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Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:09 


A diminutive species of demon, frequently sighted in the Near East in recent times.
Though skilled in the use of elemental and dark magic, these natural-born cowards are not considered a threat when encountered alone. They do, however, carry a horn, from which they produce a deafening noise of a scale completely out of proportion to their tiny bodies, warning their allies and startling enemy forces.
In the time of the Great War, imps were given the roles of scouts and messengers in the Shadow Lord's armies, and are thus well known to veteran soldiers even on the continent of Quon.


A bewitching race of beastmen with an upper body like that of a Hume woman and a lower body resembling that of a venomous serpent.
The Lamiae are few in number compared to the other beastmen inhabitants of the Near East. However, they have ensorceled the bones of fallen soldiers, creating an undead army of considerable size to defend their reef settlements.
Lamiae are known to sneak into towns in the depths of night, wielding powerful bows and hunting humans to replenish their armies; hence the Near Easterners' dread of sunset.
According to rumor, Lamiae are not technically a race of beastmen, but actually a form of organic weapon (also known as a chimera), created by alchemists fusing the parts of multiple organisms.

A variety of sea bird that lives in flocks on Near Eastern islands.
On dry land, Apkallu only waddle about on their short legs, but the ocean is a different story. They propel themselves through the water with finlike wings at high speeds, enabling them to catch fish.
In the Near East, the Apkallu are a protected species and are referred to as "The Sages of the Sea." Perhaps that is why Apkallu do not fear people and behave in a friendly manner. However, angering an Apkallu is not recommended.


A species of gigantic fish that inhabits the seas of the Near East.
The orobon attracts its prey with a fluorescent, rainbow-colored appendages that dangle before its mouth. Rigid scales protect it from its thrashing victims, while jaws filled with dozens of tightly packed teeth prevent escape.
As the orobon usually roams the ocean floor, its existence was known only to a handful of Near Eastern fishermen and gourmets. However, since the delicate flavor of this fish was documented in the travel log of an important official, the orobon has become a common topic of conversation. It is said that the Culinarians' and Fishermen's Guilds have begun offering a reward to anyone who can help them acquire a specimen.

Mamool Ja (Mamo to ja? :)))

The Mamool Ja are a group of beastmen that hold dominion over the Mamool Ja Savagelands, a land hostile to the Near Eastern Aht Urhgan Empire.
Referring to themselves as the Mamool Ja, meaning "brethren of the shining scale," the inhabitants of the Savagelands are organized into four biologically different classes that consist of warriors, aquatics, sages, and knights. The Mamool Ja have been paying tribute to the Aht Urhgan Empire since ages past, and are known for their republican form of government. Their nation is ruled by a council of four overlords, one selected from each class. The Savagelands' recent uprising against the empire seems connected to the emergence of a prominent leader known as the "The Autarch."






The capital of Mamool Ja, Mamook was built deep in a forest on a peninsula west of the Aht Urhgan Empire.
In order to control parasite infestations, the wooden structures that cover the capital are burned down and rebuilt every few years. Therefore, much of the construction in Mamook appears rather crude. Like the Mamool Ja's equipment, the few intricate decorative metals in the area were created by prisoners taken by Mamook. Furthermore, sacred stones situated in each area of the capital are believed to harbor the spirits of fallen Mamool Ja heroes and protect Mamook from evil.










Arrapago Reef
This highly treacherous area is legendary for stranding many a ship.
It is for this reason that Arrapago Reef became the final bastion for a kingdom that was destroyed by an attack from Aht Urhgan. It is said that the kingdom's immense treasures still rest in the coastal caverns. However, the Lamiae are currently using the reef as their stronghold, guarded by the sleepless undead. Infiltrating Arrapago Reef would be no easy task.











The release date is April 18, 2006!

Learn about the exciting new Corsair job, and check out the additional entries for gruesome and dangerous monsters in the Adversaries section. You can also find information on the locations that will become the stage for your adventures in the Near East--the Empire of Aht Urhgan and the Imperial City of Al Zahbi.

