CoP Alpha - Status: DONE! Thank you!
Strona 36 z 64

Autor:  ksawery [ 28 cze 2005, 11:55 ]

Ill be there

Autor:  zet [ 28 cze 2005, 16:03 ]

I'm so sorry I cant go on Thursday, I've got RL appointment.
I can go on Wednesday if you can.

Autor:  Huckster [ 28 cze 2005, 16:21 ]

Wednesday's fine for me.

Autor:  Draconi [ 28 cze 2005, 16:24 ]

For me too.

Autor:  Huckster [ 29 cze 2005, 07:44 ]

Bodziu? Niwaar? can you go TODAY (Wednesday) instead of tomorrow (Thursday)?

Autor:  Bodziu [ 29 cze 2005, 07:59 ]

OK I will :)

Autor:  niwaar [ 29 cze 2005, 08:46 ]


Autor:  niwaar [ 30 cze 2005, 18:50 ]

kk, Tenzen Path complete. Now its the B - O - M - B, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb.

When was the plan? Someone said Monday and someone said Wednesday. Sooner the better I think. Were we planning on trying to go as PLD, THF, BRD, BLM, WHM, SMN? Or were we thinking about trying to find some rng/rdm friends and doing it more than once? The latter might be the best choice, but who knows any people that might help? I don't think OJ can help at the time we usually go, its too early for him with work and all. Is there anyone else that might be willing that you know?

Autor:  ksawery [ 1 lip 2005, 00:38 ]

We need outside help, no way we can do it with our jobs

Autor:  niwaar [ 2 lip 2005, 17:46 ]

yes we do indeed need outside help.

the question then becomes who do we know that would be willing to help us? Then, when is it that we could foreseeably try this? In order to ask for help we need to know what day and time we would like to give it another go or we can't ask for help. This is a 60 cap fight, we cannot expect people to help without at least a days notice ahead of time.

Autor:  Huckster [ 4 lip 2005, 13:39 ]

Let's do this on Wednesday, 20:00 - I'll be THF60/RNG30 by then. We need outside help - possibly 2 x RNGs so the setup would be:

- PLD (Xav), BLM (Bod), SMN (NIW), THF (Huck), RNG, RNG
- PLD (Xav), BLM (Bod), BRD (Drac), WHM (Zet), RNG, RNG

What do you think?

Autor:  Bodziu [ 5 lip 2005, 07:23 ]

OK, I will be there on Wednesday :) (19:00)

Autor:  ksawery [ 5 lip 2005, 13:03 ]

Cant we do it earlier? Like 06:30 PM CET?...

Autor:  Huckster [ 6 lip 2005, 08:16 ]

We don't have RNGs or RDMs - so no point in going. Xav - can you ask around if someone could help us?

Mong maybe?

I think it would be easier to appoint at mornings (like 7-8 AM CET) - that would be 22-23 PST and people from NA will be more willing to help.

Autor:  niwaar [ 10 lip 2005, 22:41 ]

I know we all would really like to do this. It's hard getting people who have done it that are willing to redo these though. OJ said he'd go but he can not do it at our "normal" times do to his work schedule. I know there is another "chocobo" party coming up. Do they have rangers? Would they be willing to do it multiple times for us if we went back and helped them clear what we can?

Autor:  Huckster [ 11 lip 2005, 07:49 ]

Ya - Opiekun is RNG and Stokrotka is RDM. BTW - my RNG is @30, so we can try Trick Attack -> SATA + Dancing Edge -> Barrage -> Sidewinder -> Trick Attack -> Sneak Attack ;)

Autor:  Huckster [ 18 lip 2005, 11:12 ]

OK - Saitou is back - let's kill that stupid bomb! I say - Wednesday, 20:00 - what do you say?


I'll go as THF/RNG.

Autor:  Draconi [ 18 lip 2005, 11:18 ]

Its ok for me.

Autor:  zet [ 18 lip 2005, 17:44 ]

I'm going for vacation. I'll be back 08-08-2005, so do it without me and after my return we will do it again.

PS. If you'll need a RaiseIII :oops: - use my char - Huck and Xav has acces.

Autor:  Bodziu [ 19 lip 2005, 14:01 ]

OK I will :D
20.07.2005 right ?

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