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Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:20 
Cytuj ... etail.html

≪Mar. 11, 2008 (JST) Update Details≫
*Japan Standard Time

New areas have been added to past Vana'diel.

New quests are available for areas added in the Wings of the Goddess expansion pack.

The following new quests have been added for dancer and scholar jobs:
- Artifacts
Players can obtain job-specific attire (artifacts) as rewards for the completion of these quests.
- Limit Break (level 70 to 71)
The character's level cap will be increased to 75 upon successful completion.
*All artifact quests for a particular job must be completed before the limit break quest becomes available.

The following changes have been made to Campaign Ops:
-The following siege weapons have been added to Campaign battles:
Siege Turret/Belfry/Mantelet
-System messages reporting the progress of battle in Campaign areas have been added.
-A chat filter has been implemented for Campaign system messages.
-Beastman Dominions are now accessible as Campaign battlefields.
-The strength of NPCs, troops, and monsters appearing in Campaign battles has been adjusted.
-New freelance characters have been added.
-New abilities have been added to freelance characters and unit leaders.
-Information such as military unit status can now be obtained by speaking with certain NPCs.
-The calculation of enmity for NPCs and monsters in Campaign battles is now the same as for player characters.
-The number of temporary items obtainable from Campaign Arbiters has been increased.
-New information can now be obtained from Campaign Ops officer NPCs.
-For Campaign Mission, "Stock and Awe II" the supply list has been amended, and difficulty level lowered. The supply list will remain unchanged for characters that have already undertaken the mission prior to this version update.

NPC spectators have been added to Chocobo Circuit.
These new NPCs can be observed purchasing chocobet tickets and rooting for their favorites.

The following changes have been made to fellows:
-HP and MP recovery for fellows will now take less time when the /heal command is used.
-Magic and other abilities you use on party members will now also benefit the fellow you summoned.
-Fellows' equipment requirements have been changed.
-Fellows can now use a greater variety of equipment.
-The magic recast time for fellows has been decreased.
-Conditions for the usage of recovery magic for stalwart shield and soothing healer type fellows have been changed.
-Fellows will no longer use the white magic spell "silence" on monsters in the crab and beetle families.
-Certain fellow abilities have been strengthened.
-Fellows no longer use the following weapon skills:
Spinning Attack/Cyclone/Circle Blade/Shockwave/Spinning Scythe/Earth Crusher

It is now possible to summon the following monster families captured with fiendtrappers:

"Brygid the Stylist Returns" quest is now available for dancers and scholars.

Characters below level 20 are no longer able to mine for items in the following areas:
Newton Movalpolos/Mount Zhayolm/Halvung/Gusgen Mines/Ifrit's Cauldron

Changes have been implemented for a number of quests.
-Level requirements have been added to the following quests. The required level varies depending on quest.
Gifts of the Griffon/Claws of the Griffon/The Firebloom Tree/Test My Mettle
- Players must now wait one Earth day as well as change areas before retrying the "The Firebloom Tree" and "Test My Mettle" quests.

New armor set storing NPCs have been added to the following areas:
Southern San d'Oria [S]/Bastok Markets [S]/Windurst Waters [S]

New Notorious Monsters have been added to the Wings of the Goddess areas.

The location of certain monsters has been changed in the following areas:
East Ronfaure [S]/Jugner Forest [S]/North Gustaberg [S]/Grauberg [S]/Fort Karugo-Narugo [S]/Meriphataud Mountains [S]

The names of the following monsters have been changed:
Vunkerl Inlet [S]
Gigas's Smilodon → Gigas's Tiger

Pashhow Marshlands [S]
Diamond Quadav → Vajra Quadav

A maximum limit has been placed on the total amount of bonus attack speed that can be gained from a combination of spells, abilities, and items.

The duration of immobility experienced by recipients of healing magic has been significantly reduced.
Previously, a player receiving a “Cure” spell from another character immediately after selecting the attack command would be frozen in place until the effect of the healing spell was complete.

