Salvage CC & Friends - środa (Wednesday), 20:00
Strona 6 z 12

Autor:  Targaryen [ 22 gru 2006, 12:01 ]

Niech ktoś to przetłumaczy ... t_baf.html

Autor:  Vejitta [ 22 gru 2006, 12:10 ]

Targaryen napisał(a):

Nie mam strony kodowej... -_-

Ale z tego co widze, oni poszli strona z Wamourami, moze dzisiaj tez sprobujemy tak zrobic? Te NMki triggeruje sie cellsami. Dobrym pomyslem byloby je wykorzystac dla zdobycia wiekszej ilosci faktycznie potrzebnych nam cellsow. Jesli mozemy miec wplyw na to ktore cellsy dostaniemy z mobkow, dobrze by bylo to wykorzystac :)

Autor:  Huckster [ 22 gru 2006, 13:47 ]

1. Mad Bomber (NM) jest na pierwszym levelu - powinien być widoczny od razu (nie trzeba zabić wszystkich bomb). Ludziom wybuchł (Self-Destruct) i nic nie wyrzucił

2. To co Rha podałeś - tłumaczyłem już na BG trochę. Dropy:
- Freyr's Ledelsens (lv.25)
- Ea's Dastanas (lv.25)
- Phobos's Mask (lv.25)
(Wrzuciłem na Wiki:

Autor:  Vejitta [ 22 gru 2006, 14:04 ]

Tlumaczenie JPsow:

The time limit is 100 minutes. There are no time extensions available.

5 floors, ending in a boss.
Boss dropped 2 lv25 equipment.
[Image of Phobos Mask and Freyr's Ledelsens, then Ea's Dastanas and Freyr's Ledelsens]
(Citing a "Nejitsu" for the images)

Reraiser or Scroll of Reraise... as reraise equipment will not be accessible once inside.
All kinds of recovery items... you'll start off being dependant on them. H2H skill is indispensable.
Silent oils, prism powders... easy to forget. The lines "遁甲の術、インスニは魔法解除まで使えません。後衛も持っていくこと" make no sense, but perhaps recommendation of flee equips?

○Level information
[linkz 2 mapz, including miniboss pop locations]

○Boss Weakening Conditions (!)

Level 1: Mad Bomber. Random predesignated pop location?
Level 2: Dormant/Reactionary Rampart. [pop conditions hard to read, due to inability at reading Japanese]
Level 3: Archaic Gears. No special pop conditions. Effect: Enemy movement speed down. ?
Level 4: Archaic Chariot. No special pop conditions.

-Teleporting Gears-
Level 4 Room 1: Archaic Gear (trio). Effect: Enemy "physics" down. ?Level 4 Room 2: Archaic Gear (duo).
Level 4 Room 3: Archaic Gear (duo). Effect: Limits the scope of enemy's additional effect?
Level 4 Room 4: Archaic Gear (trio).

○Level Summaries

-Level 1-

~West [Left] Path~ Armour items
Bombs (weapon, sj, hp, mp)
Wamoura Larvae (armour)
Troll (weapon, sub, hp)
~Central area if taking west path~
Wamoura Adult (magic, abilities)
Troll (weapon, sub, hp)

~East [Right] Path~ Stat items
Bombs (weapon, hp, str, vit, sj)
Eruca (every stat item)
Scorps (magic, mp)
Trolls (magic, mp)
~Central area if taking east path~
Scorps (magic, abilities)
Trolls (weapon, sj, hp)
update: Finishing the level summaries tonight, then sleep

-Level 2-

~You start in the small central room~
Flan (magic, abilities)

~West [Left] path~Socket (both paths have this): trade a pathos-lifting item to spawn NM "Flux Flan." He will drop 2 of the item.

~Northwest path~
Wamoura Adult (all armour, 7 stat types)
Troll (sj, one armour type)

~Southwest path~
Wamoura Adult (all armour, 7 stat types)
Troll (sj, one armour type)

~East [Right]
path~Socket (both paths have this): trade a pathos-lifting item to spawn NM "Flux Flan." He will drop 2 of the item.

