Strona 2 z 3

Autor:  Draconi [ 25 kwi 2006, 12:44 ]

Z tego co slyszalem to podobno po wygraniu kazdego z 5 assaultow, dostaje sie quest na rank up.

Autor:  Scorpio [ 25 kwi 2006, 13:13 ]

Ja dziś powinienem być pomiedzy 18-19 juz w domku, do 20 spokojnie damy rade puknac jakis assalucik .. ktos ma chec ?

Autor:  swordsman [ 25 kwi 2006, 13:15 ]

Ja! w Huckowej skorze :]

Autor:  Draconi [ 25 kwi 2006, 13:17 ]

Moge wpasc dzisiaj.

Autor:  Duszek [ 25 kwi 2006, 15:50 ]

ja chetnie ale w tej chwili mam teleport tylko na Lebros Assault (Halvung)

Autor:  Huckster [ 25 kwi 2006, 16:48 ]

Ja mam teleport do:
- Mamool
- tam gdzie Lamie

Autor:  Scorpio [ 25 kwi 2006, 16:55 ]

Huckster napisał(a):
Ja mam teleport do:

- tam gdzie Lamie

Tam sa trzy staging pointy ? To ktory masz?

Autor:  Targaryen [ 26 kwi 2006, 00:41 ]

Może jutro 3 różne assaulty? Trzeba sprawdzi czy sie dostanie questa od Naja na nowy rank.

Autor:  Seph [ 26 kwi 2006, 00:52 ]

ja up
mam leolasung(?)
i halvung
i chcialbym assault
i pijany jestem sorry za spe;lling

Autor:  Bodziu [ 26 kwi 2006, 07:10 ]

A ja bede dzis od 18:00, jakby mial ktos chec przy pomocy zdobycia roznych SP to bylbym wedzieczny, mam tylko 2 :( A potem mozna by assault, badz jakis expik na nowych terenach :]

Autor:  Targaryen [ 26 kwi 2006, 09:00 ]

Przeklejam info dotyczące podstawowych pięciu Assaultów:

How-To: do the first 5 assault missions.

-Excavation Duty
Mission Orders: The Imperial Army plans to traverse the Lebros Cavern as part of their attack on Halvung, however the tunnels are blocked with rocks. You must remove the obstructions.
Area: Lebros Cavern
Objective: Remove the obstructions
Recruitment: Lv.50, 3-6 Mercenaries.

To complete: As mentioned, you have to knock down 5 walls. They take single digit damage and have a fuckton of HP for how much you're capable of doing to them. There are 5, one right off the bat, one up the middle ramp all the way north, and 3 to the right side of the area. Beat down the first one manually, best idea is to brin 5 DD's and 1 support mage, a bard preferably. I did this with 2 warriors, a monk, a nin, rng, and a BRD. Luckily you wont need to beat down all of the walls with your fists. As the qiqirns (sp?) drop mines that you will get flagged for obtaining when they die. What you want to do is engage a brittle rock wall then use the mine, which will instantly blow up the wall. Sadly the qiqirns wont always drop the mine to blow up all the walls, so you might be left with one (or unluckily more) walls to smack down with your fists. We were left with 1 wall to beat down manually. After you finish all 5 walls, go back towards the entrance then go westward. The rune of release and the ancient lockbox will be waiting for you.

Suggestion: Don't be afraid to take the level cap on this mission. Say you have 3 mages but they have NIN, MNK, or WAR at 60? Take it, the rocks cant fight back anyway, you don't need some ridiculous gear to do this, AF will more than suffice.

Side Note: Blowing up bombs (like the monsters) next to walls does not aid in their destruction.

-Leujaoam Cleansing
Mission Orders: General Afkaam is to inspect Leujaoam Sanctum. Destroy all creatures int he area that may pose a threat to the general.
Area: Leujaoam Sanctum
Objective: Remove all threats.
Recruitment: Lv.50, 3-6 mercenaries.

To complete: Easy enough, kill all the worms in the area. They link, cast basic worm spells, but are easy to mow down. Did this with 2 NINs, 2 WAR/NINs, a BRD and a WHM. I imagine the less people you have the less monsters you'll have to fight.

