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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 10:00 
Tak sie zastanawiam, może czas uzyć lekko niekonwencjonalnej taktyki ?
NP en-thunder Ramuha czy ice spike Garudy ?
Albo zrezygnowac z roli support healing dla Blue i niech normalnie wali sumonem omega ? Może walnąć 2-h / icarusy właśnie na Omega nie na ultima ?

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 10:03 
Moim zdaniem RDM powinien walic dispel. Erase jest mniej wazne, na wiekszosc rzeczy jest jakas chemia.

Bardzo dokuczliwe jest petri, ale tym akurat zajmuje sie WHM>

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 10:06 
mrynar napisał(a):
Moim zdaniem RDM powinien walic dispel. Erase jest mniej wazne, na wiekszosc rzeczy jest jakas chemia.

Bardzo dokuczliwe jest petri, ale tym akurat zajmuje sie WHM>

Zdjecie 7 statów to ... kupa MP :D

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 10:11 
Ja dispel uzywalem, ale tylko pare razy a nie zeby zdjac wszystko, liczylemn ze trafie na ten wazniejszy stats ;)


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 10:17 
Wybaczcie mi dluga przeklejke, pewnie i tak juz to czytaliscie - ale jezeli nie - to poczytajcie:

M 6-4: One to be Feared
Cid is now ready to deploy his plan with the rest of the gang. Meet him at Sealion's Den at Tavnazian Safehold basement and prepare for some BC battles.

-Airship BC-
LV capped 60. 3 consecutive boss fights with interval rest in between.
1) Mammet-22zeta x5
2) Omega Weapon
3) Ultima Weapon
Time limit is 45min (including cutscene time).
CCB Polymer use in this BC: Probably stop Weapons from using abilities for 30sec. More details coming soon....

For Mission 6-4 our setup was PLD/WAR(me), DRK/NIN, SAM/RNG, BLM/WHM, WHM/BLM, RDM/BLM. It is a very difficult fight to say the least. Up until this point we had not lost a single BC since we formed a static for the Ouryu fight and this one took us 4 tries. PLDs can tank this BC if you know how to play your job.

We had a sh*t load of meds, all of us had our weapons/armor and the rest of our inventories were nothing but meds. I personally used about 45 Hi-Pots(half of them carried into the fight by my PT members), 3 stacks of Mulsum, and a Vile Elixer. Everyone used some form of Reraise.

These guys are a joke. We went in, Buffed, used food, etc...
BLM and RDM each ES > Bind a Mammet, me, the DRK and the SAM each pulled and soloed a Mammet (any Meelee job that can't solo a Mammet should not have made it this far in CoP). DRK and SAM, for obvious reasons, killed their Mammets faster then I killed mine so they assisted the BLM and RDM with theirs. Mammets are dead and we have 36 mins left in the BC.

Omega's Added Effect: Stun hurts but it's not the worst thing you'll fave in this BC (we'll get to that later). This fight is just endurance, who can last longer. We did Guillotine > Sidewinder for Fragmentation. When we got Omega down to about 25% he went nuts at which point he has Hundred Fists and spams any of his WS at will. He used Pile Pitch on me, I tried to counter with Invincible but got paralyzed (15 seconds seems like a long time while you're watching a mob like that wack away at your PT. 3 people died before I was able to use Invincible. They reraised and we finished off Omega, but not without using a couple more 2hrs ; ;. 21 mins left, 2 CCB Polymers used, 4 left.

Ultima is easy compared to Omega. for the first 50-60% of Ultima, the only thing you need to do is have one mage dedicated to casting Paralyna on the PLD, in our case it was the BLM. Once again it's an endurance fight. We wore him down to about 40% and he started to go crazy. We ended up using all 4 CCB Polymers getting him down to a sliver of life left at which point he spammed equalizer killing everyone but the BLM. Now if you've never seen a taru BLM kite something this big, you're in for a good laugh. We all Reraised and I spammed Mulsums until I had enough MP to Cure the BLM, I spamed a few Hi Pots and Provoke, Sentenel, Defender and Flash. Ultima stayed in range for me to get off a 300%tp Sunburst for 372 damage and after a couple more hits, he was dead.