Descendants of the dauntless pirates that once scourged the seas of the Near East, corsairs rely on the “Hexagun,” a multi-barreled revolver, and elaborate luck-based abilities to alter the stakes of battle





The Empire of Aht Urhgan
The Empire of Aht Urhgan dominates the Aradjiah Continent, a landmass found east of Mindartia. This massive nation lies between the Gugru Blue and the countries of the Far East, and is governed by the Divine Empress--a ruler who wields absolute religious and secular authority.
During the time of the Crystal War, the allied forces of Altana—including Tavnazia, one of the Empire’s largest trading partners—petitioned for the aid of the Aht Urhgan armies. Despite repeated requests for help, the Empire remained steadfast in her isolation and dispatched not a single soldier. These actions led to the continuing diplomatic distance between the Western nations and the Near East. The Empire is currently at war with her Far Eastern neighbors.

Protected by tall ramparts, the impregnable fortress city of Al Zahbi serves as the capital of the western half of the vast Empire of Aht Urhgan. The city resembles a labyrinth, with the roofs of stone buildings joining to form paths around structures built on a higher level. The serpentine designs seen throughout the city represent the two-headed snake king Zahak, a symbol of the Empire.

Al Zahbi
Al Zahbi is divided into three wards:

Commoner’s Ward
This fairly new ward houses residents who have either not been granted or have been stripped of citizenship. Beastman attacks are a constant threat due to the district’s location on the outskirts of town.

Merchant’s Ward
This diverse ward is home to merchants and craftsmen who provide their services to the area’s throngs of traders, mercenaries, and adventurers from foreign lands. The district also features two ports, one facing the inland sea to the north and another facing the open sea to the south. The Merchant’s Ward also serves as a western gate to the Empire.

Imperial Ward
The Imperial Ward lies behind a colossal white wall that separates the district from the rest of the city. The magnificent imperial palace, military facilities, and residences of the imperial family line the streets inside, but noncitizens are strictly forbidden to enter.









These small parasitic insects are the cause of an endemic disease in the Near East known as Chigoe Fever. Chigoes, or sand fleas, remain concealed beneath the sand until some unfortunate animal wanders past. The chigoe leaps an incredible distance to attach itself to the victim’s body, and then burrows under the skin to feed. The welts raised by these insidious pests are so painful, even a large animal can suffer a slow, wasting death when infested by enough parasites. According to the latest research by the Alchemists’ Guild, a virulent illness that once swept through Bastok is thought to have been the result of an invisible toxin transmitted through these deadly parasites.


The marid is an enormous animal that lives in the forests of the Near East, though few actually remain in the wild. Its fearsome natural weaponry consists of a long, flexible trunk, and two great tusks used to scythe through its enemies. Despite being a herbivore, the marid possesses burning eyes that reveal its violent temperament, and nothing can slow one of these massive beasts’ ground-shaking charges. Before their numbers were decimated by the growing plague of chigoes, battle-trained war marids were the centerpiece in the Aht Urhgan army. Now these ultimate shock troops are kept in reserve within the grounds of the Imperial Palace, rarely seen by those outside its walls.



These corpse-eating ghouls wrap themselves in bandages to slow the decomposition of their rotting bodies. Unlike the shambling undead that are afflicted with a curse after dying, the qutrub are beings that have succumbed to the charms of the Lamiae while still alive. Through dark rituals, they willfully attain an undead existence in order to serve their foul mistresses for eternity. Seemingly still afflicted by the desires of the living, the qutrub hoard valuable trinkets, and feast on the dead to maintain the traces of flesh and blood remaining to them. It is said that the blade carried by each qutrub is infused with their discarded life essence.





FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

Ostatnio edytowano 26 sty 2006, 11:17 przez Huckster, łącznie edytowano 5 razy
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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:20 
Fajne! Wszystko wyglada dosc mrocznie, juz nie moge sie doczekac.


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:24 
mniej informacji nie mogli dac :P

tez sie nie moge juz doczekac :D

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:26 
Z układu strony wynika, że będą 2 nowe joby.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:29 
albo 3 nowe joby ..

Ciekawe czy Blue Mage = Koniec Red Mage, chyba tak.

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:30 
Stok - na pewno. Chyba najlepiej by było gdybyś skasował swoją postać i poszedł się biczować na ulicę :))

Wg mnie Blue Mage będzie kolejnym jobem do solowania.... no ale zobaczymy.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:36 
Huckster napisał(a):
Z układu strony wynika, że będą 2 nowe joby.

Skad takie wnioski? Spokojnie zmieszcza sie 3-4. Mysle, ze mniej niz 3 nie dadza.

