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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 21 maja 2006, 13:38 
No to mamy sklad:

1. Opiekun

2. Ancover

3. Zetoriush

4. Bodziu

5. Palis

6. Lesiu

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 23 maja 2006, 23:56 
Poczytajcie troche na temat taktyk!

Jak dacie rade to badzcie troche wczesniej. Mamy sporo do zrobienia.

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 24 maja 2006, 00:10 
Wklejki z encyklopedii:

Zilart Mission 14


Completing the quest Divine Might takes the place of this mission, and has additional rewards.

* To get to the Ark Angels, take the red portals. If you want to get to the different islands, activate pincer stones and take the blue portals. There is only magic aggro in this area except for the groundskeepers standing on a blue symbol.
* 5 Ark Angels must be defeated one at a time. Each one has 2 jobs and uses abilities and 2 hour abiltiies from both jobs.
* They use normal Weapon Skills for their weapon as well as a unique weapon skill that only they can use.

o Ark Angel TT: BLM + DRK, wielding a Scythe
+ Uses Manafont and Blood Weapon
+ Unique WS Amon Drive: AoE 100-300 damage plus Paralysis and Petrification, absorbed by Utsusemi
+ Casts all BLM and DRK spells.
+ Teleports around the circular battlefield
+ Suggested Strategy - have mages stand on the stairs and just attack/heal from there as the AoE attack can be deadly to mages. Melee simply melee.

o Ark Angel MR THF + BST, wielding an Axe
+ Uses Perfect Dodge and Charm.
+ Unique WS Havoc Spiral: AoE 100-300 damage plus Sleep, absorbed by Utsusemi
+ Summons a pet at start. This is usually a tiger, but can also be a black mandragora.
+ Suggested Strategy - Sleep the pet and just focus on Ark Angel MR. Bring a backup tank for when your tank gets charmed.

o Ark Angel HM NIN + WAR, wielding two Swords
+ Uses Mighty Strikes. May or may not use Mijin Gakure.
+ Unique WS Cross Reaver: Cone Attack 500-900 damage.
+ Mijin Gakure at high HP can kill everyone in range.
+ Suggested Strategy - Mages stay at maximum casting range to avoid Mijin Gakure. Barfira and Earthen Ward melees to help them survive.

o Ark Angel EV PLD + WHM, wielding a Sword
+ Uses Invincible and Benediction.
+ Unique WS Dominion Slash: AoE 2-300 damage and Silence, absorbed by Utsusemi. Bring Echo Drops.
+ Also uses Shield Strike: Cone Attack ~100 damage and Stun
+ Spirits Within at high HP can one-shot your tank.
+ Suggested Strategy - Gravity the Ark Angel and kite to avoid Spirits Within.

o Ark Angel GK DRG + SAM, wielding a Great Katana
+ Calls Wyvern and uses Meikyo Shisui.
+ Unique WS Dragonfall: AoE 100-300 damage plus Bind, absorbed by Utsusemi.
+ Suggested Strategy - Blinktank to avoid high damage from Meikyo Shisui


Zilart Mission 16


Note #1: Magic agro inside of Shrine of Ru'Avitau so everyone will need Prism Powders and Silent Oils.
Note #2: Someone might need to open the yellow door so that everyone can get past the door.

* Head to I-6 in Ru'Aun Gardens and enter Shrine of Ru'Avitau.
* Sneak up here.
* Head south and follow the path to J-7 past the first yellow door.
* Then head west past the second yellow door to the control room with 2 monoliths at H-7.
* Use Prism Powders and head south to a room with 2 Dark Elementals.
* You no longer need sneak from here.
* Head either east or west and follow the cooridors till you come to another room with 2 Dark Elementals at H-10.
* Head north and then down the stairs to the Celestial Nexus at H-9.

* Group up with your party if you have not already and enter the battle field.
* Watch the final cutscene and prepare to battle Eald'narche, who has two forms.

1st Form

* Orbitals x 2 - have ~130hp and if defeated, are resummoned quickly. Immune to Lullaby, but susceptible to Sleep.
* Exoplates - the armor surrounding Eald'narche. It has about 10000 HP. It does not do melee attacks. Special attacks:
o Cronos Sling: Cone Attack physical damage (~300-600), absorbed by Utsusemi
o Gaea Stream: Single target(?) damage (~200), absorbed by Utsusemi
o Uranos Cascade: AoE physical damage (~200-400), absorbed by Utsusemi
o Phase Shift: 30' AoE physical damage (~600-1300), Stun, Bind, absorbed by Utsusemi
+ Used at around 66%, 33% and 0% HP. It gets stronger each time.

* Eald'narche - invulnerable to all attacks until the Exoplates is defeated.
o He uses ancient magic and Sleepga II.
o Once the exoplates are gone he has only about 2000 HP.

* Suggested strategy - have melee use 2 hour specials to quickly dispose of the Exoplates. Sleep the Orbitals as they're not worth attacking. After the Exoplates are gone it only takes a few hits to get Eald'narche to his second form. There is very little time to rest before the second form.
o Try to avoid doing anything to Eald'narche until the Exoplates are gone; in particular, pull the Orbitals away before using Sleepga. Let your tank get initial aggro and then tank that way.

* If you wipe, don't bother to Reraise; you will get aggro wherever you are on the battlefield.

