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Strona 44 z 64

Autor:  Nimloth [ 15 wrz 2005, 13:55 ]

No coz wypadlem juz z obiegu :(
Powodzenia w takim razie

Autor:  Huckster [ 16 wrz 2005, 21:40 ]

zet? xav? sai? bod? drac? ar ju redi tu kik sam es?

Autor:  swordsman [ 16 wrz 2005, 23:37 ]

na 99% mnie nie bedzie w pon, sorka

Autor:  Bodziu [ 19 wrz 2005, 08:21 ]

Panowie to przenosimy na srode nasz wypad na bombke, prosze was zmobilizujcie sie, juz nie duzo zostalo do SEA.
Od ponad miesiaca nie bylismy na zadnym starciu z bombka :(
Im sad /cry

Autor:  Draconi [ 19 wrz 2005, 08:32 ]

No mi tez zalezy na zaliczeniu wkoncu tej bombki, mi pasuje kazdy termin.

Autor:  Huckster [ 19 wrz 2005, 08:44 ]

Środa - OK. 20 i 22?

Autor:  zet [ 19 wrz 2005, 13:13 ]

Środa ok - będę na 100%

Autor:  zet [ 20 wrz 2005, 12:30 ]

Jaki mamy status? Kto będzie?

Autor:  swordsman [ 20 wrz 2005, 12:32 ]


Autor:  Draconi [ 20 wrz 2005, 12:32 ]

Ja tez bede.

Autor:  Huckster [ 20 wrz 2005, 12:38 ]

ja też

Autor:  Bodziu [ 20 wrz 2005, 12:50 ]

Jeszcze Xav zostal, stary pierdzielu masz byc :P :] :wink:

Ja bede oczywiscie !

Autor:  ksawery [ 20 wrz 2005, 12:55 ]


Autor:  zet [ 20 wrz 2005, 15:03 ]

No to mamy komplet :)

Autor:  Draconi [ 21 wrz 2005, 15:13 ]

Ok ja juz jestem na miejscu, moge sie troche spoznic.

Autor:  Huckster [ 21 wrz 2005, 16:04 ]

Przypominam strategię:

Zanim pójdziemy chciałbym ustalić naszą strategię.


Saitou - RNG/SAM
Huck - THF/RNG
Zet - SMN51/WHM
Drac - BRD/WHM

- każdy bierze soczki
- każdy ma Shu'Meyo Salt
- Saitou, Xav, Huck biorą Icarus Winga

1. Po wejściu buffy i przygotowanie
- stoneskin
- hastega
- blinkega
- protect & shell
- Saitou robi Meditate

2. Przy końcu buffów Drac wali swoje 2h i rzuca
- INT+ na Bodzia i Zeta
- Attack+ na Xava, Saia i Draca

3. Ja ładuję Trick Attack

3. Zet wyciąga Ifrita i OD RAZU odpala swój 2h (Inferno)

4. Xavery podbiega do bombki, voke'uje i się nie rusza

5. Ja walę Trick Attack zwykły (kolejny powinien się załadować za parę sekund)

6. Wszyscy odpalają Salty

7. Uderzenie:
- Huck odpala Trick Attack + Dancing Edge na Xavie
- Saitou odpala Slug Shota - potem Barrage
- Bodziu wali Firaga II (tak?)
- Zet przygotowuje się do drugiego Astral Flowa
- Huck wali Barrage (z Sharpshotem)
- Huck wali Sneak Attack
- Xav odpala Invincible
- Saitou wali 2h i/lub Slug Shota
- Zet wali drugie 2h
- Bodziu wali 2h

BARDZO WAŻNE jest to by dobrze wszedł Trick i Sneak attack - poprzednio Xav stał za daleko i ŻADEN z tych speciali mi nie wszedł. A każdy Sneak i Trick to jakieś 300 dmg.

Piszcie co o tym sądzicie...