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Posty: 1640
Dołączył(a): 11.06.2005
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:37 
Myślę tak jak Huck, że blue będzie raczej do solowania, jak bst, albo mam taką nadzieję :)

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:44 
Huckster napisał(a):
Stok - na pewno. Chyba najlepiej by było gdybyś skasował swoją postać i poszedł się biczować na ulicę :))

Wg mnie Blue Mage będzie kolejnym jobem do solowania.... no ale zobaczymy.

Huck nie przesadzaj, poprostu jestem ciekaw.

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle


Posty: 2401
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2005
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:47 
każdy mag do solowania powinien mieć refresh i inne zabawki, które spowodują że jego mana nie wyparuje mu w pierwszej minucie walki, chyba że chodzi o solowanie easy mobków



Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:47 
No ja też - ale wg mnie Sto nie masz się co martwić - wprowadzą takie joby, które nie skanibalizują innych.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:49 
Huckster napisał(a):
No ja też - ale wg mnie Sto nie masz się co martwić - wprowadzą takie joby, które nie skanibalizują innych.

Masz racje Huck, nerf RDM i power up BLM oraz WHM nie spowodował niemozliwosci zsolowania przez RDM Genbu :roll:

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle


Posty: 1956
Dołączył(a): 10.02.2004
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 10:50 
wygląda to cudnie... teraz to juz trzeba czekac :D

D3: Sukoshi#2931

"We noticed people having fun, this problem has been corrected"


Posty: 1763
Dołączył(a): 20.12.2004
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 14:21 
Ładne lokacje i mapy znów jak wycinanki - możesz chodzić gdzie my ci pozwolimy.

Oczywiście jednym z jobów będzie Necromancer. Skąd to wiem? Ano z opisu Lamii - one są NMC, a wiadomo, że bistmeni mają typowe Joby.

Więc mamy już BLU, NMC i PRT - Pirat.

NMC będzie zapenie do solowania - summon Boggy na dunach - lol.

BLU pewnien będzie supportem i debufferem. Zależy jakich smecjali będzie się mógł nauczyć (Mana Battery? lol). Aha i trzeba będzie pamiętać, że tak jak Bard, nie będzie korzystał z MP.

Nowy solo job, nowy mage job, czyli brakuje nowego meele jobu. Dlaczego pirat? Bo piraci są bardzo popularni w Vana'diel <- patrz Norg. Napewno nie powinno się mylić PRT z THFem. Pirat to koleś, co najpierw podżyna ci gardło i gwałci Twoją rodzinę, a dopiero potem kradnie. Penie będzie korzystał ze swordów i daggerów i może dostanie jakiegoś skilla ulepszającego Sword dmg, tak jak MNK ma z H2H.

Comodo, Hjumen, BRD 75, PLD 52, BLU 43, WHM 37, WAR 33, DRK 32, DRG 25, NIN 20, SAM 20, BLM 19, MNK 14, BST 12


Posty: 3739
Dołączył(a): 27.02.2004
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 14:28 
Będę grał piratem a merity będe pakował w rzucanie świezo wypalonymi płytkami (jak shurikeny ale dodatkowo oślepiają jak rzucasz pod słońce) i w gwałcenie!

"The tendency to whining and complaining may be taken as the surest sign symptom of little souls and inferior intellects."
Francis Jeffrey


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 14:35 
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]


Posty: 435
Dołączył(a): 26.02.2005
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 14:38 
LOL Rha text dnia XD


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 15:32 
Wzmianka o nekromancie jest też podczas robienie questu na manekin w TS:


Eh? Wha? Huh? Oh?
Y-you look l-like a w-well-traveled, man/woman].
Y-you w-wouldn't happen to h-have um...seen...heard of s-something called a m-m-m-mannequin before, would you?
See, I m-myself used to, am a b-builder of m-m-m-mannequins.
B-bet you d-didn't think there were any l-left... Hm? There's one in M-M-M-Mhaura? Oh.........oh...
Um, well...yes, anyway... Y-you've heard the t-terrible t-tales of the m-m-m-mannequin's history, no?
Thanks to those awful r-rumors, builders such as myself were l-labeled w-warlocks and w-witches, hexspinners and c-curseweavers. W-we were pushed...kicked...out of t-towns, forced to w-wander the world as v-v-v-vagrants. T-Tavnazia was the only p-place that would take in s-someone like m-m-m-me.
...B-but we artists are always m-m-m-misunderstood, w-wouldn't you say? O-or maybe n-not say... I'm sorry...oh...
(Oh, now what sh-shall I do? I've g-gone and m-m-m-made the adventurer m-m-m-mad. Sh... He'll/He... She'll] n-never help m-m-m-me now... No, I have to t-try...!)
Uh, um... If it w-would not be too m-m-m-much t-trouble... Could I ask of y-your assistance?
P-payment? Oh, yes, why yes, of c-course yes! I w-wouldn't, yes!
H-here, have a look at m-m-m-my w-work...m-m-m-masterpieces. Beautiful, yes? M-m-m-magnificent, no?
Yes? No...? Um...oh...well...
Well, they, they are not yet c-complete. I still, r-require one more m-m-m-material. B-but where to find it...?
Hm? Ah!
W-what about this s-so-called m-m-m-mannequin builder in M-M-M-Mhaura?
P-perhaps she knows s-something...she m-m-m-must know something...she m-m-m-m-m...
Huh? Oh!!! That is w-what I need.
Y-you will help m-m-m-me, yes? No? Y-yes?
Oil! Yes, oh, yes! Thank y-you!
N-now I can finish my greatest work!
A masterpiece! A true masterpiece! She's...she's...
Hm, eh? Wh-what...I mean, w-who is this m-m-m-mannequin m-m-m-modeled after?
Uh... Well... I... She...
Her is Alsha...
She,, w-wife...
But y-you don't want to hear about You do? Eh......oh...
Well, thirty...t-twenty years ago......
I w-was still wandering from city to city, t-trying to find someone...anyone who w-would appreciate m-m-m-my work...m-m-m-my m-m-m-masterpieces.
However, as I t-told you before, m-m-m-mannequins were seen as...cursed creations and their b-builders were...I was...shunned.
If I had s-simply put down m-m-m-my chisel, I could have s-started over, but my heart...soul wouldn't let me. So I continued m-m-m-making m-m-m-mannequins.
Though, amidst the b-bashing...finger-pointing, there was one p-person who did not fear or ridicule me...Alsha...
Beautiful, understanding... She s-saw me for who I was, not who I was m-m-m-made out to be. She cared for me...stood by m-m-m-me when others w-would not.
She told m-m-m-me of a place where I m-m-m-might be accepted... And so we traveled to her place of
In this quiet k-kingdom, I was not looked d-down upon. I was not feared because of some foolish rumors. After years of wandering, I had finally found m-m-m-my place.
And it w-was all thanks to Alsha...
We were m-m-m-meant...destined to be together...
B-but then...
It was a clear day. Alsha and I w-were walking along the M-M-M-Misareaux Coast collecting flowers...wildflowers to use for her w-wedding bouquet...
And then the light c-c-c-came. A radiant burst so p-powerful, m-m-m-my eyes seared with pain even though they were shut tight.
I clutched m-m-m-my Alsha as she sh-shivered with fear, but that was the last I felt of her, for the next moment brought a blast that m-m-m-must have knocked m-m-m-me back at least t-twenty y-yalms.
When I finally was able to open m-m-m-my eyes, I saw only a barren w-wasteland, smoke rising from the charred remnants of w-what were once trees and rocks and...
And m-m-m-my Alsha...
Oh, w-why was she taken from me? Why did she p-perish while I survived, unscathed? What sort of c-cruel game was Altana playing with our l-lives?
