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Posty: 2282
Dołączył(a): 24.10.2004
PostNapisane: 14 wrz 2006, 23:03 
przegladajac oferty pracy natrafilem na ciekawostke tego rodzaju :

6.+ MMORPG Team Leader - English Speaking 40 Dublin North County - Fingal 30K
Performance Management: Direct involvement in the recruitment, selection, induction training and on going skills development for all GMs under control, ensuring we are able to attract and retain the very best talent Establish a process of continuous review and proactive management of absenteeism and attrition for all agents under control, ensuring return to work and exit interviews are completed Continually review and monitor work performance of all associates against agreed KPIs, instigating appropriate corrective action, using performance management tools, to manage any shortfall Undertake formal quarterly performance reviews and 1:1 monthly meetings with each agent, ensuring objectives are continuously reviewed and linked to business KPIs To ensure associates are recognised and rewarded for outstanding achievements/performance in line with company mission and values MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE IN MMORPG S

7.+ MMORPG Team Leader - German Speaking 39 Dublin North County - Fingal 30K
Performance Management: Direct involvement in the recruitment, selection, induction training and on going skills development for all GMs under control, ensuring we are able to attract and retain the very best talent Establish a process of continuous review and proactive management of absenteeism and attrition for all agents under control, ensuring return to work and exit interviews are completed. Continually review and monitor work performance of all associates against agreed KPI s, instigating appropriate corrective action, using performance management tools, to manage any shortfall Undertake formal quarterly performance reviews and 1:1 monthly meetings with each agent, ensuring objectives are continuously reviewed and linked to business KPI s. To ensure associates are recognized and rewarded for outstanding achievements/performance in line with company mission and values. MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE IN MMORPG S

8.+ MMORPG Team Leader - French Speaking 40 Dublin North County - Fingal 30K
Performance Management: Direct involvement in the recruitment, selection, induction training and on going skills development for all GMs under control, ensuring we are able to attract and retain the very best talent. Establish a process of continuous review and proactive management of absenteeism and attrition for all agents under control, ensuring return to work and exit interviews are completed. Continually review and monitor work performance of all associates against agreed KPIs, instigating appropriate corrective action, using performance management tools, to manage any shortfall Undertake formal quarterly performance reviews and 1:1 monthly meetings with each agent, ensuring objectives are continuously reviewed and linked to business KPIs To ensure associates are recognised and rewarded for outstanding achievements/performance in line with company mission and values MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE IN MMORPG S

9.+ MMORPG Trainer English Speaking 39 Dublin North County - Fingal 30K
Key Areas of Responsibility: Deliver training to newly recruited members to the MMORPG Support Desk as defined the Client, towards internal certification Update and maintain training material Identify gaps in existing training and proactively offer solutions Assist Learning Manager and campaign owners to identify learning gaps in the existing team and identify learning solutions Create stand alone training modules for new or existing team members Provide coaching and feedback to trainees as part of their classroom training Maintain training records and scores achieved Provide Grad Bay support to new hires when not conflicting with classroom training commitments Personal Requirements: Passion for playing MMORPGs Professional and competent in dealing with customers Excellent written and verbal communication skills Ability to work to deadlines Attention to detail and ability to work on own initiative Excellent analytical and judgement skills

10.+ MMORPG Trainer English Speaking 39 Dublin North County - Fingal 30K
Key Areas of Responsibility: Deliver training to newly recruited members to the MMORPG Support Desk as defined the Client, towards internal certification. Update and maintain training material. Identify gaps in existing training and proactively offer solutions. Assist Learning Manager and campaign owners to identify learning gaps in the existing team and identify learning solutions Create stand alone training modules for new or existing team members. Provide coaching and feedback to trainees as part of their classroom training. Maintain training records and scores achieved. Provide Grad Bay support to new hires when not conflicting with classroom training commitments. Personal Requirements: Passion for playing MMORPG s. Professional and competent in dealing with customers. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Ability to work to deadlines. Attention to detail and ability to work on own initiative. Excellent analytical and judgement skills.

na pewno ciekawostka , ale czy tylko ? Ktoś taki jak Sai , Stok , Xav , Gal < Rha , Huck czy Opi ..... mogliby sobie spokojnie dać radę :) ...

zobaczcie i przekalkulujcie :)


Posty: 1
Dołączył(a): 12.06.2011
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2011, 00:32 

I found that a member asked same question in this forum some months ago.

Pls use search box to find this questions with comments

If you want to get more materials that related to this topic, you can visit: Team leader kpi

Best regards.

Ostatnio edytowano 19 cze 2011, 03:19 przez hamburg113, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2011, 02:29 
coldee1 napisał(a):

na pewno ciekawostka , ale czy tylko ? Ktoś taki jak Sai , Stok , Xav , Gal < Rha , Huck czy Opi ..... mogliby sobie spokojnie dać radę :) ...

zobaczcie i przekalkulujcie :)

No offence ale zupelnie nie wiem po czym wnosisz Xav z tego co wiem to byl dobry old style PLD ale co on mial wspolnego z organizowaniem czegos chyba ze czegos nie wiem. Stok to nie mam pojecia. Huck mozliwe. Rhae i Gal raczej napewno. Sai z tego co slyszalem tez. Opi? Opi dawal kase na dynamis a nie mial nic wspolnego z organizacja (chyba ze w RL robi cos z organizacja?). Ja bym raczej napisal Gokulo i moze Ragni.

Wiem jestem wkurwiajacy, ale bawia mnie takie "stereotypy" ktore sie przyczepiaja do ludzi.




Posty: 338
Dołączył(a): 4.03.2010
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2011, 23:43 
A co wspolnego ma to ogloszenie z tym kto co robil w FFXI Ato?????


Posty: 1956
Dołączył(a): 10.02.2004
PostNapisane: 14 cze 2011, 00:06 
TandK napisał(a):
A co wspolnego ma to ogloszenie z tym kto co robil w FFXI Ato?????


D3: Sukoshi#2931

"We noticed people having fun, this problem has been corrected"


Posty: 2438
Dołączył(a): 7.06.2005
PostNapisane: 14 cze 2011, 11:35 
TandK napisał(a):
A co wspolnego ma to ogloszenie z tym kto co robil w FFXI Ato?????

To ze Coldee wypisal liste osob ktore moglyby sobie dac rade na bazie tego, ze w grze te osoby organizowaly duze eventy i na bazie ich doswiadczenie w grze i na bazie ich mozliwosci przekazywania wiedzy, poniewaz ta praca wymagala umiejetnosci organizacyjnych w ogarnianiu i przekazywaniu wiedzy grupie.



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Posty: 19066
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 14 cze 2011, 12:05 
Ato rzucaj finala i wysylaj siwi do jakiegos duzego koncernu (najlepiej z pierwszej 10 Forbesa), tylko napisz ze organizowales Salvage! Mysle, ze cie przyjma bez zadnych rozmow kwalifikacyjnych.


Posty: 3357
Dołączył(a): 16.12.2004
PostNapisane: 15 cze 2011, 19:47 
A ktoś ogarnął, że to wątek z 2006 roku?

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Posty: 15620
Dołączył(a): 27.08.2005
PostNapisane: 15 cze 2011, 19:52 
Ogarnęli, ale był revert bazy i nie ma tych postów.

ciemny lud to kupi
Deshroom napisał(a):
jeszcze mnie lewy kciuk boli od biegania


Posty: 3357
Dołączył(a): 16.12.2004
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2011, 19:58 
Szkoda... pewnie coś dobrego mi umknęło.

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