CoP Alpha - Status: DONE! Thank you!
Strona 34 z 64

Autor:  Huckster [ 18 cze 2005, 06:54 ]

Zet, Xav, Drac, Sai - potwierdzajcie plz swój udział w poniedziałek.

Najpierw o 18:00 idziemy pomóc statikowi II w Sacrarium - potem robimy bombkę.

Mam chyba z 15 cluster core'ów. ;)

Autor:  Draconi [ 18 cze 2005, 07:17 ]

Ja bede.

Autor:  swordsman [ 18 cze 2005, 11:21 ]

w sacrarium raczej nie pomoge, ale jak dacie znak to przejde sie na ta bombke....
w srode jade...

Autor:  Huckster [ 20 cze 2005, 15:58 ]

Zet i Xav też będą. Bodziu? {Are you alone?}

Autor:  Huckster [ 20 cze 2005, 22:57 ]

Bomka wybuchła przy 15%.

Więcej zgrania i będzie dobrze :)

następny termin - środa - 18:55 w bearclaw pinnacle. (zaczyna się firesday).

Autor:  Huckster [ 21 cze 2005, 12:59 ]

ZMiana planów CoP Team.

W środę o 21:00 robimy Bugbeara w Mine Shaft - przy obecnym składzie damy radę to zrobić. Na bombkę będziemy musieli kombinować.

Enyłej - Saitou wyjeżdża - na jego miejsce przychodzi Niwaar (BRD/NIN/SMN - 60+). Trzeba przed tym zrobić gadki:

M 5-3C: Louverance Path
M 5-3C1: Go to Tavnazian Safehold and talk with Despachiaire.

M 5-3C2: Go to WinWoods and talk to Perih Vashai (K-7).

M 5-3C3: Next go to Bibiki Bay and take the ManaClipper to Purgonorgo Isle and go to the south bay (H-11) where you'll find a NPC WarMachine. Check it for a cutscene.

M 5-3C4: Before you proceed further, each individual should go to Movalpolos Newton to get a Gold Key (Rare) item from Goblin Fireman, Goblin Packman (Easy Prey to LV75) to be used later on in the mission.
Next go back to WinWalls and talk with Yoran-Oran. Then go to Movalpolos Oldton to activate another cutscene. Head to (K-10) where you can see the NPC moblins and the Rusty Levers. If you have a Snow Lily (Rare/Ex) item with you, you can trade it to Tarnotik NPC moblin on the left who will warp you directly to the BC entrance. Beware this only applies to the person using it, not the whole PT. If someone doesn't have a Snow Lily, you have to get 3 person to activate the 3 Levers at the same time to raise the bridge to cross to Movalpolos Newton and use at least 3 Firesand items to activate the Furnace to turn the Turnstile Gates for the PT to reach the BC...very troublesome. Snow Lily can be obtained from Ulegerand Tigers or Cwn Awwn dogs at Ulegerand Range.

Autor:  Huckster [ 23 cze 2005, 07:57 ]

Już to obgadałem z Niwaarem, Bodziem, Dracem i Xavem - idziemy dzisiaj na bugbeara i mobliny. Z Niwaarem umowiłem się na 20:00 (ma tylko 1.5h - więc zróbcie wszystkie gadki wcześniej), ale my się spotykamy o 19:00 - w Oldton Movalpolos - żeby sfarmować Gold Key dla Bodzia i dla mnie (reszta już ma).

Zróbcie wszystkie gadki (trochę biegania jest) i kupcie sobie Snow Lily (teleport do Mine Shaft).

Zatem - 19:00 - Oldton Movalpolos (z gadkami zrobionymi i Snow Lily i Gold Keyem w plecaku).

Autor:  zet [ 23 cze 2005, 08:29 ]

No ja już jestem w Gdańsku. Nie mam żadnych gadek zrobionych, więc po pracy za nie sie zabiore, postaram się zdążyć z wszyzstkim do 20, ale jest kupa roboty - musze full nowych ubranek kupić, bo jak rozumiem idę białym magiem?

A propos Niwaara - zaprośmy go tutaj - niech sobie założy konto i - Let's switch into English - bedzie łątwiej się dogadywać.

