Bastok Rank 10
Strona 2 z 2

Autor:  coldee1 [ 25 mar 2006, 12:41 ]

jak widać ... rano CC śpi :) .... na Rank 10 stawili się tylko Pitia , Kalcia i ja :)

Jednakże pisaliście ,że chcecie pospać więc .. może uda nam się zrobić po dynamisie :) ..... spróbujemy wtedy :) mam nadzieję ,że uda się w godzinach wieczornych

Autor:  egoist [ 25 mar 2006, 15:26 ]

ej no to zrobmy w poniedzialek po limbusie:)

Autor:  Seph [ 25 mar 2006, 16:46 ]

egoist napisał(a):
ej no to zrobmy w poniedzialek po limbusie:)

jes priz

Autor:  coldee1 [ 25 mar 2006, 16:54 ]

możnaby ..... o ile reszcie będzie pasić :) bym sobie odpoczął dziś i jutro :)

Autor:  egoist [ 26 mar 2006, 23:52 ]


Autor:  kalcia [ 27 mar 2006, 00:00 ]

nie uciekajcie po limbusie ><
rank 10 yes, please

Autor:  Seph [ 27 mar 2006, 00:03 ]


Autor:  egoist [ 27 mar 2006, 00:04 ]

niech kazdy wstep zrobi plz zeby mie bylo czekania

Autor:  Huckster [ 27 mar 2006, 08:01 ]

ja też bym chciał zrobić rank 10. mówimy o 9-1 i 9-2, tak?

9-1 The Salt of the Earth.
Recommend Lv.65 x18
Walkthrough [Information from Jehannu : 2005.06.01]
1. Accept the mission.
2. Senator Alois (Metalworks)
3. DancingWolf by Windmill in Rabao
4. Gustav Tunnel (The 2nd sheet of MAP) G-6
5. ??? in Puddle -> Slime NM. You'll need to work out something with regards to pulling, because mobs at the ??? preclude a fight
there. We sent two mages to pop the NM. One popped it while the RDM cast sleep II on the Gigaplasm. They both recast sneak
and returned to our PT, which was camping on the chokepoint.

*Mobs Information.

Gigaplasm*1 -> Macroplasm*2 -> Microplasm*2 -> Nanoplasm*2

*Fight information.

1. When the Gigaplasm is killed, it will divide. The same is true of all the plasms except Nano.
2. Physical attacks will get you killed. They'll get everyone else killed too. Don't even use WS.
3. Those who can use Elemental Magic(Black Mage , Red Mage) are required. If you're a physical damage dealer, sub whm or rdm
and help heal. You have absolutely no place here otherwise.
4. All mobs except the current target should be sleeping. Multiple tanks should help keep hate off the mages.
Assign a lead nuker and have the rest /assist. For the larger slimes, you may want to nuke in bursts, resleeping in between.
Nanoplasms can be defeated with one lvIII spell usually.
5. Take care to keep up Stoneskin, Blink and Reraise. If someone is killed in the battle, keep one Nanoplasm alive until weakness
wears, as running to the ??? requires passing undead.
Reward -
9-2 Where Two Paths Converge.
Recommend Lv.68 x 6
Walkthrough This is a 6 person BC fight against one boss (I will NOT tell you who it is, it's a BIG surprise!), our party make up was Lucrecia
(PLD71), Desdemona (THF75), Pulverise (PLD75), Gruldor (WAR71), Sefirot (DRG75) all from the Linkshell Nephilim, and me
(Cokesplash: WHM63) from the best LS on Carbuncle, TheExiled! We are all on the Carbuncle server, so feel free to send us a /tell if
you are on that server and have any questions about this mission.


1) Accept the mission from the gate guard (you will need to trade more crystals; i had to trade just over 8 more stacks)

2) Go the president's office. Talk to iron eater and he will let you in. Prepare for one crazy cutscene!

3) After the cutscene, head to the Throne Room in Castle Zvahl Keep and enter the BC.

NOTE: At 63 everything was EP to me in Baileys and same with the Keep. On the way to the Throne Room, the 70+ didn't draw
aggro ever (with no sneak and invis), and I drew it once by accident. ;)


1) Once inside the throne room, run straight across to the big door on the other side. Heal up, buff, eat food, and then when you
are ready, enter the BC by targeting the door and selecting "Where two paths converge" off the list.

2) Once inside, don't move towards the boss until everyone is inside.


The boss uses AoE WS that induces sleep to everyone (regardless of what anyone tells you, this is true.
Our pld died because of it. It cast it twice in the fight.) so have the white mage use a poison potion or two during the fight to stay
awake (It seems to have a very large range, and very little if any chance of resist) Barsleepra might not be a bad idea either.
Eventually Volker will join the fight (at about 50% HP of the boss's HP left for us, or after about 1-2 minutes).

After a short cutscene, the battle will resume. Volker will attack the boss with you and must be kept alive.
NOTE: If he is killed the battle will end in a loss, however, he only got hit once or twice for us for little to no damage. The boss can
and will spawn 2 mobs called "Shadow of Rage". They have decent attack and very low hp, so if you can, use a Lv 3 elemental -ga
magic to quickly defeat them while the melee types continue focus on boss.
If you don't have a black mage (we didn't), just make sure they aren't attacking Volker or your mages (provoke or flash them off if
they are) and continue to concentrate on the boss, as they really didn't do much.
Continue grinding away until the boss is dead. After the fight there is another CS.


Return to the president's office and talk to Iron Eater to enter. After a funny cutscene, you achieve rank 10 and a Bastok Flag to put
in your mog house (put the item in your Mog Safe and choose Layout to put it on the wall)!
As you walk outside, Naji will give you a letter from a surprise NPC and 100,000 gil. Our battle clear time was 4 minutes 47 seconds.

NOTE: The Bastok Flag will give you a new Moghancement that doubles the Conquest Points you earn while you have Signet.
If you don't get it when putting your flag up, try removing some of the furniture you have in your mog house.
Reward Rank10 , 100000 Gil , Bastok Flag

Autor:  Huckster [ 28 mar 2006, 07:09 ]

ej no - nikt nic nie napisał.

Zrobiliśmy Rank 10 :)

Autor:  Slayerek [ 28 mar 2006, 07:50 ]

teraz zacznijcie robić Windurst i razem zróbmy dla mnie 9-2 :roll:

Autor:  Scorpio [ 28 mar 2006, 08:45 ]

Moje gratulacje .. w końcu :)

Ja potrzebuje Windy rank 9 i Rank 10 :)

Autor:  egoist [ 28 mar 2006, 09:14 ]

zrobilismy w skladzie 5,5 hahah "Nawajaj predator clavs" "przyzywam ramuh" buhahahahah Huck

Autor:  kalcia [ 28 mar 2006, 09:40 ]

tya, za 3cim razem sie udalo, za pierwszym i drugim byly problemy z mobkami, ktore myslelismy ze sie da uspic ;D i nam npc padal i lesiu raz .___.
za trzecim razem poszlo znacznie lepiej, nawet udalo nam sie rekord ustalic XD

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