Carbuncle Mitts run - piatek 19.00
Strona 1 z 4

Autor:  mrynar [ 24 sie 2005, 00:55 ]
Tytuł:  Carbuncle Mitts run - piatek 19.00


1. Opiekun

2. Ancover


1. Ancover

Pare osob potrzebuje te rekawiczki:


(Hidden Effect 50% off Carbuncle cost)

Byc moze sie uda skoczyc na nie w przyszlym tygodniu. Niech kazdy zainteresowany zalatwi sobie przez tydzien offering i Prelate Key (chyba wystarczy jeden na grupe).


Super szczegolowy opis:

This is not a quest, so you do not need anything to start it. You do however require an 'Offering' to spawn the NM. You may also need a Prelate key to open a door to get to the NM location, but this is not compulsory.

Four steps to obtaining Carbuncle Mitts:

1) Get an 'Ugglepiah Offering'.
2) Get a Prelate Key.
3) Get a strong party of 70+ including a bard.
4) Spawn and fight the NM.

The following walkthrough is edited from Larzonia from Sylph server.

-------Getting the Offering-------

General Info:

This is called an Ugglepiah Offering. To get this, you'll either solo it or have one other person with you. It's really smart idea to go in pairs as will be described below. It's not really something you can get bring in a full party for because it's a two hour pop, so only one person in the party could get it every 2 hours. If multiple people want it, just add 2 hours to when you found it, and go again at that time.


- It's suggested you have a character that can cast Blink and/or Stoneskin. This is due to the unavoidable aggro of the mobs near this item.
- If you don't have sneak or invisible, a stack of prism powders and a few silent oils is required. Even if you have invisible, a few prism powders are still required.
- If you don't have the spell warp, a warp scroll is recommended.

Directions to the Place where this Offering is available:

The offering is in the Temple of Ugglepiah. Head in the direction of the Temple of Ugglepiah in Yhoator Jungle. Don't enter through the main entrance on the map. If you look on the Yhoater map, you'll see a Bloodlet Spring landmark north of the temple, and just east of that you can zone into the Den of Rancor from Yhoater Jungle.


Once inside, simply follow the right wall for like 2-3 minutes. You'll need to cast sneak or use a silent oil to get past the pucks, but nothing else is required here. The Lizards are all non-aggro. DO NOT FALL in the holes.... death is there.

You'll eventually zone into the temple via the back entrance. Now, if you follow the left wall, you'll quickly (as in like 15 seconds) come to a hallway with 4 rooms, 2 on either side. There is a ??? mark in one of the rooms, that spawns once every 2 hours (respawns, that is, after someone else gets it). This ??? is the Offering. All you have to do is click on it to receive the offering.


What makes this a pain is the tonberrys aggro by sight, even lvl 75 people, and the Pots and Iron maidens aggro by magic. This means casting Invis isn't a good idea unless you're by the entrance, far away from magic aggro mobs. To even see the ???, you have to actually go into the room and tab around. You won't see the ??? unless you are in the room, which almost always has a tonberry. To open this door, you have to drop invis, which means instant aggro unless the tonberry *happens* to be looking away. The best tactic is to come with one other person. Between the two of you, you should have sneak, invisible, and Blink, as well as some prism powders. The two person tactic shines when it comes to opening the doors. One person takes their invisible off and opens the doors from the side (not straight on the door where the tonberry might aggro you). The other person stays invisible and walks in, then Tab's everywhere to see if the ??? is there. If not, the other person should reopen the door to let you out. Repeat for all doors. If the ??? IS there, take off invis, get it, and run like mad for the zone(or warp). If you get aggro, simply zone to the Den of Rancor.

If you're solo, the process is similar, but far riskier. Since you're alone, you must drop invis and enter each room while visible (you won't have enough time to put on prism powder, and that would get expensive anyway). If ya get aggro, zone to the Den of Rancor. The Blink and Stoneskin should be enough to protect you until you have zoned, 80% of the time. Expect to die a few times with this method.

There are 2 other rooms that you can see on the map, that have a chance of containing the ???, but are more difficult to reach and also run away from if aggroed. To get to these 2 rooms, continue down the hallway, and you'll reach what looks like a dead end, but is actually a hidden door that you can click, and it opens. Do the two person method for this too, so one can entire while invisible and tell the other when all the mobs have turned away so that they also can enter (be careful of aggro right behind the door). Inside this large room is another door in the far right corner. If you can make it through to this door and open it, you'll be in another hallway with 2 doors on the right. There's nothing in this hallway that aggroes by sight, so you don't need to worry as much. Just don't walk right in front of the doors as the tonberries inside can see through the doors. These two doors possibly contain the ???.

--------Getting the Prelate Key------------

The key is only dropped by Tonberry Stabbers and Tonberry Choppers (Choppers are found outside). Fairly rare drop, so plan to hack quite a few tonberries to get it.

