Strona 9 z 22

Autor:  Elfka [ 24 lis 2005, 02:43 ]

jesli Bart nie idzie, a Lesiu tez nie bardzo, to co z piatkiem?

Autor:  Elfka [ 28 lis 2005, 09:45 ]

co robicie we wtorek?

jak stoicie z czasem?

Autor:  egoist [ 28 lis 2005, 10:52 ]

Maxii mi napisal sma ze nie ma sieci. ale powinien miec do jutra wiec moze pojdziemy.

Autor:  egoist [ 30 lis 2005, 13:06 ]

DZIS o 18 KAZDY gotowy pod wieza!!!!!

Autor:  Prince [ 30 lis 2005, 13:31 ]

Understood!!!! :evil:
Zabiejemy wszystko!!!! :evil:

Autor:  egoist [ 30 lis 2005, 13:42 ]

jak mi ktos przyjdzie dzis bez antidote itd to zabije. jak komus trzeba kasy to niech mowi

Autor:  Elfka [ 30 lis 2005, 15:25 ]

Animy x3
Antidote x2 stack
Poison Potion x2 stack (madrzy moga uzyc Venom Potion x2 stack)
Holy water x1 stack
Hi-Potion - meele, kazdy ma miec tyle by przezyc jak madrzy maja problem z MP badz czyms innym 8)
Hi-Ethery - madrzy
Reraise-Potion x1 - obowiazkowo
Reraiseearring - obowiazkowo
Yagudo Drinki - dla tych, co potzrebuja cos na rozluznienie spiecia :lol:
Soczki na Regen HP - dla abstynentow w potzrebie :P
Silenty i Prismy w miare zapotrzebowania + dobry humor

Autor:  egoist [ 30 lis 2005, 15:47 ]

Anc jutro rano idziesz ze mna po kolczyk dla rdma twojego do Maze of Sharkami i mozna bombe robic next.

Autor:  Elfka [ 30 lis 2005, 15:49 ]

ok :o

Autor:  egoist [ 30 lis 2005, 23:54 ]

ok valtz poszedl pieknie. sfarmowalismy 6x gold key do mine shaft wiec robic CSy i go. Grats!

Autor:  Seph [ 1 gru 2005, 01:02 ]

egoist napisał(a):
ok valtz poszedl pieknie. sfarmowalismy 6x gold key do mine shaft wiec robic CSy i go. Grats!

No ciekawe tylko jak z tymi pathami ;) Ja wybralem pierwsza sciezke (wlasciwa, lol) mam nadzieje, ze mozna robic kilka naraz :D

Autor:  Max' [ 1 gru 2005, 01:10 ]

Jutro poczytam dokladniej dzis sily niemam najwyzej cos sie wymysli zreszta bedziemy sie przejmowac potem teraz robic CSy :P

Autor:  Duszek [ 1 gru 2005, 08:22 ]

wszystkie 3 sciezki mozna robic rownolegle

Autor:  Scorpio [ 1 gru 2005, 08:29 ]

CHAPTER 5 - The Return Home

M5-1(The Return Home):
Go to North Sandoria Cathedral and talk to Chasalvige (L-6) in the manuscript room. Go to Port Sandoria Airship departure room and talk to Anoki (H-6).
Next go to Port Bastok and a cutscene with the next chapter's title opening will show. After that, go to Metalworks and talk with Cid. If you have completed the series of 3 CoP quests from Raibaht, you should be able to see the name of the airship you've given being displayed in the cutscene ^.^
Next go to Beaucidine to prepare to enter Promyvion Vhazl. Enter via the tower where Nue spawns (F-7). Walk straight in until you come to a Stone Door at (H-8). Check the door to activate a trap where a NM Golem 'Nunyunuwi' spawns and attacks. Nunyunuwi has quite low HP of 3500, BUT it posesses an incredible auto-regen ability that heals 100+ HP/sec!! Soloing it is virtually impossible. Store TP to 300% and do a Dark renkei or spam with summoner LV70+ abilities to finish it off in a single blow.
I solod this easy as 75 NIN, any job at 75 should overcome his regen easily

Enter the Stone Door after defeating the golem and take the elevator down. Check the Stone Door there for a cutscene.

