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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 21 gru 2004, 15:25 
Specjalnie dla Xaverego, ponieważ nie mialem frapsa jest recznie obrobiony log finala. Miłej lekturki

<Opiekun> dzien dobry
<Paker> no to jest najsilniejszy z aulajtow chyba 4hp/3sek
<Gokulo> hello
<Paker> ello
You buy the bottle of Yagudo drink for 1,700 gil
<Stokrotka> czesc op
You buy the flask of pear au lait for 800 gil
You synthesized a hi-potion
Maat : Let's see
How about we duel it out in the Waughroon Shrine? You know what to do with the red mage's testimony when you get there, right?
Maat : Now if you show me that red mage's testimony, I'll even teleport you to the battlefield
Boy, are we going to have some fun!
Maat : That wasn't so hard now, was it?
Maat : I bet you're wondering why I keep having you travel around the globe, collecting all these rare and obscure items for me
Maat : Heh heh heh
I know what you're thinking
You're sick and tired of playing fetch for old Maat
You want a chance to show me what you're really made of
Maat : Well, now that you mention it, I think I'd be delighted to test your might with my own hands
Maat : I may look old, but I still have a lot of spunk in me
I can take anything and everything you've got
Maat : What do you say? You'll get your chance to get back at me for all the trouble I've put you through, and I'll get some good exercise
Maat : Heh heh heh! That's the spirit!
Now take that red mage's testimony to the burning circle and throw it in
I'll be waiting for you inside
=== Area: Waughroon Shrine ===
Stokrotka uses a sweet rice cake
Heiya cheers Stokrotka on!
Hel cheers!
Chopi cheers Stokrotka on!
Kizami cheers Stokrotka on!
Glorious cheers Stokrotka on!
Stokrotka bows
Your red mage's testimony tears!
Entering the battlefield for ˛Shattering Stars (RDM)!
Only Stokrotka can enter the battlefield
The time limit for this battle is 10 minutes
The current battlefield clear time record for ˛Shattering Stars (RDM) is 2 minutes 19 seconds
{Stokrotka is temporarily unable to access support job abilities
yTarget out of range
Maat casts Haste
Maat gains the effect of Haste
Maat : So, you decided to show up
Now it's time to see what you're really made of, heh heh heh
Stokrotka starts casting Protect IV on Stokrotka
Stokrotka casts Protect IV
Stokrotka gains the effect of Protect
Stokrotka starts casting Blink on Stokrotka
Stokrotka casts Blink
Stokrotka gains the effect of Blink
Stokrotka uses a bottle of Yagudo drink
Maat starts casting Shell IV
Stokrotka starts casting Stoneskin on Stokrotka
Maat casts Shell IV
Maat gains the effect of Shell
Stokrotka casts Stoneskin
Stokrotka gains the effect of Stoneskin
Stokrotka starts casting Aquaveil on Stokrotka
Stokrotka casts Aquaveil
Stokrotka gains the effect of Aquaveil
Maat starts casting Protect IV
Maat casts Protect IV
Maat gains the effect of Protect
Stokrotka starts casting Shell IV on Stokrotka
Stokrotka casts Shell IV
Stokrotka gains the effect of Shell
Maat starts casting Regen
Maat casts Regen
Maat gains the effect of Regen
Maat starts casting Stoneskin
Maat casts Stoneskin
Maat gains the effect of Stoneskin
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Stokrotka starts casting Stone on Maat
Equipment changed
Maat hits Stokrotka for 0 points of damage
Stokrotka starts casting Blizzard on Maat
Stokrotka casts Stone
Maat takes 0 points of damage
1 of Stokrotka's shadows absorbs the damage and disappears
[Sleep II] 0:00
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Stokrotka starts casting Sleep II on Maat
Stokrotka casts Blizzard
Maat takes 0 points of damage
Maat hits Stokrotka for 0 points of damage
Stokrotka casts Sleep II
Maat is asleep
(Stokrotka) 'Blink Me !
Stokrotka starts casting Blink on Stokrotka
Stokrotka casts Blink
Stokrotka gains the effect of Blink
Stokrotka starts casting Dispel on Maat
Stokrotka casts Dispel
Maat's Protect effect disappears!
Stokrotka uses a flask of pear au lait
Stokrotka starts casting Dispel on Maat
Stokrotka casts Dispel
 Maat's Shell effect disappears!
Stokrotka starts casting Dispel on Maat"
Stokrotka casts Dispel
Maat's Haste effect disappears!
Stokrotka starts casting Dispel on Maat
Stokrotka casts Dispel
Maat's Stoneskin effect disappears!
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Stokrotka starts casting Aero III on Maat
Maat is no longer asleep
Maat : Ungh
That'll hurt in the morning
Maat starts casting Dia II
Stokrotka's Refresh effect wears off
Stokrotka casts Aero III
Maat takes 369 points of damage
Unable to cast spells at this time
1 of Stokrotka's shadows absorbs the damage and disappears
[Sleep II] 0:00
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Stokrotka starts casting Sleep II on Maat
1 of Stokrotka's shadows absorbs the damage and disappears
Stokrotka casts Sleep II
Maat is asleep
Stokrotka's Stoneskin effect wears off
(Stokrotka) Stoneskin Me!
Stokrotka starts casting Stoneskin on Stokrotka
Stokrotka casts Stoneskin
Stokrotka gains the effect of Stoneskin
