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Autor:  Gokulo [ 14 kwi 2011, 09:26 ]

Nie zastapia, napisali, ze robia to wlasnie zeby byl tylko jeden spell z kazdego zywiolu od blu.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 15 kwi 2011, 10:03 ]

In conjunction with the major update scheduled for May 10, 2011, all auction houses will be merged into the Jeuno Auction House.

In preparation for this merger, the listing of items from auction houses in the following zones will be restricted between May 6, 2011 8:00 (GMT) and May 10, 2011 (GMT). These restrictions will not affect the bidding process or the withdrawal of items that have already been listed. Deposits will also still be possible.

Southern San d’Oria / Port San d’Oria / Bastok Mines Bastok Markets / Windurst Walls / Windurst Woods Rabao / Kazham / Norg

* Payments on winning bids and returns of items may still be made even if an auction expired during the period listed above.
* Auctions will continue normally at auction houses in the zones not mentioned above.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

*Further details on the maintenance scheduled for May 10, 2011 will be released at a later date.

Czyli patch 10go.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 18 kwi 2011, 08:52 ]

[dev1008] Fishing Improvements on the Way
The forthcoming version update will see two refinements aimed at anglers of Vana'diel: more informative fishing messages and the introduction of a "critical bite" system.
New fishing messages
Messages displayed upon getting a bite will indicate the size and type of your potential catch as follows:
Small fish: "Something caught the hook!"
Large fish: "Something caught the hook!!!"
Non-fish targets: "You feel something pulling at your line."
Monsters: "Something clamps onto your line ferociously!"
Critical bites
Players with fishing skill surpassing the rank of their target will register a critical bite, and be rewarded with advance knowledge as to the identity of their prey.

Ex.: (When scoring a critical bite against a black sole)
"Something caught the hook!
Your keen angler's senses tell you that this is the pull of a black sole!"
Scoring a critical bite will also slow the target's stamina recovery in the event of improper reeling, allowing players to reel in lower-level fish with greater ease.
We will also be implementing the next stage of efficiency tweaks and refinements to the fishing system code itself, a process which began last patch with the goal of allowing for a greater range of adjustments in the future. We will continue to monitor game balance and adjust the system as necessary.

Furthermore, we intend to preserve the timing-dependent minigame nature of the fishing system, and make balance tweaks and adjustments accordingly. We are also aware of the significant outstanding issues with RMT abuse and difficulty imbalances related to players’ system environments, and will continue working towards a viable solution. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 17 cze 2011, 08:45 ]

Dostalismy HD fontsy, nastepne w kolejnce HD ikonki ;)


Autor:  mrynar [ 17 cze 2011, 08:57 ]

Nastepne beda postaci? :)

Autor:  Keii [ 17 cze 2011, 09:05 ]

Jeśli wrzucą HD postaci to kupię najnowszą kompilację i wracam ;d

Autor:  Gokulo [ 17 cze 2011, 09:15 ]

Hehe, no byloby ciekawie ;)

Narazie zapowiedzieli jeszcze, ze pracuja nad ulepszeniem UI dla mysz+klawa.

Autor:  Ragni [ 17 cze 2011, 09:29 ]

Eh, te ikonki zrobione przez graczy są o wiele lepsze. Najlepszą rzeczą jaką mogą teraz zrobić to porzucenie PS2 support.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 6 lip 2011, 20:38 ]

As I am sure many of you are curious about Walk of Echo adjustments, we managed to grab the dude in charge and confirmed a couple details. The below points outline the current direction the devs are looking into:

• Change Walk of Echoes into an 18 person reserved battlefield
• With the move to a reserved battlefield, the time limitation will be changed from 45 minutes to 30 minutes
• Revamp rewards granted upon clearing the battlefield
• Abolishment of additional rewards to players who are evaluated highly
• Change so that the whole party receives the clear title instead of just the highest evaluated player
• Addition of higher tier Walks of Echoes

They will continue to be exploring the specific content from here on out, so please feel free to leave any feedback!

Autor:  Gokulo [ 13 lip 2011, 20:01 ]

Tlumaczone z posta na jp forum:

n the next version update, which is to be accompanied by the “Releasing of the Level Cap”, the developers are planning on introducing the continuation of magian trials for relic weapons, mythic weapons, and empyrean weapons.

Also, the developers understand that there is a demand for the efficiency and performance of relics, mythics, and other equipment to be adjusted.Therefore, the scaling and defining characteristics of these items will be strongly altered. It has even been considered that perhaps altogether new properties will be added to the equipment. (What the effects of such properties may be, or how they will be implemented however, has yet to be determined).

Autor:  Targaryen [ 13 lip 2011, 21:07 ]

Ciekawe czy relasing w tym kontekście to podniesienie o kolejne 5-10 leveli czy całkowite zniesienie :D
Info o relikach cieszy, szkoda że pewnie trzeba będzie znów do dynamis wchodzić :]

Autor:  Gokulo [ 13 lip 2011, 21:16 ]

95 tak jak zapowiadali teraz bedzie.

I post na ang forum:

Apologies for making you wait for some more info on this topic.

You might be surprised, but even though the July version update has just taken place, the dev. team has already begun work on the next version update and we checked with the lead dev. about the latest status.

There are currently no changes to the adjustment plans that were announced previously. Based on this, we are planning to add continuations to Trial of the Magians for relic/mythic/empyrean weapons to go along with the level cap increase.

We took a look at all the requests for stats on relics and mythics and understand your ideas, so in addition to enhancing the original DMG and special stats, we are checking to see whether we can add some special properties to them. (Currently, exactly what those properties will be and how they will be added is still up in the air.)

Autor:  Gokulo [ 19 lip 2011, 20:56 ]

Taki krotki post :P

Going to make this concise and just come out and say it.

BLM will learn both Comet and Meteor.


Autor:  Gokulo [ 23 lip 2011, 08:38 ]

We will be conducting a version update in conjunction with the transfer of PlayOnline IDs to the Square Enix Account system which is planned to take place on Jul. 26, 2011 from 03:00 to 09:30 (GMT).

The version update will include changes to the chat command "yell,” along with other fixes. The details of the version update will be announced separately on the day of the maintenance.

* After maintenance is complete, the update will automatically begin after you press the "Play" button. After that, please follow the instructions on the screen.

Jakis maly patch 26go.

Autor:  Huckster [ 23 lip 2011, 22:20 ]

6 i pol godziny ?

Autor:  Gokulo [ 23 lip 2011, 22:29 ]

To tyczy sie zapewne transferu kont, a nie samego mainta w grze - a przynajmniej taka mam nadzieje, ze jedno nie laczy sie z drugim :D

Autor:  100licad [ 24 lip 2011, 09:08 ]

Dobrze czytam ze to rano ? Mam nadzieje ze bedzie mozliwe rozpoczac sciaganie patcha zanim do pracy wyjde. Level cap ciagle 90 czy zwiekszaja ?

Autor:  Ragni [ 24 lip 2011, 09:31 ]

Następny duży update będzie w sierpniu lub we wrześniu (mają 1 miesięczne opóźnienie przez tsunami)

Autor:  Gokulo [ 24 lip 2011, 09:31 ]

Ciagle ^^; To tylko jakis minor patch bedzie, jak juz beda zwiekszac lv cap to uwierz, ze uslyszysz o tym wystarczajaco wczesniej :p

Autor:  Gokulo [ 25 lip 2011, 14:47 ]

Z msg w grze wynika, ze jednak grac sie nie bedzie dalo w czasie mainta, ale wypada w godzinach 6:00-12:30 wiec nie jest tragicznie :p

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