Thrilling New Quests on the Horizon!
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Autor:  Draconi [ 22 cze 2005, 14:22 ]
Tytuł:  Thrilling New Quests on the Horizon!


The following is a sample of the excitement that awaits:

*A quest requiring adventurers to deliver a lost chocobo to its home stables. Test your riding skills while competing for jaw-dropping prizes and the title of "Vana'diel's Fastest"!

*Quests to obtain masks designed after your favorite beastmen. Only those who obtain the unique headwear will be able to unlock the equipment's true power...

And that is only the beginning! Keep your eyes glued to this page for the latest in update information!

FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (6/22/2005)

Autor:  Targaryen [ 22 cze 2005, 14:24 ]

Czapa goblina wyglada BOSKO, yagudo tez calkiem calkiem. Szkoda, ze mnie to ominie :/

Autor:  Bodziu [ 22 cze 2005, 14:26 ]

Taaa !
szczegolnie na Taru LOL :D

Autor:  Gokulo [ 22 cze 2005, 14:51 ]

To nie wyglada na event wiec chyba nie minie ^^:

Autor:  kalcia [ 22 cze 2005, 15:29 ]

ja chce czapyyyyyy >o<;
kiedy bedzie mozna zaczac to robic? ^^;;

Autor:  Duszek [ 22 cze 2005, 16:49 ]

ja chce !!! wszystkie !!!!

Autor:  Comodo [ 22 cze 2005, 18:57 ]

Hmm, ciekawe czy tylko jeden typ czapy na postać... Jeśli tak, to chce Yagudo!!!!

Autor:  Munia [ 22 cze 2005, 19:07 ]

ajajajaaaj ta z gobem sliczniutkieee ^^ dla mnie dla mnie :) bym miala jeszcze wiekrze uszy niz mam :)

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