The chance to resist damage from skill chains has been adjusted.

When receiving weapon-enhancing spell effects from other party members, the additional damage caused will depend on the caster’s enhancing magic skill. Magic accuracy for these spells has also been adjusted.

The process for calculating “Absorb” spell resists has been adjusted.>

"Absorb" spells that previously did not take effect when resisted will now take effect in the case of partial resists below a certain percentage. However, partially resisted spells will have their durations reduced.
“Absorb” spells will still fail to take effect in the case of a complete resist.

The following spells have been introduced:
Recall-Jugner (WHM Lv.53)
Recall-Pashh (WHM Lv.53)
Recall-Meriph (WHM Lv.53)
Retrace (BLM Lv.55)
Absorb-ACC (DRK Lv.61)
Klimaform (SCH Lv.46)
Monomi: Ichi (NIN Lv.25) *Uses the ninja tool, "sanjaku-tenugui."

The duration of the following abilities has been adjusted to 2 hours:
Light Arts
Dark Arts
Finishing Move

The new warrior job ability “Retaliation” has been introduced:
Allows you to counterattack but reduces movement speed.

The new thief job ability “Collaborator” has been introduced:
Steals 25% of the target party member's enmity and redirects it to the thief.
*This ability shares a recast time with “Accomplice,” a thief ability introduced in the previous version update.

The following changes have been made to the beastmaster job:
- The recast time for the job ability “Reward” has been reduced from 3 minutes to 1 minute 30 seconds.
*In accordance with this change, the Group 1 merit point ability “Reward Recast” has been reduced from 6 seconds to 3 seconds.
- New pet foods have been introduced:
Pet Roborant
Pet Poultice

The new samurai job ability “Sekkanoki” has been introduced:
Limits TP cost of next weapon skill to 100.

A wyvern’s attributes will now increase in correspondence to the amount of experience gained from the moment the wyvern is summoned.
*This increase will not be affected by experience gained from Campaign, Besieged, or items.
**A wyvern’s attributes will be reset to their original values when the wyvern is KO’d, dismissed, or changes areas.

The new summoner job ability “Elemental Siphon” has been introduced:
Elemental Siphon
Drains MP from your summoned spirit.
*Only effective on spirits summoned by the summoner.

Several new blue magic spells have been introduced. These new spells have also been added to the auto-translate feature.

The following changes have been made to the corsair job:
- The recast for the job ability “Quick Draw” has been changed to a “charge” system.
Each use of the “Quick Draw” ability consumes one charge, with charges being regained over time.
When using the “/recast” text command, it is necessary to nominate a specific shot, such as “/recast Fire Shot”. This command will display the amount of time remaining until a new charge will be generated, as well as the current number of charges available.

- New “Phantom Rolls” have been introduced:
Dancer’s Roll (COR Lv.61)
Scholar’s Roll (COR Lv.64)

Several new automaton weapon skills have been introduced.

The following changes have been made to the dancer job:
- The recast time for all Waltzes will now be reduced to 6 seconds while under the effect of the job ability “Trance.”
- The effect of attributes on Waltzes will now be calculated differently depending on whether dancer is set as the main job or as the support job.
- An accuracy bonus will now be applied to “Steps” when dancer is set as the main job.
- The durations of the job abilities “Haste Samba,” “Aspir Samba II,” and “Drain Samba III” have been increased.

The following changes have been made to the scholar job:
- The maximum number of charges for the job ability “Stratagems” has been adjusted.
Lv. 10: 1 charge
Lv. 30: 2 charges
Lv. 50: 3 charges
Lv. 70: 4 charges

- The time required to regain one charge now varies depending on the maximum number of possible charges.
Maximum charges: 1 → Time to regain 1 charge: 4 minutes
Maximum charges: 2 → Time to regain 1 charge: 2 minutes
Maximum charges: 3 → Time to regain 1 charge: 1 minute 20 seconds
Maximum charges: 4 → Time to regain 1 charge: 1 minute

- The following scholar job abilities have been introduced:
Sublimation (Lv.35)
Stores MP while reducing HP. The effect ends once the MP limit is reached, HP is too low, or you are attacked. Stored MP is gained when the ability is reactivated.
*Your character’s HP will slowly decrease while storing MP and you will be unable to enter healing mode or log out while this ability is in effect.

