Strona 18 z 114

Autor:  Tomalsky [ 29 cze 2006, 09:09 ]


Autor:  Kyuubi [ 29 cze 2006, 09:28 ]


Autor:  Comodo [ 29 cze 2006, 13:11 ]

Japończycy są potłuczeni :D

Ale świetna jest ta laseczka spikerka na końcu pliku. Ekstra buzia i włosy :)

Autor:  Kassei [ 29 cze 2006, 14:23 ]

Hahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: Dobre... lepsze nawet od tego jak mi kumple wrzucili petardy do kibla jak siedziałem na tronie :lol: :lol: :lol:

Autor:  Bazztek [ 30 cze 2006, 08:22 ]

Autor:  Gli2duS [ 30 cze 2006, 09:20 ]


Autor:  Marass [ 30 cze 2006, 12:27 ]

LOL jak zobaczylem ten filmik z toi toiami to malo sie nie posikalem ze smiechu i prawie z fotela spadlem :P trzeba cos takiego u nas zrobic na obchodach jakiegos swieta narodowego :D

Autor:  Marass [ 30 cze 2006, 12:29 ]

a co do tego arabusa to gosc jest niezly :D nawet gume pali :P

Autor:  Balrog [ 30 cze 2006, 18:02 ]

Autor:  Gli2duS [ 3 lip 2006, 09:08 ]

Relacja z PT z pewnym RDMem:

pld "invited mr RDM~ he ok! www"
whm "thank you we're finally full ^^"
blmTaru CatRng thf expecting a fun PT to come !
all laugh with joy.

Rdm "hello. nice to meet you all lolz"
all say hello
pld "Our camp is boyada! please meet up there~w"
all say yes~

And they togather trave lto boyada.
What a good balancing PT.
chocobo price was high, but they get there eventually.
But when they arrive at their camp,
1 man is going to change their destiny.... andnot even one of them can forsee....

pld "everyone's here? oh, RDM isn't here yet"
rdm "im already here~lolz"
rdm waves
pld "oh, that's grea..... huh!?"

sub nin duel wield!
scorpion harness!
emporer hairpin, 2x dodge earing and etc...
Rdm "sorry to let you guys waiting lolz"

all members " WHA------- (゜д゜) ------ T THE.... !!!!!!!"

pld /think
((w t f? using SH for PT play? /nin duel wield?
what is he thinking?))
((maybe he was soloing when i invited?
He even said sorry to let us wait,
did I as leader rushed him too much he couldn't prepare?))

thf /think
((this can't be.... the SH I can't even get one myself as a thf but this rdm is wearing it...
Can it be that evasion is important for RDM!?))
((And what's with his 1000HP/250MP!? Is he boosting HP? Will this makes us Elvaan balance?!))

Whm /panic at RDM
((no everyone... don't panic...
keep calm. I can still erase if anything goes wrong. I'll try my best))
((We have endure the long painful journey to get to this place..
This little problem is not going to stop us....))

BlmTaru /shock
((no I can't run away... I can't run away.
Everyone are relying on my MP. I must stay and face the worst.))

CatRng emote something I don't know
((I want to say.... we should kick this guy...
I want to say... this guy sucks. He doesn't havea clue...))

Thf "f f f f f f finallyyyyyyy I'll go pull kk~w"
pld "y... yes please ^^;"
Thf "incoming!!"

Rdm "My legandary sword.... embrace the Holy Power!!"

Thf ((WTF is that weirdo macro!!?))

Rdm casts Enfire.
-> Rdm gains the effect of Enfire.

Pld ((WHAT!!? what is he thinking!? Why!?... shit I forgot to get the

Thf ((Is he going all out attack? He is using en huh. Maybe...))

Thf "mr RDM, haste plz!"

Rdm "Ok lolz"

Rdm casts Haste.
-> Rdm gains the effect of Haste.

Thf ((This sucker....!!))

Whm "Mr Rdm refresh plzz!"

Rdm "Ok lololz"

Rdm casts Refresh.
-> CatRng gains the effect of Refresh.

Whm angries

CatRng ((((゜Д゜Wink)))

Rdm casts Blizzard II.
-> Crawler recieves 12 damage.

Rdm casts Thunder II.
-> Crawler recieves 18 damage.

BlmTaru ((Even us BLm still get lots of resist. He should have known that would happen!))

BlmTaru ((huh....?))

BlmTaru "shit link! I'm sleeping it!!"

BlmTaru casts Sleep II on Crawler2.
-> Crawler2 is asleep.

BlmTaru "Ok here's our chance.... .... huh??"

Rdm casts Dia II on Crawler2.
-> Crawler2 recieves the effect of Dia.
Crawler 2 is no longer asleep.

BlmTaru "Shit!!"

BlmTaru ((It still got the hate from my sleep!!!))

Crawler2 attacks BlmTaru for 185 damage.
Crawler2 attacks BlmTaru for 173 damage.
Crawler2 attacks BlmTaru for 204 damage.
BlmTaru is defeated by Crawler2.

BlmTaru "ugah..."

pld "ug, our Blm!! Rdm plz sleep it!"

Rdm "srry lolz no MP lolz"

pld "invincible!! Convert while I do so!!"

Rdm "Ok lolz"

Pld uses Invincible!!

pld "NOW!!"

Rdm "Ok lolz"

Rdm uses convert!
Rdm casts Cure IV.
Rdm casts Cure III.
Rdm casts Cure IV.
Rdm casts Cure III.
Rdm "Srry lolz no MP again lolz"

Pld is defeated by Crawler.
Whm is defeated by Crawler.
Thf is defeated by Crawler.
CatRng is defeated by Crawler.

Rdm "uh oh lolz rofl"
Rdm uses scroll of Instant Warp.
Rdm disappears.
all "................."


Obyście nigdy nie trafili ma podobnego RDMa :P

Autor:  Duszek [ 3 lip 2006, 09:49 ]

mialam takiego RDM w tp burn w Bhauflau :o
zero haste, zero debuffow ale robil niezly dmg :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

moze to ten sam :lol:

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 3 lip 2006, 10:13 ]


Autor:  Erelen [ 3 lip 2006, 11:33 ]


Autor:  kalcia [ 3 lip 2006, 11:45 ]


to nie ja, nawet nie mam SH ^^;;

Autor:  Max' [ 3 lip 2006, 12:00 ]

Ten text to translacja JPonskiego Flasha btw... a gluwnym bohaterem jest NA elvan RDM z innego servera:P

Autor:  Scorpio [ 3 lip 2006, 12:04 ]

Max' napisał(a):
Ten text to translacja JPonskiego Flasha btw... a gluwnym bohaterem jest NA elvan RDM z innego servera:P

Daj link do tego flash ^^

Autor:  Max' [ 3 lip 2006, 12:11 ]

Scorpio napisał(a):
Daj link do tego flash ^^

To wyzej co postnol Glizdus to jest translacja... ok poprawilem teraz powino dzialac

Autor:  Scorpio [ 3 lip 2006, 12:13 ]

Max' napisał(a):
Scorpio napisał(a):
Daj link do tego flash ^^

To wyzej co postnol Glizdus to jest translacja...

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Autor:  Gli2duS [ 3 lip 2006, 12:26 ]

no nie dodałem, że sam nie uczestniczyłem w tej akcji, bo historyjka jest z innego forum, ale Maxii szybko to wyniuchał :)

Autor:  Scorpio [ 3 lip 2006, 12:28 ]

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