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Posty: 3739
Dołączył(a): 27.02.2004
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 10:57 
Chocobo Digging and Gardening

There will be a number of changes and additions to chocobo digging and gardening in accordance with the introduction of the chocobo raising feature in the next version update.

Chocobo Digging
The following changes and additions will be made to chocobo digging to complement the chocobo raising feature. These changes will not affect players' digging skill. The player's chocobo digging skill will apply to any chocobo they ride or raise.


[Chocobo Abilities]
Raising a chocobo in a certain way may result in the acquisition of various abilities. Some of these abilities will enhance the profitability of chocobo digging, such as by increasing the variety of items obtainable via the digging command.

[Buried Items]
Up until now, buried items were available in such a limited amount that if several players dug in an area for long enough, they could gather all the items in the area. In the next version update, the following adjustments will be made in order to allow a greater number of players to enjoy chocobo digging:
-The number of buried items in each area will increase.
-Depending on the chocobo, "fatigue" similar to that incurred during fishing will be imposed upon the player after digging for a certain period of time.

New seeds will be added in the next version update to allow players to grow their own chocobo feed. Players will be able to grow feed in the same manner as other plants, and will not need to learn any special techniques or purchase any specific tools.



"The tendency to whining and complaining may be taken as the surest sign symptom of little souls and inferior intellects."
Francis Jeffrey


Posty: 1818
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 11:05 
woooot niezle :D

EDIT: lece kopać na kurze :D

Planetside 2: Vanu
Final Fantasy XIV: Bogusz Skyserpent [Moogle]


Posty: 1956
Dołączył(a): 10.02.2004
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 11:17 
no w końcu.

D3: Sukoshi#2931

"We noticed people having fun, this problem has been corrected"

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 11:20 
Musze miec level 10 przed updatem!

(przejscie z 8 na 9 to byla tragedia, ale z 9 na 10 to juz prawdziwy koszmar, przekopalem z 20 tirow trawy i ciagle mam 9...)

Jedyna wada tego update'u to to, ze duzo nowych i starych kopaczy sie pojawi.


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 11:33 
OMG ja chce tego czarnego kuraka :D

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 11:40 
"-Depending on the chocobo, "fatigue" similar to that incurred during fishing will be imposed upon the player after digging for a certain period of time. "

Rybacy - powiedzcie mi jak to dziala.

Po pewnym czasie kura sie zmeczy i nic juz nie wykopie? Zonowanie, zmiana kury itp nic nie da jak mniemam.
Ile takie "zmeczenie" trwa?


Posty: 1059
Dołączył(a): 14.08.2004
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 11:57 
do konca JP day czyli raz na dzien jest jakis tam limit.

Ostatnio edytowano 3 lip 2006, 11:58 przez Max', łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 11:58 
Max' napisał(a):
do konca JP day czyli raz na dzien jest jakis tam limit .

To super!

Biedny Loral. :] :]


Posty: 1956
Dołączył(a): 10.02.2004
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 12:05 
bedzie limit na JP day, czyli bedzie sie resetowac o godzinie 17:00, nie zmniejszy to ilosci po prostu wejda na alta, ktory bedzie kopal az do limitu, potem nastepny alt.... ..tak wiem na poczatku alty beda low lvl kopaczami...ale z czasem....

D3: Sukoshi#2931

"We noticed people having fun, this problem has been corrected"


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 12:08 
To działa tak, że po kilkunastu/dziesięciu rybach (zależy od ryby - info poniżej) jak zaczyna sie "fatigue" włączać, masz komunikat "You must wait longer to complete this action" - czyli zwiększa się czas między zarzutami wędki.

Po pewnym czasie, gdy ten czas się jeszcze wydłuży (z /wait 2 na /wait 4) zaczynają się pojawiać JEDYNIE komunikaty:

You didn't catch anything.
You didn't catch anything.
You didn't catch anything.
You didn't catch anything.
You didn't catch anything.
You didn't catch anything.