Addendum: White (Lv.10)
Allows access to additional White Magic spells while using Light Arts.

Addendum: Black (Lv.30)
Allows access to additional Black Magic spells while using Dark Arts.

- Scholars will now be able to cast additional white and black magic spells while using the new job abilities “Addendum: White” and “Addendum: Black”.
These additional spells will be added to a scholar’s magic lists after being acquired, but will only be selectable when under the effect of “Addendum: White” or “Addendum: Black”.

- Scholars have gained the job trait “Conserve MP.”

- Spells cast during the effect of the job abilities “Accession” or “Manifestation” will now only cost double the MP instead of triple.

- The casting time, recast time, and duration of the following spells have been adjusted:

- “Light Arts” will now also increase the enfeebling magic skill.

- Scholar job abilities now have unique status icons.

An issue wherein summoned spirits had incorrect attributes has been addressed.

An issue wherein the effect of a successful use of the “Provoke” ability during a Conflict match was not being properly displayed has been addressed.

New pieces of equipment have been added.

New synthesis recipes have been added.

A toolbag for carrying large quantities of sanjaku-tenugui has been added.

The "Emperor Band" has been added to the list of enchanted items that offer a bonus to experience points or limit points.
Along with existing items "Empress Band" and "Chariot Band," the "Emperor Band" can be obtained by trading your individual conquest points. However, only one of the above three can be in your possession at any given time.

Help information has been changed for the following items:
I.R. Chainmail/I.R. Mufflers/I.R. Sollerets/I.R. Helm/I.R. Breeches/Raikiri.
*No changes have been made to item properties.

The following special items and furnishings can now be stored by speaking to specific NPCs:
Snowman Knight/Snowman Miner/Snowman Mage/Bonbori/Festival Doll/Dream Boots/Dream Boots +1/Dancer Attire/Scholar Attire

The fee structure for obtaining and altering mannequins has been reduced as follows:
-Price for your second mannequin and onwards: from 250,000 gil to 100,000 gil.
-Cost to change your mannequin to that of another race: from 10,000 gil to 2,000 gil.
-Cost to change your mannequin's pose: from 1,000 gil to 200 gil.

The following Culinarians' Guild-designated quest item has been changed:
Snoll Gelato > Irmik Helvasi/Balik Sis

The icon graphics for the following items have been changed:
Star Orb/Clotho Orb/Comet Orb/Lachesis Orb/Atropos Orb/Stone Arrowhd./Cactus Stems/Tree Cuttings/Tree Sapling/Cloudy Orb/Sky Orb/Themis Orb/Konron Hassen/Kongou Inaho/Meifu Goma/Airborne/Spirit Masque/Papillion/Sandfish/San d'Orian Tea/Royal Tea/Datechochin/Angelwing/M&P Dumpling/Carrot Broth/F. Carrot Broth/Bug Broth/Qdv. Bug Broth/Herbal Broth/S. Herbal Broth/Carrion Broth/C. Carrion Broth/Humus/Rich Humus/Meat Broth/W. Meat Broth/Tree Sap/Scarlet Sap/Brain Broth/Cng. Brain Broth/Fish Broth/Fish Oil Broth/L. Carrot Broth/F. Blood Broth/Seedbed Soil/Alchemist Water/Mlw. Bird Broth/Sun Water/Grass. Broth/N. Grass. Broth/Mole Broth/L. Mole Broth/Blood Broth/C. Blood Broth/Antica Broth/F. Antica Broth/Antique Bullet/Balm Sachet/Mille. Sachet/Olibanum Sachet/Attar Sachet/Sweet Sachet/Civet Sachet/Musk Sachet

The new items Sol Cap and Lunar Cap, will now be offered as special gift items in the Adventurer Recruitment Program.
* Details regarding the terms and conditions to obtain special gift items can be found at the "Adventurer Recruitment Program" page.
Related Information>>


Magic effect explanations have been added to item help information for magic scrolls.