2nd Form

* Second form Eald'narche is still pretty weak (~2500 HP), but more annoying.
o He teleports around like Arch Angel TT
o In addition to his ancient magic and Sleepga II, he casts Bindga (and other debuffs?)
o He also uses these special attacks:
+ Vortex: 20'(?) AoE low damage (~100), Terror and Bind, absorbed by Utsusemi
+ Stellar Burst: AoE low damage (~100) and Silence, absorbed by Utsusemi
+ Omega Javelin: Single target damage (~150) and Petrification, absorbed by Utsusemi
o Tanking is hard, hate seems to moves around randomly
* Eat Poison Potions and consider stunning some spells.

* After the final cutscene, you appear in Hall of the Gods (without your Reraise).


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 24 maja 2006, 10:56 
Postaram sie być wcześniej.


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Posty: 3980
Dołączył(a): 8.03.2004
PostNapisane: 24 maja 2006, 11:21 
Ja bede tez wczesniej :)

"Why is it people who can't take advice
always insist on giving it ?" - J. B.

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 24 maja 2006, 12:29 
Tzn. bez przesady z tym wczesniej :D, fajnie jak o 18.00 wszyscy beda w SKY, beda mieli medsy i znali specjale poszczegolnych przeciwnikow. Chdzi o to, zeby nie wpasc do gry o 18.15 bedac w Whitegate. :D

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Posty: 312
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 24 maja 2006, 12:51 
Kim mam isc RNG czy BLM ?

Palis | Black Mage 75 | Ranger 75 | Red Mage 75 | FF XI - emerytura
Palis Duo ... w budowie :)

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 24 maja 2006, 13:30 
W sumie od poczatku myslalem o RNG, ale skoro juz masz BLMa na 73 to chyba bedzie lepszy BLM. Jak wezme sprzet na counter i w razie zlapanie hate mam nadzieje, ze tak latwo sie nie dam zabic. Jakies proste sc mozeby zrobic z Lesiem wiec bedziecie mogli poburstowac troche.

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 24 maja 2006, 21:44 
Dzieki Lesiu za pomoc!!!

Reszcie dzieki za dobra wspolprace.

Moze w nastepna srode zrobilibysmy promy i sprobowali podejsc do ostatniej walki?


A tu Lesia poderwala mithra i razem probuja mnie zabic (skutecznie zreszta...) :D



Posty: 1763
Dołączył(a): 20.12.2004
PostNapisane: 24 maja 2006, 21:46 
Od czego zależy counter? Bo widać, że jest tutaj dosyć masywny.

Comodo, Hjumen, BRD 75, PLD 52, BLU 43, WHM 37, WAR 33, DRK 32, DRG 25, NIN 20, SAM 20, BLM 19, MNK 14, BST 12

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 24 maja 2006, 21:52 
Comodo napisał(a):
Od czego zależy counter? Bo widać, że jest tutaj dosyć masywny.

Od sprzetu. Kiedys myslalem, ze od guarda. :) Tu akurat mam odpalony counterstance (wzmocniony AF2 butami). Counterstance mozna miec odpalony caly czas, ale ma jedna wade - oslabia DEF i jak juz sie jest trafionym to dosc mocno.


Posty: 2668
Dołączył(a): 19.12.2004
PostNapisane: 24 maja 2006, 23:16 
moznaby zrobic 3x ENM30 i po drodze ??? zebrac np chyba ze to gdzies na 1 pietrze jest to sie nie oplaca isc tak wysoko

Jast v2.0

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Posty: 3980
Dołączył(a): 8.03.2004
PostNapisane: 24 maja 2006, 23:30 
Jestem za, w koncu checknac trzeba Memory Fluxy na 4 poziomie :)

"Why is it people who can't take advice
always insist on giving it ?" - J. B.

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Posty: 312
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2006, 10:54 
ja tez bede na 100%

Palis | Black Mage 75 | Ranger 75 | Red Mage 75 | FF XI - emerytura
Palis Duo ... w budowie :)


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2006, 11:33 
Jestem za!!!
3 ENMy po drodze - yes, please
Mam 2 itemy na mape, wiec moglibyśmy przy okazji znaleść "???"


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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2006, 11:39 
No to super. Wszyscy potwierdzili. Sroda 18.00 - spotykamy sie w Jeuno.

Mamy super sklad na promy:

Bodziu BLM

Lesiu NIN

Zetoriush SMN

Ancover WHM

Palis RNG

Opiekun ?? moge isc RNG, MNK albo THF


Posty: 404
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2003
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2006, 12:12 
przejde sie z wami pozbierac ??? na ostatnia walke kolczykowa

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Posty: 3980
Dołączył(a): 8.03.2004
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2006, 14:28 
No ja moge isc tak: War, Blu, Bst, Whm, Nin, Blm :)

"Why is it people who can't take advice
always insist on giving it ?" - J. B.


Posty: 2668
Dołączył(a): 19.12.2004
PostNapisane: 25 maja 2006, 14:53 
pojdziesz warem bodkins. ja whma skoncze

Jast v2.0


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 27 maja 2006, 11:03 
Obtained key item: Note Written by Esha'ntarl

Rozumiem, że wszyscy jesteśmy na tym etapie?
O misji tu: ... e_Departed


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