M5-2(Enduring Tumult of War):
Promyvion Vhazl. Level cap at LV50.
After going through 2 memory receptacle warps, you have to start looking for Memory Flux points to rescue the 3 NPCs. First one is at (J-8). Check to spawn a Propagator NM. Defeat and look for memory receptacle to warp. Second one at (M-6), check to spawn Solicitor NM. Defeat and warp to next level. Last flux is at (C-6/D-6) inbetween, check to spawn Ponderer NM. Backtrack to (F-6) for BC entry.

We only went with 6 people: Nin, Nin, Rng, Rng, Smn, Blm again, and getting through Promyvion-Vahzl was quite hard, normal Mobs would give 200 XP, and the NM's that spawn from the Memory Flux are really hard (NM on first level is Promyvion-Dem, Boss Type, NM on next level is Promyvion-Holla thing with the Carusell and Killer Poison Move, and NM on last level is Promyvion-Mea thing, that absorbs Buffs and uses AE Sleep/Curse, so be prepared, the second one almost wiped us out.
Total Time to get to the BC: almost 3 Hours.
Items you should bring:
Antidotes, Holy Water, Echo Drops, Poison Potion

BC fight: All 3 bosses (holla,mea,dem) in one BC. Fighting one won't aggro the other 2. Next boss won't move until current boss about 20% HP left. Store Tp or abilities and let it out on 20% to finish it off quickly before the next boss comes. Try to devise ways to take care of the next incoming boss, like Shadow Bind or Avatars etc. Suggested fighting order: Middle->Left->Right.

We used the same strategy as described above, which worked pretty well, despite one Ninja dieing vs the Middle one (Left = Dem, Middle = Holla, Right = Mea) we killed the first one slowly, then used Astral Flow on the second one to finish it (and possible spawns) off, and the last one was pretty easy: Clear Time : 9 Minutes. Not too hard a BC

After defeating all three, head to the tower at (I-7) and talk to the 3 tarus inside. Fly to Bastok's Metalworks to talk with Cid.

M 5-3 (Three Forks):
Similar to chapter 3's double forks, you can progress on the 3 separate forks simultaneously.

M 5-3A (Tenzen Path):
M 5-3A1: Visit the ??? spot at (G-6) in Latheine for cutscene.

M 5-3A2:
Go to the tower closest to Fei-Yin (J- to enter the LV50 capped PsoXja. As you progress in there, checking the Stone Doors may or may not activate the trap which spawns a Gargolye. If the Gargolye pops, you have to kill it to open the door. The path in here is a long and winding one with many stone doors to open. You will be fighting some tonberries, bats and magic pots along the way. At the end point, cast sneak and take the elevator down to the Avatar Gate for a cutscene.

You HAVE to fight here, basically in each room there are 1-2 mobs VT-IT, but easily doable with 6 people, the way is very straightforward, just go from door to door, till you get there (try to aggro mobs through doors, before killing Gargoyle)

M 5-3A3:
Go to Upper Jeuno infirmary and talk to Monberaux (G-10). Then go to the armory room in RuLude Palace, and talk to Monberaux again.

M 5-3A4: Exit through Upper Jeuno to Battalia. Walk out to the stone gates and turn left just beside the gate. You will find a hidden "???" mark on the ground. Check it for a cutscene. After the cutscene, check the ??? mark again to get a Key Item. Next head to Lower Delkuft 1st floor and check the Cermet Gate at (H-5) to spawn an NM.

Not soloable for almost all jobs at 75, he resists all kind of debuffs (even Stun), and casts Drain and Aspir, no problem with a party though.

M 5-3A5:
Next head to Beaucidine again and go to the tower nearest to the Battalia exit (H-10) to enter the LV60 capped PsoXja for a cutscene.
Then work your way down to the Avatar Gate for another Cutscene, bring mage subs for Sneak/Invis and some extra oils/powders/tonko, since some areas have pots. Try to avoid all battles.This area is quite small really, we had lots of fun again figuring the way out
After this, report back to Cid to end this route.

M 5-3B: Ulmia Path

M 5-3B1:
Go to South Sandoria (A-6) Trader's Manor and talk to Hinaree.

M 5-3B2:
Enter Port Sandoria for event.

M 5-3B3:
Go to the Cathedral at North Sandoria and talk to Chasalvige inside the manuscript room. Then go to Windurst Waters' Rhinostery and talk to Kerutoto. Then go to Winwalls and visit Yoran-Oran.

