Mercurial Kris - 0/3 (+2 faile)
Strona 1 z 2

Autor:  Huckster [ 5 lis 2005, 09:12 ]
Tytuł:  Mercurial Kris - 0/3 (+2 faile)

Info o queście

Pre Quest: Inside the Belly
Fish: Bhelfin Marlin
Charts: Pirate's Chart and Brigand's Chart
Locations: Buburimu Peninsula and Valkrum Dunes

Details: Fish Selbina/Mhaura Ferry and Fish Bhelfin Marlins. I use Composite and Sliced Bluetail as bait. Take the fish to Zaldon in Selbina Fishing Guild. You have a chance of getting either of the two Charts. If not he rewards you with 150gil.

Brigand's Chart:

Go to Buburimu Peninsula and trade it to the ??? at Khoonta Beach. This is a One person event(Note: I had party members that could still kill the mobs that I pulled up and didn't get the lvl cap). Lvl cap is 20. The Old man wants you to fish up his Penquin Ring from the water. You will see it shining in the water. I assume if your lucky you'll get the ring, but all I got was 2 treasure chest that both contained Wooden Flowerpots(rare). I also fished up 500gil and a mob(Puffer Pugil). I only got about 4 cast out of it before the time expired.

Pirate's Chart:

Go to Valkrum Dunes and trade it to the ??? at Whitebone Beach. This is a 4 person event. My suggestion is to bring 2 blm or bard(sleepers) and a Tank. The little taru warns you that theres 3 of them comming!! A Manta type mob, Sahgin type mob, and a Crab type mob will spawn. Sleep 2 mobs and have tank start fighting the 3rd one. All this time you should be fishing like crazy to get the ring. I've only done this once and we only had 3 of us. The 3rd one killed me before it could be slept. I managed to fish up a Tarutaru Snare from the water before I died.

Info o walce w VD

My fishing buddy Strychtnine and I got a pirate chart each. We teamed up with a friend of his and the 3 of us successfully beat the NM battle for the Albatross ring twice and got the ring both times.

First, preparation: This battle caps your level at 20 so you need appropriate gear for that level. Also, each member of the 3-person party needs a rod and bait. The job configuration that we had was brd/whm, pld/war, and blm/whm.

Once you're ready, kill all the monsters near the appropriate ??? in Valkurm Dunes so they wont interfere with the battle and also so you build up TP. The ??? is located on the beach west of Selbina (F-9). One person trade the pirate chart to the ???. When the music changes from normal dunes music to fishing music, it's time to fish! And do so right away. You only have a short time before the 3 NMs appear. Each member of the party should fish, and your first (and only) cast should pull up a snare of some kind. I'll address the snares in a moment.

The NMs are a sea monk, a sahagin, and a crab. Each of these monsters will use the monk's 2 hour ability Hundred Fists during the battle. Before the battle, you should discuss with your party who will sleep and snare which monster. The snares you got from fishing will seriously reduce its target's attack damage! So watch for your monster and snare it when it Hundred Fists!

All 3 monsters appear at the same time. Have pld voke the sahagin, while the bard sleeps the sea monk and blm sleeps the crab. Next, bard cast Army's Paeon 2 and Sheepfoe Mambo as pld fights the sahagin. Blm should nuke the sahagin while keeping the crab asleep. Continue until the sahagin is dead. Next, fight the crab. Pld tanks it while blm nukes it and brd focuses on keeping the sea monk asleep. At this point pld and blm may need to rest for mp to handle the sea monk. Bard keeps it asleep while pld and blm rest until they're ready. When ready, kill it and a treasure chest will appear. Click on it to get your well-earned goodies!

Our spoils were:
1st battle:
shall shell
Fuscina (the new level 20 polearm)
Albatross Ring

2nd battle:
pamtam kelp
coral butterfly
Mercurial Kris <----
Albatross Ring

Autor:  Comodo [ 5 lis 2005, 10:52 ]

OMG OMG OMG!!!! :o :o :o To jest to! Dokładnie czegoś takiego szukałem :o :o :o

Nie wiem ile to jest warte, ale do Joya, Dual Wield, omg....

Idziemy na ryby Huck, wyłowimy 10 takich!!! Ja chcę tylko 1.

Ciężko dostać te charty Huck?

Autor:  egoist [ 5 lis 2005, 11:54 ]

I want it too

Autor:  swordsman [ 5 lis 2005, 12:07 ]

wole 50mil za ktore mozna go spylic :]

Autor:  Comodo [ 5 lis 2005, 12:20 ]

Tak myślałem, że jest dużo wart >.> Porażka. Powinien byc EX >.> I tak jestem chętny na ten quest jako usypiacz. Ostatnio jakoś z mojego joba nie ma za wiele pożytku, a ja się nudzę :/

Autor:  swordsman [ 5 lis 2005, 12:25 ]

can i have ur stuff ?

Autor:  Huckster [ 5 lis 2005, 12:29 ]

Połowię Marliny, zdobędę charty i poproszę Was o pomoc :)

Autor:  Comodo [ 5 lis 2005, 12:30 ]

/cheer Huck

Barda już masz :wink:

Autor:  egoist [ 5 lis 2005, 13:08 ]

i tanka;)

Autor:  Krzysiek2099 [ 5 lis 2005, 14:11 ]

I kibiców: go Ninja, go Thief, go Bard :D

Autor:  Scorpio [ 5 lis 2005, 14:28 ]

mozecie zapodac info o tym scyzoryku ? ?)

Autor:  Balrog [ 5 lis 2005, 15:40 ]

Ja mam charta do tego questu

Autor:  Comodo [ 15 lis 2005, 10:56 ]

Jak tam ryby Huck ;)

Autor:  Huckster [ 15 lis 2005, 11:33 ]

nic nie łowiłem jeszcze.

Autor:  Huckster [ 8 gru 2005, 15:35 ]

Mam Pirate's Chart (oddałem 2 Marliny :)).

Autor:  Comodo [ 8 gru 2005, 17:58 ]

Ohoho. Idziemy na ryby? :D

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 8 gru 2005, 18:20 ]

Jak co to ja też sie pisze :)

Autor:  swordsman [ 8 gru 2005, 19:49 ]

jak jeszcze wycaigneisz krisa to sie do ciebie nie odzywam...

Autor:  Huckster [ 23 mar 2006, 08:12 ]

0/3 na krisie ;(

Dzięki Kyu za pomoc :)

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 23 mar 2006, 08:17 ]

Zawsze do usług :)

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