Basic Stats FAQ
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Autor:  mrynar [ 1 mar 2005, 13:55 ]
Tytuł:  Basic Stats FAQ

STR - Raises your overall damage curve
- +2 STR also gives +1 Attack and +1 Ranged Attack

DEX - Increases Accuracy
- Increases Critical Hit rate
- Increases Sneak Attack damage

AGI - Increases Evasion, Parry, Shield Block
- Increases Ranged Accuracy
- Increases Trick Attack damage
- Decreases Critical Hits received

VIT - Lowers your overall damage received curve
- +2 VIT also gives +1 Defense

INT - Increases damage of Black magic nukes
- Decreases monster resistance to Black magic
- Increases your own magic resistance?

MND - Increases power of Cures
- Decreases monster resistance to White magic
- Increases your own magic resistance?
- Increases power of Chi Blast

CHR - Increases success rate of Beastmaster charms
- Increases success rate of Bard debuffs
- Affects some Weapon Skills (which?)
- DOES NOT affect enmity (hate)

ATTACK - Raises chance that you will hit the high end of your damage curve.
- STR is your potential maximum damage, Attack is your ability to meet that maximum.
- Increasing Attack directly will not increase Ranged Attack.

DEFENSE - Raises chance that a monster will hit the low end of your damage received curve.
- Vitality is your potential minimum damage received, Defense is your ability to meet that minimum.

By: Trickybeck (Allakhazam)

Autor:  ksawery [ 1 mar 2005, 14:36 ]

CHR - DOES NOT affect enmity (hate)

A ja sie z tym nie zgadzam. SE powiedzialo: "The Charisma attribute score does not affect hate or enmity(aggro)...". I tu jest ok, ja natomiast wierze, ze CHR ma wplyw na hate generowany przez konkretne akcje (healowanie itp).
1. Ma to sens - wiecej charyzmy = wiecej uwagi
2. PLD ma sporo CHR, AF PLD tez. SE nie robi takich rzeczy bez powodu.
3. Ten wywiad jest bardzo tajemniczy.

Autor:  Scorpio [ 1 mar 2005, 15:13 ]

Xavik pier$#%&& ... AF PLD ma dużo Char tak jak AF Rng dużo inata -> ma to wypływn na niektóre ws-y.

Autor:  Krzysiek2099 [ 1 mar 2005, 17:32 ]

Opi -> fajne. Czegoś takiego potrzebowałem. Krótko, zwięźle i na temat. Ale się zdecydujcie co daje CHR bo to zależy od mojego życia (ewentualne agrro).

Autor:  swordsman [ 1 mar 2005, 18:33 ]

tam sa tylko oczywiste rzeczy wypisane... rzeczy na ktore wplywaja statsy jest pewnie duzo duzo wiecej i stok pozwol xavowi miec swoje zdanie bo nei ma nic pewnego :)

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