Dynamis Project - raporty z akcji :)
Strona 68 z 146

Autor:  Draconi [ 2 sty 2006, 17:14 ]

Znalazlem ciekawy guide do dynamis-buburimu:

We start at the Mhaura Zone around (I-8) - (H-8). You have 1 hour.

The first priority should be to recover everyone's SubJob. Placed in the Dynamis zone is a ??? which can be located in one of 2 areas -

??? SubJob Recovery Positions
(L-9) - Lighthouse
(G-9) - Bard Quest Song Rune

A single person touching the ??? will grant the entire zone access to a SubJob. To begin the run, gather 2 players to quickly go to both of these spots and look for the ???. It is possible to reach both areas without aggroing mobs. Have the main group stay at the Mhaura zone area while the ??? is quickly found. This should be very fast; it is possible to get the ??? before everyone is even in the zone.

Now for the boss.

Dynamis Buburimu contains a roaming boss called Apocolyptic Beast, who has access to all 10 dragon attacks and all 15 job 2 hours. This boss roams around the entire zone and can be killed at any time. You can actually enter Buburimu and go straight for the boss if you want to. The boss starts off extremely strong, especially with access to the devistating dragon TP attacks such as body slam and all 15 2hrs. However, the Apocolyptic Beast can be weakened in the following way - there are 15 Beastman NMs (One of each job) and 10 Dragon NMs (who have access to 1 Dragon TP attack) throughout the zone. Defeating any NM will prevent Apocolyptic Beast from using that special ability.

List of Dragon NMs
Barong - Body Slam (E-9)
Vishap - Poison Breath (50HP/tick) (J-7)-(K-7)
Tarasca - Heavy Stomp (AoE + Paralyze) (F-7)-(G-7)
Stollenwurm - Lodesong (Graviga) (H-9)-(I-9)
Aitvaras - Voidsong (Dispelga) (H-7)-(I-8)
Stihi - Flame Breath (G-6)-(H-6)
Alklha - Chaos Blade (F-6)
(Basilic - Petro Eyes (Petrify) (I-6)-(I-7)
Koshchei - Thornsong (Blazespikes) (H-9)
Jurik - Wind Breath (J-6)-(K-6)

Note that Apocolyptic Beast will still use these attacks even if the NM is killed but they will have no effect.
Dragons can be stunned. Spamming Flash and stun is advised.

Beastman NM placement
(E-7) - BLM - Flamecaller Zoeqdoq
(?-?) - DRG - Elvaansticker Bxafraff
(F-7) - MNK - Hamfist Gukhbuk
(G-7) - RNG - Lyncean Juwgneg

(?-?) - BST - Woodnix Shrillwhistle
(H-8) - DRK - Shamblix Rottenheart
(H-7) - RDM - Gosspix Blabberlips

(L-9) - BRD - Ree Nata the Melomaniac
(K-9) - NIN - Doo Peku the Fleetfoot
(K-9) - SAM - Koo Rahi the Levinblade
(K-9) - SMN - Baa Dava the Bibliophage

(?-?) - PLD - Te'Zha Ironclad
(?-?) - THF - Va'Rhu Bodysnather
(I-7) - WAR - Qu'Pho Bloodspiller
(J-8) - WHM - Gi'Bhe Fleshfeaster

There is no way to kill all 25 NMs in the zone before engaging the Beast due to time constraints. The best strategy is to pick which moves are most devistating and try to disable them before attempting the boss (BENEDICTION). The Beast lacks fast run speed, but is immune to gravity and very-highly resistant to stun. The best strategy is to use something similar to the Dynamis Lord strategy (damage rush).

Astral Flow - Howling Moon for about 600-1200
Chainspell - will immidiately cast a series of all -ga enfeeble spells like breakga, sleepga, etc.
Manafont - will stop and chain cast Death and all varieties of -ga3 magic
Mijin Gakure - 4000 damage all targets

There is a specific order in which the Beast will use the 15 hours. They are as follows


(Notice this order is not random. Go to your job screen and read them off left to right - it is the same order)

If a particular 2hr is gone, it will just skip and use the next. If the SMN 2hr is completed, it will loop back to WAR. Note that the 2 most devistating damage 2 hours, NIN and SMN, are at the end. You must kill the WHM NM or it can infinitely use Benediction.

