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Posty: 540
Dołączył(a): 4.03.2004
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 12:33 

Our Game Masters (GMs) are responsible for monitoring and regulating the in-game environment to provide a fair, safe and enjoyable game play experience for our customers. Game Masters play a major role in rescuing player characters that have become stuck, they take action against 3rd party tool users, and respond to user requests for issues such as lost items etc.

The GM policy is a set of rules by which all GMs operate to ensure that the game proceeds smoothly for all FINAL FANTASY XI users.

All GM policies are now available to the public for reference. These policies will be updated when new issues arise that need to be addressed.

If you have any comments or opinions regarding our GM policies or procedures, we would like to hear your feedback. Player feedback is one of our most important sources of information. It allows us to continually improve our support as well as improve and revise future GM policies.


I accidentally called a GM. What should I do?

When the GM answers your call, please tell them it was a mistake.

Can I request a specific GM when I call?

Since calling a specific GM can delay everyone's service, you will be served by the first available GM.
Furthermore, all information on all calls is shared among the GM staff, so no matter which GM you contact, they will be able to address your continuing needs.

I am being harassed on an out-of-game website (BBS, board, etc.) Can the GM take action on this?

GMs are unable to involve themselves in issues outside the game, but they will be more than happy to give advice on what the player might do on their own.

Item Recovery

You can send requests to restore in-game items that have been lost. However, requests for item restoration will only be honored a limited number of times.

- A request must be received within one week (7 days) after the item's loss.
- The GM staff will only compensate for items that are confirmed via investigation.
- There is no guarantee that items lost in this manner will be recovered, nor can we provide an estimated time of completion.

To submit an item recovery request, do so via "Help DesK" > "I can't move my character or log out of the game" > "Other," with detailed information on the date and area where you noticed the loss.


Losing items or gil can be a trying experience. We will try our best to recover these types of items, but there will be times when this is not possible. We appreciate your understanding if this should occur.

Players can only utilize this service a limited number of times. Please consider carefully whether this service is necessary due to its restrictions.


Response Policy

Under the GM policy, harassment is defined as "Certain types of expression toward other players using character input functions including Chat, Search Comments and Bazaar Comments. These include ethnic discrimination, racial discrimination, religious discrimination, sexual discrimination and obscene expressions. Action and expressions outside of character input functions also fall under this category."

We will not tolerate any behavior or comments that infringe upon the enjoyment of the gaming experience by others. In cases where harassment is confirmed, we will suspend the offenders' PlayOnline account or take more severe action.

For harassment cases, PlayOnline accounts are reviewed by the Account Admin for possible permanent account termination. When the harassment consists of a group of players, all players involved will receive appropriate punishment. Due to privacy restrictions, details of the punishment will not be disclosed to other individuals.

Once GMs receive reports on harassment, they will start an investigation. The GM will determine through the use of logs whether a violation has occurred. If it is found that the player has committed harassment, the GM will take the appropriate action. Our GM staff will determine each case independently as each case is unique.

If you would like to report harassment, please submit a GM call via "Help Desk" > "I want to report a violation of the PlayOnline Member Agreement".


Much like the real world, in FINAL FANTASY XI, there are many different types of personalities and opinions. Every player has the right to freely express his or her feelings, but should do so in an appropriate manner. Due to the diversity of opinions, feelings, beliefs and cultures, conflicts may arise. Please note that where two parties may not agree with each other, it does not necessarily imply harassment.

In real life, there are various definitions of harassment. We define harassment as expressions and comments that infringe upon the ability of other players to enjoy the game. Severe punishment, including the suspension of the PlayOnline account will be issued to players who are found to have harassed others. Additionally, expressions intended to discriminate against fellow players will be classified as harassment even if the intended player is not present.

Inappropriate Naming

Response Policy

Inappropriate character or Linkshell names are strictly prohibited. When found, players will be requested to change their name, with possible action taken on their account. In the case of inappropriate Linkshell names, the leader will be instructed to delete the Linkshell, in addition to possible action being taken against the owner of the Linkshell.

Any names which resemble the spelling or pronunciation of inappropriate expression are also prohibited.

When a name is reported, the GM at the time will make the final decision on whether the name is inappropriate. If a player encounters an inappropriate name, report the name to the GM staff by making a report from "Help Desk" -> "I want to report a violation of the PlayOnline Member Agreement" -> "Others."