The conditions for battle music playback have been changed.
Battle music will now play when you either execute the attack command, or are within the vicinity of a party member currently engaged with an enemy. With this change, even those who play with long-range attack characters such as mages will be able to enjoy battle music in a similar fashion to close-combat characters.
Please note that there are scenarios to which this change does not apply (for example, monsters that anyone can attack).

The following data can now be backed up on PlayOnline's servers.
-"Config" settings inside the main menu (excluding platform-specific settings such as "key assign", and language-specific items).
-[Current tell target] history for "chat" inside the active command window.
-Macro and book data.
-Map marker data.
-Item display sorting data for the "bid" option in the auction menu.

[Storage Location]
It is now possible to store configuration data on PlayOnline's servers, in addition to your game machine's own hard disk drive. Up to four slots are available on your hard disk for this purpose, while one slot is available on the server. One slot stores one character's worth of configuration data. Selecting a used slot will overwrite existing data.

[Saving Configuration]
Bring up the configuration file save screen by pressing the following buttons/keys at the character selection screen, and choose the slot in which you wish to save.

"PlayStation 2": L1 button + L3 button
Xbox 360: LB + left stick button
Keyboard: [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [B]

[Loading Configuration]
Bring up the configuration file load screen by pressing the following buttons/keys at the character selection screen, and choose the slot from which you wish to load.

"PlayStation 2": R1 button + R3 button
Xbox 360: RB + right stick button
Keyboard: [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [R]

[Deleting Configuration]
Bring up the configuration file deletion screen by pressing the following buttons/keys at the character selection screen. Confirm deletion to restore default settings for the currently selected character.

"PlayStation 2": R1 button + L2 button + R3 button + L3 button
Xbox 360: R2 + L2 + right stick button + left stick button
Keyboard: [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [D]

The maximum number of screenshots that can be stored has been increased from 99 to 200.

A new text color has been introduced for the name of monsters currently engaged with alliance members.

A new text color has been introduced for the name of monsters that anyone can attack.

The following new emote commands have been added:

The following new terms have been added to the auto-translate dictionary.
Category Term
Spells Recall-Jugner
Spells Recall-Pashh
Spells Recall-Meriph
Spells Retrace
Spells Klimaform
Spells Absorb-ACC
Job Abilities Modus Veritas
Job Abilities Elemental Siphon
Job Abilities Dancer's Roll
Job Abilities Scholar's Roll
Job Abilities Sublimation
Job Abilities Addendum: White
Job Abilities Addendum: Black
Job Abilities Sekkanoki
Job Abilities Retaliation
Job Abilities Collaborator
Ninjutsu Monomi
Place Names 2 La Vaule [S]
Place Names 2 Beadeaux [S]
Place Names 2 Castle Oztroja [S]
Game Terms 2 Deep Cover
Game Terms 2 Search and Seizure
Game Terms 2 Bridge Too Far
Game Terms 2 Steel Resolve
[Windows Version]

The color of the game screen when played in windowed mode has been adjusted.
[Known Issues]

There is currently an issue wherein the “Regen” effect and the corresponding help text is missing from the Sol Cap.

The help text for several magic scrolls is missing the level restriction for scholars. The correct level restrictions are as follows:

Reraise WHM Lv.33
SCH Lv.40 (Addendum: White)
Teaches the white magic Reraise.
Grants you the effect of Raise when you are KO'd.

Reraise II WHM Lv.60
SCH Lv.75 (Addendum: White)
Teaches the white magic Reraise.
Grants you the effect of Raise II when you are KO'd.

Sleep II BLM Lv.41 / RDM Lv.46 / DRK Lv.56
SCH Lv.65 (Addendum: Black)
Teaches the black magic Sleep II.
Puts an enemy to sleep.

