Makra do targetowania dla WHMów i nie tylko
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Autor:  zet [ 11 maja 2005, 11:29 ]
Tytuł:  Makra do targetowania dla WHMów i nie tylko

Przeklejka z alkazamu.


Macro Targetting seems to be another subject that keeps coming up alot so here is my compliled data and made it a post all its own. Note that I didnt learn all this on my own, I had many wonderful people teach me and I did research to make this as complete as possible, some of it is cut-and pasted from the big notebook I keep for reference; Thus some of the wording was changed so it wasnt a complete ripp off and I tailored it for WHM although anyone can use it. Thus Im not taking complete credit for this post, but it should help regardless So here goes:

---------Begin Lesson----------

First, there's party targetting: each party consists of 6 players, numbered 0-5, starting at the top of the party list with you, as Player 0, all the way to the last player at the bottom, as Player 5.
Appropriate that they should each have a targetting command, you say? Why yes, yes it is.

? <p0> -targets yourself

? <p1> -targets the second player

? <p2> -targets the third player

? <p3> -etcetera,

? <p4> -etcetera,

? <p5> -etcetera.

Wait a sec! What if they're in an alliance? Shouldn't there be a way to target each player in the alliance? You bet your sweet bippy! Alliance targetting works just like party targetting, in the format <aXY> where X is the number of the party, 0, 1 or 2, and Y is the number of the player in that party, 0-5 as per party targetting. So, for example:

? <a14> -targets the fifth player in the second party in the alliance.

? <a21> -targets the second player in the third party in the alliance.

? <a00> -targets yourself.

Well, what if you want more vesatile targetting options? Thankfully, Squeenix provided us with a huge arsenal of targetting options; sadly, most WHMs don't know they're there. So, for a quick rundown we have:

? <t> -automatically selects whatever your gold targetting arrow is currently pointed at.

? <me> -automatically selects yourself.

? <st> -allows selection of a sub-target, by spawning the blue targetting arrow above the target of your gold targetting cursor, from whence it can be moved to any other available target. The selection must be confirmed.

? <stpc> -allows selection of a sub-target from available player characters, by spawning the blue targetting arrow above the target of your gold targetting cursor. The selection must be confirmed.

? <stnpc> -allows selection of a sub-target from available NON-player characters. The selection must be confirmed.

? <lastst> -automatically selects the last used sub-target as the target of the action. This does NOT require confirming.

? <bt> -automatically selects the monster your party is battling as the target. If your party is engaged with multiple targets, this will activate in the order of engagement. (Adds get targetted second.)

? <ht> -automatically selects the nearest monster for which help has been called.

? <pet> -automatically selects your pet as the target.

? <scan> -automatically selects a monster being tracked by the Ranger ability "Wide Scan" as the target. Often used by Leaping Lizzie campers.

Autor:  Bodziu [ 11 maja 2005, 12:32 ]

Zecik tobie sie nudzi czy jestes w pracy :wink:

Autor:  Elfka [ 11 maja 2005, 13:16 ]

Dzieki Zet! Kazdy post jest bardzo przydatny!
Ciesze sie, ze wrociles, grasz i wiesz, co nam moze pomoc w grze!

Autor:  zet [ 11 maja 2005, 13:54 ]

Jestem chory to mam troche czasu ;)

Autor:  Elfka [ 11 maja 2005, 15:47 ]

Szybciej zdrowiej, ale pozostan z nami nadal!!!

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