Stokrotka uses a bottle of mulsum
Stokrotka uses a bottle of Yagudo drink
Stokrotka recovers 10 MP
Stokrotka uses a bottle of mulsum
Stokrotka uses a bottle of mulsum
Stokrotka recovers 10 MP
Maat is no longer asleep
Stokrotka uses a bottle of mulsum
Maat starts casting Fire II
Stokrotka recovers 10 MP
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Stokrotka starts casting Aero III on Maat
Stokrotka recovers 10 MP
Maat casts Fire II
Stokrotka takes 0 points of damage
Maat hits Stokrotka for 0 points of damage
[Sleep II] 0:00
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Unable to cast spells at this time
Stokrotka casts Aero III
Maat takes 183 points of damage
Stokrotka's Stoneskin effect wears off
[Sleep II] 0:00
Maat hits Stokrotka for 108 points of damage
Stokrotka starts casting Sleep II on Maat
Stokrotka casts Sleep II
Maat is asleep
Stokrotka uses a hi-potion
Stokrotka) Blink Me !
Stokrotka starts casting Blink on Stokrotka
Stokrotka recovers 90 HP
Stokrotka casts Blink
Stokrotka gains the effect of Blink
(Stokrotka) Stoneskin Me!
Stokrotka starts casting Stoneskin on Stokrotka
Stokrotka casts Stoneskin
Stokrotka gains the effect of Stoneskin
Stokrotka uses a bottle of mulsum
Stokrotka uses a bottle of mulsum
Stokrotka recovers 10 MP
Stokrotka uses a bottle of mulsum
Stokrotka recovers 10 MP
Stokrotka uses a bottle of mulsum
Stokrotka recovers 10 MP
Stokrotka recovers 10 MP
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Stokrotka starts casting Bind on Maat
Equipment changed
Stokrotka starts casting Aero III on Maat
Stokrotka casts Bind
Maat is bound
Maat is no longer asleep
Maat : Ungh
That'll hurt in the morning
Stokrotka's Aquaveil effect wears off
Maat starts casting Fire II
Equipment changed
Stokrotka casts Aero III
Maat takes 369 points of damage
Stokrotka starts casting Stone III on Maat
Maat casts Fire II
Stokrotka takes 0 points of damage
Maat : Ungh
That'll hurt in the morning
Maat : Now that I'm warmed up
Maat starts casting Blizzard II
Stokrotka's Stoneskin effect wears off
Maat uses Chainspell!
[Sleep II] 0:00
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Stokrotka starts casting Sleep II on Maat
Stokrotka casts Stone III
Maat takes 299 points of damage
Maat casts Blizzard II
Stokrotka takes 39 points of damage
Stokrotka casts Sleep II
Maat is asleep
>> Tu mi zostalo 17 MP, bez szans na sleep I :(, jak by resistnol to po mnie :)) <<
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Stokrotka uses Convert!
Stokrotka starts casting Cure IV on Stokrotka
Stokrotka uses a hi-potion
Stokrotka casts Cure IV
Stokrotka recovers 400 HP
Maat is no longer bound
(Stokrotka) Blink Me !
Stokrotka starts casting Blink on Stokrotka
Stokrotka recovers 100 HP
Stokrotka casts Blink
Stokrotka gains the effect of Blink
(Stokrotka) Stoneskin Me!
Stokrotka starts casting Stoneskin on Stokrotka
Stokrotka casts Stoneskin
Stokrotka gains the effect of Stoneskin
Stokrotka uses a hi-potion
Stokrotka uses a hi-potion
Stokrotka recovers 100 HP
Stokrotka uses a hi-potion
Stokrotka recovers 100 HP
Stokrotka recovers 100 HP
Stokrotka uses a hi-potion
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Equipment changed
Stokrotka starts casting Bind on Maat
Stokrotka recovers 22 HP
Stokrotka casts Bind
Maat is bound
Stokrotka uses Chainspell!
Equipment changed
Stokrotka starts casting Aero III on Maat
Maat is no longer asleep
Maat is no longer bound
Maat : Ungh
That'll hurt in the morning
Stokrotka casts Aero III
Maat takes 369 points of damage
Stokrotka's Refresh effect wears off
Maat starts casting Protect IV
Stokrotka starts casting Aero III on Maat
Maat : Ungh
That'll hurt in the morning
Stokrotka starts casting Aero III on Maat
Maat : Looks like you weren't ready for me, were you?
Now go home, wash your face, and come back when you think you've got what it takes
Maat readies Asuran Fists
>> tu dostalem takiego dygotu ze trzymalo mnie z 15 minut <<
Maat : Hm
That was a mighty fine display of skill there, Stokrotka
You've come a long way
You cannot use that command at this time
>> Probowalem dobić skurwiela ale sie nie dalo : (((( <<
Maat casts Protect IV
Maat gains the effect of Protect
Stokrotka casts Aero III
Maat takes 369 points of damage
Stokrotka casts Aero III
Maat takes 369 points of damage
Battlefield clear time: 7 minutes, 32 seconds!
The current battlefield clear time record is 2 minutes 19 seconds
Stokrotka's Blink effect wears off
Stokrotka's Protect effect wears off
Stokrotka's Shell effect wears off
Stokrotka's Stoneskin effect wears off
Stokrotka's Regen effect wears off
Stokrotka's Chainspell effect wears off
Stokrotka's SJ Restriction effect wears off
< CrazyChocobos: Saitou > NA Dynamis sie nadaje do obierania kartofli
<Stokrotka> pokonalem maata
<Opiekun> jak dynamis poszedl?
<Gokulo> ď'Congratulations!
<Xavery> Grats!!!!
<Stokrotka> HP 901/1022 MP 223/692
<Gokulo> nie bylo
<Zetoriush> Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Xavery> odwolany\
(Stokrotka) bez vile i vile +1
<Stokrotka> bez vile i vile +1
<Opiekun> czemu?
<Stokrotka> omfg

