Limbus CC Alfa
Strona 101 z 130

Autor:  egoist [ 24 sie 2006, 22:52 ]

luz ja po prostu nie lubie instancji. a jeszce jak mam chodzic 100x zanim cos wypadnie to no thx. z tym cae to byl zart :wink:

edit: a z dupy musze i tak pochodzic bo mi tylko v cloack zostal jakbym chcial oddac wszystkie naraz a nie chce sie v cloacka pozbywac

Autor:  Duszek [ 25 sie 2006, 07:08 ]

welcome back ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Autor:  egoist [ 25 sie 2006, 10:07 ]

nie no zly bylem strasznie

Autor:  Gokulo [ 25 sie 2006, 14:52 ]

O jezu jak fajnie, ze nie bylo Ultimy ^^; Nie zrozumcie mnie zle, ale tak sie wkurzylem :/ W moim miescie jakas awaria Neo byla czy cos od poludnia wczoraj... wlasnie odzyskalem net.

Autor:  zet [ 26 sie 2006, 13:36 ]


NIN / WAR (Rhaegal)
NIN / WAR (Zjawcia)
NIN / WAR (Lesiu)
RDM / WHM (Gokulo)
BRD / WHM (Selaine)
WHM / SMN (Ancover)

BLM / WHM (Fozhar)
BLM / WHM (Nimloth / Canto)
RDM / DRK (Panoramiiix)
RDM / DRK or WHM(Stokrotka)
WHM / SMN (Pitia/Drac)
WHM / SMN (Zetoriush)

MNK / NIN (Opiekun)
DRK / THF (Galenros)
SAM / NIN (Oraichu)
MNK / NIN (Laeriuen)
BRD / WHM (Valyana)
WHM / SMN (Deshter)

PLD / NIN or WAR (Xavery)

You are not in roster, but please come in case someone from roster will not come. If you need an item and are able to get it you can get in after fight even if you will not take part in fight. If you will come you will be awarded with points even if you will not fight.

Autor:  zet [ 26 sie 2006, 13:37 ]

Ultima strategy


TANKS: (Rha, Zjaw, Lesiu) Pulling Ultima to top left corner, try to keep it facing into wall. Do not die and especially do not die together.

RDM IN TANK PARTY: (Gokulo) Most important task is to keep Ultima debuffed all the time - (Bio II, Paralyze, Slow, Blind and Poison II all the time), second task is keeping refresh on mages. If spare MP help with curing.

MAIN WHM IN TANK PARTY: (Anc) Most important is to keep Rha hasted all the time and keep tanks at full HP. Kepping Barstone and Barpetrify up all the time. Recast Protectra and Shellra after special move called Dissapation. Removing bad statuses from Rha + Stona for Rha, Goku, Sel. Do not let drop your MP below 50%.

BRD IN TANK PARTY: (Sel) Keeping march on tanks + ballads on mages. Help with Curing.


RDM IN BLM PARTY: (Panoramiix) Refreshing 6 ppl in party first WHM then BLM. Help with curing BLMs and Tanks. +stun order. Nuke if you have spare MP.

BLM DEBUFER IN BLM PARTY: (Saitou) Same duties like rest BLMs and in addition should keep Drown, Rasp and Frost all the fight up. Duties in order of importance: Stun Order -> Self Buff -> Elemental Debuff -> Magic Burst nuking -> free nuking -> everything else.

BLM IN BLM PARTY: (Fozhar, Nimloth/Canto) Stun, Stoneskin, Blink, magicburst i nuke. Do not let drop your MP below 50%! If so - rest. Duties in order of importance: Stun Order -> Self Buff -> Magic Burst nuking -> free nuking -> everything else. When Ultima has Mana Shield (immune to magic) - rest.

WHM IN BLM PARTY: (Pitia, Drac) Keeping Barstone, Barpetrify, Protectra, Shellra up. Removing bad statuses, curing, helping to cure DD party or tank party. Do not let drop your MP below 50%!

WHM IN BLM PARTY, BUT DEDICATED TO TANK PARTY: (Zet) Tasks: Haste Zjawcie and Lesiu, remove bad statuses from Zjawcia and Lesiu, Stona Zjawcia and Lesiu, Cure Tank Party. Do not let drop your MP below 50%.


DD IN MELEE PARTY: (Opi, Gal, Lae, Orai, Myr) Making skillchains in pairs. Clear communicating it to others (preferably with <call>) so BLMs will not miss MB, and other melee will not do their SC in meantime. Dark SC is preferred (Ultima is light based). If you have any bad status then communicate it on party chat. If you are low on HP (<600) disengage and get away of AOE, if mages will have MP then you get cure if not - rest. Try to avoid death! When Ultima has "Particle Shield" (hitting for 0 dmg) get away of AOE and rest HP untill it's off.