Ch.6-4 45mins BC vs. 5Mammets, Omega, Ultima
Head over to Sealion's Den in safehold after talking to Cid. You will get a CS, then touch the iron gate for an option to enter the BC "the one to be feared".

You will be greeted with a long cs. After the cs you will be in a "main" room of sorts. Buff here. Touching the airship door will give you 3 options:
"Continue to deck"(enter first part of bc)
"Go back to taznavia"(running away from bc"
After you're all buffed up, hit continue to deck.
NOTE: If one pt member hits "continue to deck" ALL PT members will be immediatley greeted with the cs and entering the actual bc, even if YOU personally didn't touch the door.
If you think your pt might be crucial on time, exit the bc, and re-enter. You will save 4-5mins since you won't watch the cs again.
Our PT setup:
Starting the bc:
After clicking "continue to deck", you will be given a cs, and the time left in the bc will also be given(usually around 40mins if you watched the cs)

Part1: Mammetx5
Yellow liquid has NO effect in this bc. The mammets seem to be just a little higher than they were in 2-5. The battlefield is small this time, so kiting doesn't exactly work as well. Shadowbind and Bind are great however. Silence lands easily. The NIN just took one, rng focused one one, rng bounded 2, and blm bounded the final one. Stun is nice as well if it changes to blm and it starts casting -ga. Barrage>WSx2 and a couple of range attacks killed one easily. It got a little messy for us though, since everyone attacked different mobs, but they're MUCH weaker than in 2-5. If you can beat earlier cop missions (like the 3mithra bc or ouryu), you should be able to beat this. Just bind/silence etc.

After you win, you will be greeted with a cs. If you're worried about time, just skip reading. After CS, you will be back in the main room. All of your HP and MP will be full, so need to rest. Buff with blink/stoneskin etc if necessary. When you're ready, click the door to head into part2.

Part 2: Omega
1 Mob. He has no aoe attacks. Do NOT stand behind the tank however, as he has directional moves. He hits hard, making it tough for PLD to tank him, but it is possible. He has a hate reset move which is a pain. Stun is your friend, try and stop his ws. He had an attack which took off all NIN shadows, but i forgot the name. Just like most COP bosses, he goes crazy at 20%-. he will start spamming hate reset moves, etc. Save Barrage and Sidewinder(or whatever your dd have) here. Overall, not too hard, just kill him ASAP at 20%-. CCB Polymer also stuns him for 30 secs, but it is not needed. We didn't use one.

Part3: Ultima
After omega and a cs, you will be once again, in the main room. Recast Protect and Shell, stoneskin/blink use food or whatever you need to use. When you're ready, enter the final part. After a CS, you will see Ultima. For this fight YOU NEED A WHM. YOU CANNOT WIN WITHOUT A WHM. He spams paralyze/slow and PETRIFICATION. If you don't have a whm it's pretty much death.
His slow is EXTREMELY powerful, and can only be canceled with erase. it made Utsusemi ichi recast 1:40 i believe. His Paralyze his annoying too. Stun, once again is your friend. If you're tank gets into trouble, bind/stun it. His hate reset moves are worse than omega as well. Try to keep hate off the whm as much as possible, because if he gets petrified...
At 20%, use 2hr abilities, and job abilities to finish it quickly. We used EES/Barrage/Sidewinder and bursted Water 3x2. The RDM just used chainspell but only used 1 blizzard2 before he died.

After you win, you'll be treated with a great CS, and you'll be in Lufaise Meadows, and you'll start ch.7! Pick the option to "check what the tarus have" to get the Ducal Ring. This warps you to Ru'Lude Gardens. Downside? 5 uses only. It's mainly to get you from Safehold to your next cs quickly.

We cleared the fight in 29mins, and very easily at that too. The key is not to let anyone die, because then you have to waste time waiting for raise, and they won't be at full HP/MP after each part. Ouryu was harder for us than this.

Might I point out that your frontline was all Utsusemi-capable? His AOE doesn't hit the whole battlefield but it does hit people near him. So it won't hit the mages if they're far enough away, but it *will* hit any nearby melees. From your statements, I assume utsusemi blocks it reliably (unlike some other AOEs).