I nie można już nic złapać. Fatigue resetuje się o 17 naszego czasu (0:00 czasu japońskiego). W przypadku większych ryb (czyli w przypadku diggingu prawdopodobnie przy wykopaniu lepszych itemów (elemental ore) fatigue szybciej się zużywa.

Na długość fatigue ma wpływ level postaci i level fishingu (diggingu) - im wyższe - tym więcej można złapać.

Przykładowo - jak łowiłem Cave Cheraxy, mogłem jednego dnia złapać ich ok 26-35 (bo losty też się liczą do fatigue). A Cave Cherax to ryba z najwyższego (100) poziomu. Przy Fishing 100 można dziennie złapać (Myrta - pomóż) - ok 6 stacków Black Sole, więc na moje oko wszyscy nasi kopacze nie mają co się przejmować fatigue, bo robią to na jobach 75 i mają wysoki level diggingu. No chyba, że byście spędzali 4-5 godzin na kopaniu - wtedy to może faktycznie mieć znaczenie. Ale jeżeli nie robicie super-hardcorowego kopania - nie będzie to miało takiego znaczenia.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 12:11 
Balrog napisał(a):
bedzie limit na JP day, czyli bedzie sie resetowac o godzinie 17:00, nie zmniejszy to ilosci po prostu wejda na alta, ktory bedzie kopal az do limitu, potem nastepny alt.... ..tak wiem na poczatku alty beda low lvl kopaczami...ale z czasem....

Kupe czasu to zajmie, bo z limitami nie da sie szybko wylevelowac kury.
Do tego kolejne alty beda musialy miec lvl 17 BLMa zeby moc sie warpowac, a to doatkowe utrudnienie.


Posty: 1956
Dołączył(a): 10.02.2004
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 12:16 
blm 17 to zadne utrudnienie bo zajmuje to 1 dzien grania.

na 96 lvl moge wyciagnac 10-12 stakow Black Sole, co zajume ok 6-7 godzin...wiec jezeli beda takie same limity na kopanie i tak bedzie mozna kopac mnóstwo czasu.

D3: Sukoshi#2931

"We noticed people having fun, this problem has been corrected"


Posty: 1115
Dołączył(a): 27.07.2005
PostNapisane: 3 lip 2006, 14:36 
Czarna kura jest ble. Wyglada jak umorusana w węglu :roll:
Co do samego kopania. Dobrze, że nie odbije się to na tych, którzy do tej pory się tym zajmowali.



Posty: 1763
Dołączył(a): 20.12.2004
PostNapisane: 5 lip 2006, 10:27 
To kiedy ten update?

Comodo, Hjumen, BRD 75, PLD 52, BLU 43, WHM 37, WAR 33, DRK 32, DRG 25, NIN 20, SAM 20, BLM 19, MNK 14, BST 12

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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 5 lip 2006, 11:53 
Chocobo Digging and Gardening(07/03/2006)

The Truth Behind Chocobos

For the people of Vana'diel, chocobos are reliable traveling companions and the most accessible mode of transportation. In recent years, demand for chocobos has exploded in response to the activities of adventurers, but surprisingly little is known about the way chocobos live and are raised.

The Vana'diel Chocobo Society (VCS) takes up the task of educating choco-gals and choco-guys and dispatching them to chocobo stables across Vana'diel. Below, VCS President Hantileon answers some of our questions regarding chocobo raising.

The Start of a New Life
Q: I heard that chocobos can see as soon as they are born. Is this true?

A: By the time chocobo chicks break out of their shells, they are already covered in down and can see clearly. They can even stand on their own two feet and take their first unsteady steps after a single day has passed. When chocobos still ran wild on the Quon continent, they needed to be able to run from carnivorous prey in order to survive.