The following examples fall under "Improper naming".

Discrimination or Slander of Ethnicity, Race, Religion, or Sex.
A character named with the purpose to discriminate or otherwise harass another player will not be tolerated and may result in action being taken against the offending account. This also includes groups that are affected by the discrimination/slander.

Characters with antisocial or profane names are also prohibited. These are names that will make other players feel uncomfortable and lead to various problems that would cause a disruption of a player's gaming experience.

Names with Commercial, Religious, or Political Goals
Vana'diel has nothing to do with any form of advertisement or political activities in the real world. These actions are not considered appropriate and may cause a disruption to others who wish to enjoy the game.

Impersonation of Square Enix Staff
Character names of Square Enix employees are not permitted, as they are misleading and a source of confusion that leads to disruption of game play. Actions or comments that impersonate an employee of Square Enix will be severely punished.

Inappropriate behavior

Response Policy

Behavior that disturbs other players' game experience but would not be defined as harassment is considered inappropriate behavior. GMs will take action against such actions. Although GMs do not handle these issues, if such behavior has exceeded a certain degree, a penalty may be given to the offender.

Online conduct has been established to help out the in-game community. Healthy growth of in game community might be disrupted if a GM plays the main role in such issues. Therefore, instead of actually getting involved in such issues, the GMs may think of the best way to have these issues resolved between players.

If you encounter any inappropriate behavior, please make a report from "Help Desk" -> "I want to report a violation of the PlayOnline Member Agreement" -> "Others."

Examples of Inappropriate Behavior:

-MPK attempts
This refers to actions in which the offender intentionally brings monsters to other players and makes them attack the victims. The GM may confiscate the offender's loot, or delete the monsters if confirmed. A penalty will also be issued to the offender and any players who aid the attempt.

-Monster holding
Holding a monster, especially Notorious Monsters, over an extended period or intentionally delaying the battle in order to adjust the next spawn window may result in GM involvement.

-Continuous (chat log) spamming
Spamming /tell, /random or skill increment logs to prevent other players' from chatting, regardless to intention, may result in GMs taking action against players if the action has disturbed others.

-Repeatedly delivering items to a certain player
Players who repeatedly send (unwanted) items to hinder the receiver from using the delivery system will be given either a warning or penalty.

This referes to actions such as blocking passages to mog houses in groups, or gathering near mog house entrances because the home point has been set there. These actions are not considered violations, but GMs may approach you and request you move away from the spot. If the player is not present, GMs will leave a message and move you to a nearby spot.

In-Game Scams

Response Policy
We define scamming as using inappropriate actions to defraud a fellow player from in-game items or possessions. Such inappropriate actions can be defined as, but not limited to, misinformation, switching items out for others during a trade and not abiding by the trade parameters set.

Trade scamming will be investigated by the GM staff and account action may be taken on all individuals that are found to be involved in a trade scam. Any items or gil that are part of a trade scam will also be confiscated, including items and gil traded to a third party. If the items and gil cannot be recovered (they were discarded, etc.), we will confiscate other items equivalent to the value of the scammed items and impose a stricter penalty if necessary.

We will try to return all confiscated items and gil to the victim, but this is not guaranteed, and there is a limited number of times for such compensation.

As a rule, GMs will not get involved in player disputes. But, if an item was lent to another player and the borrower refuses to return the item, this will be treated as a trade scam and will be dealt with accordingly. If you find yourself a victim of a trade scam, please report this to the GM staff via "Support Desk" > "I am being harassed" within a week with detailed information.

* Please understand that if the GM staff is unable to find evidence of trade or delivery data during the course of the investigation, items will not be compensated.
* Please understand that due to technical constraints, the GM staff is only able to assist with trade scam investigations that are reported within one week of their occurrence. GMs cannot pursue reports received any later

Trade scams affect not only the perpetrator and the victim, but also Square Enix and the community as whole. To promote the growth of a healthy community, we must do our best to prevent them.

First, we will confiscate all items and gil that the scammer gained. Additionally, if the scammed items and gil have been traded to a third party, they may be confiscated from that party. If the items or gil no longer exist, items equivalent to the value of the scammed items will be confiscated.

To protect yourself from scams, always double-check items in the trade window before hitting the "accept" button. Also when loaning items to others, set clear terms for the date and time of return.

