the cool down of 20 hours on the signal pearl, that's another issue we've heard a lot of feedback on, so maybe it can be changed in the future.

Community (follow up): It's possible to click on your NPC accidentally to dismiss them and miss their text due to chat log spam, is there any changes coming up to fix this issue?
Matt Hilton: That's exactly why we're asking for feedback and suggestions sent from the website or Viewer. If you find issues that you feel need to be addressed, please don't hesitate to bring them up.

Community: Are you still going to support Final Fantasy XI on the PS2?
Yasu Kurosawa: Yes. I can't talk about the Sony's plans to support their own hardware, but I know that we will continue to support the software.

Community: I've played every past Final Fantasy and in every one the cap is level 99, why level 75 for XI? Is it because subbing Red Mage would open up the possibility of Convert?
Yasu Kurosawa: I don't think so, but we don't know for sure. Increasing the level from 75 and up has always been discussed, but there is so much to do before that, we're worried about those things first.

Community: What are you doing to stop the gilsellers?
Franko Fonseca: As far as reporting gilsellers, it's always very difficult to track down for sure that the person you're saying is selling gil is actually selling gil. It's something that's very difficult and we're investigating different ways to ensure we take action against the people that are actually selling gil.

Sage Sundi: We do continue to ban additional accounts every month and that's all we can do right now. Still we're looking for more efficient ways to do it, to make the experience better for everyone.

Community: Are there any plans to implement things to keep players occupied while waiting for parties?

Matt Hilton: There's already a few ways to keep players interested while waiting for parties, such as synthesis. But we're always open to suggestion. We hear players would like some more mini-games to be added, so that's one thing to take into consideration.

Community: Is there going to be any way to separate Content IDs from one account to another?
Sage Sundi: It's technically possible, but it all depends on how much of a desire there is for that function.

Community: Are there any plans to add a "Refresh II" spell?
Yasu Kurosawa: It makes sense, but right now there are no plans for it.

Community: Is there any chance that the NM Morbolger, that is needed to do the Monk Brown Belt quest, can be changed from a 24 hour period so that more players have a chance to finish the quest?
Matt Hilton: I believe that quest things that require items like that should not have such a long spawn time like that, but we're always looking for suggestions.

Community: Sony has done their own measures to battle gold sellers in EQ2, please tell me the same methods will not be used in FFXI. Also, my Samurai is 75 and all of my Weapon Skills are single hit and I can sometimes even miss on level 5 enemies, what's up with that?
Sage Sundi: Square Enix and Sony both hate gilsellers. In FFXI we will never support gilsellers by creating separate worlds for them. We'll also never start selling gil to our players.

Matt Hilton: As for your second question; Samurai intentionally have one-hit weapon skills because of their various TP boosting options. As for the accuracy of your weapon skills that's why the level 70 "Hochiman" exists. Each piece gives "Weapon Skill Accuracy"+ stats. Try macroing the equipment in before using your WS for better results!

Community: Are there any plans to add throwing weapon skills for Ninja?
Matt Hilton: It's been suggested in the past and if it's something you'd like to see, please submit it through our suggestion section. The more responses we receive on an issue the higher the chance that we can get it implemented.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 15:42 
Jak zwykle w takich wywiadach jest malo konkretow, "watch for upcoming announcements" i "please submit suggestions" to ulubione sformulowanie devsow. :D

Jednak dwie rzeczy mi sie spodobaly:

- to ze mysla nad innym sposobem sciagania patchy

- jest szansa na sciagniecie Polakow z innych serwerow


Posty: 1815
Dołączył(a): 7.01.2005
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 15:49 
However, Ninja's level two tier spells (Ni) are not based on the player's Ninjutsu skill.

Nie wiedzialem...
Ale fajny wywiadl :)



Posty: 1872
Dołączył(a): 30.01.2005
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 19:28 
dlugosc utrzymania sie debuffa na mobku jest losowa? interesting..
papa refresh II, papa para II, slow II.... >..>
pirates arrrr aarrr, u scallywags ;p

Kalcia (Mithra) - Ramuh [retired]
Kalcia Kitsunetsuki (Miqo'te) - Sargatanas

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Posty: 4439
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 19:32 
jak zwykle... useless...

FFXIV [Moogle]: Saitou Soulscream


Posty: 1763
Dołączył(a): 20.12.2004
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2005, 20:16 
Lol. Pirat i Mim, to był mój pomysł :lol: Ale Gambler... mniam. Necromancer też brzmi słodko.

Comodo, Hjumen, BRD 75, PLD 52, BLU 43, WHM 37, WAR 33, DRK 32, DRG 25, NIN 20, SAM 20, BLM 19, MNK 14, BST 12


Posty: 1034
Dołączył(a): 20.09.2004
PostNapisane: 3 wrz 2005, 13:17 
World Shifting pod koniec roku?? Moj Caspian juz pakuje manele :P
Nowe joby?? Hmm Blue Mage - ciekawa sprawa we wczesniejszych FF byl takowy chyba...
Bardzo dobry wywiad - wiecej wiecej ^^


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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 3 wrz 2005, 13:18 
Nie pomylic sie I nie mysliec ze to Sage to joby wymienil ;) To jest to co by gracze chcieli zobaczyc.

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