Nowe info o update
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Autor:  Draconi [ 19 kwi 2005, 16:22 ]
Tytuł:  Nowe info o update

Z playonline:

The following is a list of just a few of the changes that await our adventurers!

1. Mining/Harvesting Expansions
New items can soon be found in Newton Movalpolos, Giddeus, and West Sarutabaruta.

2. New Quests
Numerous new quests will be available in Tavnazia, Jeuno, and other familiar locations.

3. Marble Bridge Coaster
When in possession of this special item, a message will automatically inform players whether or not they have access to the Marble Bridge Tavern in Upper Jeuno.

4. New Relics
The veil is about to be lifted on several new pieces of relic-style armor.


Ciekawe co to za nowe relici :D

Autor:  Huckster [ 19 kwi 2005, 16:35 ]

wg mnie w newton movalpolos będzie można wykopać te nowe ory - molybdenum ore (do produkcji barone's set)

Autor:  Gokulo [ 19 kwi 2005, 16:36 ]

Um juz widze wszystkich ktorzy sie meczyli campic Tiamata lecacych kopac :P

Autor:  Huckster [ 19 kwi 2005, 16:52 ]

jutro będę grzebał w plikach :))

Autor:  swordsman [ 19 kwi 2005, 18:40 ]

tego ore 100% nie bedzie sie dalo wykopac
jesli umozliwia... to po co bic tiamata....

relic's hmmm nowe dynamis area ? wOOOt

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