Besides, it sounds like you beat these guys on the first try. I've had four encounters with Omega so far, I've personally been hit by his AOEs (which were not directly targeted at me), I've been healing the melees who've been hit by them, so forgive me for saying that I think I know a bit better than you do, that he does in fact have an AOE damage attack.

Same applies to Ultima's AOE. It'll hit anyone near him. You tend to notice damaging AOEs a bit more if they actually damage you - try taking these guys on with a party that has some non-Utsusemi frontliners (a reasonable expectation, any melee job other than NIN of course, or sub for WAR, RNG, or THF, generally won't have Utsusemi), and then going on about how they don't have damaging AOEs or how they're so easy.

I agree that Erase would be very important for a NIN tank. For a PLD, cure recasts aren't so bad to begin with, so even with a big slow, they'll still be manageable. Flash would have a lousy recast true, and job abilities like Provoke and Defender would be unaffected. Besides, due to the en-stun (and just getting hit in general), a PLD isn't really able to self-sufficiently keep him/herself alive on these guys, the way they can for most things. So either way, mages are gonna need to heal the PLD.

Might I point out that you had not just *one* but *two* RNGs, *and* a BLM, *and* a RDM (Chainspell), so your damage output was unusually high to begin with. Plus your frontline was, as I mentioned before, all utsusemi-capable, so the healing burden was, by the same logic, rather low. As a result of this, the WHM could totally handle the healing (with maybe a little but not much help needed from the RDM), and the BLM and the RDM could concentrate nicely on damage. It's a nice ideal.

Of course with a setup like that, the battle would be easier. But don't be so arrogant as to assume it's easy for every setup, *or* to assume that it can only be beaten with jobs X Y and Z. Not every CoP static has a pile of RNGs, has every melee capable of using Utsusemi, or can have every last mage main or sub SMN to make up for lack of Utsusemi.

Almost all party setups *aren't* able to take him from 20% to 0% instantly, and thus will actually see, and need to deal with, the WS spam that I talked about - you didn't ever have to deal with it. So don't say he doesn't get meaner, when you never had to deal with him when he was mean because you were fortunate enough with your job options that you could just one-shot him through that stage.

What I've really learned by doing CoP missions, is that you can accomplish these with *any* reasonably balanced party, but the important thing is that you actually have to have the ability to customize your strategy to fit your party. Yes, if I were going in with the exact same party you have, I could use the exact same strategy you gave.

However, most people will not. Except for random sheep who say to themselves from the beginning, "ok, we have to get together a CoP static of RNG RNG RDM BLM NIN WHM, because otherwise we'll never win - and screw the rest of you suckers in other jobs, you're never getting to Al'Taieu". So for the rest of us, who might have one or two of those "optimal jobs" in our group but certainly not a party full of them ... you have to adapt.

And because you have to adapt, it's more useful to know what the enemies can do to *you*, and what you can (regardless of job) do to *them*, and what to expect in general. Beyond that, it's a matter of making it work for your party.

Got a bunch of non-Utsusemi frontliners? Have them carry a bunch of Hi-Potions, and when the boss gets really mean at low health, move out of range and kill it with distance attacks. Something you don't need to bother with, if you blink everything anyway, but it's a strategy you need to come up with if you can't.

Sure, if everyone can blink away all the attacks, and then rapidly own him before he ever gets a chance to be mean, you can just sit there and fight it quite normally and then go on about how it was so uber easy. But that's not going to be an option for everyone, and no good guide will assume that it is.

Yellow Liquid does too work. Except right after CoP release, it never held a mammet in a job *forever*. But it'll keep one in its job for a good minute or so. Each mammet you kill drops 2-3 Yellow Liquids, so just put on Quartermaster to someone and have them be on Yellow Liquid duty.

Hand-to-hand form (MNK) misses a lot. Polearm form (DRG) hits very slowly. Either of those two is good. Staff form (BLM), obviously, you don't want it to be in. Sword form (PLD) hits kinda hard and kinda fast, so this is next worst. When you get down to a few mammets, just keep them all silenced whether they're currently BLMs or not.