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle


Posty: 1497
Dołączył(a): 25.11.2003
PostNapisane: 21 gru 2004, 15:39 
czyta sie jak kryminal :)


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Posty: 6418
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 21 gru 2004, 15:48 
ksawery napisał(a):
czyta sie jak kryminal :)

ciesze sie ze ci sie podoba

Ruttar Stonegrip @ IX Kohorta @ Moogle

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 1996
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2003
PostNapisane: 21 gru 2004, 15:55 
Mój log byłby chyba z 6 razy krótszy :D
Sądzę że Opiego podobnie :)

With a solar knife I split the sky
And walk right in between
To search the answers to every "why?"
Where I have seen the unseen.

FFXI Retired

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 21 gru 2004, 16:25 
Mój miał z 6 linijek. :)


Posty: 1497
Dołączył(a): 25.11.2003
PostNapisane: 21 gru 2004, 16:29 
Wygrales Opiekun???



Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 21 gru 2004, 18:43 
Ehm...XAv - mysle, ze te 6 linijek wygladalo mniej wiecej tak

Opiekun readies Hundred Fists
Maat uses Uber Prochy.
Maat readies Hundred Fists.
Opiekun hits Maat for 104 points.
Maat hits Opiekun for 1734 points.
Opiekun was defeated by Maat.


FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2004, 00:47 
Huck --> jakbyś zgadł. :)

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