Compromised Accounts

Response Policy

A compromised account is defined as someone who is not the account holder gaining access to an account through unauthorized means in order to use the account. These actions are not only against the PlayOnline Member Agreement, but may be prosecuted by law in real life.

The theft of an account is a crime punishable by a court of law. The victim must report the
incident to the nearest authorities. SQUARE ENIX will cooperate with the authorities in any way possible. Please change your PlayOnline password immediately to prevent further damage.

How to Prevent Your Account Being Compromised

Please take the following precautions to prevent unauthorized access to your account.
- NEVER give your PlayOnline ID or Password to anyone.
- Be sure to always use the "Guest Login" feature if using your PlayOnline account in a net cafe or any other venue where a third party may have access to the machine you use. Do NOT save your ID and Password when using such a machine.
- If using a PC, be sure to periodically update it with Windows Update and check your computer for viruses and keep all security patches current.
- Refrain from using ANY third-party program that directly affects PlayOnline or FINAL FANTASY XI.
- Change your password on a regular basis.

Actions that could result in an unfair advantage

The following is prohibited:

- Use of any program or tool within any PlayOnline service that allows certain continuous actions to be performed automatically.
- Use of any item within any PlayOnline service that allows a certain continuous action to be performed automatically.
- Changing, combining, reverse engineering, analyzing game data, and creating or distributing related utility programs.
- Use of any unofficial program to the benefit of the user.
- Selling of in-game characters or items for currency, also known as "real money trading" (RMT).

The above actions disrupt the game balance and will be penalized.

Third-party program usage
Use of any third-party program that affects game play is prohibited, whether or not it benefits the user.

If investigation, including log checks and other standard investigation procedures reveals that the player has gained an unfair advantage, the account holder will be punished. If you have witnessed players moving at unusual speeds, please contact a GM so that we can look into the matter. GMs may also approach players during the investigation, and your cooperation will be appreciated.

Game Exploits

Players who take advantage of in-game mechanics not intended as normal means of game play may have their account suspended and all items or experience obtained through those actions confiscated.

Real Money Trades (RMT)

Real Money Trading is the sale of in-game items, currency, characters or other data in order to obtain real money. RMT actions are strictly prohibited and any players caught participating in RMT-related activities will be punished. If you hear of any transactions of in-game data for money or any other RMT activity, please report the details to a GM.

How to Make GM Calls

If you witness any of the actions mentioned above please make a GM call to the Game Master staff. Select the "Help Desk" -> "I want to report a violation of the PlayOnline Member Agreement" and place a call.


Items and gil obtained illegally through third-party tools or RMT activities can affect the game's economic stability, and can disrupt game play balance. Some third party programs contain viruses and spyware which can be harmful to other players unbeknownst to the third party program user. This can lead to a leak of users' personal data, character deletion, or other unfortunate circumstances.

The Special Task Force

The Special Task Force is dedicated to stopping the use of third-party programs and RMT-related activities. All data gathered by our GMs is investigated by our Special Task Force. The Special Task Force allows us to take action against third-party tool users and RMT-related activities in a manner that we normally would not be able to do using only GMs.

Character Stuck Issues

Response Policy

If you are unable to move after becoming embedded in the geometry of the game world, i.e, "stuck," or you are unable to move your character through normal means, GMs will do their best to help resolve the issue. If GMs are unable to reach you, they may simply move your character and send a message notifying you.

GMs will transport your character to the nearest possible point from where you were stuck. We cannot simply transport you to a spot of your choosing. However, if you are in an area that would leave you vulnerable if you were left alone, GMs will transport you to be among your party members. We try to be as careful as we can when transporting your character, however if you encounter any technical difficulties as a result of the transport, we will do our best to resolve the issue.

How to Make a GM Call

Please report stuck issues by selecting the following options from the main menu: "Support Desk" -> "Unable to progress in the game" -> "Unable to move." Your character will automatically start healing when you make a GM call. If GMs are unable to immediately take your call, please leave your character in the healing position. After 30 minutes your character will be transported automatically to a safe place within the same area.

Technical Difficulties

If you experience any instances where your screen freezes during an event, your character
is not visible or you are unable to log in, there is a possibility that you are having technical
difficulties with your machine. In this case, please report the issue to the Information Center.
If the Information Center is not open at the time that you are having problems, please place
a GM call and we will help you as best we can.

What is a GM (Game Master) in Vana'Diel?