Agreed on Bind's usefulness. Gravity doesn't work (and of course Sleep and Lullaby don't work), but they run slowly to begin with so that's not too much of an issue. Your goal is to get past this stage of battle without anyone dying or needing any items (or certainly needing 2-hours). If you have trouble with Omega and Ultima you'll be getting LOTS of practice at mammet-killing.

Just like in 2-5, they still have Transmogrify. Keep an eye out for this and immediately stop doing any physical damage if the current mammet uses it, otherwise you may end up Sidewindering the mammet to full health instead of to death.

Ignore the previous poster's comment on AOE, he has AOE (which is probably what was stripping the NIN's shadows) and will use it. (It is, in fact, his most frequent WS.) Around 200 damage or so. He also has a frontal AOE for a lot more damage, so keep him pointed away from mages. He has a rear attack that petrifies, so try not to have the person standing behind him steal hate. Petrification is a little annoying, but wears off in 10-20 seconds so life without a WHM is quite tolerable.

He has En-stun on his normal attacks. Don't rely *too* heavily on your tank to be self-sufficient, because they can be stunned out of their spells or potions or what have you.

He has an AOE that will drain 3-4 stats from anyone nearby (so with 3 people nearby and 3 stats per person, he's draining stats 9 times). This is like DRK absorbs - causes a stat-down to the victim (Erase curable, if you have WHM and if they have time), and a stat-up to Omega (Dispel/Finale). Only problem is that for so many stats - especially for multiple people - you really can't keep up with it.

When he gets closer to death, he'll use his AOE damage move a lot more, and will also start using a move called Pile Pitch. This is, for all intents and purposes, the same as a Tonberry's Throat Stab. Doesn't kill the target, but leaves them with red HP, and removes almost but not quite all hate from them. Like Throat Stab, it has a chargeup time so it's possible (but harder than Throat Stab) to run out of range. If you choose to marathon rather than tank in one spot, you'll usually outrun this.

He also has a move (only at low HP as far as I've seen) that can give him the status Magic Shield. If you've ever seen this on a magic pot, you're familiar with how aggravating it is. No magic will land on him at all, not even Dispel or Finale to remove the status effect. Rather unpleasant when he uses it right before a BLM finishes casting Ancient Magic that would otherwise kill him. :P

CCB Polymer is not as powerful as an anima - it won't freeze him up totally. But for a while (it seemed like longer than 30 seconds, maybe it's 60 or even longer), it'll *slow down* his WS spam. Won't stop it, but it'll make it come at a more reasonable pace that's a little more possible to keep up with.

Note that CCB Polymer, like most items, prevents you from doing anything (like using an ability or casting a spell or probably even whacking with melee) for a few seconds after you finish using it. Actual usage time is very quick though.

Has a large selection of attacks, that I have unfortunately not seen too frequently since I've spent more time on Omega than on Ultima. He really likes to use some move called "Nuclear Waste" or something, which hits the whole battlefield and doesn't seem to do any damage or cause any status. Before you think that, check your equipment screen and look at your resistances. It's like an uber threnody, big resistance down to all elements (we're talking down to like -50 here). All the same, if he uses it, he's not actually *hurting* you, so this is actually his most preferable attack.

He too has En-Stun, and CCB Polymers work the same on him as on Omega. (So see above for notes on both of those.)

For the first part of the battle, when not lowering your resistance, he'll use a variety of other attacks. These can include some elemental frontal AOEs (I assume so anyway, they look like breath attacks) - his Nuclear Waste will ensure these hit for full damage. Not sure whether these actually cause status themselves or not, but he *also* likes to cause status ailments.

Most notable are petrification (like Omega's, this one really doesn't last very long if you just leave it) and a truly nasty slow effect that majorly drop-kicks both attack speed and recast. Naturally, it beats Haste, so the only way to get rid of it is with Erase. While I acknowledge that because of this (and to a far lesser degree of importance, the petrification), WHM is *VERY* highly desirable for this battle, I'm confident that it's possible to win the battle without a WHM.