You will be told to go to Attohwa Chasm to find the 3 Tracker Mithras. They are waiting at the Bone Gully BC. This is a LV50 capped BC fight with the 3 Shikaree Mithras. Because of their WS spams, your PT might die to it pretty fast if without organized tactics. Together with a dragon call and a rabbit summon, there is a total of 5 mobs attacking. It will be best if you can sleepga them with BLM or lullaby them with a bard but only Shikaree Z has a higher probability being slept. At the beginning of the battle, have a PLD aim at Shikaree Z first and use Invincible (or get a brave tanker) to get hate and let the Summoner use Astral Flow (use avatar according to the elemental day) on the 5 mobs. This should reduce their HP to more than half. If anyone has a Siredon Grill item, this would be the time to use them. It would stop the Mithra you are fighting with to halt TP regen, so it won't keep spamming WS. As for the Summoner, quickly restore MP with HiEthers or Super Ether and use the 2nd Astral Flow. This should kill off Shikaree Z and the 2 pet summons, leaving Shikaree X and Y. If this works, the battle is half won! Concentrate on Y and then X cautiously. If the Summoner can still use Astral Flow, by all means go ahead ^_^. Please get a lot of Hi Potions along.

We lost this twice, its quite hard really, 2-3 Summoners is probably the supereasy way to win this one, as 3 Astral Flows will kill them all, if you dont have 3 SMN, try to kill Shikaree Z first, she is very very annoying with her wyvern (DRG/WHM), Sleep works, but only sticks for about 15 seconds (with seal) (we killed Z with Astral Flow, Freeze, Eagle Eye Shotx2, Barrage) (Dont bother with pets, they will just resummon them if dead)

M 5-3B4:
Next you have to go to Ulegerand Range to reach Bearclaw Pinnacle for another BC fight. To go to Bearclaw Pinnacle, go westward thru the first cave and you will reach a wide open area with an upslope with some Buffalo mobs roaming around. Somewhere around (J-10) there is a pithole on the ground. Drop down that hole and walk eastwards initially. You will come to a T-junction and walk Northward.

Bear Pinnacle BC is a LV60 capped fight. This fight involves 1 Snoll Tzar bomb boss. This boss is a bit...well...tricky. You are given 45 seconds (yes...seconds -_-; ) to defeat the bomb, similar to the timb bomb BCNM. The bomb will grow in size 3 times (long time FF fans should find that familiar LOL) before it explodes. And whether you die to that explosion or not, you will be expelled from the BC and the fight fails. Therefore you need to do mucho damage and FAST! When I went, we had a PT config of RNG,SAM,RDM,RDM,RDM,SMN. RNG had a SAM sub, while SAM subbed RNG and both the attackers gained TP to 100% before entering BC. We also brought along Hi-reraiser potion since we don't have a WHM. Once in the BC, do the necessary buffs. At the start, RNG n SAM spams as many Sidewinders as possible, and the 3 RDMs chainspell Fire2, SMN use Ifrit Astral Flow. If anyone has Shu-Meyu Salt item, this would be a good time to use it if you think you can win the battle. The Salt will increase the time limit by 15 seconds.

The total HP of the Bomb is 9000, so find a way of dealing 9000 damage in 45 seconds. The time will start when the bomb sees you. The actual time limit is 30 Minutes, so plenty of time to Meditate inside. We went with RNGx3, SMN, NIN, BLM and still lost the first time, unless the Bomb Berserks (which it can) this battle is really hard. The second time we won using one Salt to extend the time limit a little bit (note: it takes like 15 seconds to use the item, so make someone use it, that cannot deal damage at the moment, you get the salt by trading 2 Cluster Cores to the Orc NPC in Uleguerand Range)

If (touch wood) in the event, you failed the BC and survive, you will be booted out of the BC. Also you will have a status effect of Slip where you lose 32HP per 3 seconds. If you have very low HP remaining, you may die off. If you already died, dun reraise yourself too quickly.
After the fight, go back to Cid and report to him.

M 5-3C: Louverance Path

M 5-3C1:
Go to Tavnazian Safehold and talk with Despachiaire.

M 5-3C2:
Go to WinWoods and talk to Perih Vashai (K-7).

M 5-3C3:
Next go to Bibiki Bay and take the ManaClipper to Purgonorgo Isle and go to the south bay (H-11) where you'll find a NPC WarMachine. Check it for a cutscene.

