Nowe questy z ToAU
Strona 2 z 2

Autor:  swordsman [ 26 kwi 2006, 07:08 ]

bod przynajmniej jest jakas odmiana :P

Autor:  Targaryen [ 26 kwi 2006, 15:02 ]

"Two Horn the Savage
Client: Milazahn (Balrahn Way, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
The ferocious "Two Horn the Savage" has been wreaking havoc around the Empire, but nobody knows the creature's identity or its whereabouts. You are to lead an investigation into the facts surrounding this frightening beast.

1. Start CS Milazahn, Balrahn Way
2. Pogadac z Cacaroon (G-11), dać mu 1k gil, pogadac znow.
3. Sprawdzić Viscous Liquid (E- w Mamook. ( sadzawka daje status poison i zamienia w beastmana )
4. Trzeba zabić Mamool Ja (NM)
5. Ponownie obejrzec sadzwke z bliska
6. Pogadac na koniec Milazahn w Aht Urhgan Whitegate.

Jeszcze go nie zrobiłem, ale chetnie sie przejde jakas wieksza paczka do Mamok bo mam tam pare questów"

Można w to miejsce dojśc samemu na sneak/invi. Mamook Ja z którym się walczy bardzo często ma intimidate na tym kto go tankuje- walka bardzo prosta, nie dotknął mnie a nawet nie walczyłem z nim w evasion. Przyznam, że ma jednak dośc sporo HP więc jak ktoś nie jest THF, BRD, NIN, RDM, BLM, BST to może by ciężko. Nie wymieniłem summonera bo nie wiem czy przy małym polu manewru jakie tam jest (wszędzie wokół korytarze z mobkami) ta walka będzie dla niego komfortowa (czy uda mu się zrobi recast wiewiórki or whatever).

"Give Peace a Chance
Client: Mishhar (Serpentking Square, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Mishhar wants you to find out what Isween is doing out in the Wajaom Woodlands at night.

Give Peace a Chance last night. From the homepoint in Whitegate, run up the step right in front of you and talk to the Elvaan NPC with Barone Body (can't remember his name, starts with an M). He'll tell you he wants you do go see what one of his soilders is up to.

Once it's night, walk out to the Woodlands and look for a ??? near K-7 (I walked the whole zone and then found out it was right near the entrance >_>). You should get a CS. Go back to the Elvaan NPC and he'll tell you that you now need to go to Mamook. Zone into Mamook at E-12 in the Woodlands. Once you walk ahead a little you should see a ???. Click it for a CS (;'_'. Now go back to Whitegate, speak with the Elvaan"

??? pojawia się o 20.00 w południowej części K-7

Totoroon's Treasure
Client: Totoroon (Port, Nashmau)
Totoroon has found a "soooper-doooper" treasure. He will tell you where it is hidden in exchange for something sweet.

Stok: "Nie mam zupelnie pojecia co on ma na mysli mowiac cos slodkiego - nic nie wziol z tego co mu dawałem, nie testowałem : silver piece, mithril piece, golden piece ani white honey. "

Huck: Chyba trzeba dać mu "date" - czyli daktyl.

Ludzie dawali mu Pamamas i działało. Osobiście nie sprawdzałem jeszcze.

"What Friends Are For
Client: Tsetseroon (Junk Seller, Nashmau)
Tsetseroon needs a cobalt jellyfish and a chunk of tin ore to make his special stew.

Stok: Kolejnosc questu
1. CS w Ayadewa subterrane,
2.CS w Nasamu,
3. dac Testesro... meduze + ore,
4. CS w Ayadewa subterrane ..
5. Pogadac znow z testesroonem w nasamu.

Go to Nashmau and talk to Tsetseroon. He's to the left of the northernmost exit to Caedarva Mire. Talking to him triggers a cutscene, which wraps up by him asking you for a Tin Ore and a Cobalt Jellyfish. Walk to the docks and buy these items. Should be in stock, no problem. Once you give them to him you'll receive key item: Pot of Tsetseroon's Stew (or something like that)

Now, you gotta make your way to Aydeewa Subterrane. You gotta take kind of a roundabout path, so here you go. You're gonna need at least a stack of sneak/invis items if you're not a mage. Note that there are bombs in Halvung, so you'll need some prism powders or tonko so as not to take magic aggro.

(Note: I used maps to help me with this.)

First, go to Bhaflau Thickets and enter Halvung from F-8. Once in Halvung, you're going to head mainly southwest. Keep heading in this direction and you will pass a few rock bridges going over lava, find yourself in a big cavern with lava in the middle, etc. Keep heading southwest. You'll come to a Bronze gate. No need for a key, just open it. After passing through this bronze gate, you'll come to a fork. To the west is a bronze gate, don't go that way. Go east. Soon you'll come to yet another fork. A bronze gate will be ot the east, don't go east. Go west instead. Head southwest once again and you'll come to another bronze gate, proceed through, and continue heading straight south, and follow to path and you'll be in Aydeewah Subterrane.

If by now you're looking at the FFXI atlas maps on that aforementioned website, you'll be on the 3rd map from the top. Put sneak and invis up right away in here because there's Chigoes and they'll aggro you. They hit fast, and most of the time attack in a group. You cannot see their names until they aggro, but you can see their actual bodies. They're very tiny. Basically hug the right wall all the way in. You'll pass through a circular room filled with water and funguars, then find yourself in a big open room filled with tigers and more chigoes. Hug the right wall and you'll come to a large set of stone steps in front of some kinda altar or a temple. You'll see a short cutscene as you approach, and it will drop you out of invisible. Be careful. Climb up the stairs and click the ??? at the very top. Cutscene, then a dialoge choice appears. Your options are "Yes." and "I'm not a thief." I picked yes, I dunno if it matters or not. But since this is FFXI, probably doens't. After the cutscene is over, quest is complete.

NAGRODA: Map of Aydeewa Subterrane
NAGRODA: Imperial Bronze Piece"

Jeśli wybierze się opcję Yes to od razu dostanie się mapę a Tsetseroon da nam imperial bronze coin w nagrodę za nasze trudy. Jeśli wybierzemy opcję "I`m not a thief" to od Tsetseroona dostaniemy mapę.

Fear of the Dark II
Client: Suldiran (Galeserpent Square, Al Zahbi)
Bring Suldiran two imp wings.

Ten quest jest prawdopodobnie najlepszą opcją nabijania fame w Aht Urhgan.

Stok: "Nie bardzo opłaca się robić ten quest ze wzgledu na cene imp wing obecnie na AH. Impy najlepiej bić EP, mele nie maja za bardzo jak je solować - uzywaja zaklec II-IV w tym ga II i III, ponadto maja ablity ktore daje silence. 1 Zaklecie Tier IV impa zabiera mi ze 400 Hp stoneskina + 200-300 HP. No i mają truesight plus aguja na magie niemal jak bomby - z duzej odleglosci "

EP-DC Impy znajdują się na cmentarzu jak się wyzonuje z Nashmau na zachód. Nieprzyjemnie się robi w nocy bo o 20 popują kości DC.

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 8 maja 2006, 09:54 ]


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