Even so, chicks are still very weak, and require a warm bed, soft food, and most of all, loving care. This is why the Vana'diel Chocobo Society contacts the chocobo's owner immediately after it hatches and asks the owner to give the new chick a name. The chick's name is always used while it is being cared for in order to create a stronger bond between owner and chocobo.

Some names are fairly common, as they are often passed on from parent to chick. Many owners also tend to reuse the names of chocobos they have cared for in the past.


Caring For Chocobos
Q: Gysahl Greens are the most well-known type of feed preferred by chocobos across Vana'diel, but what else does their diet consist of?

A: Chocobos enjoy other types of greens, in addition to root vegetables such as San d'Orian carrots. The stables often use carrots as feed due to their high nutrition. Meat, such as that of the cupid worm, is also essential for building strong bones and muscles. Other than that, we sometimes gather medicinal grasses in the field for the chocobos. These grasses tend to be very bitter, however, and the chocobos do not enjoy their taste.

The VCS takes great care to provide the chocobos with a balanced diet, particularly during the growth stage of chick to young chocobo. We also discuss with the owner what types of goals they have for their chocobo, and gradually alter their feeding patterns in response.


Q: Besides feeding, what other types of care do you consider important?

A: As I mentioned earlier, the most important element to raising a good chocobo is loving care. Call your chocobo by its name and spend time outside together.

It is also important to scold your chocobo on occasion to keep it from behaving in a spoiled manner.

Also, don't forget that chocobos love to run. We take our chocobos outside and race them against each other on a daily basis. This invigorates them and builds their strength.


Raising a Winner
A: "How does the VCS train good chocobos?"

Q: The VCS provides a variety of experiences for chocobos while they are still young, such as digging for treasure and delivering messages and packages. Creating and enforcing a schedule that allows the chocobo to try out a multitude of tasks builds courage and wits. A courageous chocobo can carry its owner even to dangerous areas, and a quick-witted chocobo can cleverly react to dangerous situations, so these attributes are important to foster.

Also, even if they look the same at first glance, chocobos' bloodlines and abilities differ from each other. Therefore, we take great pains to provide each chocobo with a schedule that fits its unique attributes and brings out its strengths without making unreasonable demands.

Final Comments:
We at the Vana'diel Chocobo Society are listening to chocobo owners' opinions, and are currently formulating a plan to introduce a new method of chocobo raising. This plan is designed to create chocobos superior to previous breeds, and we hope that the adventurers look forward to the introduction of the new system as much as we do.

-Quoted from the Vana'diel Tribune's "Report from the VCS"

Illustration by Mitsuhiro Arita

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle


Posty: 1763
Dołączył(a): 20.12.2004
PostNapisane: 5 lip 2006, 12:40 
Scorpio napisał(a):
Illustration by Mitsuhiro Arita
Hahaha. Bez jaj. Ten koleś jest też (o ile nie był) jednym z ilustratorów karcianki Pokemona :D Widać, że mu się powodzi :D

Comodo, Hjumen, BRD 75, PLD 52, BLU 43, WHM 37, WAR 33, DRK 32, DRG 25, NIN 20, SAM 20, BLM 19, MNK 14, BST 12


Posty: 1818
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 5 lip 2006, 13:31 
A courageous chocobo can carry its owner even to dangerous areas, and a quick-witted chocobo can cleverly react to dangerous situations, so these attributes are important to foster.

O.O Będzie można wjechać do dungeonów :o

Planetside 2: Vanu
Final Fantasy XIV: Bogusz Skyserpent [Moogle]


Posty: 4799
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2004
PostNapisane: 5 lip 2006, 17:13 
ta, nie tylko wjechac ale wyglada na to ze moby w dungeonie beda mogly cie zaatakowac na kuraku looool

btw: uber rysunki, zwlaszcza ten kurak z zachwytem patrzacy na robaczki :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Final Fantasy XI : Zjawcia [Ramuh] RETIRED
Final Fantasy XIV: Chrysalis Skyserpent [Moogle]

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