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Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 11:52 

The format of this guide is simple. First, I'll list the chat filters followed by a brief description and I'll include examples for some of the more complicated ones.

*Filters with (H) can be set to Hold. When placed on Hold, the text is "held" at the top of the chatlog for 5 seconds. This can help reduce messages lost because of battle spam.

*For examples I'll use the following distinctions: For you, I'll use "Bob"; for your party, I'll use "PartyMember"; for members of an alliance you are in, I'll use "AllianceMember"; for characters in a party near you but not in your party or alliance, I'll use "OtherPlayer."

*Remember: Turning a filter "On" means you will no longer see the log messages for that effect. Leaving a filter "Off" means you WILL see the log messages. All filters are "Off" by default.

1. Say(H)

2. Shout(H)

3. Tell(H)

4. Party(H)

5. Linkshell(H)

6. Emotes(H)

1-6 are self explanatory. All can be put on Hold and all but Party and Linkshell can be turned On. The only way to filter out Party or Linkshell chat is to disband from the party or unequip your linkpearl.

7a. Special actions started on/by you - Announces the start of spells/weaponskills started by you.

--Ex: Bob starts casting Shell on Bob. / Bob readies Red Lotus Blade.

7b. Special action effects on/by you - Announces the effects of spells/weaponskills by you, and announces your job abilities.

--Ex. Bob casts Shell on Bob. Bob gains the effect of Shell. / Bob uses Red Lotus Blade on the Clipper. / Bob uses Elemental Seal.

8. Attacks by you

9. Missed attacks by you

10. Attacks you evade **This includes blink/Utsusemi shadows used**

--Ex. 1 of Bob's shadows absorbs the damage and disappears.

11. Damage you take

8-10 self explanatory.

12a. Special actions started on/by party - Announces start of spells/weaponskills by party members.

--Ex: PartyMember starts casting Refresh on Bob. / PartyMember readies Vorpal Blade.

12b.Special action effects on/by party - Announces the effects of spells/weaponskills by party members, and announces their job abilities

--Ex. PartyMember Casts Refresh on Bob. Bob gains the effect of Refresh. / PartyMember uses Vorpal Blade on the Goblin Bandit. / PartyMember uses Berserk. PartyMember's attacks are enhanced but defense weakens.

13. Attacks by party

14. Missed attacks by party

15. Attacks evaded by party **Includes blink/Utsusemi shadows used**

--Ex. 1 of PartyMember's shadows absorbs the damage and disappears

16. Damage taken by party

17a. Special actions started on/by allies - Same as party, only alliance members instead of party members.

17b. Special action effects on/by allies - See 17a

18. Attacks by allies

19. Missed attacks by allies

20. Attacks evaded by allies **Blink/Utsusemi shadows**

21. Damage taken by allies

22a. Special actions started on/by foes - Announces the start of spells/weaponskills started by the mob you/your party is currently fighting.

--Ex: The Angry Weapon starts casting Paralyze on Bob. / The Stupid Weapon readies Whirl of Rage.

22b. Special action effects on/by foes - Announces the effects of spells/weaponskills and special job abilities of the mob you/your party is currently fighting.

--Ex: The Angry Weapon casts Paralyze on Bob. Bob is paralyzed. / The Stupid Weapon uses Whirl of Rage.

23. Attacks by foes

24. Missed attacks by foes

25. Attacks evaded by foes **Blink/Utsusemi shadows**

26. Damage taken by foes

27a. Special actions started on/by others - Announces spells/weaponskills started by characters not in your party or alliance.

--Ex: OtherPlayer starts casting BalladII on OtherPlayer. / OtherPlayer readies Tachi: Enpi.

**Note: "Others" is defined as PCs not in your party or alliance.**

27b. Special action effects on/by others - Announces effects of spells/weaponskills by characters not in your party or alliance.

--Ex: OtherPlayer casts BalladII on OtherPlayer. (OtherPlayer's party members gain the effect of Ballad) / OtherPlayer uses Tachi: Enpi on the Ugly Crab.