I didn't observe any hate reset moves from Ultima. Doesn't mean he doesn't have them, but they're not blatantly obvious like Omega's Pile Pitch.

When he gets low on health, he'll switch attack strategies. At this point he'll really only use two moves. One is called Equalizer, and is very big AOE damage mitigated by defense (meaning it's like 300-400 on a PLD, and you're not gonna find better defense elsewhere). We're talking something that can one-shot mages without Stoneskin, and possibly one-shot them *with* Stoneskin (esp. if they're tarus). Because of this, anyone who can attack from a distance (even if it's just with marksmanship and bolts) should move to a safe distance and do just that.

The other is called Antimatter, and is a ranged single target attack. As such, it's blinkable, but don't expect Blink to block it (Utsusemi always will of course). It's a lot less damage than Equalizer though (easily survivable even by a mage, it's only ~300), only hits one person, and he'll just fire Antimatter from across the arena rather than going over to someone to use it on them. (Of course, then he may go over to Equalizer that person and anyone else nearby ...) Antimatter is preferable to Equalizer, be happy when you see him use it.

General tips:
You should be able to handle mammets with ease. Practice on them until you can do so - before the mammets, before Omega, and before Ultima, you're back on your "base" ship and can choose to leave the BC if you so desire.

Omega, try to avoid using 2-hours, but if you're not gonna beat him without some, use a few. Until he gets down to 10% HP (and goes nuts) you should be able to handle him just fine with any tactics you've learned by getting this far in the missions. At 10% HP, your main concerns are gonna be hate flying around (due to Pile Pitch resetting hate), and people in the red getting hit by his AOE.

Ultima, like Omega, get him down to 10% or so with normal tactics and items. Then go nuts with 2-hours and polish him off. He's more outright *damaging* at low HP than Omega is. (Equalizer is truly nasty.)

Save your CCB Polymers for when Omega goes nuts and Ultima goes nuts. It won't stop their WS spam but it'll cut it down to a much more manageable level. These guys basically go from a comfortable-if-challenging battle when going from 100% to 10%, to a slaughterfest (either on your part or, if you're not quick enough to do so, on the boss's) from 10% to 0%. They get really mean really fast.

Like I said above, while WHM is very desirable for a number of reasons (healing power - Curaga II and III and Benediction in particular - and Erase and Stona), the battle can be won without one. By this point in the CoP missions, anyone should realize that "you must bring X job to Y BC" is bull.

It was bull back in the first three promyvions and it's still bull for Omega and Ultima. Some jobs do make it easier, this is undeniable. But a balanced party can handle any of these, just a matter of whether they have an easy time about it or a challenging time.

Beat Omega/Ultima. PLD RNG THF RDM BLM BRD. To everyone who says it isn't doable without a WHM ... {lie}. Though I admit that with Ultima's nasty slow, it'd be horrible for a NIN with no WHM. PLDs aren't affected nearly as much.

No deaths. Clear time approximately 32 minutes. It's all a matter of strategy - have other melees back off and snipe from a distance when boss goes AOE happy, so only tank takes the hits (and thus only tank needs to be healed, *and* your damage output isn't getting killed off by AOEs). And stuff the PLD full of about three dozen Hi-Potions (and yes, that's an accurate number).

CCB Polymers do cut down tremendously on rate of WS spam. PLDs don't take all that much damage from Equalizer (only 300 or so), but it's a lot deadlier to anyone else. Hardest part of the battle is actually the end of *Omega*. When he uses Pile Pitch - and thus removes the tank's hate - you need to be able to blast with a few big attacks, and marathon him around in the meantime.

Ultima strategy:

My CoP PT is 1/4 on Ultima and Omega. The first time we all died, the second and third time were marred by disconnects. Our PT setup was NIN RNG RNG BLM WHM RDM. While this may seem like the "perfect" setup, it isn't foolproof and indeed it takes a good strategy to win this BC.

