Venomous Claw - BCNM30!
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Autor:  Huckster [ 11 gru 2004, 11:16 ]
Tytuł:  Venomous Claw - BCNM30!

This is not a joke.. this is not a scam... do NOT buy Scorpion Harness from anyone selling it even REMOTELY close to the normal price. I am not trying to be obnoxious, just that this is a VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE.

Apparently Venomous claw is a drop off of one of the new BCNM 30 Kindred Seals. I think its the one that the name has to do with sand, but IT IS NOT RARE ANYMORE! I paid 4million for mine and got scammed by a JP. From the time I bought mine they have gone down to 3million already, and judging by rare drops from BCNMS will probably hit the 1-2million mark eventually. I just want to save ALOT of people some heartache...Im feeling the hit right now and am kinda pissed. I think the JP who I bought it from blaclisted me, but w/e.

Im not complaining, just letting you people know. It was my own fault, I got a scorp alot cheaper than normally but alot more than Ill be able to get it for in probably a week. W/E Dont make the mistake I made. WAIT IT OUT!

Autor:  swordsman [ 11 gru 2004, 12:11 ]

przypadkiem kupilem za 3mil hyh.... ale pewnie spadnie tak jak mowie do 1-2.... przegieli....

Autor:  Huckster [ 11 gru 2004, 12:41 ]

Rhaegal musi sobie pluc w brode - kupil za 6.990.000 gili :)

Autor:  mrynar [ 11 gru 2004, 14:34 ]

Narazie cena zatrzymała się na ok. 4 mln. Sai kupił wyjątkowo tanio.

Autor:  mrynar [ 11 gru 2004, 14:35 ]

double post sorry

Autor:  Targaryen [ 11 gru 2004, 15:12 ]

6.910.000 ale nie, nie pluje sobie w brode. To tylko gra. Jakbym sie przejmowal tym dluzej niz 10 minut to uznalbym ze cos ze mna nie tak :D

Autor:  mrynar [ 11 gru 2004, 16:06 ]

Słusznie Rha. Ja w RL w głupszy sposób traciłem kasę. :) Przejmowanie się nie ma sensu, można się nerwicy nabawić.

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