Autor:  Bodziu [ 23 cze 2005, 08:37 ]

No ja bede o 19:00 to skoczyc moge juz do Newton tam bede czekal na was, mowie ze tam na farmowaniu kluczy sa mobki EP-DC dla lvl75 wiec pelnym skladem trzeba sie tam wybrac i niefolgowac, maly add i lezymy :( Bezsensu glupio zginac.

btw. Drac co mi wczoraj wspominal, ze mozna sie tam dostac bez snow lilly, wystarczy pojsc do gostka od ENMa i prawdopodobnie jak chcemy isc na ENMa to po trade kilku kgili nas telepnie do BCNMa a tam prawdopodobnie w poblizu jest tez miejsce do naszego zadania :)

Autor:  Huckster [ 23 cze 2005, 08:40 ]

No to kool.

Autor:  Huckster [ 23 cze 2005, 08:43 ]

OK - we switch to English now - Niwaar will be here soon. :)

Autor:  zet [ 23 cze 2005, 09:15 ]

I recommend to buy gold key. There are mostly 1-2 gold keys outside Upper Jeuno on bazaar. It costs only 10k, so in my oppinion isn't worth farming it.

Autor:  mrynar [ 23 cze 2005, 09:16 ]

Klucz mozna farmowac na luzie w 2 osoby. Bylem tam kiedys z nudow z Ancover i nam wypadl przez przypadek.

Autor:  Targaryen [ 23 cze 2005, 09:26 ]

Wejdzicie sobie do Newton Movalopolos wejsciem polnocnym albo poludniowym (zalezy ktora czesc jest otwarta) i pacyfikujcie stworki easy prey- na bank wypadna wam gold keye a jak bedziecie zabijac bugbeary to zbierzecie przy okazji Sylvan Stone`y i bedziecie mogli zrobic takze ENM.

Autor:  Huckster [ 23 cze 2005, 13:32 ]

M 5-3C5:
Shaft 2716 LV60 cap BC.
4 Moblins+ 1 Bugbear
The 4 moblins are mage type, Bugbear is MNK type. Since Sleep is totally ineffective on all 5 mobs, you need to assign members to kite the mobs around and kill them off one by one. The BC fight is more or less on the winning track, if your PT is able to Gravity the Bugbear and kite it successfully. Try to locate the BLM moblin and kill him off first, followed by the other 3 moblins. All the moblins have relatively low HP. The MNK in our own PT has ninja-subbed for utsusemi and manage to solo one moblin at first. Kill off the Bugbear last in the line. If well-organized, this BC is not difficult at all.

I suggest kiting the mobs along the long stretch of path from the startpoint to the open wide area. This path is very long and good enough for stalling for time. Beware of losing hate to passing members though...

Autor:  zet [ 23 cze 2005, 14:17 ]

Leviathan's tail whip adds a gravity effect. The question is if it'll stick long enough.

Autor:  niwaar [ 23 cze 2005, 18:28 ]

question I have is what strategy plays here? I mean we have what? PLD, SMN SMN BLM BRD, THF?

Would it be best to run in, and Invincable and drop 2x Astral Flow on them? While Bod ES Silences to BLM? Or, are we going to rely on SMN to kite 2 of them? I dont really see us being able to kite more than 2. Maybe three, but that really takes the DD away and lets Xav try and pretty much solo 2 of them.

Autor:  mrynar [ 23 cze 2005, 19:29 ]

Niwaar - nice to meet you :D

Autor:  Huckster [ 24 cze 2005, 00:03 ]

Great job today!

Look at this - /cry:


I wanna be RNG for a while....

Autor:  niwaar [ 24 cze 2005, 01:51 ]

mrynar napisał(a):
Niwaar - nice to meet you :D

and you ^^

As for the rest. . . I think we are going to need to get some help for the Bomb BC. It would be awesome if huck had /rng and slugshot, but I dont think that will be possible. We might have to ask ranger or rdm friends to come help us and do it twice. We did really well today in the MineShaft BC (wish I had taken screenshots) with a Pld, Thf, Brd, Blm, Smn, Whm. I don't think we have the dmg to do the Bomb BC with this setup though. Do we have any other possible configurations? What are everyone else's 60+ jobs?

OJ has said he will help if we need a rdm to come with, but we would need to work around his schedule and plan ahead.

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