Vana'diel, the stage where FINAL FANTASY XI is set, is a virtual world created by Square Enix and the players together. Just like the real world, a wide variety of things can happenincluding problems players can't (or shouldn't have to) resolve through the game itself. This is where a special member of the Square Enix team comes in: the Game Master (GM). The GM's role is to facilitate players' enjoyment of the game.

Using the name of a Square Enix employee or its likeness

Character names of Square Enix employees are not permitted, as they are misleading and a source of confusion that leads to disruption of game play. Actions or comments that impersonate an employee of Square Enix will be severely punished.

How do you judge if an action is harassment?

GM defines insults, racism, obscenities, etc. as harassment. Other types of behavior that result in the distress of other players are also categorized as harassment.

Please understand that the things that you say or do might not be considered harmful from your perspective, but they may indeed affect other players' game play.

Isn't the decision of who was harrassed up to the testimony of the player that was harrassed?

Unfortunately, we can not simply rely on the word of the reporter. The reason for this is that there are some that may abuse the system and falsely report
a harrassment in order to harrass a particular individual. There are times that players within FINAL FANATSY XI where players may have disagreements
and problems with each other. In these cases, a fair judgement of the case can not be reached by simply relying on a reporter's testemonee.
Instead, our GMs examine and confirm the facts objectively in order to decide whether or not the actions in contention were harrassment or not.
If a GM does not rule that the action(s) in question constituted harrassment, this means that the actions did not meet the GMs definition of harrassment.
This does not mean that we are denying that the player in question was harrassed. If you feel you are being harrassed, please make sure you consult with a

What is the difference between harassment and inappropriate behavior?

Harassment is behavior or action that could deal mental damage to the sufferer. With inappropriate behavior, the main goal is to annoy other players or disturb their game play.

At what point do you consider someone to be monster holding?

For example, some Notorious Monsters need a few hours and a large number of players to be taken down. Starting the battle at once is best, but sometimes due to several reasons, such as login timing etc, it might take time before all members arrive and actually start fighting the monster. In such case, we do not consider this monster holding.

If the holders mean to hold monsters to deliberately adjust the next spawn window or intentionally delay killing them, GMs will take action against them.

What do you consider spam?

Spam is subjective. What one player may consider spam another may not. GMs will make the final decision on whether a player is spamming or not. To avoid being addressed by a GM regarding this matter, it is best to be considerate of other players when sending an in-game /tell, /shout, etc to ensure that it is not spam.

Someone has opened a bazaar in the middle of a passage. Is this Grid locking?

There are no rules stating that you must open your bazaar at a certain location. If someone is blocking your way, you should be able to go pass him by holding the up button for a few seconds. Therefore, this is not Grid locking. However, those players may want to think of other better location so as to ensure that they are not blocking others. Game Masters may get involved if the player is blocking others and ignoring the requests of other players to move.

Is power leveling (PL) against the rules?

We do not prohibit 3rd party players assisting other players. However, if such assists result in interfering with other players' capability of playing the game, GMs may take action

Managing Linkshell Items

GMs can not force players to abide by rules created by amongst players. In other words, GMs can not enforce unofficial rules decided upon
amongst players. However, if an item that was borrowed by a player is not returned under the terms that were agreed upon by both parties,
a GM may determine that it is a case of fraud and take the appropriate action. We are not able to always able to complete our investigation
on Linkshell inventory items due to outdated logs. We ask that Linkshell members keep careful track of all Linkshell inventory and not lend
any items to third parties that are not part of the Linkshell.

What kind of promise should I make when lending or borrowing an item?

The best way to prevent fraud is to not lend out items at all. However, we realize that there are cases where players may still wish to lend an item.
In this case we suggest that you take the following steps to protect yourself.

1. Be sure to make clear that you are only lending the item, and that it needs to be returned.
2. Be sure to make clear what the other party needs to do in case he/she loses the item in question. In other words, what kind of compensation will be made
and how it will be made.
3. Both parties need to agree to the terms upon which the item is going to be lent.

How long does it take for GMs to recover the items?

Investigations vary, and the length depends on a variety of factors. As such, GMs cannot comment on how long an investigation will take.

Does virus-scanning software or security software count as running a third-party program in the background?

No. Running security software or anti-virus software is not a violation. However, automatic update features offered by some anti-virus and security software can interrupt game play, and/or cause the game to suddenly crash.