After the d-destruction, I retreated to the safehold and spent m-m-m-many m-m-m-months...years in front of the altar of the dawn, pleading to the G-Goddess for answers to m-m-m-my questions.
However, no m-m-m-matter how m-m-m-much I prayed, not once would she p-provide m-m-m-me with an answer.
So I w-was left with no choice. I would dedicate my life at t-taking back what Altana had torn away from m-m-m-me.
B-building these m-m-m-mannequins has helped m-m-m-me fill the hole in my heart...soul that was ripped open b-by that accursed light t-twenty years ago.
But now m-m-m-my sight is it has since that t-terrible day.
It won't be long before m-m-m-my whole world is enveloped in d-darkness... Ironic, d-don't you think? That a light so b-brilliant could m-m-m-make a m-m-m-man's world so bleak...
And that is why I, n-needed to finish m-m-m-my work as soon as possible. So I could see m-m-m-my Alsha once m-m-m-more before m-m-m-my own time had come.
I'm sorry for t-taking so m-m-m-much...too m-m-m-much of your time.
Thank you again for all y-your help.
Yes... Thank you...
Hm? You are glad I was able to complete m-m-m-my m-m-m-masterpiece? Complete...?, well, yes...
Oh, I almost forgot. Here is your p-payment. I apologize that I have nothing m-m-m-more to give.
Hm? Oh...wha? I remember you. You're the fine la...m-m-m-man/m-m-m-ma...woma]...adventurer that assisted m-m-m-me in building m-m-m-my m-m-m-masterpiece.
Eh? Did I ever finish?
(Should we tell him/her]? I don't know. He/She] did help us before, but... Oh, but what harm could it do? M-m-m-maybe he/she] c-can even help us in the final stages...)
I c-could let you in on a secret, only if you swear to k-keep it a secret. Can I t-trust you?
There is one last thing I m-m-m-must do before I can call m-m-m-my m-m-m-masterpiece complete...
G-give her a soul...
You look s-surprised? I was as well when I first heard of this little-known t-technique.
B-but recently, I have come to know that such a p-procedure is p-possible. You have seen the Cardians of Windurst, have you not, yes?
And that's n-not all. Just yesterday I overheard Chemioue s-speak of an even m-m-m-more intriguing m-m-m-method.
Supposedly, a p-powerful wizard resides deep within the m-m-m-murky depths of the Phomiuna Aqueducts.
But not j-just any wizard...a n-n-necromancer. I feel that he m-m-m-may be able to help...yes, help.
And so I m-m-m-must ask upon you once m-m-m-more, if I m-m-m-may...or m-m-m-may not... Um...oh... C-can you assist m-m-m-me in m-m-m-my quest?
I would carry out this task m-m-m-myself if I could, but as I told you before, m-m-m-my eyesight is failing and it w-won't be long before I am f-forced to reside in an abyss of d-despair.
Y-yes, I know such n-nefarious doings are considered b-blasphemy and are outlawed by the followers of Altana. However, that no longer t-troubles m-m-m-me. I removed the Goddess from m-m-m-my life the m-m-m-moment she pushed m-m-m-me from hers.
I beg of you... Let a poor m-m-m-man see the s-smiling face of his b-beloved, one last time...
A necromancer in the aqueducts? Why, of whatever do you... Wait one moment. Perhaps you speak of the queer fellow that hides in the shadows of the shadows, deep within those accursed tunnels?
Yes, I have heard tales of a powerful mage, last in the line of a family of great Tavnazian wizards. So powerful, in fact, that even the Windurstian warlocks kept their distance.
However, after the Great War and the loss of his family, he retreated to the aqueducts where it is said he began delving in the dark arts.
Not much more is known about him. Not even his age. Some say he may be over two hundred years old...
Anyway, you may try searching for him, but I do not believe you will have much luck. The wizard does not appreciate company, disappearing at the approach of any unwelcome soul.
Justinius knows of his presence in the aqueducts, but has yet to take any action.