Autor:  zet [ 21 wrz 2005, 16:34 ]

piece of cake ;)

Autor:  swordsman [ 21 wrz 2005, 17:11 ]

z buffami poczekajcie az zmedytuje ze 3 razy pls..... kazdy med daje mi tylko 60 tp...

huck uzyj winga po zmianie broni nie przed ^^;;

ja robie
wiecej sie dmg nie da zrobic ^^;;; ostatnio wszystko udalo mi sie odpalic (poprzednio padlem...) ... ktos inny nawalil ;P

nie widze za duzych szans bez zadnego rdma
zet ma 51lv....

Autor:  Bodziu [ 21 wrz 2005, 22:03 ]

A ja zagram tak:
1.Wchodzimy saltujemy
2. Firaga2
3. fire2
4. Manafont (dla zapobiegania stunowania czarow z Coldwave)
5. Flare
6 i do konca Firaga2+Fire2


Autor:  Bodziu [ 22 wrz 2005, 07:24 ]

Zobaczcie co ciekawego wyszukalem dzis:

- Being a CoP static, I assume, "dropping" someone is out of the question. The bomb does in fact attack you while you're fighting it, WHM is useful for keeping people alive. And can use Banishga II and Holy (and melee, and Icarus Wing beforehand -> Seraph Strike for some more damage) for some minimal damage as well.

- The timer starts when you aggro the bomb, not when you zone into the BC. The BC itself has a 30 minute timer, so if you want you could sit in there 29 minutes and then fight the bomb for the last minute. So take as much time to buff as you need.

- It's true you'll get exactly one Astral Flow out of the SMNs, so leave the avatar out to melee after that (with 0 MP slip due to Astral Flow) for more damage.

- Shu'Meyo Salt has a 15-second *usage* time, and it'll kick in at the *end* of that. So it will hold up the person who actually uses it, for 15 seconds (so they still only have 45 usable seconds, though everyone else will benefit. Furthermore, because it kicks in at the end of the 15 seconds, use it early on, not when it's about to blow up.

Ideally you want this item to be held by someone with low damage output (like the WHM, or the SMNs after Astral Flow), but since it's Rare-Ex and the Cluster Cores to get it are Ex ... arranging this would involve farming up another one, if it's being held by, say, the RNG or the WAR.

- Most of your damage will come from RNG and WAR. Unless the SMNs have *horribly* underskilled weapons, *everyone* should not only pop an Icarus Wing before the battle (or if they can get TP fast and self-skillchain a la Sidewinder > Sidewinder = Reverberation, get TP normally and then pop Icarus Wing mid-battle to self-skillchain), but should melee the bomb as well.

- If anyone (even a mage) can sub level 30 SAM to Meditate up some TP inside the arena, before engaging the bomb, do so. You have time enough to get up to 300% with SAM-sub Meditate if you like. (After all, the battle itself is only one minute, who cares if you spend fifteen beforehand?) Then you can start the battle with 300% TP, and use the Icarus Wing to self-skillchain. Make sure you have another Meditate ready when you actually enter the battle, so you can get yet another free burst of TP besides the pre-battle Meditate and the Icarus Wing.

- As soon as you start fighting it, *surround it*. Don't sit behind the PLD because of Cover. It has a directional AOE (not the final explosion, just a normal attack) that's very good at one-shotting people (esp. mages), so whether it uses it on the PLD covering you, or on you directly, chances are you're gonna die. Because of this, make sure nobody *else* gets hit with that AOE.

- If it explodes, you'll be blown out of the arena (and thus fail the battle). How much damage you take from the actual explosion depends on how close to death it was. So if you *almost* won, the explosion will do little more than put a Drown effect on you (which is moderately significant, Erase it before it kills anyone).

- When you win, don't go straight ahead to zone out of the BC area. There's a left fork up ahead, go take that to see a pretty amazing view of the mountains. Then you're allowed to leave. :P

Vilurum - Quetzalcoatl
BRD 75 - WHM 53 - BLM 37 - SMN 37
Bastok rank 10 - Windurst rank 10 - San d'Oria rank 10
Zilart complete - Promathia complete

I tu najlepsze:

My party when I won was PLD MNK BLM BLM WHM RDM. PLD ran in and voked the Snoll, BLMs casted Flare, PLD invincibled, BLMs cast Burst, then Flare, and the damage the RDM did with Chainspell Fire II and me with Hundred Fists was enough to finish it off.

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