Sobota 18-19 AA Fight
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Autor:  Scorpio [ 2 wrz 2005, 14:58 ]
Tytuł:  Sobota 18-19 AA Fight

Specjalnie dla zjawci wklejka :

Currrent Team Rrrrroster

Kite Party I :
1 Xavery [ PLD ] [ Main Tank for Kite party I ]
2 Stokrotka [ RDM ] [ Support for Xavery ]
3 Tiefa [ PLD ][ Kite role ]
4 Ghaleons [ RDM ] [ focus support Tiefa ]
5 Zozma [ SMN][ blinker/stoneskiner for pld / summon kite role ]
6 Torht [ SAM ] [ Focus on make big dmg ]

Kite Party II :
1 Mong [ NIN ] [ Main Tank for kite party II ]
2 Draconi [ BRD ] [ focus on Main Tank ]
3 Zjawcia [ NIN ] [ Kite ]
4 Xythalia [ BST ] [ Pet - Tank-Kite Role]4 Kristina [ WHM/ SMN]
5 Kristina [ WHM/ SMN]
6 Sephriana [ BRD ] [ Support mage and Bst ]

Killer's Party I :
1 .Galenros [ DRK ][ Focus dmg ]
2. Mystile [ WHM ][Support for DD and AoE problems ]
3 Vaylyana [ BRD ] [ Support DD - Give DD True Power ; ]
4 Saitou [ THF ] [ Focus DMG - alternative kiter ]
5 Suyon [ RNG ] [ Focus DMG - Shadowbind if any kiter down ]
6 Opiekun [ MNK ] [ TANK ROLE at first Enemy / potions / 2-h if need ... ]

Autor:  Huckster [ 2 wrz 2005, 15:18 ]

7 na 18 osob z CC :)

Autor:  Duszek [ 2 wrz 2005, 15:32 ]

dzieki Stok :D

chyba zaczynam sie bac :o :o :o


Autor:  Comodo [ 2 wrz 2005, 15:35 ]

A dla tych niewtajemniczonych, powiedzcie o co chodzi - co bijecie :wink:

Autor:  Duszek [ 2 wrz 2005, 15:42 ]

Comodo - juz raz o to pytales :P ... sc&start=0

Autor:  Bazztek [ 2 wrz 2005, 15:46 ]


black metal band :)

Autor:  Comodo [ 2 wrz 2005, 15:46 ]

No dobrze. To już zapamiętam, że AA to party murzynów :wink:


EDIT: O, fotka się pojawiła jak pisałem.... Jedna naprwadę ekstra wyglądająca Mithra :D

Autor:  Scorpio [ 2 wrz 2005, 16:21 ]

Alkhazam BC info - Please READ before we enter BC, it's important to evryone know what we wana kill :

Tristran Infos :
At least a couple rng and everything else whatever

Melee need Opo po necklace, sleep potion, hp regen drinks, High potion.
Mage need echo drops(i think), yagudo drink. high ether/vile elixir, poison potion.
Everyone needs to bring a form of Reraise to this BC(reraise gorget, high reraiser)

Gather tp through opo po necklace, everyone put reraise on. Upop entrance of the bc, AA TT must die asap. If his aoe hits it will hurt us badly through the rest of this fight. Everyone unload on him as soon as we start.

From there the order is:
AA GK > AA MT > pets > AA EV > AA HM

Main tank will take AA GK and bring him to the stairs(main tank will fight each AA at stairs except TT who will not leave the arena). The aoe's of many AA's is deadly. Other tanks each grab an AA and have a RDM buddy to kite it.

BRD will keep pets asleep til AA MT dies, pets will not die automatically.

