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Autor:  Gokulo [ 14 gru 2004, 19:12 ]
Tytuł:  Jeyouse

Camped Charybdis for literally two weeks or so >_< Finally popped at the right time, with the right people on. Charged down there with the LS, nobody else in SSG except the entire LS raiding alliance swarming past bewildered newbies, and high levels who turn and stare after us. They knew something was up, and so did Charybdis.

Got in there, checked to make sure no competition was around to steal him, and buffed up. We had a PLD tank, but a bunch of healers, and some rangers, plus a few stunners. Fight went rather well, with 12 people. Mages stayed on shore with BRD singing dual ballads, RNGs pinging away at Chary with preludes, PLD + other melee keeping him busy in the water area. The other devil manta aggroed, but got knocked out with Sleep II. Dropped my Joyeuse, and a shall shell. It was mine, so I didn't have to compete with anybody else on lots.

After the initial rush, I went to try it out, with Haste of course.

For starters, this thing is fast at 226 delay, and has a decent damage for a RDM sword (35 DMG).

The best part is that it double attacks about 80% of the time. Once, I got 4 double attacks in a row, filled my chat log with spam, and gave me something like 48tp in a very short period of time. Looking at the stats on Enhancing Sword, and considering the double-attack trait & rate at which I can pump out weaponskills, I think that Joyeuse is only second to Excalibur as far as RDM swords go.

Plus, it looks amazingly cool with that adaman blade, and gold guard, knucklebow, and pommel. You can even see engraving detail on the pommel...which adds a touch of class. This is literally the epitome of rapier-style weapons, and fits very well with my Darksteel Buckler.

Of course, you may wonder, did I sell away my other swords upon getting the Joyeuse? The answer is no - I'm keeping the Fleuret for dual wield when I level NIN, and a WW Anelace for beating on bone-type mobs (rapier style weapons SUCK against bone mobs).

Tips on camping Charybdis:

- 2 mantas mean the spawn window is open (9 - 12hrs, not 21 - has changed since a patch)

- kill the manta just outside the door, for best results

- be patient. I camped him for 2 weeks, seeing him pop and taken down by other LSs because mine was not ready at the moment. Very frustrating too. It is a good idea to get commitments from LS members prior to going on a placeholder killing spree (level 70+ RDM can solo devil manta easily, using Sleep to gain time to recast buffs)

- to get to Chary's room, hug left wall as you enter SSG, go to the fishing pond with the bridge running over head. Find the gold beastcoin door, trade gold beastcoin to it (you don't lose the coin when you trade). Head SW, ignoring the first tunnel to your right. You will see a drop to your right...ignore it, head to your left, use the drop you see, then turn left. You will come to another drop to your left. Go down, turn left again, hug left wall, and an unmarked door will come into view. Inside, are treasure chests and an NPC named Bou the Righteous. This is where Charybdis pops.

Tips on fighting Charybdis:

- try not to draw hate. Whatever he does to the tank, he will do double to you.

- definitely keep mages + rngs out of AOE range

- never, ever let tank get too low hp. Charybdis does multi-hit attacks, and can kill your tank before you realize it.

- blink tank is best, with bard to sing mambo.

- definitely keep paralyze, slow, blind and gravity up on him. paralyze is extremely important, 6mp can prevent a handful of 4-hit multi death attacks™. Slow gives you time to keep tank alive and kicking. Blind reduces acc of his multi hits. Gravity is good in case he decides to go after a mage (he actually tried this for my fight, but moved so slow that the PLD was able to voke/flash him back).

Post glownie do Xava i Stokrotki :) Zwroccie uwage, ze autor pisze, ze respawn zostal po patchu zmieniony na mniejszy. Xav ma takiego plusa, ze SW sie deklaruje pomagac jak tylko sie uda claimnac mobka - leci kazdy kto nie jest zajety. Nie wiem jak my to zrobimy narazie jelsi chcemy to ^^;

Autor:  ksawery [ 14 gru 2004, 19:17 ]

Nie martw sie, jak static podexpuje to z pomoca Saitou spokojnie gada ubijemy ^^

Autor:  Gokulo [ 14 gru 2004, 19:18 ]

Podexpuje czyli jaki lv masz na mysli ? ;)

Autor:  ksawery [ 14 gru 2004, 19:20 ]

Mysle ze tak okolo 73 :)

Autor:  Gokulo [ 14 gru 2004, 19:22 ]

Ouch :/
No, ale spoko moze jakos przezyje ;) Zreszta wiesz, ze static wiele rzeczy robi na nizszych lv niz to sie zwykle poleca wiec mozna sprubowac najwyzej zaciagnac jakas dodatkowa pomoc ;) Np. Masakra moze ? I jacys znajomi moze sie znajada - np. jak juz go claimniemy to mozna bedzie kogos zawolac. Najgorsze jest to, ze to Sea serpent to jednak kawal tam jest...

Autor:  ksawery [ 14 gru 2004, 19:23 ]

Sai powinien go tankowac, nie Rha, a Sai musi scapowac eva i dorwac ungury i inne takie :)

Autor:  Gokulo [ 14 gru 2004, 19:31 ]

Sai do roboty ! :P

Autor:  swordsman [ 14 gru 2004, 21:56 ]

ungur bardzo by sie przydal nie powiem :-)
ungur ponoc jest lottery a nie 21-24 wiec nie powinno zajac to dluzej jak 2h :D

problem z chrysem to to ze ma taki chusteczkowy spawn timer.... :/

thf tank jest dobry ale z braku voka pozostali ludzie w party niewiele moga rabic bo jak zbiora agrro to kiepsko.... dobrze dziala dwoch thfow naprzemian walac SA+WS

LoO jest sporo lv nizszy a potrafi naprawde niezle pozamiatac swoim aoe.... strzeba stunowac to chamstwo i support mozliwie jak najdalej...

melesi poza thfem nei powinni walczyc, ale trzeba by pogadac z tymi co juz sie tak bawili :) ale jak widac z pld tez sie da :-)

Autor:  Scorpio [ 15 gru 2004, 08:16 ]

Stokrotka nie jest w SW wiec nie moze liczyć na wsparcie SW w tej walce ... tylko na nasz polski LS CC ... a znalesć 12-18 osob random lv 70+ u nas na ls-e to dość ciężko jest ... w tym układzie przyjdzie mi poczekac ... :oops:

Autor:  Duszek [ 15 gru 2004, 08:29 ]

Stok - az my dobijemy do 70 levów? ;)

Autor:  swordsman [ 15 gru 2004, 19:21 ]

on jest do ubicia przez 8 osob tylko musza wiedziec co robia 9nie wspominajac o wlasciwym jobie)

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