WHM IN MELEE PARTY: (Deshter) Hasting 4 DD, keeping Barstone, Barpetrify, Protectra, Shellra up. Curing. Removing bad statuses from Lae, Myrt and Orai. Do not let drop your MP below 50%!

BRD IN MELEE PARTY: (Val) Keeping songs on DD and ballads on WHM. Removing bad statuses from Gal and Opi. Help with Curing. Informing party of: who is the target of Citadelbuster, when Ultima is immune for magic when on melee, etc.

How to stun

Make stun order. When and how to stun: when it's your stun order then target Ultima, forget about anything else and keep your eye on Ultima - immediately after you see red lines release stun. If there will be no special during 12 seconds then release Stun anyway. It's because next blm already has his stun timer up.

What to do when low on MP or anything going bad <--- UPDATED

If low on MP or some death ppl then everyone stops doing DAMAGE and giving Ultima TP. Tanks does blinktank without melee, WHM or two help them to survive. Everyone else (including DD) are going OUT of the AoE range and rest. If tanks are dead then Huck takes blink tank duties - if he dies then next DD takes blink tank duties. Its very important because first time we lost because of lack of MP. When Ultima will have 22% left then we also stopping to do any damage and blink tank because we want everyone especially BLMs to get full MP. After Ultima reaches 20% HP left we need to kill it very fast.

Citadel Buster <--- UPDATED
When Ultima is 20% left then it starts spamming citadelbustera, I mean AOE 2000 damage. It starts counting down from 30 to 0 and at the end releasing "deathga". Val will tell who is the target of citadelbuster so he stayes there and rest run out of the room (aoe is huge and unpredictible). After each CB Ultima chcnges it's immunity. Its important for 2h when you cant afford yourself to hit for 0. Everyone uses 2H to kill Ultima fast.

Valyana napisał(a):
We shouldn't run away as soon as we see the "30...". The countdown for Citadel Buster gives us free time to do damage while Ultima isn't fighting back. We need to use that time to do damage before it wipes us out one by one.

When we see "30...", melees should circle around ultima and unlock target so that they are ready to run right when the countdown gets to "10..."

Nukers should stand at maximum range and keep nuking until "10...", then run.

Tanks should run a little earlier, at "20...", but not go too far. They need to get hate back fast after the Citadel Buster so Ultima doesn't kill more people with normal attacks.

Support can run at the same time, or sooner if they feel like it. Ultima won't be doing anything dangerous during the countdown.

I think it's better for DDs to get Bustered than tanks for the most part, so tanks can stop or at least slow down their hate building when we see "30..." and let a DD pull hate. If we lose all the tanks Ultima kills everyone else pretty fast with normal attacks.

After "10...", if you get drawn in just stand there and take the death, then reraise, get away and recover.

People should use damage 2-hours when Ultima hits 20%, before they get Bustered and thereby weakened.

Valyana napisał(a):
Ultima really screwed us with the specials right at 20% today. Armor Buster -> Dissipation -> Citadel Buster was a nasty combo. And then people still don't seem to know how to run away.

If you have Gravity from Armor Buster, run away immediately.
If you don't, KEEP ATTACKING until 10... and then run away. Unless it's immune to your attacks, in which case you might as well run earlier.
EVERYONE run away. Don't decide it's on you, so you don't need to run. Sometimes you're right, sometimes you aren't. We've had several people die unnecessarily because Ultima changed targets in the middle of the countdown. Don't stop running unless you get pulled in during the last 5 seconds, and even then you can run the opposite direction.

When you run, run up onto the ledge where we entered the room. Don't go through the door, that just wastes time getting back to do more damage.

Before 20%, when Ultima does Armor Buster or Equalizer, melees must IMMEDIATELY turn around and stop feeding it TP. If you see a lot of orange numbers in the alliance list, turn around. There's no need to run away, Ultima doesn't do anything except Holy2 if you don't give it TP. But if people are attacking it gains TP very fast. You can start attacking again once people are out of orange HP.

Below 20%, I'm not sure that this will work; I don't know if Citadel Buster is TP based or not. If it is, this would certainly help a lot, and I think it's worth a try. We had bad luck this last run; Ultima used two Armor Busters in the last 20%, where it had never used it at all in that phase on our previous runs.

Bringing Icarus Wings for the last 20% would help.