What constitutes taking advantage of in-game mechanics not intended as normal means of game play?

Some examples would be: using the games' geometry to safely attack a monster without fear of being attacked, or using items repeatedly without affecting the number of items in inventory in order to increase your synthesis skill. If you are unsure whether something is a feature or not, please consult with a GM immediately.

What if my account is hacked outside of Information Center business hours?

If you can still access your account, please take the following steps and change your PlayOnline password immediately:
"PlayOnline Viewer" -> "Service&Support"->"Membership"->"PlayOnline ID"->"Change Password"
If you have a separate account, please log into that account and make a GM call.

What if a player that reported me for harrassment also harrassed me? Isn't he/she also subject to punishement?

A GM will decide who violated the rules when there is an issue between players.
If the player who reported you also violated the rules, action will be taken
against him/her as needed. A GM is sworn to always provide fair treatment to all
parties involved, which means that both the person reporting as well as the person
being reported are subject to such treatement.
There may be times where a GM may not intervene in a given situation, however
this is also based on careful observation of the rules and regulations.

I would like an item lost in-game returned.

GMs can return items only if they are reported within a week of their loss, and only then if the GM can confirm the item was lost in the course of an investigation. When you place a GM call on having an item reimbursed, the GM will ask you questions on the nature of the item and where you lost it. The GM will then contact you later via email or an in-game message.

What kinds of items can I have reimbursed?

Items reported lost within one week and which meet one or more of the following conditions can be reimbursed.
*) Items mistakenly destroyed
*) Items mistakenly thrown
*) Items mistakenly eaten

The content contained within the GM Policy currently posted may be subject to change.

Draconi Hume BRD75 COR75 MNK55 BLM42 WHM37 WAR25 THF15 BST15 NIN20 RNG45
77 Merit Points
Boneworking 100+2, Leather 60,Cloth 50, Goldsmithing 18, Alchemy 60


Posty: 3739
Dołączył(a): 27.02.2004
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 13:12 
Welcome back Nokizaru Shuriken, Bomb Core etc.

Chyba teraz kupię Fire Bomblet skoro jest opcja, że jak wyrzucę będę go mógł odzyskac. ^^

"The tendency to whining and complaining may be taken as the surest sign symptom of little souls and inferior intellects."
Francis Jeffrey


Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 14:35 
Draconi napisał(a):
Item Recovery

You can send requests to restore in-game items that have been lost. However, requests for item restoration will only be honored a limited number of times.

- A request must be received within one week (7 days) after the item's loss.
- The GM staff will only compensate for items that are confirmed via investigation.
- There is no guarantee that items lost in this manner will be recovered, nor can we provide an estimated time of completion.

To submit an item recovery request, do so via "Help DesK" > "I can't move my character or log out of the game" > "Other," with detailed information on the date and area where you noticed the loss.

OMG! Samadam - ile minęlo czasu?


Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 14:53 
nie wazne ile minelo czasu, wazne czy zglosil problem w ciagu 7 dni od zdazenia i czy ma to potwierdzone. Jesli zlosil powinien nawiazac do tego.

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle


Posty: 446
Dołączył(a): 20.05.2005
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 14:56 
Gadalem z dwoma GMami, nic sie nie da zrobic.

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 15620
Dołączył(a): 27.08.2005
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 15:21 
Podał im informację, że ktoś znał jego hasło - w związku z tym - stracił szanse na odzyskanie itemów i jakiekolwiek działania ze strony S-E.

ciemny lud to kupi
Deshroom napisał(a):
jeszcze mnie lewy kciuk boli od biegania


Posty: 446
Dołączył(a): 20.05.2005
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 15:51 
Na dzialania nie calkiem i odpowiedz mi w koncu na PM tczewiak :P

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 16:06 
GMi musza sie wkurwiac. :D Podejrzewam, ze sporo roboty beda mieli teraz.

Zaczynam powoli odzyskiwac dawny szacunek dla SE. Przestali pierdolic i zaczeli cos robic zeby zrobic porzadek na serwerach.

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 2291
Dołączył(a): 30.01.2005
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 16:10 
Ja nie wiem czym tu sie podniecac. Ta tzw. nowa polityka GMowania to nic innego jak troche bardziej usystematyzowana stara polityka GMowania. Kazda z wymienionych rzeczy GMi juz sie zajmowali w przeszlosci. Doskonale wiecie z jaka skutecznoscia. Nie wiem jak mozna po samym ukazaniu sie 'new policy' okazywac Hurra-Optymizm. :roll:

Hana wa Sakuragi,
Hito wa Watashi...


Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 16:27 
Ludzie do tej pory nie wiedzieli w jakiej sytuacji mozna wolac GMa. Teraz iwedza i jestem pewien, ze jak znajda sie w jakiejs z wymienionych sytuacji to napewno wezwa GMa.

No i co najwazniejsze GM nie bedzie ich mogl zbyc jakims tekstem o nieostroznosci itp bo "na stronie SE jest napisane to i to".

Do tego jest mozliwosc pogadanie z GMem nie bedac w grze co tez moze ulatwic sprawe w niektorych sytuacjach.


Posty: 2401
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2005
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 16:31 
prościej byłoby napisać kod który uniemożliwiałby wyrzucania rare/ex i ewentualnie przekazwyania go za darmo do npc'a na czas niekoreślony gdzie zwrot byłby możliwy w każdym momencie = 50 linijek kodu + postawienie npc'a + jedna tabela na bazie
ale SE woli wkurwiać ludzi których postacie przypadkiem lub celowo tracą bezpowrotnie rzeczy rare/ex których tracić nie powinni z logicznego punktu widzenia, to się nie zmieni bo w każdym biznesowym projekcie rządzi armia pseudomanagerów którzy liczą a nie myślą


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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 16:40 
Ja tam bym wcale nie chcial latac z kazdym rere/ex gownem do jakiegos NPCa.


Posty: 1007
Dołączył(a): 22.01.2005
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 16:43 
Mogliby dac jakas dodatkaowa czesc mog house, ktora bylaby nei ograniczona i trzymala by tylko rare exy czy cus >_> i zeby rare exow nie dalo sie wywalic >_>

FFXI - Ramuh -Deshter Whm75/Smn75 Retired
FFXIV - Sargatanas Deshter Verniferi


Posty: 2401
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2005
PostNapisane: 12 gru 2006, 17:01 
albo jak się wywali rare/ex ląduje w tej wydzielonej części MH
pomysłów mogłoby być więcej niż żółtków którzy piszą bzdury typu celowe opóźnianie pogadanek z opiekunem kury która być może być może być może kiedyś za rok lub dwa odegra rolę o której SE nic sensownego jeszcze nie napisało, w ffxi istnieje więcej rozwiązań nieprzychylnych graczom niż przychylnych, każdy gracz który grał w coś więcej niż ffxi na pewno jest w stanie to zauważyć



Posty: 540
Dołączył(a): 4.03.2004
PostNapisane: 13 gru 2006, 06:06 
Sage Sundi Discusses the GM Policy Publication (12/13/2006):

From Sage Sundi, Global Online Producer:

New Policies

We are proud to announce that we are making our GM policies public and accessible to everyone. This decision was arrived at after much deliberation between our development team, global branches and other departments using input we received from players through and numerous GM calls. As a result, we decided to make the GM policies public, and in order to provide an even higher standard of GM service, to reassess what it is that GMs do.

Now that the GM Policies and Online Conduct are public, we’d like to point out major changes and clarify parts that may have caused confusion in the past.

What are Game Masters (GMs) for?

GMs are customer service professionals in FINAL FANTASY XI that possess a rich knowledge of our games. Their goal is to directly connect players within the game to our services, acting as the first line in our service front. They aim to help you achieve the best gaming environment possible and to help solve any problems that you may have. Only people with passion and an understanding of these goals can become GMs.

Lofty it may sound, but every GM in FINAL FANTASY XI shares these goals. And to foster better understanding, we have decided to release our Online Conduct and GM Policies to the public.

Restoring Items

We often receive calls about lost items. After investigating, sometimes we find user error was the cause of the loss. Regrettably, we could not return lost items to their owners.

While some lost items are of extremely high value, we realized that many players had a great sentimental attachment to items of relatively low worth. The value of those memories is unique to each player, and we cannot attach a price tag to make up for such a loss. Taking this into account, we sat down and thought about what our GMs could do to help in this situation.

We are happy to announce that we have decided to empower our GMs with the ability to restore items, regardless of reason, so long as we are able to confirm that they were indeed lost.

However, as written in our GM policies, players can only take advantage of this feature a limited number of times. This is necessary to prevent abuse of the system and to maintain fair game play. Currently there is a limit of one reimbursement ticket per account.

