czyjaś strategia na byczka
We used plds as Snort hits through shadows and if your going to be hit, might as well have defense to take the hit then still be alive. I had HP that was @ 1900 or so, another pld (Entropy) provided HP that was above 1800 as well,3rd pld (Grenseal)had HP that was @ 1600 and died so i think 1700 or so is the mark to stay alive for the most part. We began the fight with taking turns using invincible. Tanks must remember that
snort resets hate. Hate was bouncing off and on from me and entro with exceptions from time to time. Urvan attacks really slow, therefore
if a pld survives a hit, there is plenty of time to heal him to full therefore I would choose a couple of plds to fight this thing.
Urvan Moves
-This buffalo loves to spam Bindga- make sure to have ppl with erase in each pt to counter this move.
- Does -aga spells such as blizzaga 4 so make sure only tanks get hit by these. Meaning mages and others stay as far back when this is being casted, then get close to heal. He doesnt spam these spells like if he had chainspell so dont worry, he wont spam consecutive aga spells.
-This buffalo spams spells to paralyze the whole pt, have mages that can take paralyze off in each pt in the main alliance.
-Snort, possibly the most important move to recognize if in case you want to control hate as much as possible. After snort, hate gets reset therefore if a blm casted a strong spell on Urvan after Snort, Urvan will run >>directly<< after the blm. Ways to counter are to cast Bind, Gravity, or Sahdowbind and have a tank re-establish hate. This is how a few of our blms and whms died a couple times.
Killing Urvan
This fight is based on tanks, solely on blms and possibly rngs to DD, and possibly kiting as it will take some time for tanks to re-establish hate after some unfortunate timing of Snort and a blm finishing a spell cast resulting in the blm taking hate from the pld.
Rdms, brds, plds, and blms are key to winning this fight. Other melee are also important for the add pt as there will be adds spawning left and right.
wg mnie zapomnieli dodać WHMów którzy prawdopodobnie wypróżnią się z mp w ciągu 3-5 minut walki spamując być może cureV
doświadczenie (i tylko doświadcznie a nie głupie nadzieje "na lepsze jutro") podpowiada że support* w CC mamy superextraluxusowy ale liczyć na niego nie można bo nie ma do tego kompletnie żdanych podstaw a od nich wszystko zależy w tej walce + od naszej CCowej armi blmów która zajmuje się (czym?) zamiast siać spustoszenie wśród mobków (póki jeszcze można)
(support* w sensie jęczenia np. macie dosyć rdmów, brdów, whmów, blmów to po co ja ?)