I need to stop changing head equipment in my macros, it keeps me from reapplying reraise...

Unconfirmed is that after killing chest mobs Ultima becames weaker. Ut's also the occasion to check how we work with SC and MB.

Removing bad statuses

Armor Buster, AoE Gravity --> Erase
Chemical Bomb, Cone Slow, Elegy --> 2 x Erase
Cryojet, Cone Paralyze --> Paralyna
Dissipation, AoE Dispel all buffs + Terror --> Protect, Shell, Barstone, Barpetrify, Reraise, Stoneskin, Blink, Songs...
Flame Thrower, Cone Plague --> Viruna
High-Tension Discharger, Cone Stun --> Erase
Hydro Canon, Cone Strong Poison --> Poisona
Smoke Discharger, Cone Petrification --> Stona
Turbofan, Cone Silence --> Silena or Echo Drops


Everyone regarfless of job takes:
12x Echo Drops
12x Antidote
1x Reraise Gorget/Pin
12x Your favorite food, to redo after it gets dispelled.

Mages please take juices, hiethers etc.
Melees please take icarus, opoopo, sleeping pots.

Don't forget icarus wing!!!

Please post suggestions

Autor:  zet [ 26 sie 2006, 13:37 ]


Autor:  Gokulo [ 26 sie 2006, 14:01 ]

Kurde czwartek, nie poniedzialek pls ;p
Pare dni temu juz mowilem, ze mnie nie ma w poniedzialek ; ;

Autor:  mrynar [ 26 sie 2006, 14:05 ]

Jak chcecie wezcie Laeriuen zamiast mnie! Niech chociaz zobaczy ta walke!

Jesli chcecie mnie to oczywiscie jestem rdy w poniedzialek, tylko dajcie znac wczesniej to sobie zaplanuje wieczor.

Autor:  zet [ 26 sie 2006, 14:06 ]

Gokulo napisał(a):
Kurde czwartek, nie poniedzialek pls ;p
Pare dni temu juz mowilem, ze mnie nie ma w poniedzialek ; ;


Autor:  zet [ 26 sie 2006, 14:07 ]


Autor:  zet [ 26 sie 2006, 14:10 ]

mrynar napisał(a):
Jak chcecie wezcie Laeriuen zamiast mnie! Niech chociaz zobaczy ta walke!

Jesli chcecie mnie to oczywiscie jestem rdy w poniedzialek, tylko dajcie znac wczesniej to sobie zaplanuje wieczor.

Opi na prosbe Goka - w czwartek - zarezerwuj sobie czas pls.
To jest bardzo trudna walka i wolę mieć Ciebie :P

Wypwoiedz sie prosze w sprawie C bo nie wiem czy Lae czy Myrta w rosterze do SC.

Autor:  mrynar [ 26 sie 2006, 14:20 ]

Trudno powiedziec jaki job jest lepszy na ta walke SAM czy MNK, ale napewno Myrta jest lepszym SAM niz Lae MNK wiec ja bym wzial Myrte.

Autor:  zet [ 26 sie 2006, 14:31 ]

mrynar napisał(a):
Trudno powiedziec jaki job jest lepszy na ta walke SAM czy MNK, ale napewno Myrta jest lepszym SAM niz Lae MNK wiec ja bym wzial Myrte.


Autor:  Targaryen [ 26 sie 2006, 14:45 ]

Setup ok, tak mi się wydaje :)

Autor:  Balrog [ 27 sie 2006, 11:08 ]

niech Lae idzie za mnie...ja nie mam kasy na wejscie, nie mówiac o RR item, czy Foodzie.

Autor:  zet [ 27 sie 2006, 20:30 ]

Balrog napisał(a):
niech Lae idzie za mnie...ja nie mam kasy na wejscie, nie mówiac o RR item, czy Foodzie.

Myrta chodz! Ja Ci porzycze, a z coinow zwroci Ci zie z nawiazka - mozesz jes przedac. Potrzeny jestes...
Saitou nie idzie z nami - idzie z Beta... wiec wszyscy sa potrzebni.

Autor:  egoist [ 28 sie 2006, 14:19 ]

eeeee jaki dzis limbus? najchetniej bym zrobil item run ale do temenos W nie bede was ciagna bo byla jatka straszna ostatnio :wink:

Autor:  Balrog [ 28 sie 2006, 14:26 ]

ja bym poprosil coś z itemkiem dla SAM'a.......o ile to możliwe.

Autor:  zet [ 28 sie 2006, 15:29 ]

Ja sie dostosuje - ja jestem myślą już przy czwartkowej Ultimie :D

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