Finally, this is my recommended priority list of attacks/moves which should be disabled before engaging in order of need.

Heavy Stomp
Body Slam

Once the Beast is dead, the ??? drops on the ground and you receive +60 minutes to farm.


Killing the Beast causes "Nightmare" monsters to appear. These mobs have a very high drop rate (REALLY HIGH) of dropping the new Dynamis items - AF2-1 and Capes/Belts. They appear to drop specifically. These nightmare mobs hit HARD and have really bad TP moves.


Autor:  Targaryen [ 2 sty 2006, 17:43 ]


Autor:  Draconi [ 2 sty 2006, 17:55 ]

Rozumiem ze w sobote probujemy ponownie? :D

Autor:  zet [ 3 sty 2006, 09:55 ]

Dodajcie mnie do arkusza "ActivityPoints" bo jestem w "Retired". Ostatnio byłem na Dynamis-Xarcabard i nie dostałem punktów :(

Nie mogę sobie pozwolić na chodzenie na wszystkie Dynamisy, ale na te najtrudniejsze bede chodzil.

Autor:  Targaryen [ 3 sty 2006, 11:58 ]

Czekamy aż Xav sie wypowie chyba. Drac postnij to w forum DP pliz.

Autor:  Comodo [ 3 sty 2006, 22:05 ]

Czy by wejść na ten dynamis sa jakieś specjalne wymagania?

Autor:  Duszek [ 3 sty 2006, 23:13 ]

trzeba miec zaliczona walke z Diabolosem w CoP i 4 podstawowe miasta

Autor:  swordsman [ 4 sty 2006, 00:24 ]

miast chyba nie trzeba zaliczyc....

Autor:  Duszek [ 9 sty 2006, 13:08 ]

znalazlam taka mapke na ifricie ... d2ec0fbbfb

Autor:  Bodziu [ 9 sty 2006, 13:32 ]

Zjawcia na killinifricie jest mapka ale dla Valkurm Dunes a nie dla Bu :)

Autor:  swordsman [ 9 sty 2006, 14:13 ]

yyy no i ?

Autor:  Duszek [ 9 sty 2006, 14:40 ]

oj przeciez na diuny tez kiedys pojdziemy nie? :)

Autor:  Slayerek [ 9 sty 2006, 14:46 ]

i widze bubu
to że jakimś cudem znalazła się tam mapka val ....

ja myślę że bubu to jest najtrudniejszy dynamis z tych nowych i jest duża szansa wygrać go na jesieni

Autor:  Draconi [ 9 sty 2006, 14:55 ]

Buburimu jest najlatwiejsze bo narazie jest do niego najwiecej informacji :D
W innych dynamisach tez sa jakies NMy ktore zabieraja jakies abilities czy zdolnosci bossa, tylko jeszcze brak o wiekszosci z tych nmow informacji, a jest tak samo jak w bubu ze bez zabicia tych NMow, boss jest prawie ze nie do pokonania.

Autor:  Elfka [ 10 sty 2006, 18:42 ]

sry, musialam wypisac sie...dzieciak mi zachorowal :/

Autor:  Balrog [ 10 sty 2006, 23:20 ]


Autor:  Duszek [ 10 sty 2006, 23:58 ]

komentarz do fotki:

tyle zostalo z dzielnej ekipy DP po spotkaniu z 4 smokami ;)

Autor:  Bodziu [ 11 sty 2006, 09:07 ]

No w koncu na MT update'neli sekcje dotyczaca dynamisow nowych, ciekawe dropy sa, czyzby mozna bylo zdobyc rekawiczki dla mnie na Dynamis-Buburimu ;-)
Zobaczymy w sobote :)

Autor:  Elfka [ 11 sty 2006, 09:32 ]

przy takiej jak ostatmio obecnosci,to mozna pomarzyc o sobotnich Dynamisach

Autor:  Balrog [ 17 sty 2006, 13:21 ]

Sai prosze wytłumacz mi dlaczego za Dynamis 3 stycznia mam 1 punkt, a nie dwa ? NAPEWNO sie nie spóźniłem.

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