Specials to be wary of:
AA TT's aoe induces several status effects, this is why he much be destroyed asap.
AA GK use's Meikyo Shisui...and you've all seen what the galka can do with Meikyo Shisui at MG.
AA MT uses charm, she also has a pretty nasty aoe from what I remember. I believe she is the one who sleeps so mages may want to have poison pots ready for this fight.
AA EV hmmm..nothing special from what I remember
AA HM He will mijin gakure around 50% health, at this time all melee will need to back up and one tank will probably have to take one for the team.

Ok, well let me know if I'm missing anything for those that went, or maybe offer suggestions. This is a pretty solid normal way to accomplish this bc.

I can sugest only pickup some panacea, make macros for main tank group and <stpc> for stona, silena, paralyga ...

Pls, get medicines for you proffesion,
- Mele Atack Food.
- Mage MP Food.
- poison potion for fight v AA MT
- Antidote
- Potions [ best is hyper potion but price is radiculous ]
- Ethers [ hypehr ether, or muslum or couple ethers - super ether use take a year ]
- panacea [ this can help bu idk how fast this is ]
Reraise stuff, curaga earrings .... you all know what we need to win.
And evryone pls be ready die and lost some exp.

Autor:  Scorpio [ 2 wrz 2005, 16:26 ]

Galen zajmiesz sie dowodzeniem runem ?

Autor:  swordsman [ 2 wrz 2005, 16:57 ]

ummm .___. ja bede na konwencie.... chyba nie bedize problemu z replacmentem .___. ?? lol chyba ze mi dadza pograc ;P

Autor:  Huckster [ 2 wrz 2005, 17:10 ]

Być może ja będę mógł iść zamiast Saia.

Autor:  Scorpio [ 2 wrz 2005, 17:11 ]

Currrent Team Rrrrroster

Kite Party I :
1 Xavery [ PLD ] [ Main Tank for Kite party I ]
2 Stokrotka [ RDM ] [ Support for Xavery ]
3 Tiefa [ PLD ][ Kite role ]
4 Ghaleons [ RDM ] [ focus support Tiefa ]
5 Zozma [ SMN][ blinker/stoneskiner for pld / summon kite role ][party leaader ]
6 Sephriana [ BRD ] [ support party, sleep wyvern ]

Kite Party II :
1 Mong [ NIN ] [ Main Tank for kite party II ]
2 Draconi [ BRD ] [ focus on Main Tank ]
3 Zjawcia [ NIN ] [ Kite ]
4 Xythalia [ BST ] [ Pet - Tank-Kite Role]4 Kristina [ WHM/ SMN]
5 Kristina [ WHM/ SMN] [ party leader ]
6 Torht [ SAM ] [ Focus on make big dmg ]

Killer's Party I :
1 .Galenros [ DRK ][ Focus dmg ] [ Party leader, Aliance leader ]
2. Mystile [ WHM ][Support for DD and AoE problems ]
3 Vaylyana [ BRD ] [ Support DD - Give DD True Power ; ]
4 Saitou [ THF ] [ Focus DMG - alternative kiter ]
5 Suyon [ RNG ] [ Focus DMG - Shadowbind if any kiter down ]
6 Opiekun [ MNK ] [ TANK ROLE at first Enemy / potions / 2-h if need ... ]

Tactics :

Target Select :

Opiekun => Ark Angel TT (DRK/BLM)[tarutaru]
Amon-Drive - area damage + Paralyze + Petrify
Note: attacks in this order Magic > WS > teleport
Mong =>3. Ark Angel GK (SAM/DRG)[ Galka ]
Specials: Jump - ranged damage + Bind + Blind
Call Wyvern
Meikyo Shisui
Note: Wyvern sleepable, 2hr blinkable.
Xavery => Ark Angel HM (WAR/NIN)
Specials: Cross-Reaver - area damage + Stun
Double attack
Resist Bind
Mighty Strikes
Mijin Gakure
Note: At 50% HP or less, tends to use Mijin Gakure.
Tiefa =>Ark Angel MR (BST/THF)[ Mithra ]
Havoc-Spiral - area damage + Gravity + Sleep
Perfect Dodge
Note: Does Perfect Dodge at low HP; can be gravitied, high evasion
Zjawcia => Ark Angel EV (PLD/WHM)[ Elvaan Female ]
Dominion-Slash - area damage + Silence
Shield Strike - Stun + hate reset
Resist sleep
Note: Uses Spirits Within can be binded/gravitied, do not fight directly.