28. Attacks by others

29. Missed attacks by others

30. Attacks evaded by others **Blink/Utsusemi shadows**

31. Damage taken by others

**Note: I did some testing on this and as far as I can tell, NPCs includes mobs not currently engaged by you or your party but does include mobs engaged by an alliance you're in when one of the other two parties has "control" of the mob. It also seems to include BST pets. (no confirmation on DRGs' wyverns, although I think they fall under whatever category the DRG is in)***

32a. Special actions started on/by NPCs - Announces spells/weaponskills started by NPCs.

32b. Special action effects on/by NPCs - Announces the effects of spells/weaponskills used by NPCs.

33. Attacks by NPCs

34. Missed attacks by NPCs

35. Others' synthesis and fishing results

36. Lot results

37. System Lv. 1 ("Check" notices)

38. System Lv. 2 (Bazaar notices)

39. System Lv. 3 (Countdowns)

You cannot filter recurring status effect messages such as "Bob is paralyzed." or "The Chamber Beetle is paralyzed." (you can filter the initial effect as stated above, but not the messages when the effect actually kicks in)

For WHMs - The biggest favor you can do yourself is turn filters 27a, 27b, 32a and 32b ON. Especially useful in places like Labyrinth of Onzozo where Toramas spam Paralyze and Silence. Turning these filters on will keep you from seeing an adjacent party's Torama readying/executing their special enfeebling moves. This way, any time you see "The Torama readies Chaotic Eye" you can be ready with Silena knowing that it's your party's Torama and not another party's.

For RDMs - Same filters for WHM apply for RDM but for different reasons. With 27a/b and 32a/b turned ON, the only mob buffs you'll ever see are your party's. You'll never waste mp on a Dispel because you thought your pugil used Water Shield when it was really the other party's pugil. Also, you won't see other RDMs in the area debuffing. I changed my font colors so that different things stick out more...mainly "Detrimental effects others receive" and "Effects others resist" I changed these so I would see my sticks and resists better, but it also changes others' sticks and resists. With the right filters on, mine are all I see.

~As WHM I used to filter out "Damage taken by party members" because I could just look over at the HP bars. I found with some experimenting that this isn't the best way to go however. With party damage filtered, you can't tell who got hit by crawlers' Poison Breath for example. Also, you don't see who the goblin cast BioIII on. I wasted more time staring at HP bars trying to figure out who was slowly dying and missed Regen/Haste wearing off in the meantime.

~Another important note: Remember if you're a healer in Dynamis you need to have 17a/b and 27a/b turned OFF. Skillchainers also need 17a/b and 27a/b OFF and stunners need to have 32a/b OFF.



Posty: 1872
Dołączył(a): 30.01.2005
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 12:47 
mam powlaczane all mozliwe filtry, na wlasne i cudze pty, nie widze jaki dmg kto zadaje z mojego pty ani czy jakis blm z mojego pty zrobil MB, widze tylko co ja robie i co mi sie robi (;p) + all zlazace statusy, debuffy, buffy, all ^^;;
bardzo przydatne rdmowi, w natloku all linijek mozna niezauwazyc czy jakis debuff zlazl czy nie, to samo z refresh ^^;;;

Kalcia (Mithra) - Ramuh [retired]
Kalcia Kitsunetsuki (Miqo'te) - Sargatanas


Posty: 1763
Dołączył(a): 20.12.2004
PostNapisane: 11 maja 2005, 17:23 
Jedno mnie denerwuje. Odpaliłem sobie wyświetlanie cyferek damage nad postaciami. Potem zarzuciłem filtr na damage party i cyferki z damagem party także mi znikają. Bezsens. Wolał bym mieć czat loga dla ważniejszego info, a damage widzieć na screenie walki.

Comodo, Hjumen, BRD 75, PLD 52, BLU 43, WHM 37, WAR 33, DRK 32, DRG 25, NIN 20, SAM 20, BLM 19, MNK 14, BST 12

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