~Northeast path~
Scorp (hp, mp, 7 stat types)
Troll (sj, weapon, armour, stats)

~Southeast path~
Scorp (hp, mp, 7 stat types)
Troll (sj, weapon, armour, stats)

-Level 3-

~Northwest path~
Still to be investigated
~This leads to a north path~
Troll (1 armour, hp, etc.)
Scorp (???)

~Southwest path~
Flan (weapon, armour, sj, magic, mp, hp)
~Leads to south path~
Flan (weapon, armour, sj, magic, mp, hp)

~Northeast path~
Troll (1 stat, hp, etc)
~To north path~
Troll (1 armour, hp, etc.)
Scorp (???)

~Southeast path~
Scorp (stat?)
~To south path~
Flan (weapon, armour, sj, magic, mp, hp)

~All these converge at a central large room with a slot, and then the path splits again~

~West and East paths~
Archaic Gear [1] (various)
Archaic Gear [3] (Level 3 miniboss)

-Level 4-

Small room with 2 teleporting gears (might be duo gears or 2 seperate gears, unclear)
Boss room
Small room with 2 teleporting gears (might be duo gears or 2 seperate gears, unclear)
Converging of paths

-Level 5-

Long-Bowed Chariot (Boss)

Autor:  Vejitta [ 22 gru 2006, 14:06 ]

Ludzie czesto wspominaja o tym Mad Bomberze, byc moze na kazdym lvlu jest jakis NM, ktorego nalezy zabic aby oslabic Mega Bossa.

Autor:  Huckster [ 22 gru 2006, 14:16 ]

Kocham automatyczne tłumacze:

"A boss in two layers is enemy who gets excited when it flies from three layers and it returns." :))

Autor:  Huckster [ 22 gru 2006, 14:51 ]

O której dzisiaj chcecie iść?

Mógłbym się przejść - ale o 18:00 musielibyśmy zacząć. (mam już keyitem)

Autor:  Bazztek [ 22 gru 2006, 14:53 ]

o 20 najeczesniej, siedze w fabryce na nadgodzinach, wczesniej nie dam rady

Autor:  kalcia [ 22 gru 2006, 14:56 ]

ja bede w domu gdzies 19-20 pewnie

Autor:  Duszek [ 22 gru 2006, 15:44 ]

dzisiaj o 20 jak ktos bedzie chetny

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 22 gru 2006, 16:22 ]

Ja jestem w domu ale na 21 ide do lekarza i wracam tak 21:30 ; ;
Mama keyitem juz i moge jak co pod wejściem zaparkować

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 23 gru 2006, 10:12 ]

jest pewna teoria co do Archaic Gear. Wszycy mowią żę jak się telepna to boss jest mocniejszy i ich unikać. Ale niektórzy twierdzą że jak je zabić to boss słabnie.
Trik w tym ze one sie teleportuja jak wykryja na wzrok/słuch, ale podobno nie teleportuja sie jeśli magic agro będzie.

Autor:  Vejitta [ 23 gru 2006, 11:04 ]

Podobno tak jest :)
Ale wczoraj kazdy stun/poison sprawial ze i tak znikaly. Byc moze trzeba uzyc jakas magie na sobie, pamietam, ze jak we wtorek bilismy Archaic Gear na 3 poziomie to wlasnie tak nas 3 zaggrowaly. Ostatecznie moznaby sprobowac przejsc przez pokoje bez zblizania sie do nich, one takiego duzego aggro range nie maja, wiec mysle ze byloby to mozliwe. Wprawdzie bossa to nie oslabi, ale przynajmniej nie wzmocni :]

I naprawde musimy popracowac nad priority... nie moze byc tak, ze ktos ma caly equip a nie ma broni, albo ktos ma bron i passuje np body komus kto nadal bije H2h. Nadal tez uwazam ze statsy nie sa takie istotne. Przynajmniej nie na tyle zeby tracic tyle czasu na ich zdobywanie. Ja wole pobic mobki dropujace abillity/SJ, ktore faktycznie cos dzadza, niz tracic czas patrzac jak z kolejnego mobka wypada 7 int'ow albo 6 chr'ow... Jakbysmy wczoraj mieli wiecej niz 1.5 healera to Archaic Chariot padlby bez zgonow.