Xythalia => BST pet's

Fight :

Xavery go to middle of areana, get all AA agro, designed tanks and kiters voke his targets [ as abowe ]

Sephriana sleep Wyvern.

Order of Deth :
AA GK > AA MT > wyvern > BST pet > AA EV > AA HM

Opiekun take TaruTaru adn go right side of arena.
Killer's party with Torth go and kill tarutaru ASAP

Xythalia stay with pet around middle area of arena.

Xavery and other tanks try get his target's and go to left side of arena, try kite, not fight directly. If need run around of arena, RDM's assist his tanks.

Mage try avoid AoE, try keep distance. WHM's check status killers party and make stona, paralyna etc ... if need

Whne kiler's make deal with TT, next target is Galka, Mong take GK go to left side of arena, Kiler's team try kill GK asap.
If any tank-kiter die Mong replace him.
After GK deth Tiefa bring his MT to Kiler's party. Like aowe - try kill him asap :) [ Danger - charm, sleep AoE ]

After this finish off wyvern. After wyvern finish off BST pet.
Both pet's tank role is Tiefa.

Now is time for EV, This can be much harder :>, try kite around and avoid his WS, Zjawa frist, if Zjawa die, Tiefa take EV, If both die Mong shuld take EV ..... [ WS dmg base on HP, so make HP down fast please :D, and one more 2-h benediction ... ]

Last one is HM, Xavery take Hume and all pll go kill him :)), At 55% All move away from HM, only RDM;s and rng try make HP down to 50% - This bastard use Self Destruct, so if you are close to him when his hp go down to 50% you are die. After Xavery deth HM take Mong or Tiefa ..
Just finish off him :).

Autor:  Scorpio [ 2 wrz 2005, 17:12 ]

Huckster napisał(a):
Być może ja będę mógł iść zamiast Saia.

Bądz online, mam 1 czlowieka na zastepstwo, jesli wypadnie mi 2 wchodzisz.

Sai w kule sobie lecisz :P

Autor:  Bodziu [ 2 wrz 2005, 18:00 ]

Zycze powodzenia, ale mysle ze i tak sie wam nie uda LOL
Mithra - rox !!! :D (ci co byli wiedza o co chodzi)

Autor:  Krzysiek2099 [ 2 wrz 2005, 18:14 ]

Byś poszedł i im pomógł a nie złożeczysz. Do boju CC... do boju CC... marsz marsz marsz... do boju marsz... zwycięstwo czeka nas :D

Autor:  swordsman [ 2 wrz 2005, 18:27 ]

ale miecze tego wara sa cudne....

Autor:  Bazztek [ 2 wrz 2005, 18:33 ]

jakby dodac im kolce...odwrocone pentagramy, bawole czy tez kozle glowy nabite na pal, to wygladali by jak kolesie z Gorgoroth

albo jak Shagrath


Autor:  Nimloth [ 2 wrz 2005, 22:47 ]

Mithra musi die jako jeden z pierwszych - moze poza blm :D
18 blm rox !!

Autor:  mrynar [ 3 wrz 2005, 01:02 ]

Jest jeden problem: nie mam key itemu. Bylem tam dwa razy i dupa.

Jesli bez itemu nie mozna wejsc i jesli jutro nie wypada full moon to mozesz mnie wykreslic Sto. :(

Autor:  Gokulo [ 3 wrz 2005, 07:25 ]

Tam nie potrzeba zadnego key itemu ????
Triggerem do walki jest Ark Pentasphere, ale to wystarczy, ze jedna osoba bedziem iala.

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