Equipment Storage
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Autor:  Draconi [ 24 mar 2005, 11:25 ]
Tytuł:  Equipment Storage

Z playonline:

In the previous version update, a new service was added allowing players to safely store full sets of artifact armor for a small fee. Due to the positive feedback regarding this new feature, the development team has decided to expand the equipment storage service to include over thirty new sets of various low-level armor and clothing. After trading a full set (consisting of 4 to 5 pieces) to one of four NPCs located in each of the major nations, players will receive a claim slip that can be presented when they wish to have their armor returned.

Whether for level-restricted orb battles, Promathia missions, or for raising support jobs, low-level equipment can eat up a lot of room in a player's Mog Safe. Utilizing this feature will make it easier to store and retrieve space-consuming armor sets, while leaving Mog Safes open to hold more important items. The days of throwing away sleepshrooms to open slots for your silver gauntlets are over!

Further details on the expanded service will be made available in the version update announcement released in late April.

Autor:  swordsman [ 24 mar 2005, 11:36 ]

juz chyba huck o tym wspominal
poki co, ilu z nas ma full afy z kilku jobow ? :D poza tym... to i tak malo wygodne dla wiekszosci z nas bo chyba kazdy af ma 1-2 unikalne czesci ktore bedzie uzywal po wsze czasy...

Autor:  Comodo [ 24 mar 2005, 11:38 ]

Cudownie :) A właśnie się zastanawiałem, czy powinienm sprzedać moje Eisenki :D

Autor:  Gokulo [ 24 mar 2005, 11:38 ]

No ale teraz bedzie mozna tez inne armorki chowac.
Wiec nie trzeba bedzie sie bawic w latanie miedzy altami po armorki do CoP wlasnie czy cos - gozej, ze mimo wszystko zwykle uzywam mieszanek armorow a nie cale sety ^^:

Autor:  Draconi [ 24 mar 2005, 11:39 ]

Ten storage na afy to juz jest. Teraz podaja, ze oprocz afow bedzie mozna tez inne sety armorow storagowac sobie.

Autor:  swordsman [ 24 mar 2005, 11:41 ]

:oops: niedoczytalem
no to wypas :D

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