The door you need this key for is shown on map 3 below, in this room is a monster called a Manipulator that aggros to magic. If you are going to use the trick below you may need to kill this first.

If you don't have a key, there's a little trick you can use, and that's to aggro an enemy on the other side of the door. When they come to get you, they'll open the door for you. Tonberrys will aggro to you through the door or magic pots will aggro through the door if you use magic, if close enough. This method can take some time, but stand just to the side of the door and keep pressing tab to target the mobs and then cast a spell on them or shoot an arrow at them.

Autor:  Max' [ 24 sie 2005, 03:13 ]

Ta mi by sie bardzo przydaly rekawiczki ale lvl mam nizszy niz te 70+ co pisze ; ; Zobaczymuy moze nabije jak najblizej 70 do czasu wyprawy.

Autor:  Elfka [ 24 sie 2005, 03:23 ]

Ja ide :D
Fajne sa te lapki!!!

Autor:  mrynar [ 24 sie 2005, 07:49 ]

Nie trzeba miec 70 lvlu. Wazne zeby bylo pare osob 70+ do zabicia NMka.

Autor:  zet [ 24 sie 2005, 08:46 ]

Jak będę in-game to pomogę - dajcie znać!

Autor:  zet [ 24 sie 2005, 08:50 ]

Jakie te tonberki kolo "???" sa dla lev 75? vt?

Autor:  trafcio [ 24 sie 2005, 08:54 ]

Ja rowniez, chetnie bym sie przeszedl, bo bardzo by mi sie przydaly te rekawiczki, na pewno zdobede offeringa i keya. Jezeli nie potrzeba calego party 70+, to wpiszcie mnie w wolne miejsce.

Autor:  Scorpio [ 24 sie 2005, 10:01 ]

Jak będe ingmae to pomoge.
Proszę aby określić zasade dotyczącą Light Spirit Pact przed runem :)

Autor:  Targaryen [ 24 sie 2005, 10:11 ]

Tonberry na spocie gdzie jest ??? sa EP. Jest tam summoner, blm, ninja i thf. W miare blisko jest w korytarzu tez statua, ktora aggruje na magie wiec najlepiej zabic ja w pierwszej kolejnosci.

Autor:  egoist [ 24 sie 2005, 10:17 ]

Cholera wyrzucilem bodajze 7 Prelate keow. Fuck

Autor:  mrynar [ 24 sie 2005, 10:48 ]

Light spirity beda dla pomagajacych, pozostali dostana rekawice.

Autor:  Comodo [ 24 sie 2005, 11:01 ]

Nie wiem kiedy idziecie, ale jeśli będę online, to dajcie znać, chętnie pomogę :wink:

Autor:  Max' [ 24 sie 2005, 11:28 ]

mrynar napisał(a):
Nie trzeba miec 70 lvlu. Wazne zeby bylo pare osob 70+ do zabicia NMka.

Koro tak to chetnie sie przejde whmem na razie na 54 lvl moze sie zmieni do wyprawy offering to raczej nie problem dzis po niego wyskocze.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 24 sie 2005, 11:32 ]

Kazdy mozesz sie przejsc ale jak masz niski lv to mozesz chciec sie trzymac daleko od niego. Jego 2hr bez problemu moze zabic nawet na 75.

Autor:  Max' [ 24 sie 2005, 12:09 ]

Gokulo napisał(a):
Kazdy mozesz sie przejsc ale jak masz niski lv to mozesz chciec sie trzymac daleko od niego. Jego 2hr bez problemu moze zabic nawet na 75.

:) jako whm zawsze staram sie stac daleko no ale nie zawsze sie da ze wzgledu np. ze sie lapie agro w danej lokacji.

Autor:  zet [ 24 sie 2005, 12:21 ]

Trafcio --> Możesz iść niezależenie ilu będzie szło, bo i tak zrobimy alliance, tylko weź ze sobą staka oili i prismów bo tam są potworki agrujące na magie.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 24 sie 2005, 12:36 ]

Ja rozumiem, ale w tym wypadku chodzilo mi poza zaiegiem walki :D Bo astral flow ma duzy zasieg ;) Chyba oczywiscie, ze ci nie zalezy, ze padniech bo whm inny i tak pewnie bedzie.

Autor:  zet [ 24 sie 2005, 13:32 ]

Aha - ja już zaliczyłem zgon jak byłem po carbuncle mittens - 1 strzał protect4, stoneskin, blink :), no ale jeszcze nie miałem wtedy 75 :P

Autor:  coldee1 [ 24 sie 2005, 14:18 ]

pójde z chęcią ....czekam na ten moment już długo .......:)

Autor:  Max' [ 24 sie 2005, 15:02 ]

No juz offering mam co do wypadu to dostosuje sie do terminu jeszcze postaram sie zalatwic klucz ale to juz bedzie inna bajka :P

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