M 5-3C4:
Before you proceed further, each individual should go to Movalpolos Newton to get a Gold Key (Rare) item from Goblin Fireman, Goblin Packman (Easy Prey to LV75) to be used later on in the mission. Next go back to WinWalls and talk with Yoran-Oran. Then go to Movalpolos Oldton to activate another cutscene. Head to (K-10) where you can see the NPC moblins and the Rusty Levers. If you have a Snow Lily (Rare/Ex) item with you, you can trade it to Tarnotik NPC moblin on the left who will warp you directly to the BC entrance. Beware this only applies to the person using it, not the whole PT. If someone doesn't have a Snow Lily, you have to get 3 person to activate the 3 Levers at the same time to raise the bridge to cross to Movalpolos Newton and use at least 3 Firesand items to activate the Furnace to turn the Turnstile Gates for the PT to reach the BC...very troublesome. Snow Lily can be obtained from Ulegerand Tigers or Cwn Awwn dogs at Ulegerand Range.

I actually advise learning the normal way to Mine Shaft, since you ll have to go there a total of 3 times, and farming up 18 rare/ex snow lilys is quite a pain, and the way isnt all that hard. There is another couple of quests that will allow you to always get warped to mine shaft for a bottle of ahriman tears (check Bowyer Ring quest for details) EDIT: Snow Lily is now not RARE/EX anymore, but you can only use it to get there once.

Here are some EXCELLENT maps, to help Navigating:

Position 3 People at the right levers, 2 of them only reachable by going through Newton Movalpolos, but the way is quite easy as you can see, pull the levers at once and make your way to Mine Shaft, you might have to use Jars of Firesand (green dots on Map) to adjust some gates.

Dead Link, trying to get a working one soon

M 5-3C5:
Shaft 2716 LV60 cap BC.
4 Moblins+ 1 Bugbear

Chekochuk (BLM)
Trikotrak (RDM)
Swipostik (THF)
Movamuq (WHM)

Kill them in following order BLM > RDM > THF > WHM > Bugbear.
The Moblins will use 2hr's but they have fairly low HP. They are absolutely unsleepable, but the BC has a very very long Tunnel leading up to it, making kiting a bunch of them very easy. Bugbear has lots of HP, so deal with him last and Kite it in the meantime.

M 5-3C6:
Head back to Bastok Metalworks, talk to Cid. You will be asked to go back to Movalpolos.

M 5-3C7:
Head back to Mine Shaft #2716, trade the Gold Key to the door for another cutscene.

M 5-3C8:
Head back yet again to Cid. This will end this path, and hopefully this chapter.

Autor:  egoist [ 1 gru 2005, 09:27 ]

Dzieki Stok.

Autor:  Elfka [ 1 gru 2005, 10:13 ]

dzieki Stok :D

Autor:  Elfka [ 1 gru 2005, 13:49 ]

zajelo troche czasu ale mam CS z 3x wstep za soba (mam nadzieje, ze wszystkie :D )

w sumie tylko quest na jedzonko dla kotow jest czasochlonny, reszta to walki i powrotne/nowe CS

ten quest narazie nie rozumiem, a fishing dla mnie ciemna magia :/

Autor:  egoist [ 1 gru 2005, 13:51 ]

ok tez skonczylem CS do wszystkich sciezek duuuzo czasu zajmuje;)

Autor:  Scorpio [ 1 gru 2005, 13:54 ]

Ten fishing quest jest banalny ale zajmuje od ... czasu.
Z sandori idziemy na przystan barki i tam wsiadamy na barke, ale przedtem warto kupic troche przynety na rybki i composite rod - przynete mozna kupic w TS.
No a potem tylko plywamy barka z punktu do punktu i lapiemy rybki ....

Autor:  Elfka [ 1 gru 2005, 14:06 ]

dzieki :D :D Stok.... ja i rybactwo, ale nie ma wyboru 8) ... ile trzeba dla kotow jedzonka uzbierac na 1 osobe lub x6, by x2 z nimi nie spotykac sie? i czy ma znaczenie meele czy madrzy maja rzucac im jedzenie? jak to taktycznie wygodniej, to chyba r/ex

fajnie, ze to w Sandorii
kiedys przez ciekawosc sobie tam weszlam i poplynelam zwiedzac, lecz kompletnie nie wiem, czy tam 1 kierunek obowiazuje do lowienia, czy nie ma to znaczenia?... i czy mnie tam moze cos zjes? jakis NM bywa? :-?

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