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What is the colored light you obtain after defeating an enemy in Abyssea? Do the light colors have anything to do with the different colored chests that can appear when a monster is defeated?
There are seven varieties of light obtainable, each providing a unique benefit to the player. Their effects are as follows:
- Pearlescent: All sturdy pyxides will appear with greater frequency.
- Azure: Blue pyxides will appear with greater frequency and yield superior spoils.
- Ruby: Red pyxides will appear with greater frequency and yield superior spoils.
- Amber: Gold pyxides will appear with greater frequency and yield superior spoils.
- Golden: The adventurer will gain experience at an increased rate.
- Silvery: The adventurer will obtain cruor at an increased rate.
- Ebon: A small bonus will be granted to all colored light effects.
Multiple colors can be obtained at once, and each color will grow in intensity the more you acquire, granting even greater benefits. Use them well and these prismatic boons just might be the key to your survival in the harsh environs of Abyssea!
What is the the Flask of Primeval Brew? 2,000,000 cruor is quite a lot for a single item! It would be nice to know what it does before buying it!
Adventurers who quaff a flask of primeval brew will find themselves possessed of transcendent powers for a span of three Earth minutes.
While the deepest secrets of this beatific beverage are not for us to reveal, its benefits include a +999 boost to all attributes, Regen and Refresh that restore 300 points of HP/MP every three seconds, and other effects sure to bewilder even the most brutal Abyssean fiends.
Aside from the questions we received this time, we’d like to take this opportunity to announce two system enhancements that will be coming to Abyssea in the next version update. We will be adding a way for players to check their cruor supply, as well as the amount of time before they can obtain another traverser stone.
And of course, the upcoming Scars of Abyssea and Heroes of Abyssea promise to offer even tougher challenges and richer rewards—don’t miss them!
Czyli pearlascent trzeba walić jak najwięcej na początku.... kill-shot musi być melee.
Potem jak dużo skrzynek zacznie dropować to przerzucić się na magiczny kill-shot.