Horlais Peak BCNM - Double Dragonian - czwartek 20.30
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Autor:  mrynar [ 30 lip 2005, 09:51 ]
Tytuł:  Horlais Peak BCNM - Double Dragonian - czwartek 20.30

Chetnie bym sie przeszedl, chociaz na jedna walke, daje orba, split. Z rare/ex interesuja mnie destroyersy, wypada tez tam dagger, sword i gsword z critical hit rate. Oczywiscie jak ktos dorzuci swojego orba to fajnie. :D

Dropy calkiem fajne:

# Adaman Ingot
# Damascene Cloth
# Damascus Ingot
# Destroyers
# Dissector
# Dragon Heart
# Dragon Meat
# Ebony Log
# Heart Snatcher
# Minuet Earring
# Orichalcum Ingot
# Phoenix Feather
# Platinum Ingot
# Raxa
# Sorrowful Harp
# Subduer
# Wyvern Scales

Przeciwnikow tylko dwoch, ale za to typu shadow dragon.

Wymagany level raczej 74-75.

Autor:  Nimloth [ 30 lip 2005, 10:50 ]

Bylem na tym BCNM - na 5 walk wypadly 2 destroyery ... i wlasnie bylo z nami 2 mnk co chcieli to :D

Autor:  Targaryen [ 30 lip 2005, 13:15 ]

Zaczekaj na mnie :D Ja chce dissectora :P

Autor:  Bodziu [ 30 lip 2005, 21:47 ]

No ja moge sie przejsc juz Ancover rozmawialem :) daj znac tylko tu na forum, bo w sierpniu to rzadko bede, ale od wrzesnia wracam na 100% :)

Autor:  Scorpio [ 31 lip 2005, 00:07 ]

Ide, daje orba jak nie wypadnie dissector na twoim runie :>

Autor:  Elfka [ 31 lip 2005, 01:34 ]

Ja tez chetnie pojde, jesli moj lvl pasuje, mam KSy.

Autor:  mrynar [ 31 lip 2005, 03:49 ]

Wstepnie ustalilismy ze idziemy jutro (niedziela) po kirinach.

Na teraz mamy sklad:

1. Xav PLD

2. Anc WHM

3. Sto RDM

4. Bod BLM

5. Opi MNK

6. Drac BRD

Autor:  Scorpio [ 31 lip 2005, 09:21 ]

Gal mial problem z siecia w piatek dlatego sie nie pojawil na COP, watpie zeby juz mial siec czynna. Ale po kirinach moge do niego zadzwonic i zpytac czy reflektuje :)

Autor:  mrynar [ 31 lip 2005, 15:15 ]

Zobaczymy. Mam nadzieje, ze ktos szosty sie znajdzie na dzis. Moze Gal bedzie mial siec.

Dwie taktyki przykladowe:

Not a difficult BCNM 5/6 with
69blm/whm 70whm/blm 73rdm/blm 75drk/nin 75rng/nin 75nin/war

Meds: As Ninja tank I used 6 Holy Waters per fight and our RNG kite used a bit more.

Our strategy..

We had myself voke the Minstrel while the RNG would Barrage the Berzerker. The RNG and RDM would then kite the berzerker up and down the long ramp with gravity/bind/shadowbind. The rest of us killed the Minstrel with ease. No real trick here just face the mob away from the mages which is already an unwritten rule for tanks. A lot of MP will be used because of the constant cursing so have the kiters kite till full MP after the Minstrel dies. If you're wondering the RNG kite worked really well and he even had dusk trousers.

For the Berzerker, I kited him around the circle with the mages in the middle healing/nuking/gravitying. The DD would follow and attack then they would kite when they had hate.

It is very important that you kite him properly. Stay as close to the outside of the circle as possible. Don't get too close for his WS but don't get too far otherwise the Berzerker will start to run towards the middle if you get too far. It is a MUST to keep the Berzerker away from the mages at all time and if he does go near them the mages must run away. He sometimes uses an AoE WS called Body Slam which will one shot anything with out Utsusemi. It will go through stoneskin and maybe blink.

If a couple of mages go down you can always kite till they are raised and full MP because fighting this thing straight up is not an option unless maybe you have double mambo but I'm not too sure. It hit me for 400 dmg a normal hit and double attacks like crazy.
It's semi-difficult. Our PT set-up was:

LV75 (deleveled to 74 ; ;) BLM/RDM (me)
LV 74 (deleveled to 73 >_<) RNG/NIN

A few things to mention. I would STRONGLY recommend having a RDM with capped enfeebling. Prefably LV 75. My enfeebling is capped on BLM (with enhancing gear) at about 250-260.