MELEE JOBS: Sub NIN. Many of Omega's and Ultima's attacks are blinkable, and a NIN SJ has the added bonus of Subtle Blow which reduces, however small it may be, their TP gain. STAY AWAY FROM ULTIMA AND OMEGA. Omega has AoE stat absorb, and Ultima has Equalizer. Every melee job, with the exception of Dragoon, has some sort of ranged attack skill. Eat Sushi, used ranged attack to gain TP, and go in and WS. Monks, get MND gear, Boost, and Chi Blast. Beastmasters can, of course, send in their pets.

WHITE MAGES: Stay on your toes and watch for status effects. Ultima's Slow especially sucks, if you don't have Erase, BUY IT. Get a Vile Elixir and Vile +1 for this fight, you'll need the HP and MP after taking Equalizer.

BLACK MAGES: Save your damaging spells for the last 20% or so HP. Until then, STUN STUN STUN. Omega may use Discharger and gain complete magic immunity, so watch out for that.

RED MAGES: Gravity Omega when he gets to 20% or when he uses Pile Pitch. Other than that, enfeeble as normal. Bring Vile Elixir and Vile+1 for MP for Chainspell. Haste the WHM, they're going to need that recast timer on Erase lowered. Barthundra may help, but we won the fight without ever using it.

Positioning on this battlefield is important. Your PT should be positioned like so.

*Tank **Melees
^MOB |
| |
| |

This positioning offers several advantages. First, only the tank eats directional AoE, and second, if the melees gain hate (or when the mob uses hate reset), only they will be hit by the AoE.

Omega: Around 12,000 HP. Can be bound and gravitied. Cannot be slept.

Ion Efflux - Paralysis that's so effective it's almost like Stop from previous FF games.
Discharger - Magic Shield, cannot Dispel or Finale
Shock Spikes
Target Analysis - AoE, Drains a certain amount of stats from the targets. This can drain multiple shadows from NIN.
Pile Pitch - Hate reset, target is knocked to 5% HP
Guided Missile - Directional AoE physical attack.

Ultima: Around 12,000 HP. Can be bound and gravitied. Cannot be slept.

Nuclear Waste - -50 to all elemental resistances. Unknown if bar-spell counters this, but don't waste MP trying, he'll just spam it.
Chemical Bomb - Spider Web, Sticky Thread, Hojo: San all into one . Doubles recast timers. If multiple people are hit with it, Divine Seal+Erase.
Hydro Canon (yes, it's spelled with one "n".) Water attack.
Turbofan - Wind attack
Equalizer - AoE death. Does about 600 damage to those in range; mages without blink and stoneskin are going to be oneshotted. A SMN friend of mine said that this move was hate reset; he said that shortly before this move the PLD used Invincible and was basically ignored. Used at low HP.
Antimatter - Directional death. Can be blinked. Used at low HP.

Ultima also Spams wirecutter which does 200 to 300 on a pld. This probably was what killed us as it kept the pld in the 900 range, where it then proceded to do back to back water elemental attacks for 480 each.

Just a note, Omega has additional effect: Stun with his normal attacks, and Ultima has additional effect: Paralyze with his attacks. Ultima's paralyze took out my paladin's two hour >_<. Lost the fight at 1% health -.-

It's noted in a couple of the links, but most of Ultima's specials have additional status effects associated with them, but those effects weren't listed with the attack names (information I was looking for as a WHM). They're kind of common sense now, after the battle, but I think it's useful in this case to know specifically what to look out for, seeing as getting to Ultima is a pain in itself...

A post by Samskeyti in one of the threads recommended that the WHM Haste themselves (in addition to the tank). This is a REALLY GOOD idea, because you'll be casting Erase and various -na quite a bit.

Ultima's specials:

Chemical Bomb - Slow AND Elegy; you'll have to Erase your tank twice. If you're lucky, Erase will get Slow off first and you can recast Haste while waiting to Erase Elegy.

Cryo Jet - Paralysis

Turbofan - Silence

Smoke Discharger - Petrification

Hydro Cannon - Poison

Flame Thrower - Plague

I couldn't tell any status with Wirecutter and Equalizer...Ultima actually used Equalizer only once during our fight and 2 of our tank's shadows absorbed it.