Autor:  Huckster [ 23 gru 2006, 11:35 ]

Coś dropnęło wczoraj? Zabiliście NMa? Tradowaliście Celle do Slotów?

Autor:  Draconi [ 23 gru 2006, 11:54 ]

Vejitta napisał(a):
Nadal tez uwazam ze statsy nie sa takie istotne. Przynajmniej nie na tyle zeby tracic tyle czasu na ich zdobywanie. Ja wole pobic mobki dropujace abillity/SJ, ktore faktycznie cos dzadza, niz tracic czas patrzac jak z kolejnego mobka wypada 7 int'ow albo 6 chr'ow... Jakbysmy wczoraj mieli wiecej niz 1.5 healera to Archaic Chariot padlby bez zgonow.

Ale ostatnio na drugim pietrze wybralismy droge z mobkami rzucajacymi armory, ktore juz na pierwszym pietrze prawie wszystkie zdobylismy, byloby lepiej na drugim pietrze poszukac drogi ze statsami lub sj/ability/magic, bo statsow prawie wcale nie mielismy.

Autor:  Duszek [ 23 gru 2006, 12:48 ]

doszlismy do bossa - zaatakowalismy go majac 1 minute czasu do konca :)


ma ladny special ktory zostawil nas z kilkoma hp :)

Autor:  Vejitta [ 23 gru 2006, 22:26 ]

Ktos dostal tier III itemek. Wypadl ze imp NMka Dekka w Silver Sea.


Autor:  Kang [ 23 gru 2006, 22:29 ]

To nie był boss...
To był Chariot na 4tym floor :)

Autor:  Huckster [ 23 gru 2006, 22:51 ]

1. Tier 3 - stare :) (już od 2 dni na wiki)

2. Long-Bowed Chariot - to boss z Bhaflau.

Autor:  kalcia [ 24 gru 2006, 01:51 ]

to jest priority jakie pixies sobie ustalilo na swoje eventy w salvage, mysle ze calkiem ok


Job abilities
Duplicatus Cell - Removes Sub Job restraint
#1 NINs and PLDs subbing WAR
#2 RDMs subbing WHM
#3 BLMs & BRDs subbing WHM
#4 RDMs subbing BLM
#5 Melee subbing NIN
#6 Everyone else

Incus Cell - Lets you equip weapons / shields
#1 Melee without native H2H skill
#2 PLDs and NINs
#3 All other melee
#4 Mages

Opacus Cell - Unlocks abilities and Weapon Skills
#1 If subjob and Magic unlocked, NIN first
If subjob unlocked, PLD first.
If neither PLD or NIN match criteria, WAR first.
#2 NINs and PLDs who do not yet match criteria
#3 All melee
#4 Mages

Praecipitatio Cell - Unlocks Magic
#1 RDMs subbing WHM
#2 WHMs
#3 NINs (In the case of many NINs, is best to have only 1 or 2 get magic items)
#4 BRDs, BLMs, RDMs subbing BLM and SMNs
#5 PLDs
#6 DRK and BLU
#7 Melee

Humilus Cell - Unlocks Max Hp
#1 Current "main" tank. WAR, PLD or NIN
#2 PLDs, NINs and WARs
#3 Melee
#4 Mages

Spissatus Cell - Unlocks Max Mp
#1 RDM subbing WHM
#2 WHM
#3 BLM
#4 PLD and BRD
#5 DRK and BLU
#6 Melee

Congestus Cell - Removes VIT Down
#1 Main tank
#2 PLDs and WARs
#3 Melee
#4 Mages

Fractus Cell - Removes DEX Down
#1 THFs
#2 Melees
#3 Everyone else

Mediocris Cell - Removes CHR Down
#1 BRDs
#2 Everyone else

Nimbus Cell - Removes AGI down
#1 Main tank
#2 RNG, THF and COR
#3 Everyone else

Pannus Cell - Removes STR Down
#1 Melee
#2 Tanks
#3 Mages

Pileus Cell - Removes MND Down
#1 WHMs and RDMs subbing WHM
#2 PLDs
#3 Everyone else