As outlined above, if you lose something important to you, you have the option of using this ticket to get your item back. However, we ask that you act immediately. If you delay for more than a week, we will become unable to confirm the item loss and restore your item.

Also, we intentionally left the number of tickets ambiguous ("limited number"), since we feel that in the months and years to follow, there may be a need to increase this number at some point in time. This decision was made to allow changes as needed in the future without having to announce them. If you ever lose an item that is important to you, please report the issue to a GM immediately.

Restoring Lost Experience Points Due to Technical Difficulties

Since we provide service throughout the year (24/7, 365 days a year), sometimes the servers for FINAL FANTASY XI encounter technical difficulties. This is our responsibility, and our number one concern has always been restoring service, as soon as possible. In addition, we have decided to start reimbursing players who have lost experience once an area is up and running again.

We’re sure that some of you have come back to the game after a server problem, and after logging in, find yourself in front of an “Incredibly Tough” enemy and then KO’d. A GM will broadcast an area-wide message asking for players who need their assistance. If you are one of these players, send the GM a tell and wait in your KO’d state. A GM should arrive shortly to move you to a safe place and revive your character. We will then restore your lost experience points.

Of course, you can always choose to forgo this option if you would rather quickly return to your home point, or have another player raise you instead. However, please be aware that we will be unable to compensate any lost experience once the above happens.

We plan to implement this policy in the next update because the GM functions have to be upgraded to accommodate this feature.

Will This Really Improve the GMs’ Standing?

"GMs don’t listen to what we have to say," "All they’re good for is getting us out of a stuck situation," and "It’s not worth it to call it in, you’ll just get punished instead" are just several examples of opinions we’ve heard voiced on the forums.

Our team’s primary goal is to change the perception of our GMs by helping our players understand what our GMs do. Some have said that making our policy public would cause great harm to our support staff. Even within our team, there was much opposition to allowing GMs to make themselves visible. However, we believe that unless this and other policy changes happen, we would be unable to demonstrate that we are here to support you, our players. Without these changes. our GMs' reputation would remain poor, and we could no longer take pride in our service.

We are aware that GMs are held in low regard because, their role in handing out punishment clashes with the image they project in other support tasks. Punishment is unfortunately necessary to protect our players in Vana`diel. Indeed, the image of meting out punishment for harassment and improper behavior contrasts sharply with the friendly, accessible GM that you normally encounter. Furthermore, GMs must keep confidential the results of our investigations in order to maintain the privacy of both parties involved. This adds to mistrust in GMs.

Since this is the perfect time for us to discuss this, I'd like to make the following clear. The support staff are here to support you in the role-playing game that you, the players, enjoy. They (the GM staff) will never mix support and role-playing. Part of the reason we decided that our GM staff should make themselves visible was to make this distinction clear.

Though it may seem to some of you that there is a misunderstanding within the Japanese MMO market as to what MMOs are about, special cases aside, GMs are never in a position to role-play. GMs who role-play during weddings only do so as a specific task. After their task at the event is complete, they still have other responsibilities which can include punishing players. Oftentimes this may come immediately after the event in which they were previously role-playing. One thing we would like to make clear is that we feel any role-playing that coincides with normal support tasks is inappropriate. Unfortunately, not everyone who provides service in this industry shares this view, and some services choose a different standard. These services unfortunately tarnish the professional image that GMs deserve.

In order to ensure a positive image within FINAL FANTASY XI, our valued players will always receive the following service from our GMs.

* Our GMs will make themselves visible as much as possible
* While we will not role-play, we will be as friendly as possible and never be rude
* We will ALWAYS give you an answer in some form to your questions
* We place the satisfaction of you, our players above everything else
* We will take a much harsher stance against disruptive game play

In other words, you will never be punished when making a call, no matter how trivial it may be. But if a call is intended to obstruct our service, then our GMs will have no choice but to take action against the caller, because it prevents us from giving other players the support they need. As long as nothing inappropriate is done, our GMs will always be friendly and forthcoming when communicating with you.

Global Online Producer
Sage Sundi

Draconi Hume BRD75 COR75 MNK55 BLM42 WHM37 WAR25 THF15 BST15 NIN20 RNG45
77 Merit Points
Boneworking 100+2, Leather 60,Cloth 50, Goldsmithing 18, Alchemy 60

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