-Imperial Agent Rescue
Mission Orders: An agent sent to spy on the secret training grounds of the Mamool Ja has been captured. Rescue him before he is interrogated for Imperial secrets.
Area: Mamool Ja Training Grounds
Objective: Rescue the agent.
Recruitment: Lv.60, 3-6 mercenaries

To complete: 6 jail cells (if I remember correctly), the agent is in one of them but the doors are all blocking you. To knock them down to find the agent, pull Mamool Ja Warders (there might be others but those are the ones we fought) and fight them facing the walls. When they do things like firespit or [something] Throw, you're supposedly supposed to switch gear to make it miss you and hit the wall behind you. I did this but I cant be entirely sure that it's even required to do so, he was in the first pot hatch we checked <_<

-Golden Salvage
Mission Orders: Rumor has it that the golden figurehead from the Black Coffin, the ship of Luzaf the pirate, can be found somewhere within Ilrusi Atoll.
Area: Ilrusi Atoll
Objective: Recover the figurehead
Recruitment: Lv.60, 3-6 mercenaries.

To complete: There are 2 types of monsters in this area, Pugils and Cursed chests. Basically all but one of the chests (maybe more but obviously we wouldnt know since only one is required) are mimics. Keep fighting them until you find the right one. Just mow them down, poisona anyone who's still hit by death trap, sneak past the pugils (orz now I don't even know wtf they aggro, Latest update is that theyre sight aggro >_> so I guess just put up both stealths and stay a long fucking way away from them, but for now treat them as sight) and keep going. Upon winning the rune of release is in the middle of the area, it will tell you the position of the rune anyway.

-Seagull Grounded
Mission Orders: The Immortals have captured a member of the Seagull Phratrie, a rebel organization. You are to escort the prisoner safely to a holding area.
Area: Periqia
Objective: Escort the prisoner
Recruitment: Lv.70, 3-6 mercenaries.

To complete: This one is just annoying as hell. You basically need to walk this dumbass corsair through the area and make sure you...

-Dont let him too close to aggro (lest he run back to the beginning until he loses breath, annoying as hell since he moves about 2x faster to the beginning than he does towards the end)

-Dont get too far ahead of / away from him (read above)

- Dont get too close in front of him (he says you smell and stops moving until you pull ahead of him or stay behind him but not too closely)

If you do all of this (keep 2 people next to him with 4 clearing the way) while moving towards the end (past the third bend towards the east is where he went for us) he'll get to the end, and you'll be done. We fought 3 doom toads and like 4 pugils, easy crap. He might change path for you but yeah, only went in once so I wouldnt know.

After this you can talk to naja and complete the quest, grats on your PFC wildcat badge.

Autor:  swordsman [ 3 maja 2006, 11:38 ]

jak ktos zna lepszy guide do staging pointow to poprosze ^_^ ... l_Sentries

Autor:  Lord_Deshter [ 3 maja 2006, 11:45 ]

Prosze ^_^

Autor:  Balrog [ 3 maja 2006, 12:37 ]

Czy jest ktos chętny wieczorkiem na expo w nowych krainach ? chciałbym uzbierać punkty na mapy......i chętnie załapałbym sie na jakiś Assault static...mam 5 stag pointów, a nie byłem jeszcze na żadnym assaulcie.

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 3 maja 2006, 12:42 ]

JA bym chetnie poszedł jak mnie weź miecie :D

Autor:  kalcia [ 3 maja 2006, 13:09 ]

me too ^^/

Autor:  Vejitta [ 3 maja 2006, 13:31 ]

Exp, Assault, whatever, count me in :P

Autor:  Balrog [ 3 maja 2006, 13:33 ]

2 x DD, tank, tylko Kalcia nie ma kogo refreshowac :lol: więc jescze 2 miesca dla magoooooof zostały.

Może jakiś static z tego zrobimy ? wiem że Veji i Kal pewnie nie do końca zadowoleni z moje osoby, ale moze w końcu przełamiemy lody :wink:

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 3 maja 2006, 13:35 ]

Hehehe :D

Autor:  Vejitta [ 3 maja 2006, 13:41 ]

Wezcie Simiego :) i jakiegos BRDa albo Bialasa! :D

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