Velum Cell - Removes INT Down
#1 BLMs
#2 RDMs subbing BLM
#3 RDMs subbing WHM
#4 DRK
#5 Everyone else

Castellanus Cell - Equips Head
#1 Main tank
#2 PLD, NIN and WAR
#3 Other melees
#4 Mages

Cirrocumulus - Equips Waist
#1 Main tank
#2 PLD, NIN and WAR
#3 Other melees
#4 Mages

Cumulus Cell - Equips Body
#1 Main tank
#2 PLD, NIN and WAR
#3 Other melees
#4 Mages

Radiatus Cell - Equips Hands
#1 Main tank
#2 PLD, NIN and WAR
#3 Other melees
#4 Mages

Stratus Cell - Equips Feet
#1 Main tank
#2 PLD, NIN and WAR
#3 Other melees
#4 Mages

Undulatus - Equips Ranged
#1 Main puller
#2 Anyone with crossbow that has Bloody bolts on them, RNGs.
#3 BRDs
#4 Everyone else

Virga Cell - Equips Rings/Earrings
#1 Main tank
#2 PLD, NIN and WAR
#3 Other melees
#4 Mages

Temporary items from Armory Crates:

Dusty Elixir - +300 MP/HP
#1 Main PLD
#2 Main tanks
#3 Mages
#4 Melee

Dusty Ether - 300 MP potion
#1 RDM subbing WHM and WHM
#2 BLMs
#3 RDM subbing BLM
#4 SMN
#5 PLD
#6 BLU and DRK

Dusty Potion - 300 HP potion
#1 Main tank
#2 PLD, NIN and WAR
#3 Other melees
#4 Mages

Dusty Reraise - Reraise I
#1 Free lot

Dusty Wing - Icarus Wing (TP100%)
#1 Melee with Weapons and Abilities unlocked
#2 Everyone else

Fanatic's Drink - Temporarily nullifies all physical damage
#1 Main tank
#2 PLD, NIN and WAR
#3 Other melees
#4 Mages

Fool's Drink - Temporarily nullifies all magical damage
#1 Main tank
#2 PLD, NIN and WAR
#3 Other melees
#4 Mages

Strange Milk - Regen Drink, 5Hp/tick
#1 Main tank
#2 PLD, NIN and WAR
#3 Other melees
#4 Mages

Strange Juice - Refresh Drink, 5MP/tick
#1 RDM subbing WHM and WHM
#2 BLMs
#3 RDM subbing BLM
#4 SMN
#5 PLD
#6 BLU and DRK

Vicar's Drink - Instantly cures most status ailments.
#1 Anyone with a status ailment
#2 Anyone else

Assassin's Drink - Increases Magical Accuracy
#1 Offensive mages
#2 DRKs and BLUs
#3 Everyone else

Barbarian's Drink - Increases Attack power
#1 Melees most items unlocked
#2 Everyone else

Braver's Drink - Increases all attributes
#1 Melees most items unlocked
#2 Everyone else

Champion's Drink - Increases crit. hit rate
#1 Melees most items unlocked
#2 Everyone else

Cleric's Drink - Divine Seal + Erase
#1 Responsible melee who will use it to cure rest of the melee

Fighter's Drink - Increases Accuracy
#1 Melees most items unlocked
#2 Everyone else

Gnostic's Drink - Effect of Pax (Enmity generation is reduced)
#1 Mages with healing unlocked
#2 Mages yet to unlock magic
#3 Everyone else

Oracle's Drink - Increases Magic Attack
#1 BLMs
#2 DRKs and BLUs
#3 Everyone else

Monarch's Drink - Effect of Regain (TP are gradually restored)
#1 Melees most items unlocked
#2 Everyone else

Sheperd's Drink - Restore's pet HP

Spy's Drink - gives Haste
#1 NINs with SJ, Abilities and Magic
#2 PLDs with SJ and Abilities and Magic
#3 Melee with most items unlocked
#4 Everyone else

Wizard's Drink - Increases Int
#1 BLM and RDM subbing BLM
#2 DRK
#3 Everyone else

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