The scholar level restriction for the following magic scroll is currently written as level 75. The correct level restriction is level 70.

Raise II WHM Lv.56
SCH Lv.70 (Addendum: White)
Teaches the white magic Raise II.
Revives target from KO.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:22 
Monomi: Ichi (NIN Lv.25) *Uses the ninja tool, "sanjaku-tenugui."

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:27 



FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 1640
Dołączył(a): 11.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:28 
The new thief job ability “Collaborator” has been introduced:
Steals 25% of the target party member's enmity and redirects it to the thief.
*This ability shares a recast time with “Accomplice,” a thief ability introduced in the previous version update.

Miło, że i o nas pamiętano :)



Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:30 
Erelen napisał(a):
The new thief job ability “Collaborator” has been introduced:
Steals 25% of the target party member's enmity and redirects it to the thief.
*This ability shares a recast time with “Accomplice,” a thief ability introduced in the previous version update.

Miło, że i o nas pamiętano :)

Gówno jakieś - mini-Accomplice :)

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 1640
Dołączył(a): 11.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:31 
Ech, przyda się :P Wczoraj accomplice uratowało życie tank na limbusie :P Więc dwa razy accomplice w niektórych wypadkach może być fajne :) Choć wolałbym dostać update jak war (czyli counter, fajne by było na solowanie :) ).



Posty: 446
Dołączył(a): 20.05.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:34 
Rune Chopper nerf!11 Czekamy co na to Sage :D sneak jutsu na subie ok, SCH zasluzenie kopa dostal, SAM juz nie wiem po co... coz teraz czekanie co to za NMki w past i co dropuja :roll:

Ostatnio edytowano 10 mar 2008, 17:37 przez Samadam, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:36 
A maximum limit has been placed on the total amount of bonus attack speed that can be gained from a combination of spells, abilities, and items.

Ok lol no to fajnie bylo miec przez chwile chociaz uber DRK z RC fun :)
Teraz to juz nawet nie ma dyskusji o tym czy RC jest chociaz blisko KC...

hehe Sama napisalismy to w tym samym czasie:) W sumie teraz bardziej doceniam Bahamut Zeghnal i punkty jakie na nia wydalem :D




Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:41 
Allows you to counterattack but reduces movement speed.

O kurwa lol :) jak to bedzie mialo przegiety % to bedzie to chyba najwieksza zmiana w update jaka do tej pory widzialem.




Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:43 
Sublimation (Lv.35)
Stores MP while reducing HP. The effect ends once the MP limit is reached, HP is too low, or you are attacked. Stored MP is gained when the ability is reactivated.
*Your character’s HP will slowly decrease while storing MP and you will be unable to enter healing mode or log out while this ability is in effect.


Galka bedzie mial teraz najwiecej mp? ^^
Pragne zauwazyc ze to dziala z suba hahaha

Z gory przepraszam za ten i nastepne posty po postach :)

Ok Generalnie SCH wzomcnili bardzo.




Posty: 125
Dołączył(a): 9.11.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:50 
ten Retaliation to pewnie phail bedzie jakis, chociaz kto wie..
rmt sie wkurwia po tym update'cie ;) sneak w ninjutsu i jeszcze na dodatek 25 poziom.


Posty: 3739
Dołączył(a): 27.02.2004
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:51 
-Kolejny bonus dla samuraja jakby ostatnio dostali mało :P

-Gdzie obiecane wzmocnienie relic weaponskills, gdzie nyzul relics?

-Zero informacji o nowych medalach w kampanii. :(
Dodanie enmity do npców nie jest złym pomysłem teraz nawet jak w kampanii nie ma jakiegoś silnego dd to mag sobie też powalczy :)

-NMy na nowych obszarach się przydadzą, mniej osób będzie kampowało stare :P

-W końcu jakiś update do fellowship szkoda, że nadal liczba obszarów gdzie można ich przyzywać będzie mocno ograniczona.