Our strategy was like most others:

NIN and BLM run in, ES+Sleep II the Berserker and pull the Minstrel down about halfway and kill it fast. BLM stands closest to the arena (away from everyone else) and is ready to Sleep II the Berserker when it wakes up. PHALANX STONESKIN AND BLINK ARE VERY IMPORTANT!! Both Dragons have the curse move. This curse move is called Chaos Blade or something. It is a cone shaped blast so if the tank positions it in a way with his back to the wall no melees/mages should be hit. However, this cone shaped blast has a huge range. The curse only lasts 5-10 seconds so only the tanks/melee should have holy water. It will drain a lot of MP from the WHM due to the Cure Vs he/she will throw out to get the tank(s) up to full HP.

Occasionally I would throw in a Blizzard III/IV on the Minstrel to speed things up. The Minstrel needs to die extremely fast as most have mentioned. Soulvoice isn't that bad but if he does sing any songs on him they need to be dispelled immediately. When the Berserker wakes up when you are fighting the Minstrel simply sleep him again. This is where high level enfeebling magic pays off. The berserker becomes extremely resistant.

After the Minstrel is disposed of you need to: (depending on the situation)

1) If the Berserker is sleeping put as many enfeebles as you can on him before he wakes up. The tank(s) should be provoking him while he's asleep. After enfeebles are landed on him move to the arena.

2) If he is already awake stick Gravity on him and run to the arena.

Now for the Berserker...Mages should stand at the entrance to the arena, moving in only when necessary. It is true, kiting him is the only way to win. Gravity should be stuck on him as soon as it wears off. He becomes extremely resistant. I don't know if it was because I deleveled or the moon phase (it was Dark Day/Fire Day 55% First Quarter ) but the last few runs we did I could not stick Bind/Gravity on him to save my life. However, with 2 tanks it was possible to just kite him without Gravity.

A ranger helps out *quite* a lot since the target will be moving a lot. He does not activate Body Slam unless he is standing still with multiple people around him. That means, if you shadowbind do not stand near him. Other than that it's just a matter of time wearing him down. He doesn't have an excessive amount of HP but it's enough to keep you busy for a good 5~10 minutes.

I found myself finishing the Berserker off a lot, mainly with Blizzaga III/IV. The times we died he either got Body Slam off at a really bad time or the tanks weren't healed fast enough.

Wezcie holy water!

Autor:  mrynar [ 31 lip 2005, 22:13 ]

Przekladamy BCNM na czwartek. Wszyscy beda mieli orby wiec mamy 6 walk do zrobienia.

19.30 wszystkim pasuje?

Autor:  Kang [ 1 sie 2005, 09:14 ]

Szkoda że już macie skład ^^
Rzeczywiście chciałbym się przejść :)

Autor:  Bodziu [ 1 sie 2005, 09:49 ]

Gal poczekaj na nastepna sesje, ja BSTuje to pojdziemy razem :D narazie mam 40KSow wiec jeszcze 20 :D

Autor:  mrynar [ 1 sie 2005, 10:42 ]

Ta, bedziemy pewnie robic powtorke jak Rha wroci.

Autor:  Scorpio [ 1 sie 2005, 12:31 ]

wywalic whm lub rdm znajdzie sie miejsce dla drk.

Autor:  Bodziu [ 3 sie 2005, 09:44 ]

Op - jako ze organizujesz cos w czwartek, to okresl sie czy jest ten BCNM czy nie, ja musze to wiedziec wczesniej a nie na ostatnia chwile. :evil:

Autor:  mrynar [ 3 sie 2005, 10:01 ]

Bodziu --> jest na 100%, wszyscy potwierdzili. Zaczynamy ok. 19.30, bo jest sporo do zrobienia.

Autor:  Bodziu [ 3 sie 2005, 11:02 ]


Autor:  mrynar [ 4 sie 2005, 18:59 ]


Autor:  ksawery [ 4 sie 2005, 22:35 ]

Jezu... STRASZNIE was przepraszam... do glowy mi nie przyszlo ze moja randka tak sie przeciagnie :/
Mam nadzieje ze mi wybaczycie...

Autor:  mrynar [ 5 sie 2005, 09:42 ]

Spoko. Randki sa wazniejsze. :D

Do trzech razy sztuka. Nie mam tylko pomyslu na nowy termin.

Moze dzis o 21.30 (po walce CoP)? Ewentualnie w niedziele o 16.00.

Wypowiedzcie sie prosze czy wam pasuje.

W przyszlym tygodniu: poniedzialek/sroda CoP, wtorek dynamis, czwartek/piatek mnie nie ma.

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