Our makeup was: (Myself, Maccy) BLM (Stickyfinger) BLM (Demetrios) NIN (Ramsey) RDM (Goutan) RNG and (Piers) WHM. (Props to you guys, the fight was so much fun you guys rock!)

So anyway, first run, we decided to try the BLMs and RDM and the RNG all ES Bind/Shadowbind a Mammet each, then we all pile on one Mammet, then continue to work the rest of them out. Reading other strats we figured this would be the 'sure' way to go about this BC. This attempt failed, 2 died. PT wiped, RR'd took a 3rd down, 2 left, we wiped again. Exit BC.

Ok something went horribly wrong that time but we go in, and try again, same strat, except this time the NIN will solo one, and the 2 BLMs will focus on one and the RDM and RNG will take another. This ends up failing again, this time only 2 of the Mammets die.

We wework our strat, and figure as our NIN has his AF Boots, why not use them. Night comes and we go in, the NIN kites them ALL. Now, if you have ever seen a NIN kite 5 mobs in such a small space, my lord your in for a laugh, (i'd suggest even going back to do this BC JUST to see a NIN kite them) So Deme runs in, vokes one of the Mammets and they all follow suite, RNG fires on the one Deme voked and we lay waste to that Mammet, and continue takeing them out one by one. As the Mammets were never actully engagued, there is no hate to be thrown around, and that is why the 5 of us never got hit by the other Mammets. We succeed with this strat and move on to Omega.

Omega, Deme goes forward before i had the change to Stoneskin (it wore when Deme touched the door for enter for Omega) and Omega does his Guided Missle, which 1 shots my poor Taru HP /cry and decimates the rest of the PT, WHM throws off a Curaga 2 and everyone runs to their positions, i get raised and run to my position. Omega goes down without a hitch. A fairl easy fight than what it was made out to be.

Finally get to Ultima, with not much time left, Suffice to say, we got himt to 34% and we ran out of time.

4th try, we all wipe on Mammets because the WHM was resting and drew the hate of all the Mammets that Deme was kiting.

5th try, Mammets were once again a really messy fight, but we won without a death, but by god we came close to dieing so many times.
Omega and Ultima go off with i believe 2 or 3 deaths in total.

Overall i cannot understand why people say the Mammets are the easy part of this BC, is it because of the lack of melee we had? I'm not so sure. But for us, Mammets were the difficult part, and Omega and Ultima were the easy sections. I know i died about 10 times total, 8 of which were from the Mammets.

Editor's Note: Ultima Battle Tactics

More Help with Ultima

Long and very interesting cutscene (with a shot of Al'Taieu), and chapter 7 starts. Receive "Ducal Guard's Ring" at end of cutscene. Has an enchantment (5 charges, not rechargable) that teleports you to Ru'Lude. You end up in Lufaise, near the vortex that goes to Valkurm. Three titles gained - one from Omega, one from Ultima, one from finishing chapter 6.


FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 10:17 
Huck we don't need help :)
I think we had bad luck. And i had alot of screaming last night :P
Our problem is hate. When Zjaw lose hate we have problems - Stok you almost killed yourself when you used Cure IV at me - we have to avoid that. I know i could die but better to risk my life then yours. At Omega i died at wrong spot :( but with good spot we could make it. I think that even first fight was to win but we died at whole arena :) I hope we can try at wednesday :)
And guys and girl pls use English :)

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 10:25 
Swiss Team Static :wtf:

Ok, i need this mob very bad :>

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle


Posty: 540
Dołączył(a): 4.03.2004
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 10:26 
Erase nie dziala na drain statsy.

Draconi Hume BRD75 COR75 MNK55 BLM42 WHM37 WAR25 THF15 BST15 NIN20 RNG45
77 Merit Points
Boneworking 100+2, Leather 60,Cloth 50, Goldsmithing 18, Alchemy 60

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Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 10:40 
That one is better :)
Drac - yes it's possible to erase absorbs but i don't know if Omega ones ;)

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired


Posty: 540
Dołączył(a): 4.03.2004
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 10:51 
I meant i couldnt erase omegas absorbs.