-Zminimalizowanie curelock- fajnie ale postać blokuje się tez przy haste, erase, regen, shell i protect... ciekawe kiedy to też zmienią.

-Counter dla Warka, Veji sie ucieszy z testowania na chariotach w Salvage :P

-Nowe Blue magic jakoś mało interesująco się prezentują, czas pokaże co z tego będzie. Przydały by się jakieś nowe combo-traity zamiast granie na starych i wysłużonych kombinacjach czarów.

-Sneak z toolsa dla wszystkich, szkoda :P

-Czyżby nerf chainspell stun/SVmarch/haste rushy? Jeśli tak to zobaczymy jak wielki.

"The tendency to whining and complaining may be taken as the surest sign symptom of little souls and inferior intellects."
Francis Jeffrey

Ostatnio edytowano 10 mar 2008, 17:56 przez Targaryen, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:54 
Absorb:acc moze byc nie tylko zajebistym buffem dla DRK ale tez bardzo dobrym debuffem na mobka. Szczegolnie jesli bedzie to jakas sensowna liczba.




Posty: 157
Dołączył(a): 12.11.2007
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 17:56 
The new samurai job ability “Sekkanoki” has been introduced:
Limits TP cost of next weapon skill to 100.

No to cena Haguna skoczy x3 :D :D :D , bo teraz to bedzie jedyna GKT po reliku.



Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 18:00 
Homer napisał(a):
The new samurai job ability “Sekkanoki” has been introduced:
Limits TP cost of next weapon skill to 100.

No to cena Haguna skoczy x3 :D :D :D , bo teraz to bedzie jedyna GKT po reliku.

well no nie wiem. To moze miec recast z 5 minut albo wiecej wiec co Ci da 1 atak za 100TP na 10? Wait lol o kurwa przegieli... przeciez ta umiejetnosc oznacza solo SC bez najmniejszego problemu... przy 200% schodzi Ci 100% i dajesz next od razu PRZEGIECIE.....




Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 18:02 
A wyvern’s attributes will now increase in correspondence to the amount of experience gained from the moment the wyvern is summoned.
*This increase will not be affected by experience gained from Campaign, Besieged, or items.
**A wyvern’s attributes will be reset to their original values when the wyvern is KO’d, dismissed, or changes areas.

hehehe po 6 godzinach Wyverna bedzie bila lepiej niz sam DRG lol:)




Posty: 2401
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 18:02 
mnie troszkę zastanawia skąd SE tak dużo wie o jobach w FFXI i jakie zmiany wprowadzić w jakim update żeby było jak ? :D
każdy normalny i nienormalny gracz jest w stanie z rękawa zasypać SE setkami poprawek które mają sens a SE ciągle i uparcie daje np. za darmo kilka kilo expa na miliony jakie mają gracze lub muszą zdobyć :D
dla mnie zagadką jest skąd ma SE pojęcie o balansie powera jobowego tak żeby nie prostować jak zwykle w kolejnych updateach to co się zepsuło/poprawiło

dobrze by było żeby wierzący napisali dokładnie co dały zmiany w ostatnim update, przedostatnim, przedprzedostatnim itd., zawsze się zachwycamy a w ffxi nadal chyba wszystko wygląda po staremu ? (pomijam super sprawy typu lepsze zarządzanie toolsami itd. i inne rzeczy nie związane z zabijaniem)


Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 15620
Dołączył(a): 27.08.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 18:25 
Kolejny fail.
Daliby w końcu coś dla BLM, a nie w kółko wyścig, który melee DD lepszy...
Jak my niby mamy teraz bufor/merity nabijać? Przez campaign? 2k/h vs 20k/h...

Z tym miningiem >lvl20... No lol. I co to zmieni? RMT będą musieli kilka godzin poexpić na wydmach...