W Phomiuna:

Well, well, well, what have we here? Long has it been since I had any visitors...of this world.

Are y-you the great n-necromancer of whom the people whisper?

None other. My name is Fardimant X Boncourge, heir to the House of Boncourge, or what remains of it...

Ho ho...?
I sense a hint of familiarity between you and me, Sir...

W-what exactly do you m-m-m-mean...?

Sir Enaremand. Yes...
There is an air about you that does not quite fit in this plane of existence...

But that is of no matter.

May I inquire what has brought you to my stygian abode?

I... Well... Eh......

I see...

The feelings you harbor for your fiancée are so great, that you wish to perform an act that will ultimately commit your soul into the depths of the underworld. For a moment of happiness, you are willing to condemn yourself to an eternity of damnation.

Hmph... Little do I know of these emotions that drive your heart to the brink of insanity, but little do I care.

I shall help you, but only because the darkness that dwells inside me resonates with the beast that has a grip on your feeble mind.

I... You... B-but...
Oh, thank you!

Remember, I cannot guarantee that the result of our undertakings shall match the outcome you envision.

But there is nothing you need to worry of...yet.

What I need of you now, is the procurement of an item necessary for the ceremony of rebirth.

There is a certain type of reed that grows near the rivers and swamps of Tavnazia. When certain natural conditions are met, this reed decays into a hard substance that resembles a type of incense. Though quite rare, without one of these reeds, I will be unable to call forth the essence of your loved one's being.

And again, I must warn you that nothing is certain when dealing with souls that have once crossed over into the nethers.

You must be prepared to compensate for your actions.

Though ultimately you will end up paying more than you receive. But you already know this, do you not?

When you have obtained the item, travel to the base of the Cascade Edellaine.

I shall be waiting for you there.

R-reeds? R-rivers? S-swamps?
That sounds like, Misareaux. Yes, Misareaux...

I will return to the s-safehold and prepare for the ceremony.

When you find the reed, t-take it directly to the waterfall... Yes, g-go there at once. I will m-m-m-meet you beneath it.

i w Misearaux Coast:

Ah, I see your preparations are complete.

L-let us b-begin...quickly!

Relax, my troubled Enaremand. All shall be realized in due time. One cannot rush the flow of the eternal lifestream.

The spirits will answer our call when they are ready.
...Despite whether we are or not...

Are you ready, my friends?

≺Player Name≻.
Please place the <nazwa przedmiotu> here.

Let us see what angel floats down from the clouds of Paradise...

Or what beast treads forth from the ichor of the Styx...

P-please... By the light of Altana...!


As I expected...
≺Player Name≻! You know what you must do! But be swift!

You place the <nazwa przedmiotu> gently on the ground.

M-m-m-my...m-m-m-my beloved Alsha...

W-what have you done! Y-you m-m-m-monster!

Do you still not realize?

It is not ≺Player Name≻ who is the m-m-m-monster.

B-but Alsha... Sh-she w-was... Sh-she was...

She was nothing more than a puppet--a crude golem pieced together from sticks and clay. She was not your Alsha.

Y-you don't understand! Y-you don't know the hell I've experienced these past t-twenty years. The hell I'm in now!

But what did you expect by knocking on the gates of the underworld?

I warned you, my friend...

There is n-nothing left for m-m-m-me in this world... Curse you, Altana!
Come, darkness. Take m-m-m-me to your kingdom!

The infernal mists have lifted...





S-so beautiful...
Nothing like m-my m-mannequin...

I'm so sorry, Alsha.
What was I thinking?

I knew all along that I could never replace you...recreate you. But I was so lost...

Perhaps if I had just looked harder...I would have found you...

Right here, in my heart...

≺Player Name≻...
I apologize for all I have put you through, and thank you for your assistance.

Please accept this as a token of my gratitude, though I realize there is no real way I can repay you...

To stand by that troubled man's side throughout his ordeals... You are quite a better ≺Marker: 7F855B≻man/person] than I, ≺Player Name≻.

Hm? Oh, I did nothing but what was required of me.

Things would have been no different if it were you who asked to bring back someone you had lost.

What? You believe I called forth that demon on purpose?

Do I look like the person who would commit such an abominable act?

Ha ha...
Perhaps I do...
And perhaps I knew all along that while there are countless ways to reanimate the body, there are none to reanimate the soul.

However, considering the state that our friend Enaremand was in, the only way to make him realize this was...

Well, you understand what I mean.
And now, maybe for the first time in twenty years, poor Enaremand can break free from the bonds of times faded, and begin living in the light of today.

The past has no place in the present but in the form of memories...

And we must let those memories support us as our dreams guide us into the future.


≺Player Name≻, I am delighted that this crossing of our paths was fated.

Though I sense that this will not be the last time...

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 1763
Dołączył(a): 20.12.2004
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 15:55 
Więc sami widzicie :)

Comodo, Hjumen, BRD 75, PLD 52, BLU 43, WHM 37, WAR 33, DRK 32, DRG 25, NIN 20, SAM 20, BLM 19, MNK 14, BST 12


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 16:47 
No i jeszcze tu:

1UP: I'm sure you can't be specific, but is Blue Mage the only job you plan to add to Treasures, or do you plan to add others and/or Summons?

HT: I can't say how many new jobs, but Blue Mage is not the only one. And when you say that new summons were not implemented in Chains of Promathia, you're assuming that Chains of Promathia is already finished... [laughs]

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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