Draconi Hume BRD75 COR75 MNK55 BLM42 WHM37 WAR25 THF15 BST15 NIN20 RNG45
77 Merit Points
Boneworking 100+2, Leather 60,Cloth 50, Goldsmithing 18, Alchemy 60

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Posty: 7136
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2003
PostNapisane: 6 wrz 2005, 13:44 
The tactic with ranged attack and go in to WS only seems nice ^^

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 7 wrz 2005, 14:09 
OK, kto idzie dzis na BCNM Ja czy Gok ?

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 7 wrz 2005, 14:39 
Stok czy ty zawsze musisz udawać głupka ?
Po pierwsze pomyśl po drugie nie ma to znaczenia kto pierwszy.
Goka pewnie nie będzie a nawet jakby był to obydwaj macie być o 21 w Sealion's Den.

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 7 wrz 2005, 14:51 
Kang napisał(a):
Stok czy ty zawsze musisz udawać głupka ?

Taaa, jak ktoś się pyta to od razu gupka rżnie tak ?!

Po pierwsze pomyśl po drugie nie ma to znaczenia kto pierwszy.

Dla mnie ma znaczenie bo nie dam rady siedzieć do 24 dziś.
Pozatym musze coś zrobić i jak by Gok szedł moge to sobie acząc robić dziś.
Goka pewnie nie będzie a nawet jakby był to obydwaj macie być o 21 w Sealion's Den.

Po to własnie zadaje pytanie, żeby wiedzieć czy będzie.

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 7 wrz 2005, 18:55 
Wyglada na to ze Goka nie bedzie. W s z y s c y maja byc na miejscu o godz. 21.00 ze zrobionymi zakupami. Kazdy ma miec 2 x CCB. Jedno przy sobie, drugie gotowe do wyslania na alcie.

Moja drobna propozycja:

moze ja wezme jednego mammeta i jednego Gal? Ja na swoim uzyje 2hr i potem pomoge Galowi. Dzieki temu powinnismy zyskac kilkadziesiat cennych sekund. Moje 2hr gowno robi robotom, bo po pierwsze moje ciosy na nich nie sa zbyt zabojcze, po drugie za duzo sie ruszaja.


Moze niech Zjawcia na robotach spamuje hi-potiony, one chyba robia wieszy hate niz zabawki NIN, a przy okazji pozwola zaoszczedzic magom troche MP. Kazdy moglby wziac dla Zjawci po pare hi-potow i dac jej miedzy jednym a drugim robotem.

Jak zdazy nam sie pasc w glupim miejscu to ktos (mal strategiczny dla walki czyli ja albo Gal) bedzie musial sie poswiecic i zaciagnac robota w jakis rog,a w tym czasie pzostali sie raisna i poleca na safe spot. I to o czym mowil Blue, nie wstawajcie za wczesnie. Kilka sekund nas nie zbawi.

Posty: 7
Dołączył(a): 7.07.2005
PostNapisane: 7 wrz 2005, 19:24 
im still at work but ill be home soon. Let's kill this ugly bastad. :evil:

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 7 wrz 2005, 20:10 
Opiekun już ci mówilem ze marnujesz wielki talent, ten obrazek jest .... az zapiera dech w piersi .. .zajebisty :)

Aa btw, ten kubraczek pogrubia moja mithra

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 7 wrz 2005, 21:59 
F**K F**K F**K!!!!
I'm really sorry that you had to wait for me - i tried since 19 :(
4hrs lost on login issues...
That's probably problemwith my ISP - i have big lost to USA and i hope i will be able to play tommorow. Kill me not my friends :)
I hope to see Ultima dead :D We can make it!!!
Opie - nice artwork :)
And pls use English - Blue is reading that topic - we can do at least that for him.

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 7 wrz 2005, 23:06 
i waiting for Gal and skill up my WW - now 79+1 and finally i synth Freshwater Aquarium :D

tomorrow i will post a pic :D

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 8 wrz 2005, 09:53 
Duszek napisał(a):
i waiting for Gal and skill up my WW - now 79+1 and finally i synth Freshwater Aquarium :D

tomorrow i will post a pic :D

I have material for Salt and Fresh Aquarium when you can make them for me :)

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

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