Szczerze powiedziawszy to więcej radości mi dostarczyła wersja 3.3 windowera, gdzie wprowadzono timestampy i autosortowanie inventory w locie...

ciemny lud to kupi
Deshroom napisał(a):
jeszcze mnie lewy kciuk boli od biegania


Posty: 1034
Dołączył(a): 20.09.2004
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 18:41 
- The following scholar job abilities have been introduced:
Sublimation (Lv.35)
Stores MP while reducing HP. The effect ends once the MP limit is reached, HP is too low, or you are attacked. Stored MP is gained when the ability is reactivated.

W ten oto sposob SCH dostal Refresha. To zalezy jeszcze ile MP/tick ale fakt jest faktem. Taki np SCH/SMN bedzie mial jeszcze wiekszy refresh, a SCH/WHM bedzie mial auto-regen wiec to MP bedzie sie samoczynnie regenerowalo.
No i na koniec SCH stal sie naprawde dobrym subem dla RDM wraz z tym ability Sublimation, mamy jeszcze wiekszy refresh.
Czy ma ktos jakies konkretne info na temat nowych AF-ow???



Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 mar 2008, 18:46 
No wlasnie Simi ten update wnosi ogromne zmiany w porownaniu z innymi:

WAR z counter moze byc teraz na serio brany pod uwage w tankowaniu jesli ten % bedzie w miare duzy. Mam nadzieje ze to nie bedzie dostepne z suba bo to by bylo przegiecie.

Nerf haste moze byc odczuwalny w walkach na DL, KV, baha chociaz pewnie tylko zwiekszy troche ilosc sec jaka trwa walka:)

Beastmaster reward co 1 minute 15 sec na meritach. Well dla tych co maja BST to duza zmiana bo zaloze sie ze to bedzie mozna pieknie wykorzystac w solowaniu roznych rzeczy szczegolnie w polaczeniu ze Snarl. Moze nawet solo ENM BSTem to by bylo cos.

Samuraj z ta swoja nowa ability jesli bedzie miala niski recast bedzie przegiety na maksa bo bedzie sobie mogl robic solo SC bez zadnego problemu. Do tej pory to wymagalo wprawy, szczescia,equipu i kilku innych rzeczy lub Soboro :)

Sch zostal bardzo wzmocniony. Ja rozwazam na powaznie zrobienie tego jobu po tym jak zauwazylem ta umiejetnosc hp-> mp( dostepnej z suba !!!!). Dodatkowe czary z ta umiejetnoscia Autcostam. Szbsze recasty moze byc ciekawie.

Zmiany sa naprawde spore. Wchodzac do gry chyba 1 raz nie bede wiedzial co robic najpierw co ztestowac itd.

Czekam nainformacje o

Jesli ktora z tych umiejetnosci bedzie miala za maly recast/dlugi czas trwania albo/lub bedzie w subie albo/lub Retalation bedzie mial za wysoki % aktywacji do przegiecie gotowe.

SAM/WAR z Retalation z suba.
Seigan+Third eye = cienie + counter recast 30(20) sec zazwyczaj schodza po 10-25 sec zostaje 5-20 sec bez third eye normalnie to bylo juz mocne ale teraz jakby byla mozliwosc wysokiego% counterowac nie tylko jeszcze w czasie bez thirdeye to by byla przesada a wyobrazcie sobie jesli ten Retalation by sie aktywowalo przed Thirdeye ( w sensie najpierw jest rzut prawdopodobienstwa na Retalation a pozniej dopiero na third eye to wtedy prawdopodobnie ten thirdeye by nawet nie schodzil wogole. Zreszta to samo bo bylo z NIN/WAR jesli by counter byl nadrzedny nad cieniami ( czyli counterujesz z cieniami a nie dopiero jak zejda) to jest to masakra i chyba kazdy rozumie dlaczego :)
Sekkanoki bedzie z suba to wiekszosc jobow by mogla robic solo SC bez zadnego problemu. JEsli bedzie mialo za maly recast to SAM znow dostanie boosta w kosmos. Pozyjemy zobaczymy. Mam andzieje ze obie te umiejetnosci beda raczej dodatkiem a nie podstawa gry. Ok ide z dziewcyzna do kina narx :P



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